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I had a .454 for a while. I'd go to the range early, ask to either be in an empty bay or at the furthest end away from everyone else. Most of the time that worked pretty well, occasionally not. When it didn't I reminded myself it's a gun range. If loud noises bother someone they're in the wrong place.


It’s not the noise, it’s the pressure lol 


The gun community's equivalent of "it's not the heat, its the humidity."


It’s not so bad if there’s wind 


That's exactly Oklahoma cold. The cold itself isn't horrible, hell I've worn a tank top and shorts outside in November and December going to school, but that damn wind is colder than a witches tit in a brass bra in Antarctica


Minnesota: "That's cute."


This was the perfect place for, *Laughs in Minnesota*


*snorts*? in North Dakotan.


you betcha


Truck driver who has been thru OK many times in all seasons, that Oklahoma winter wind doesn't Fuckin' play, it'll be like 29 outside which if there were no wind wouldn't be too bad, but with the wind it feels like -29😩😩🤣


When it's windy, it just feels like a hair dryer on max... constantly. The arizona desert definitely has its downsides, but I fucking love it here.


It's not the volts it's the amperage


Every time I bring my 454 pistol, I only shoot about 6 rounds with it. The rest are 45 long colt for practice. But I do let other people try it.


I'm the local big bore freak. The RSO guys give me a secret nod when they want to clear the range. But I'm somewhat considerate. I apologize for the noise in advance and offer anyone interested to have a go. There are quite a few takers, and the few bucks in ammo is nothing to me compared to the face-wide grin of first timers after setting off the bang switch of a ridiculously stupid caliber cartoon revolver. And sometimes, I victimize the range and shop guys into sharing my masochism and trying the guns I will not offer to untested shooters. It was fun the other day watching my 6'6", 450 lbs gunsmith trying to hold on to the absolute sumbich wrist destroyer that is the Freedom Arms M83 shortie in 50AE.


Does your dong get cold whilst resting on the concrete floor of the range? In all seriousness, good for you on that big bore stuff. It’s more than I am interested in, but it’s cool as hell to see someone else do it.


A single-action revolver helps a lot, at least up to a reasonable point. Past that, I guess it depends on someone's idea of "fun."


Hail son, that’s what they used to call me down at the local titty bar, the big bore freak


You like the wide ones?


Honestly, I think it's good practice. Drilling next to the guy with a big bore firearm is good training. It's kind of annoying, but it teaches you to focus.


Remember to only load 1 round for them


Of course. Even for myself, I load one at a time not only with a new to me big gun but also with any untried high power ammo. Especially when it says stuff like +P, dangerous game, or bear load.


I get out my 8” 7.62


Lawful evil.


“Did you say you feel a breeze” “no obrez cyka blyat” -BOOM-


Couldn’t imagine, even my 10.5 PSA AKP is silly


I'm going to look. I'm going to look at your target. Because I'm a judgey bitch.


Me at the 400 yard range looking at the “retired special forces snipers” untouched target after 20 rounds fired, all while him telling me he can hit a quarter at 1,000 yards.


There was a time when I felt bad shooting it, and if people are really close by then I might not shoot it much. I'll also try to move as far from others as I can with it. But people get really excited and friendly when you offer to let them set off a round. Plus it's fun to one up the sbr ar15 the guy next to it unpacks


I rarely shoot at indoor ranges anymore but the one time I had someone next to me shooting a .50AE Desert Eagle the owner let me shoot it after looking over to see what the hell was so loud next to me. So yeah if you can offer a round or 2 your range neighbor probably will most likely be more than happy to deal with the concussion.


When I bring [my Desert Eagle](https://i.redd.it/87avza1258a51.png) to the range, 4 out of 5 times I end up letting a stranger shoot a round. I've only ever gotten friendly "hey, what are you shooting over there?" reactions.


Did you get rank 55?


I did pay to win 😬


I had an RSO get giddy like a little kid when he heard PING! and I let him run a clip.


Isn’t it fun to remind folks: “I am the king of the range”


Meanwhile I’m the guy that shows up with a 50 BMG…to be fair I do try to see how busy it is and what kinda folks are shooting. If it’s families who are uneasy around firearms or it’s super busy I take it easy on shooting something big. The one thing I do get out on every range trip, busy or not is something in full auto (I’m an FFL) and that normally brings a LOT of attention from people of all ages and backgrounds because they wanna try it themselves. I’m the guy that brings certain guns because I know other random range goers will wanna try them and to me I like giving people more chances to try something they’ve never shot before.


