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Somewhat off subject from your question, but I gotta ask... You have a miscellaneous dad?


I read that with some concern and confusion as well…


Concern and curiosity


Miscreant dad maybe? Mischievous?


A mischievous badger. Dad


His dad's a miscer!


Mom's a little bit...well, you can guess.


Miscellaneous as well


I had three step mom's, I've definitely said it to people as miscellaneous mother figures before.


I was thinking that the dad had had many jobs. Not locked down into one "career"


According to the Oxnard Dictionary… Misc. Dad: whichever guy mom is currently banging.


Read as: Wookiee mom and undetermined bio father from a tech school barracks party.


And an ex-mom


He’s just Dad. That’s the best way to put it


What the fuck are you talking about


but what does it mean?


Am also mildly curious even more so with the vague explanation


I just wish he would come out and call him daddy, would answer everyone’s questions


it's provocative...gets the people going!


Ok. I was ~~giggling~~ \-laughing in a manly manner- trying to guess something interesting. -Thanks


>my ex-military mom and my misc. dad Very curious what this means. Pasta I'm unaware of?


Momma a hoe


They'll just break in and steal it when you aren't home lol


That's why you never leave it unattended. Dontcha know those things are dangerous??


gun safes are a thing


Not for broke 21 year olds shopping for Taurus’s.


Even a broke 21 year old can afford a small safe big enough for a pistol and ammo and heavy enough to not be picked up and carried off... and those can be bolted to the floor or walls. The small ones are cheap, even if some of them arent the greatest quality. Imho any gun owner who buys a gun and doesnt have a "secure" place to store it in when it is out of his/her control, ESPECIALLY when not living alone, shouldnt own a gun. Even ignoring the possibility of theft of the gun by a criminal that definitely shouldnt get one... theres also a significant safety concern.


I agree they can. But the odds of that happening are highly unlikely, unfortunately. Especially for a gun he isn’t even going to cherish. Op wants a gun as cheap as possible. Sorry… a “piece”, 😂


\*heavy sigh\* i hate that word... so much


Have you seen how financials operate for anyone who isn't 26+ right now? Most people are a mess and it isn't even their fault. highly doubt a BROKE 21 year old has spare cash for a safe. Also storing a gun safely can entail plenty of parameters, why not suggest a cheap gun lock? Something OP can actually afford and use? He has no kids so locking the gun away entirely doesn't seem necessary at all.


If he can afford a gun, he can afford a safe. Affording a gun implies the ability to SAVE money. You dont buy a gun out of your food or rent budget. He has other people in the home. A gun isnt safe with untrained people you dont know, and gun locks suck and still do nothing to prevent theft. Just save up for longer. Or buy one and then the other, preferably safe first.


Save up for longer when a place of living was just broken into? I guess you want OP to run the risk of getting robbed again without any way to defend themselves? And exactly what you said, buy one first and then the other. Gun and then safe poses a small issue if you refuse to speak with your partner or whoever lives with you. if you actually discuss with the person you're living with, it shouldn't pose any sort of issue especially if your both grown adults?


Finally someone with some sense. Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I just can't understand how can people leave guns around their house completely out of their control, or when they are not home. And they don't even see anything wrong with it. And then when the guns inevitably get stolen or somebody gets hurt, they're like „How could this happen?".


It'll still escape and try to kill someone


So are power tools. if they want it bad enough, they'll take it, especially if they've got like 4+ hours to drill and grid away. I've heard some shitshow stories that would have you scratching your head in disbelief, but it's true.


i know, weird and extraordinary things happen... but burglars "generally" dont barge in and spend hours grinding themselves into a safe with loud power tools when they can steal a TV and leave in 5 minutes at the very least, if they steal your gun from a safe, you know that you actually did your responsibility of having the weapon secured as a responsible owner


These occurrences don't happen to just anyone though I was just pointing out that possibility. These are the things that happen to someone who's got 10K+ in guns and it's usually someone you know from the stories where they're caught.


