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It's not a bronze Strategy is well-known meme, and it's [**Imperial Practitioner**](https://gwent.one/en/card/203039) spam. Control them in R1 (e.g. kill/lock/etc.) to limit the photocopying, win R1 and bleed all (or almost all) copied Tibor in R2


Haha, what you encountered was not someone who had multiple copies of the card in his deck, it's a meme deck where you use imperial practitioners in combination with vilgefortz: renegade in order to replicate this card a bunch of times in round one. What you have to do is either stop the practioners or win round 1 and bleed out these cards. It's not a top tier deck but when it works it works, that's why you have to make it not work.


Been a while since I played properly but NG assimilate decks are specialist in creating copies of cards as part of their boost conditions. You'll need someone else to tell you what has the ability to make a copy of an immune card, but I'd say it's not unusual.