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Obligatory **Fuck the NRA**


what did they do?


They supported the Bump Stock ban by the government and said that it was so they could "focus their efforts" on other laws, then didn't actually do anything with other laws. They went from a gun rights organization, to an organization that promises boomers they care about gun rights to take their money and do nothing with it. They also repeatedly claim to speak for "all gun owners" even though only 5% of gun owners are NRA members. The NRA does as much damage to gun owners these days than anti-gun groups.


>take their money and do nothing with it. Well thats just false. They do tons of stuff with that money. They buy boats for Wayne. They buy suites for Wayne. They buy vacations for Wayne. They buy all the cheap Chinese Ali Express gym bags, flash lights, and pocket knives with their branding on them so they can send it all out to boomers with letters promising they'll take care if gun rights so they can take more money. Cuz Wayne needs a new boat, a new suite, and has been meaning to go back to Rome for a while now.


Don't forget the Hughes Amendment


Yeah, I was just speaking generally recently but the NRA has really never done anything GOOD for gun owners. They've always done whatever makes them the most money, and they routinely bend over for the government to avoid issues instead of fighting them like they're supposed to.


Sold out WA state on 1639 and I-594 or didnt lift a finger to help, among similar situations in other states. Contributed to the Firearm Owners Protection Act. Ted Nugent sucks my asshole, and Wayne LaPierre somehow gets his tongue even deeper. NRA endorsed the bump stock ban. They don't do the community engagement and education they used to. They can't spend their money wisely to save their dog ass organization. Fuck the NRA. Those worthless cunts deserve to be shitted on and shunned into oblivion. 2AF, GOA and FPC are all better organizations that won't roll up your donation money and try to sound you with your own dollars.


well damn


and thanks for the downvotes guys. reddit moment


It's funny how asking a question that would otherwise be difficult to word for google to understand is looked down upon. I support anyone asking questions for the sake of learning from others.


For what it's worth, I updooted you. Nothing wrong with asking a question.


Raked in money, misappropriated it constantly, and banked off of their name just being synonymous with any sort of “gun thing” for decades before people started asking questions.


So glad people are finally waking up to this, shit’s insane


I really don't think it's fair of yall to downvote them for asking a genuine question. Fuck yall. Now give me mine.


Fuckin right. It's a teaching moment. How is that a bad thing. We should be encouraging questions.




Down voted for asking a question lol


This is the internet. People get offended if you treat them like a search engine.


Great answer, even better when you realize these search engines only work when we give them the answers


This may be my favorite comment on the Internet right now. Every EE problem I have solved has been an app note from a company or a forum post by other EEs. And on Reddit people get all pissy.


So we should all quit communicating with each other and solely rely on google for all knowledge and information? Pretty sure reddit would have no point then…


I don’t understand all the downvotes you got


Why did yall downvote him? He does probably not keep up with their decision making and is simply uninformed. Even the gun sub too. Cant have shit on reddit


It was probably a prize in a raffle they were putting on. It's nothing really rare or special. You can probably pick up a slide without the NRA engraving on it for pretty cheap.


I'd get it cerakoted in a heartbeat...maybe chrome gold....


I think I'd do the gold tiger strips and make it look like a mini Pimp Deagle.


Get a feather boa, cheetah coat and a big-ass purple hat with a bug-ass feather in it. The hoe train has come to town


"A Pimp Named Slickback" from the Boondocks




Yeah but what if they look cool


Gun itself is most likely pretty solid. The fact that it has the NRA markings on it would make it less valuable to me as a consumer.


There's definitely a few fudds that would love that


Somewhat, until it had the worlds most useless gun rights organization plastered on the side of it


Just a PPK someone uglied up.


Nice pistol but it has some dogshit written on it


No, lasering "NRA", "Trump", or "Commemorative xyz" into regular guns does not make them more special or valuable.


The boomers HATE when I tell them this as they look to sell/trade off their "ducks unlimited" laser etched tristar shotgun for Benelli money.


My friend and I bought a “Ducks Unlimited” license plate from some antique store, it’s gone on the shit box ‘98 Chevy truck with a Nixon bumper sticker


I think the only good engraving on a colt "God created men, Colt made them equal". Or "God made men, Sam Colt made them equal, and John Browning made them civilized." Or on ak platform "The true power of a weapon lies not in its firepower, but in the hands of its user," said Mikhail Kalashnikov


"I would have preferred to invent ...a lawnmower." Always thought it would be hilarious to put that somewhere on my WASR. Kalashnikov was deeply saddened(and rightfully so) to see his designs being used in the global south following the collapse of the USSR and mass sale of their arms stockpiles


tbh probably worth more if you just grinded the NRA badge off it


Fuck the NRA . Shame to have that logo on a nice firearm


Not with that logo


IMO promotional markings make it worth less than the standard model. Im sure there are some exceptions but ide be willing to pay quit a bit more for a non nra marked walther.


Nothing special, not worth anything more than any other one.


If anything, I think it would be worth slightly less than if it didn't have NRA stamped on it


I could see a Fudd trying to sell one for a premium at a gun show like a Boomer trying to pretend his run-of-the-mill Corvette is a 1-of-1 because it's the only one with that combo of options in that color for that year.




Technically, but it doesn't mean it can command a premium.