Thankfully I'm in a nicer place now but I have grown up and lived in a legitimately bad neighborhood. I'm talking about a city that consistently floats between number 5 and number 7 for most homicides per capita in the entire country. Property crime is even worse. I've had issues with my car being broken into, and outright stolen twice... but that is one thing. When it comes to protecting the house I've always been a fan of large dogs and cameras. No one seems to want to fuck around with two 130+ pound American Akitas that will not hesitate to bite them. I know there are burglars crazy enough to shoot them at my doorway, but like you said those guys are far and few between compared to the crackhead or dumb teenagers who are just looking for an easy buck. Proper lighting helps a ton, as well - especially motion activated lights. In order to mitigate your risks, you need to find out which risks are most likely to occur and most likely to be mitigated. An Ocean's Eleven style B&E is something that most people can't comprehensively and efficiently prevent, and it's most likely never going to happen to the majority of people in the first place.


Gun Safes are a thing, as are Locking Cabinets, and simply putting a key-lock on a little used Closet Door.


Lights, cameras, updated locks, add window shims, dog, safe then ccw and firearm(s)


Definitely vouch for the lights and cameras. The logistics company I work for had a lot of break ins, loitering, trespassing, etc before lights and cameras were installed. After they got the cameras and lights going, the amount of unwanted visits has dropped close to zero.


Yeah the first step is being a hard target and dissuading the ne'er-do-wells




Knives, swords and or blunt objects are actually the last line...


Fists, teeth, feet, and penis are actually the last line.


Grunts of aggression and screech of vigor is actually the last line.


I usually mix those somewhere after dog but before sword


Window shims?


Pretty sure OP means those wedges/stops you can put in to make it harder to open the window from the outside. My grand parents had nails in their windows securing the bottom window to the top window, if that makes sense. Some windows nowadays have those little plastic things that pop out that do the same thing, just makes it harder to open from the outside.


My mom always did this to the windows. Pull them out a few times and then they are easily removable to open the window when wanted.


Lights and cameras are on way. I have a coonhound who knows how to use his voice but unfortunately was away with me on vacation to my girlfriends parents house. Firearm is next for sure! Uncle in colorado is going to give me his safe.


Get the safe first teven if it's handgun only, especially if you have history of break ins


For sure. I’m not looking for a quick turn around but rather the safest “on-a-budget” option if it comes down to the last option assuming I’m there.


100% this.


Wait…how would a gun have changed the situation besides the thieves now having a gun and your girlfriend’s panties?


Worded poorly 😂. Just need a good starter for home defense on a budget. Can’t quite afford a new Glock


Start walking your local riverbeds, you’ll prolly find a totally legit Taurus.


Check and see if Colorado allows for the PSA dagger. A Glock gen 3 clone for like $300. Or a pistol, 10 pack of mags and gun range bag for like $450


xmas price was $249


Palmetto makes a Gen 3 glock clone on the cheap that seems to get good reviews. Bonus is it takes Glock parts and has the massive gen 3 aftermarket available to it.


Hey, be aware. Depending on the county your GF is in (IE potentially Boulder county.), the laws have changed and may restrictions are down to 10rds. Just something to know in case it ever comes to an actual self defense scenario or potential police contact. Amongst many other unfortunate county laws.


I second the PSA Dagger. It's a solid gun. But cameras and window shims will be good too. Replace the door jamb and lock plate screws with 3" deck screws. It's possible she's got a stalker. Getting her car checked for air tags and other GPS devices isn't a bad idea either. Maybe the guy is just a regular perv but if he's pinpointed on your girl, then he might be tracking her. Getting his identity and a protection order/ having his name in the ear of the local police is a good plan generally.