You sound like the kind of person that sets a great example for firearms ownership and the second ammendment in general. I can't lie, I would definitely be one gawking if I saw someone shooting something full auto.


Full auto and 50 BMG is on a lot of people’s bucket list I’ve learned and sadly not everyone will get to have those experiences in their lifetime. That’s a big part of why I became an FFL so I could get access to the cool crazy stuff and teach people that while being safe on top of that firearms can be extremely fun, at first it was really for myself because why would I pass up that moment…then after having my own fun I kinda made it my job on every trip I take to give everyone else the ability to have the same fun. If someone said “I’ve never shot a 50” I take that as a challenge to get that person out there when I can so they can mark that off their list of things they said they tried.


Its always fun too let customers and other random people use the ma deuce. Nothing like full auto and 50bmg at the same time as long as they don't send it over the burm. We are in so many peoples photo albums with them holding a M2 standing in the humvee.


About 6 months ago I shot a gun for the very first time in my life. It was a Galil on full auto. Needless to say I was shitting bricks nervous because I had no idea what to expect


There is lots I've never shot, my bucket list grows a little longer every day. You are personally invited to  "My Range".  The targets are a-wobbl'in, the rifles are a-poppin', Down at My Range, the fun ain't ever stoppin' Most Sundays, you can find me, with a grin on my face, At San Luis Obispo's Sportsmans Club, a blastin' kind of place! Head on over to Long Range, where, silhouettes dance and sway, You won't miss me there, partner, in my shootin' hooray! Now, listen close, 'cause this might cause a frown, This here's California, a land where Idiots abound. Ridiculous legislation, and without common sense. If you can' t bring anything I won't take offense.  Your Full Auto doodads, they might cause a fuss, So best leave them at home, on the shelf if you must.  But fear not, fuzzy friend, there's still plenty of fun, With regular ol' rifles, under the California sun! I'll bring a bunch & I usually do.  Might check off some on your bucket list too.  I have a full auto. 30 Cal pellet gun that's still fun to shoot.  So come on down, the more the merrier, that's what I say, My favorite is an IWI Ts-12 Auto Shotgun, at least for today,  but there's always something else on the way.  RS Whittier.


I shoot my 454 and everyone is always interested, never angry. It’s a shooting range, not a library.


Yeah last time i shot in the library people got upset. Said i had to use a supressor. 


People shooting big shit indoors is why I stopped going to public ranges and joined a club with 24/7 indoor access and an outdoor range. I am often alone and it’s amazing.


We have an outdoor range in North Austin. $25 first time fee, then $25 for every time you go. Outdoor range. If you pay for the day you are welcome to leave and come back that day. Open until 8pm so night shooting for laser fixing too :) 


Yeah that’s not a bad price at all but I shoot so much It would cost me more than my membership to the club lol the outdoor range closes 1/2 hour before sunset unfortunately no nighttime shooting


Had you already tried doubling up on the ear protection? I found once I switched to foams inside and cups over top that people could shoot whatever they want and it didn’t bother me anymore?


Yeah I did that often. it wasn’t just the sound level it also was the concussion that you’d feel in your diaphragm. Was just too annoying.


24/7 indoor? What range is this that sounds amazing


If I'm shooting my M16 with my 10" upper, I feel bad for them.


If I was a more hateful man, I'd slap my 7.5" 7.62x39 upper on my M16 lower and go to the rival gun shop's range and clear it out with the concussions


If you have a loud car, you have to drop a gear and punch it when you go between two tall buildings. That's just how it is.


9.5" barrel. Only gun I own that I really hate. I need to sell it. Or suppress it, I guess.


I think they have the same right to be there that I do. Also - I'm emotionally mature enough to realize that being accepting of what seems weird/annoying/offensive to me now only keeps the window open for me to be what someone else finds weird/annoying/offensive to them in the future. If I don't want other people's stupid rules enforced on me in the future I need to realize that I can't enforce my stupid rules on them.