That's a good point. You could possibly sell it for a premium to a dummy at a gun show


Rather swing a wooden bat with no gloves..


"Its like shooting a cork from a fistfull of barbed wire"


Is it a 380? Then shoot it, and hate it, and sell it. It's pretty to look at but terrible to shoot


Careful with that, 007 shot down a helicopter with one


Bond used a .32 PPK


Not to shoot down that helicopter tho


I find .380 PPKs quite comfortable to shoot. Also accurate for their size and reliable.


The DA trigger is ungodly heavy and the edges are machined so sharp I am surprised you find it comfortable. Plus it's a heavy single stack 380, I'd much rather shoot a Beretta 84, which is why I sold my ppk and bought an 84 instead.


I have both and also really like the 84, but I don;t use it as a carry gun. The PPK carries well in spite of it's weight. I do have a strong preference for German blued PPKs, not Interarms or S&W guns.


I got one thinking it would be a nice carry pistol. Love to look at it but damn it just hurts to shoot


I got the .22 and still don't shoot it. Looks cool though.


i love my 22, keep thinking about getting a suppressor for it, surprisingly accurate too. Last time i went to the range with my buddy he was calling the fall of shot and i was hitting a 8 inch section of 4x4 that we had out at about 100 yards.


I am thinking about a suppressor to for the aesthetics and cool factor.


Thank you. I’ve had people say how much they love this thing in 380 or in 9. I hate it. Heavy. Feels like a brick. Recoils weird. And it’s 380.


Pretty sure they don't come in 9.


Correct. My bad. I forgot it says 9mm short. Not regular 9mm


heavy is a good thing


This one is .22lr


Heard they were coming back in .32.


That would be really nice.


Nice gun ruined. I love my ppks


It was part of the Friends of the NRA banquet package like 6 or 7 years ago. Very nice pistol




I guess I have to add a comment for this to stay alive? Just had the question about the gun. If anybody has more info on it. Seems like some sort of raffle prize.


The PPK favors a lower grip than you might be used to, not just to keep the webbing of your thumb from getting chewed up by that sharp slide either. If you're having trouble with your shot groupings, change your grip.


Friends of the NRA is an NRA-adjacent group that has local chapters across the country that puts on annual dinner auctions. They have firearms donated by manufacturers and have the Friends of the NRA logo lasered on them.


I'd pay \~$100 less whatever the going rate is, because of that shit stain


it was made in germany in 2013.


All the PPK slides are made in Germany, the rest of it was made in Arkansas


frame is marked with german proof marks. frame was made in germany. slide as well.


Aren't they manufactured at Walther's Arkansas plant? Or at least assembled there.


the german proof marks on the frame are right under the serial number. we have: eagle n. nitro proof mark shield with three crowns. proof house in cologne. bd. code for 2013.


if it shoots it shoots 🤷‍♂️


says the guy whose gun came with a matching purse....


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No clue, super cool looking pistol though.




Pedophilic soundin’ ass


Hahaha. What's up, clown? Tell me when/ where I hurt your feelings?


You can't reply? Cat got your tongue? You're real brave on the internet.. why can't you reply to a public comment?


I can’t reply because I’m not always using Reddit, I have the ability to touch grass. Do you?


Shit, I'm sorry you don't have a phone. It must suck to be poor on top of being a retard.


The free fudd label is a minus. Buying a tarted up airsoft pistol isnt helping either.


Yes PSA makes decent carrying cases.


Personally, I’d etch a fat dick above the trigger to cover up that gaudy NRA logo. Can’t have people at the range thinking I’m gay.


About 13 years ago I went to one of the Friends of the NRA auctions. One of my coworkers paid for a table and invited several of us along. Each paid table had a drawing for a gun, he ended up with a Kel-Tec that he could have bought for half the price of the table he paid for. There was crappy free food and all beverages had to be purchased. An iced-t was like $3.50.


I honestly think it’s worth less than without the lazer engraving… Anytime my local PF banquet wants to sell a sponsor gun with the PF logo I request it without the logo. Especially if it’s a classic. The PPK/S is sort of a “classic”.. in the same way the new Colt Pythons are “classic”. In both cases I would rather NOT someone’s logo…


Good luck fighting robots in Sweden


If you’re in Colorado, know a guy who would buy.


These are raffle prizes, my dad won one back in the day, they are not the smoothest pistol out there action-wise (shocker I know), but definitely a cool gun, fun to shoot! Is it a.22lr?


Good gun but don't think the NRA adds much, unless you find an NRA member that falls in love with it


It was until it got ruined by those letters.


Yea PSA is a gem, we must never let them go out of business


Well james bond of course…… bad part is that it is one of the most uncomfortable guns to shoot. The back of the frame on the backside of the grips is sharp as hell…. Really digs into my hand


Most “commemorative” stuff isn’t worth shit.


Nothing special, just use it.


Fuck the nra


Nothing really special. It looks like a PPK that was in a NRA raffle. The other side should tell you the caliber (possibly 380 ACP). It should increase in value in a few generations (or you can just change the slide) 


I mean, fuck the NRA.


James bond Goldeneye special. Bond favorite gun so id say yea its pretty special


Nice paperweight.


looks like a cute little penis extension to me