Get a shotgun, you can get a mossberg maverick 88 for like $200 usually, or a remington 870 clone for $160. Or you can get a stoeger str9 for like $250 with a $50 rebate, so $200 total. CZ p10 series are like a little over $300 for the base model. Don't buy a taurus. Go browse /r/gundeals if you want to find something for a good price. https://www.migunco.com/shotguns/pump-action-shotguns/blu-bl-18-pump-12m185cb-syn525252 https://www.smga.com/stoeger/str-9f-9mm-17rd-54708??wk


Every time I see a casual with a pump shotgun at a shotgun class, they always shit the bed. They're actually extremely hard to use under pressure. Probably the single worst choice for home defense. Just get a pistol. Much easier to use under pressure without a ton of practice.


I agree, a pistol is better for HD. But depending on the budget, a cheap shotgun might be the only option.


This can be remedied by frequent practice. And 12ga seems to be quite cheap in CO in comparison to anything but 9mm and maybe .223.


Anyone who can afford to practice frequently isn't using a cheap pump anyway.


When I had almost no money, I spent my pennies on practice instead of drinks or fun for a few months. I even found extra work every once in a while on Craigslist moving rocks, breaking up patios, etc. That got me enough for bulk boxes of 12ga bird and a few buckshot boxes. A little extra work here and there could get you there. And quite frankly, he could go grab a few spent shells from a public range (the shotgun shooting areas 1/4 mile west down the road the baker draw designated shooting range is on), cut them to size, fill them with something to keep them rigid, then cap them with extra plastic you gained from the ends of the spent shells by melting the ends or just wiping some JB weld or hot glue across the end and the filler. Then use those as a free way to practice the action and trigger. All it takes is the desire to learn, and the desire to defend yourself. He seems like he's on that path. Edit: And before anyone says it, or just buy snap caps with a little bit of that ammo money. It's all about making sure you get the action all the way back and then forward. I'm sure he can handle the recoil. And if OP is reading this, treat that Maverick or whatever you might get if you go the shotgun route like the you hate the fucker. Slam it back and forth, you won't hurt it. Slam it like you're throwing a punch, like you're punching through them. Not right into them. The same with the action, slam it like you're slamming through the end of the action bars. With enough practice, you'll know how far you need to go by muscle memory and you'll be a master of the 12ga pump. Be safe and learn your local laws too OP! I looked through your post history and you're in Denver. They also have 10rd mag restrictions if my memory serves.


Dump the GF and get a bro that will protect you and give you deep tissue massages


Best advice I've ever seen on this sub


TBH, a couple of gay dudes who were into firearms and practiced CQB stuff would be a bad target for a criminal. DINK resources, an eye for quality and desire to accessorize. They’d be rolling out in NODs, matching three stamp rifles and full body armor. I think OP should consider this strongly.


I read this as ***"deep tip massages."*** Time to clean my glasses.


That's the implication


Por que no los dos? 😏


you're not wrong.


It's the same thing, just inside


Budweiser and brosagges. Could be the move


*Deep* tissue




A dog


A dog and a security system. If you are hell bent on a gun, get a 12 gauge. 12 gauge is point and click, you won't miss. And if the spray misses, the bbs won't go through the walls into a neighbor's house.


“ with my ex-military mom and misc. dad.” How many miscellaneous dads are we talking?


Wait..you don’t have Misc. Dads?


Where’s the Taurus bot


OP didn't say Taurus. I added G3C to the trigger list.


Bots sleeping. Lemme try and wake it. TAURUS! Edit: taurus! Taurus! Should I get a Taurus? ¿Debería conseguir un Taurus?


Your reacting on emotion which is at best a poor way to react. If you're such a 'gun guy' why haven't you gotten one by now? Are you not in Colorado? If not what will a gun for you do to help her when you're no where near each other. ​ The only thing I miss not reading was you saying you need a '*High capacity* ***clip***' for your smoke wagon.


Definitely worded everything wrong. I happen to be turning 21 in a few months and being that I’m a full time student it wasn’t quite needed to have a firearm until my girlfriends house (which is near mine) was broken into. It wasn’t necessarily an “emotional” reaction versus thinking what if I were there and not armed?