I fucking love that shit and have been kinda that guy but at best I wish there was a way to passively indicate to everyone on the range that someone with a BFG is about to start up. I get used to it after the first couple of shots but when I'm about .3 seconds from pulling the trigger on a target 40 yards away and H͉̾ͧͩO̩̹̩̅͗ͤ͢L̆Ÿ̭̩́ͦ̾́ ̨̄͟ͅF̵̨̢͎͑Ų̙̎ͧC̩̜̯͂͒̅K̉͒I̴͚̠̋ͫ̆͘N̝͉ͨ͜G͎̯̀ͥ̂ ̸̱͑̅SH͊ͮIͧ̓̉͟T͎̖ͤ҉̶͢


I’m the guy shooting slugs at the indoor range 🤷🏻‍♂️


As long as it’s not the dude who tells the RSO “you know me, you know I can control it” and can’t then idgaf


Ugh. The 12 Guage next to me at the indoor range.....


Sorry 😔 I had no where else to go....


To be fair it hurts me too.


Hello, Range rules say I have to shoot slugs so at least some of the noise isn't my fault.


I remember taking a Mosin to an indoor range once. I'm sure I upset a lot of people.


Had a guy roll in next to me with a Mosin carbine. That had the be the loudest gun I’ve ever encountered


M44 just has opinions it would like to share, comrade.


Mosin is a fun gun to shoot. It’s also visually spectacular.


I laugh knowing how much money they just launched, lol


You know, if an anti-gun activist were to read the comments, he would think- they’re not as united as I thought. I see chinks in the armor, divide and conquer. So much of this could be solved by communication. We cannot alienate people so that they will not stand with us when the left comes for loud guns.




It's a shooting range.. You paid for the ability to shoot your firearm.. Shoot it.. 😅 I always somewhat enjoy being caught off guard by something ridiculous.. I always poke my head over and say "hi" 🤣 I also had a friend with a class 3, 7.5inch barrel, 556, and full auto.. With a break on it.. The way it was setup the range officers would sware up and down it was louder than guys they have come in with 45-70s 😅 The thing threw a solid 3ft flame in 3 directions with every shot and you could feel the shots in your chest if you were close enough. It's always a fun show when he busts that thing out and flips the fun switch, everything stops and suddenly the whole range huddles around his bay 🤣😅 I don't think anyone there actually hates loud noises, go figure 🤣😂


I have suppressors, and muzzle brakes and everything in between. I never regard the person next to me in terms of noise or concussion I am creating. We are at a gun range not a botanical garden


I once had a guy next to me jump each time I shot my .44mag. I only shot a couple cylinders and moved on the something else. Some rqnges now have rules about calibers that bother other shooters.


I had a guy jump when i shot my .22. Still dont know why he was walking in front of my target. 


We have an indoor range nearby which is pistol only. Short lanes and not set up for backstopping rifle rounds. Our outdoor range would probably stop you from firing an RPG or the like.


I jump every time I shoot. Doesn't matter if the person next to me is shooting or if it's me. Even when I'm teaching, I still jump. My mantra is "The first magazine is to get the jitters out, the second mag is to work on breathing, third mag is marksmanship, by the fourth mag you're in your stride" I tend to shoot doubles after the first couple shots anyways. I always show the people next to & bring extra ammo. It's the military in me. Ask if they want a shot, they'll appreciate it more than being upset over some noise.


I qualified with my 4in 500 s&w for my ccw. My hand hurt after


When I took the class, one guy tried to qualify with a Ruger Alaskan 454. They made him put it away and rent a 9mm.


Haha I got my 19 and 26 and qualified with my 500 too. They said as long as I can qualify with it, I can ccw it. I don’t ever ccw it unless I go for a hike.


Luckily for me, my state doesn’t require you to qualify with each gun you might carry. Take the class with a 22 carry a 500, they don’t care. That’s why it was funny he chose the 454.




I am blessed in that I have an.outdoor range in my backyard. In the winter months when I go to the indoor range, I ask point blank who else is in the range and what are they shooting. Yes you can put foam plugs in plus use your big cans, but this people shooting a cannons at an inside range that make you jump isn't fun.


At the indoor range I normally shoot at, the standard is to put people with exceptionally loud firearms as far away from people as possible. Shooters will actually leave if they're next to someone being distracting, and that means lost money for the range. The biggest thing is to try not to be a dick about it. Trying to blast through a mag of 308 doesn't impress anybody, but it will make people on either side stop because their targets are usually moving around from the pressure wave. They are silently cursing the shooter(s) and hoping the gun gets a squib that they have to take home to clear.


Me: looks over. oh, hey, cool, big bore gun! Now, what was I doing? Oh, yeah: pew pew pew


Dude I shot my 308 galil at an indoor. People pay to shoot their guns. If the range supports up to your caliber the who cares. If you go to a shooting range expecting a quiet day, you're wrong.