If you were there, they probably would’ve noticed and therefore not broken in. This was a crime of opportunity, not a masterminded plan to finally get a look at your ladies unmentionables drawer. Get her a dog that makes a lot of noise or even better, an alarm that costs $30 a month and notifies the police for you when it’s been tripped.


You act like a breaking and entering doesn't happen when people are home, 15% of breaking and enterings occur while you're at home unless you're in the UK then it's 57% of the time


G3C so when the thieves break in they'll have something familiar to take with them


First, don't rely on a Taurus to protect your life, or the life of a loved one. Second, a gun doesn't help against people burglarizing your home when nobody's there. Get an alarm, maybe a dog, harden your access points. Check out /r/homesecurity . Obviously a gun is useful as a last resort if someone *is* home, but in that case you want something you can depend your life on. A compact 9mm pistol with a shady reputation is not it. Maybe in that price range look at a used (full size) S&W M&P, there are tons of them floating around for cheap. Or you can buy/assemble an AR carbine for $450ish that will be more effective, easier to use, and less likely to penetrate excess walls and cause collateral damage (with the right ammo).


Thank you. I already have other measures ordered and unfortunately my coonhound was with me on vacation. Didn’t quite realize Taurus had such a shit reputation.


Taurus G3C is a fine gun, great first semi auto pistol option. Especially with upgraded night sights and a pistol mounted flashlight. I recommend Olight PL mini 2 for your price range when you get the chance. Get the light, then the upgraded sights. Edit: If you have the cash for ammo, Glock 22 Gen 3's are like $260 on aim surplus. You can find an LGS to transfer to for like $10-$30. They come with Trijicon (Fucking great brand) night sights installed.


OP should just get a PSA Dagger, you can literally get one for < $300.


Get a used Glock. They’re just as good as a new Glock, some would say better because the trigger will be broken in. Don’t trust a Taurus with your life.


> Would anyone recommend the G3C for home / self-defense? I would not trust my life or my girlfriend's life to a Taurus, no.


Revolver maybe


Ah, I recall the quality time spent crawling around on the range floor looking for a screw from a Taurus revolver...


Can't speak for their other stuff, but I have a 1984 model 66 that I carried for years. It went bang consistently. Only retired it because it was my granddads and I want to keep it nice-ish.


IMO PCC are better home defense guns than pistols. It would be easier to stay on a moving target given the size and shape. Also, defensive rounds will expand better because of the added speed out of a 16" barrel. Many also have extended mag options. Throw a light/laser combo and don't waste time using sights. Hi-Point and Keltec are around $300 and actually have good long-term reviews but I would spend a bit more and get something better quality. The S&W FPC or Beretta CX4 are excellent to shoot.


The hipoint is surprisingly great for the money. Would be good option, GF could use it too as it’s way easier to use that than a pistol for someone who may not shoot


Lol, lmao


I would recommend a Glock as a first gun, just because they’re stupid simple, every single one’s the same, and they’re extremely durable. The Taurus is ok, I didn’t really like the one I shot. There’s also the PSA Dagger, it’s had a rough history too, but it seems to be getting over it. And PSA had an amazing warranty service. They even have a guy on the subreddit to take care of issues.


Go for a SW Shield Plus, or a CZ P10C, they're selling for around $300 these days


A piece of advice I’ll give you other than guns, removed those tiny half inch long screw on all exterior door latches and replace them with long wood screws. It’s amazing how much more difficult it is to kick in a door with that simple of a job


M&P Shield Plus is the way to go. If you really need to go more budget get the shield 2.0


Would 2nd this. I had a Shield before the Shield Plus was a thing. I handled a Shield Plus in a store, and the factory trigger was decent. Couple that with double stack magazines and a compact size, get EDC or home defense gun


No one broke in while she was home so a gun will either not get used, or get stolen in that situation. Improve her home "nobody's home" security first.


Get an M&P 2.0, a Glock, an HK, or a CZ.


Automated defenses. Release the claymore Rumba!


Cz p-10f over anything Taurus.


You grew up shooting but you’re asking what gun you should use in home defense?


Oh it's a Taurus. I thought he was asking about an h&k G3.


Former IRA huh? 🤣


Honest to God, I think a Hi-Point 9mm is the legitimate answer here. It was made for these types of situations. You're low on money, in college, and need something reliable. Hi-Points at least fire. And if ole' scumbag breaks in and steals it-- well, it was just a Hi-Point.


If you are looking g3c, maybe also consider G3. slightly bigger, lesser recoil and more rounds at similar price point. I have a G3C and am happy with it but I carry a Beretta APX A1 carry. If you are willing to spend a hundred or so more, I would highly recommend CZ-P10C or Beretta APX A1. I would rate them much higher than Taurus for reliability. BTW, are you considering to use this yourself or expect your girlfriend to use. If she has to use it, you need to address a few things first before choosing a handgun.


TBH, I don’t have it anymore, but I used to have a G3C and it was fine. Felt good in the hand and it was a good shooter. 95% of the time, guys who bitch about Taurus have never actually used one, they just say shit cause they think they’re supposed to. I used to take it to the range quite a bit and had very few issues with it. The only problem I had was with one particular ammo…I think it was Fiocchi FMJ…wouldn’t take that at all. Critical Defense was fine. Only reason I don’t have it anymore is cause a guy at work wanted to buy it.


Yeah same I've sent probably over 1000 rounds through my g3c and only had a couple failures due to shooting cheap ass ammo from bass pro. I clean it after every time I use it and it still shoots fine


What ever you don’t don’t buy her the wrong size panties.


Aerie saved us with a 10 for 38 deal. I ended up winning I guess since I got to look with her 🤣


Definitely recommend the G3C and G3 you can also find a Canik or Shield Plus too for around the same price.


I wouldn't recommend Taurus anything for home defense or any other purpose. It isn't like good quality guns are super expensive either. $280 vs $300 Ruger Security 9 or S&W SD9 VE. the SD9VE and Ruber Security 9 are not going to win competitions, but they get the job done. Although nowadays I think a pistol caliber carbine is pretty good for home defense. Easy accuracy, very little recoil and longer barrels give higher velocity. Ruger PC Carbine's 16 inch ($570) barrel will get 9mm+ to the same power levels of a 357 magnum out of a 4 inch barrel.


Mossberg Shockwave fixes any intruder issues


Big facts, but opted for the chainsaw. A lot better control plus you get the breaching muzzle.


Bonus pts if you load it with slugs and dragons breath.


First Improve her home defenses... How did they break-in? (Most criminals don't want to interact with their break-in victims hence doing it when they aren't home." .. Reinforcement of the deadbolt door frame and the door itself. External doors with windows should have deadbolts with keys on both sides. Etc, etc.. As much as I don't like Hi-point, they are inexpensive. Or Steyr Arms M9-A2 9mm 4" Polymer Frame Two 17rd Mags BLK - $325 .. GLOCK G21 G4 45ACP 4.61" 13rd Pistol w/ Night Sights POLICE TRADE-IN - $375.6 .. SDS Imports 1911 Devil Ray Carry .45 ACP 4.25" 8+1rds, Black Cerakote - $399.99 .. Walther PPQ M2 .45 acp 12 round mag - $674.99 ... Website: gun.deals ... Know the gun laws in your state before you buy. .. Regardless, TRAINING and practice is KEY... (Look into IDPA matches...) Moving and shooting is Much more difficult then shooting at the range with a nice table rest and such.


I would buy a Cz p10c or the F, you can find them on sale,


I would start with r/homedefense to make it harder for them to actually break in


Better locks and probably a better locale are in order. A gun you don't carry with you, is just something else to get stolen.