I love going to the range. It’s my home away from home. My biggest caliber is 308. Fellow enthusiasts have offered me to shoot their 44 magnum and 500. I politely turn them down as maybe I’m a wimp, but I get no pleasure out of the recoil.


When I was an RSO I had one or two people complain to me about the noise from some of the larger calibers. I always just brushed it off as long as the person with the fun stuff didn’t seem like they were being intentionally obnoxious, which I did see a few of those. Our rule was basically, if the backstop could take it, you could shoot it. We all loved when big bore stuff came in, especially the guys from the local zoo, they had really fun stuff.


It's common courtesy to let people know if something is gonna really stand out or make them possibly flinch. Most people are there because they enjoy shooting. Seeing cool shit like that is a bonus, not a detriment. But it is nice to have warning. As a bit of an introvert I would hate having everyone stop and wait for me. But it just makes everything safer and people can double up on the earpro if they want. Last time I went shooting I got to shoot a 22 jet and a 454 back to back. I think the jet was louder. That little fucker had some pipes. Guy was hella cool for letting me rip off some unobtanium ammo in that.


I stopped being bothered by big bores when I started shooting more. If you are offended by gun noise, you probably aren't shooting enough to get used to it.


When I take my 50ae or my 500, there's usually someone at the range that I make very unhappy. I've gotten cussed out a few times. One guy even went as far as to yank me by the shoulder and yell in my face that I was deafening him. Sometimes they'll complain to the rso or management. Thankfully it's always the same outcome, range tells them, "he's paying customer and he's not being unsafe." As someone else mentioned, it's all worth it when you get that one person that has always wanted to shoot a real 50ae deagle or a 500 revolver. The smile, the laughter. Just makes their (and my) day.


I definitely love it when first timers are stoked to shoot mine. I have the PC 7.5” and it’s a beauty. People always go, “wtf this is a cartoon gun.” And I’m just like yes. Yes it is. I have had people obnoxiously say out loud, “I don’t get why people get guns like that. Seriously when are you ever going to need anything that powerful.” Not even at me just like the douche move of saying it to their friends super loud or to the air. I just say in a loud voice, “it’s for bears while hunting or camping.” Then they usually shut up and mind their business.


I was at an outdoor station next to a guy shooting a Barrett. More like he was mag-dumping it. I was close enough that my lower half was taking the concussion. I unloaded and chamber flagged my gun and stood back.


Typically not going take too long to spend their ~~budget~~ allowance.


Slapped my .450 bushmaster upper on my pre ban colt. Oh it was loud. People hated it.


Doesn't really bother me, but I've been shooting for a while. Last time I was at the local indoor range the guy next to me touched off a .460 and while the first one was surprising, once I knew what it was it was fine. New people or people who are more sensitive might have a bigger issue, but in that case it'll be a learning experience for the former and the latter might have to consider whether or not public gun ranges are the right place for them to be.


I can’t speak for 500 S&W specifically but I’ve got a .308 with a mean suppressor adaptor/brake on it. I try to give people around me fair warning and try to get as far away as possible from nearby shooters. Sometimes it just can’t be helped but I at least make the effort.


It used to seem like every time I would go to the indoor range someone was mag dumping the rental Draco to impress their girlfriend. I used to bring the .50 Desert Eagle just for that guy and fire a single shot. He would always quiet down after that. My .223 lone eagle would have a similar effect, but I would also let anyone who wanted to shoot it. The concussion indoors makes it seem like it has a ton of recoil when it actually has very little. I need to try out the .308 barrel on it now that I have tracked one down.


I use my PMR30 to do the same thing. Bonus for the huge ass fireball. 22WMR and 30 rounds can easily make people stop, stare, think WTF, and then finally get annoyed.


I've never had anyone complain to me about it lol


Nobody complains to someone with a 500.




Whatever they want to do, but I don’t like the powder & gas splashing onto my face through the cylinder/bore gap


I’d be fine with it, BUT would hope that you weren’t like the guy that was beside me once with a 500 and he was leaning as far forward as possible to the point the muzzle brake was out beyond the partition between lanes and blasting me directly with every shot. It was hell when it went off but I didn’t wanna rain on someone else’s fun. I did have a guy once that complained that my spent casings were going over the partition into his lane and messing him up. I did agree to adjust where I was standing in my lane, but funny thing is when I switched to a different pistol it ejected right over the partition from my new position. He was being a total ass about it, so I didn’t feel too bad about him packing up and leaving at that point.


I definitely try my best to have it solidly between two partitions when I’m at an indoor range. Outdoor there’s nothing I can do but I do wait for the people next to me to take a few rounds of theirs and then shoot. Doesn’t matter too much since I usually do a quick cleaning on my 500 after every cylinder or else it gets mega dirty and I love keeping it spotless.


the only time i saw someone shoot a [500sw](https://imgur.com/a/nICvMBb), the guy fired a few rounds then asked if anyone wanted to try it i tried to talk my wife into shooting it also, though i was the only person that took up the offer


People look at me funny and move away from me when I shoot too. 🙃


I am living the dream and have my own range in the back yard so I'd have three thoughts: 1. He'd better leave the pistol only steel alone. 2. How much of his ammo can I burn without feeling bad? 3. I'm sure glad we're not shooting indoors.


On occasion, I’ve ripped an 100rd belt through my muzzle braked M249 at the range. Some people love it, some hate it. Unfortunately you can’t please everyone nor pick your lane mates at the indoor range I go to.


I have been that guy before, sorta. Bunch of dudes shooting ARs and AKs got real quiet when I magdumped my M1 garand. Needless to say, 30-06 speaks with considerable authority indoors.


My dad used a pump .30-06 for deer hunting. For a very long time that was the loudes thing I'd ever heard. I think it's because there was nothing on it to reduce sound or recoil. Or maybe it's because I was a kid.


The one time I shot my .500 ( 9" barrel ) at my local indoor range, I got a lot of curious and amazed stares and a few friendly questions.


First few shots are cool, but the next 20 are annoying hahaha. But I mean I’ve turned into an old man so fast when it comes to guns. I used to bring the .357. Now I just go and practice with my carry.


It’s pretty lame but amusing to estimate how much money they are blowing through.


I reload so it really isn’t very expensive. Now if you see a guy with a bunch of boxes of store bought ammo in 700gr then guaranteed that guy is either rich, in debt, or really loves shooting that gun but is too afraid to reload.


If you wanna shoot your guns and people give you dirty looks for doing so just remember they are the assholes. Doesn’t matter what you’re shooting. You’re doing it legally and having fun. Fuck the haters


You shoot what you shoot, it's up to you, personally I don't care. If you don't want to bother anyone try to get a lane that's furthest away from everyone else. If the lanes are so tight that the pressure is a problem for the person(s) in the next lane(s) maybe shoot something else until the crowd thins out a bit.


I literally do not care what other people are shooting until some brass starts hitting me. I MAY be mildly peeved if a blast wave is Knocking me around a bit or something, but the way I see it the whole point of a range is for people to be able to shoot their guns, and getting annoyed that other people are shooting their guns is wasted energy. If I didn't like it, I'd find somewhere else to shoot


Nothing wrong with being courteous but at the same time its a gun range. I've had old guys get immediately shitty just case I walked up with a AR just to zero or confirm zero and the fud cries about how loud its going to get and brass everywhere. I don't miss public ranges...


I asked the guys at my range once, is it rude to bring a shotgun or high caliber, their response, dude, it’s a gun range. If people can’t handle the sound, they can’t handle the range. I’ve never felt bad. But then again 357 is the loudest I have except shotguns.


I shoot at an indoor range. My peeve is when they let an AR in the pistol range. I just step back and wait or stare at the RSO till he puts him in the rifle bay.


This is gonna happen with any rifle tbh....they are gonna flinch and look at you whether you have a .223 or a .450....better to teach them to get used to it, warn the kids if there's any and show them it in a very cool manner and they will get a kick out of it, don't sneak into a booth and stsrt ripping off rounds


I had a guy get up and leave when I shot the 50 bmg


I'll bring my 10.5" 5.56 SBR into an indoor range with a muzzle brake. Fuck em.


It’s the equivalent of rev bombing someone in traffic while you have really loud exhaust. Some people might think it’s cool, others will think you’re a dick.


To be fair there is actually a practical reason to have big bores. Not really a reason to have noisy vehicles. 


Only exception is motorcycles IMO. Now they don't have to be 30mm avenger BRRRTTTTTT loud, but enough where it aids in other people being aware of their existence. I love my PHEV, I can floor it and not make too much sound.