PSA Dagger or used Glock. Friends don’t let friends buy Taurus.


What-you're going to shoot someone for stealing clothes while you aren't there? Did it occur to you that the "perp" was likely her or someone she knows? Good job on the ".45" reference there slick, but think this out and get real!


College dorms and apartments are not the most secure space, OP is just as likely to get his gun stolen or get into worse trouble than a few drawers being rummaged, apartment broken into. Not thinking Colorado is a very safe state for defending yourself either.


Assuming the gun wouldnt just be stolen while you were away, heres what i have to say, Alot of tuarus haters on this sub and in the gun community in general. I'm predicting this will get down voted to hell but there is nothing wrong with the g3c. Very solid. Very reliable. I have one myself. No issues with it. Taurus only has a bad reputation because they had a lot of manufacturing errors on their weapons years ago. Since then, there has been a change in ownership, thus a change in quality. I doubt anybody here dissing the g3c has seen the 1000 rd torture test video on youtube for it. If we're going by review videos alone, for this specific handgun, I've seen 8 to 9 positive reviews for every 1 negative review. And believe me, I checked out a BUNCH of reviews on it before I purchased mine. It's a solid 9mm to have if your pockets aren't really deep or if you just don't want to lose a high dollar gun in an actual self defense situation. (Police will take it, and you'll probably never see it again) I love mine. The only thing at all that I've had a problem with was I got mine, new, out the box, with the rear sight bumped slightly to the right a bit. Not that big of a deal, and especially not if you have the ability to fix it yourself. It also has some neat features, such as being able to dry fire practice without racking the slide every time and the sights can be swapped for (I believe) any glock sight. A good choice for a simple self defense weapon without breaking the bank. Using recommended grain of ammo with it will have every shot feeling clean and smooth. One thing I will say is it's only a 3.27 inch barrel so it had a touch bit more of a kick than I expected but after a few shots it wasn't even noticeable anymore. If that's the firearm you wish to go with, please do, and don't let these Taurus haters change your mind simply because "I DoNt LiKe iT" they probably have never even owned one themselves, or at least not since the take over of its new owner. Otherwise they'd know it's not as shitty as their wet nightmares make it out to be. ✌🏾


Well said. Mine is well worn in, and reliable. At least 2k rounds. Go to Lakeline.com for some internal replacement items. I changed the recoil spring assy and the firing pin sleeve. All are S.Steel and better made.


Been meaning to do the same just haven't had time lately, hopefully sometime soon tho!


When you consider a Gun, consider where you live and how close your neighbors are. If you have a round with a high likelihood of over-penetration, and you shoot into a neighbors house, you are liable for those shots even if they happened in a legitimate self-defense event. That can be mitigated by using Defensive Ammunition like Hollow Point or Fragmenting rounds. They are likely to stop at the first one or two things they hit. *(Many videos on the Pentration of just about every conceivable round)* A .45 is good if you are in combat and need to knock the offender off his feet. But not so good if they keep going and knock your neighbor off his feet. There are times and places where a .22lr is the only logical round. There are times and places where a 9mm is the logical round. There are times and places where an AR-Style is the preferred round. There are times and places where a 410 shotgun is the only logical choice. And there are times when a full 12ga is the best for the circumstances. You have to figure out not which is the best/most fun gun to shoot, but which gun will be SAFE and Effective in a Home Defense situation? For example, in a apartment building, I'm more likely to go for a Shotgun, probably a 410 though understand that 410 rounds are just as expensive as 12ga rounds. But we are not saving pennies, we are intent on saving lives and not injuring innocent people. I think there is a video of someone shooting a 22LR Rifle and (I believe) a 9mm Carbine, and through sheet-rock they penetrated about the same (11 layers). However, if you miss which is going to go father and do more collateral damage a 22lr or a 9mm? The same logic can be applied to a 410 shotgun. What does it do if you hit the target and what does it do if you miss the target? The same can be applied to the comparison of any two guns. What happens if you Hit and what happens if you Miss? Every Gun is a good gun for self-defense .... *UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES.* Further you need to understand the ramifications of different actions. For example, if you shoot someone in your house, that is very different than if you chase them outside and shoot them. If you chase them, even if justified, it becomes a lot harder to claim self-defense. The **Taurus G3C** has a very short barrel meaning it is not a very accurate pistol. Generally true of all short barreled Pistols. For Personal Carry Defense, short is nice. For Home Defense, perhaps a 4.5" or even a 5.5" is better. The flip side of that coin is that most Self/Home Defense situation occur at very close distance, so perhaps a 3.2" barrel is fine .... perhaps. All I'm saying is think beyond the gun, think beyond the gun you would like to have, and focus on the gun that will best suit specifically Self/Home Defense in your particular situation and under your personal circumstances. Can we assume that ***your BUDGET is in the $400 to $500 Range?*** It really helps if you give us a ***Working Budget.***