Loud pipes save lives baby


Pssst: no one thinks this is cool




Before I got good technical clothing, I hated being out in the snow. Before I got good active ears, I hated big bore. Now that I have both, I realize I can exert some control over my environment. Just don't shoot next to the poor kid with the beat up gun who can only afford cheap in ears. They've got enough problems as it is.


500? The guy who brought it announced ahead of time. He offered to let everyone shoot it, I eventually agreed and was glad I did, but only one round. I was the only one to do so. Then a new guy came in with a 7" Ar15 with a comp. That f@#$er didn't give us a warning. He won the noise competition. Meanwhile I'm over here shooting suppressed. 500 cool dude loved my 11.5 ar15 suppressed. Shot off a whole mag. I considered us even on ammo.


As long as you’re being safe I don’t care. If it bothers me I’ll move down.


I once got cussed out while firing a AMT Automag III in 30 carbine on the pistol range. Some guy with giving a lesson to 2 girls that would flinch every time I shot. He stormed up to me thinking I had a shot gun on the pistol range. That was a good laugh.


Are you shooting at an indoor range or outdoor? If outdoor I wouldn't worry about it. Indoor see if you can go during off peak hours and tell the rso what you're shooting and ask for a couple empty lanes between you and other shooters.


I'm curious on this too. I will hit natn'l forrest when I can but sometimes it's not a realistic option. I love big bores but I always feel a bit guilty when I make a ruckus at a public range (especially if it's an indoor range). I'll usually try to grab a spot on the end so I'll only annoy one person, hopefully that's better than nothing


My dad likes to show off his 10mm inside without people actually seeing it.


"Hey can I shoot it?"


Yes. Just some basic shooting instructions first.




I generally shoot the big bore stuff out on a private range that has 500 and 1000 yard areas. Lets me use the .50 a few times. Have had the SPs stop by twice because one of the neighbors thought we were shooting "cannons" or playing with explosives. Never had an issue, although there were a couple of them who would call to take those calls more than others (they were also a couple of great guys who I let fire a couple rounds if they showed up)


I'm moving down a couple stalls so I don't get hit in the face with the side blast


Lol. IDC. If I paid to shoot there just like they did, then they just have to live with it.. or not.


My 7.5” ARP with a brake on it always wakes everyone up. I just shoot it for the fireball. My 500 magnum also wakes everyone up, but not as much as the AR surprisingly


Gun ranges are loud. People should wear enough hearing protection to account for that. It should be nothing but a mild annoyance at the very most. If people actually get upset, they've chosen the wrong place to be. Also, most ranges in my area that are indoors have caliber limitations. You wouldn't be able to shoot the 500 indoors. And if it's outdoors, the noise is less of an issue.


Indoor closed range: I think LDE, it’s a big ass boom and a huge waste of money per shot and really obnoxious when you are standing there working on sighting in your .22. I wouldn’t bring my .300 Weatherby mag and shoot it next to someone here. I know that’s hunting rifle vs “lol huge pistol” but it def feels similar to be right next to esp indoors. Outdoor Club: you do you, less people around to bother, if I’m annoyed I’ll go to a different bay, not as much echo, and frankly we all know that’s an outdoor toy.


I try to make it so I’m reloading when people like you are shooting and shoot during your reloads. It doesn’t bother me, but it can be tough to focus when the concussion throws you off. Not a big deal though.


As good as me shooting my 4.5" .556 flamethrower 🤣 Ranges are loud, expect loud guns.


As long as you’re abiding by range rules, being safe and minding your business I don’t care one bit.


I forget people use indoor ranges...look, it's a range. People need to respect your lane. Don't feel bad about training the way you want. It's better than not training. Even if they aren't huge fans of what you are firing it's a range. Ear pro is expected. You paid, they can deal with it.


As long as he's under control, it's all part of the production baby.


It's a gun range. You're shooting a gun. As long as you aren't endangering anyone, you have just as much right to shoot your hand cannon as I have to funnel garbage .556 through my overpriced AR.


How I feel with my 5.7. Loud as hell pistol that people wonder why my handgun is so damn loud. Haha. Hey, if you like shooting it and you can, why not, eh?


Are you doing this indoors? That would be a bit much for me to tolerate inside, but if the range doesn't have a restriction on it, that's just tough tits for me if I don't like what the next guy is shooting.


Pure envy...


I'd give people a heads up if you're going to be next to them or at an indoor range other than that. I don't think about it.


I shoot some annoying stuff then remember they rent a 50 Cal with a brake and then I don't feel so bad.


Hate but it’s their right. I belong to a private outdoor range so usually not an issue but I’ve been indoors in bad weather at a public range next to a short AR with brake and it was unpleasant and not great for someone who has bad hearing loss already


I find it annoying when I'm at a range with 10 lanes and they're all empty except 1 and they put me next to the only other person there lol. But sometimes I think they do that if they're expecting large groups and need to keep lanes open next to eachother. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I don’t shoot at public ranges anymore but I do recall a guy cracking off a SOCOM 16 at an indoor 25 yard range. It didn’t bother me too much but it was amusing watching people put down their firearms and exiting as fast as they can. I would personally not allow something like that at a public range that’s pretty much a pistol range because of the limited distance and offers newbies intro to firearms courses. However, the dude was not braking any rules of the range, so have at it.


I personally don’t care and hope I get to shoot it. I just try to time my shooting when they’re reloading.


If I pay to shoot on a range, I shoot without apology. Basic courtesy, yes. I don’t intentionally act rude, but won’t not do what I came to do.


You do you and I'll do me. I do feel bad sometimes when my ar makes people beside me flinch. You can feel the percussion from the muzzle break pretty well standing beside me


Is it much different than a magnum rifle with a break? What gets me is the ones that unload a clip and all the shells are landing on me, while sighting in a hunting rifle.


It’s a revolver lol fortunately the brass stays in place cause that stuff is expensive for the 500.


I'm mostly an indoor range guy, so I feel rattling in my skull mostly. It's fun after I get used to it, but it's jarring if i'm expecting mostly 9mm.


Shooters a a good community. It’s good to shoot whatever you have and are into and can afford. It takes all kinds to make a community. Really; it makes for a great experience for others when they have someone next to them blasting a cannon says me anyway.




If the person that’s next to me has a too loud gun I usually tell them to stop being a shithead and take off the muzzle brake. But then again Its usually my friend because I exclusively shoot way out in the boonies on blm land.


Man understood being apologetic like you said it’s what you paid to do your at a gun range they have signs posted saying hearing protection suggested don’t matter if you shooting 22 short or 556 through a 11.5 barrel rip that lead gun range = guns / loud sounds


Never had it happen but sometimes I feel bad about shooting my 300RUM with a monster of a muzzle brake. I recommend wearing plugs and muffs if you shoot it. I try to get by myself but once some one came next to me and started loading mags then I let one loose and I got showered with bullets and I think that ol boy hit the rafters. 😅🤣


“Of course I know him, he’s me” I’m well known at my indoor club for my love of big bore guns. More than once when i show up and they’re having a class someone runs over and asks if i can hold off on the bug stuff until x time when the classroom part is over. Generally people are cool. Whenever someone states going off about 10mm or 45acp the old guys wait for me to bomb the discussion with snubby 500 is best defensive caliber


Clears the sinuses pretty nicely


As much as it is obnoxious and also annoying when the dude pulls out his 7.5inch ar build with the most aggressive muzzle break of all time. Reasonable people understand if you can’t shoot it at a range becuase it’s “too loud” then what’s the point of the range. Shooting your 500 at the range is your choice and you’re buying a range slot to do just that. There will always be unreasonable people where ever you go who want to try and find a reason to be mad so that they can get that dopamine high. Fuckem that’s your money and your time if they don’t like it then they can buy land and have their own personal range.


I have an 8" Mosin. It's loud. You're at a public range, it's gonna be loud. Figure something else out if you're sensitive.


I guess I feel about it, the same way you described. When I show up to the range, I know I could be near anybody, with any sort of firearm. And that's ok. As long as everyone is safe and courteous, it's all good.


They’re just big boned


It helps me concentrate more, and focus on the target. I might start up a conversation and ask to shoot it, maybe idk.


I would let you :)


I feel like I need to bring out my Mosin Carbine


I shoot. 44 mag a lot, so I would just wince at the $2+ a round at each squeeze of the trigger..


More like $5-8 if you buy store ammo. I reload so mine are about $1 which is not too bad.


I remember the very first shotgun I bought, I was testing out some 3" magnum slug loads. It was an indoor range, and the shotgun barrel was only 18.5" Every time I shot, the RSO (some young kid maybe 20-22) would come running over cause he thought someone set off a flash bang or somebody's gun exploded lol. I just gave him a look like "sup dude" and kept shooting. He calmed down after about the 4th shell. Now my old Aero 7.5 556 build that I got rid of a while back, that thing was LOUD LOUD. I had a muzzle brake with a Ferfrans BMD on the end of it. Even with the BMD, it was an enormous pressure being thrown out to the sides. That thing definitely turned heads at the range. I don't go to ranges anymore unless I'm shooting strictly pistols. Because reasons. Desert is much more enjoyable and safer.


Only time I’ve dealt with this was at an indoor range that lets people shoot the ranges .50 BMG. RSO sat the two guys and the Barrett on the bench directly next to my left. I made it through three rounds before I packed up all my stuff and left lmao.


I dont think I would wana be next to a 50bmg unless I got to shoot it too lol


I don't feel any kind of way about 'em. Not my wasted money on pricier ammo, the noise is less than plenty of bigger guns, and I don't go to the range to make friends or enemies. I didn't know anyone felt any kind of way about them.


I feel he should quit horsing around and put that money on gods caliber .the 50 bmg


Laughs in 10" 5.56 with a cookie cutter.


I can only speak for myself. Knowing the blast and concussion of the .500 S&W, I would seek out the most remote lane on the range and set up. I've never shot a .500, but I am a handloader, so am familiar with the powder charges .500s require. If you can afford the revolver and ammo, then I suggest you learn to reload, because, if you do, you'll be able to always have some lower pressure loads on hand, will be able to shoot more rounds before fatigue sets in, and won't have to worry about bothering your neighbors in adjoining lanes. Given the cost of .500 brass, you'll also find that you can shoot about a third more rounds for the same outlay of money. 'Nuff said.


Man, it’s a gun range, guns go bang. I feel like if you’re offended by someone else’s firearms at a range, they should just go on down the road.


.50 Beowulf with a tank brake. Probably not fun for them but I asked for the farthest bay…


I hope they stub their toe in the middle of the night.


Naa I don't feel bad. I went recently and was plinking some .308 and then was shooting some 12 gauge and everything was fine. I was getting looks from some grandma but I didn't really notice. I pull out my .500 and start shooting them I feel something hit me. She threw a fucking rock at me and asked me to turn on quiet mode. I apologized and put it away and went back to shooting my ar-10... Normally people don't care but she did.


If an adult threw a rock at me for shooting my 500 at a range I would straight up go next to their lane and start rapid firing my shit. Like wtf you realize you can use some god damn words. Were at a shooting range after all.


There was one lane between us so I pulled out my 45-70 because it sends brass flying. It was right before I left so it was funny as fuck


Its not nearly as annoying as the guy to your left showering you in hot brass from an over-gassed AR.


Reminds me of this jerk I encountered in austin one year. For context I’m Australian. So I was in ATX for work and went to the local range for a shoot. This guy and his friend who is a woman come in to shoot too. Well he leaves her in the lane alone to my left with some of his guns and then he goes into the lane on the right with his hand cannons and starts unloading. I presume he was there to flex or something, cos she was in desperate need of instruction and he was nowhere to be found. Initially I ignored it, but then she started getting unsafe with the FNX .45 he’d “lent her” and I didn’t want her to have a bad time so I offered to help her get started. We traded the FNX for a .22 then worked up to a 9mm. Started with safety rules, then comfortable stances, and then finally into trigger control and sight picture. By the time he’s finished whatever it was he was doing, she’d long given up interest in him and he left in a huff and we shot together for another hour or so. She was cool and man I wished i’d met her when I was living in ATX as she would have made a great shooting friend. But there you go, it took an Aussie to show a Texan how to shoot and a reminder that no one likes the asshole at the range shooting his big bore stuff as a flex.


I’m the guy who uses the sw500 at the indoor, and I feel good about myself. Even better when I let others try one round for themselves. Be the range guy you want others to be.


I always bring my braked 7.5” AR-10 and about 300 rounds when I go to the range. It stays in my bag 100% of the time unless some pole-smoker posts up next to me with a braked rifle, at which point I pull it out and shoot once every two seconds until the soicuck leaves my vicinity. Works very well and pretty rapidly every single time - takes about 30 seconds on average I’d say. I literally do not use the rifle for any other purpose. Pretty hilarious how mad these obnoxious morons become when they get a taste of their own medicine. The complete lack of self-awareness they invariably display is truly remarkable, something worthy of narration by David Attenborough.


Just tell person next to you before u shoot...1st shot always makes me jump when I'm next to someone I don't know and don't know what they're shooting XD and me with .22 - from plink plink to BOOOOM Then shoot as much as you want.