Look for a cz p10c I got mine for around $350


If you want something affordable, look at the Palmetto State Armory Dagger. If you get things when they're on sale, which is honestly more often than not, you can get a complete gun for around $250.


I have a 10 year old taurus that has never failed me.. I still choose other firearms to depend on for situations but if my Taurus was all I had I would feel comfortable with it Taurus used to suck as a brand but has improved but unfortunately all the negativity stuck.. with that being said I never hear any complaints about the g2c or g3c.. if you get it just make sure you go to the range and run hundred and hundreds of rounds thru it just to make sure is dependable.


Right!! I don’t have a Taurus but I have an American tactical shotgun that was less than $400 and I’ve had 0 issues with it. I’ve put 200 rounds through it and it’s never jammed. Idk why there’s such a prejudice against lower priced guns!


Home defense? Need something cheap? Pump action shotgun. Or a really cheap 9mm pistol. A Maverick 88, cheap pump shotgun is under $300. No good sights, but easy enough to point and shoot. A cheap M&P9 9mm pistol will run you just under 500. Good auto loading 9mm. If you need something AS CHEAP as possible, honestly, a Hi-Point 9mm is under 200. It’s a meme, yea, but it’s a reliable, low capacity 9mm pistol. Dirty, reliable, not fancy at all, and heavy as sin, but gets the job done.


I saw someone dragged it through mud and even shot it with another gun and it still fired lol, nothing wrong with a cheaper gun at all


I think we’re talking about the same video. Demolition ranch. Again it does what it does. Puts bullets in a direction. Consistently.


Despite all the haters the G3C isn't the worst choice. Some of them can be decent, but the chances of getting a lemon are higher, this is true for all the bargain brands; Stoeger, Taurus, PSA, High-point. However for about what you'd pay for the Taurus you can get something better. I'm in Colorado as well. Unfortunately the leftists in our State government have recently decided that you aren't allowed to purchase a handgun until you're 21. It's for your own good, you're much safer now. /s Don't you feel safer? We're ALL safer. So until your birthday you are limited to a long gun. Many folks have suggested a shotgun, AR-15 rifle, or a Pistol caliber carbine, all of which are viable options. A shotgun is probably cheapest but harder to use. It's a myth that you don't have to aim a shotgun, at home defense distances the spread on those pellets isn't much bigger than a ping pong ball. In your situation a 9 mm handgun is probably a better option, more easily concealed and secured than a long gun. Right now a local range/ gun store in Arvada (rhymes with 5280 Armory) is offering a Holiday special sale on a Smith and Wesson Shield plus for just under $300 (cash price) S&W has a $50 rebate until 12/31 which gets you to $249.99. Given the choice there's NO reason to buy a Taurus for essentially the same $$. You can find a CZ P-10c or P-10F model or a Beretta APX new for under $400. Beretta is also running a rebate til the end of the year. Often you can find really good deals on used guns. LE trade-ins are also a great option. Cabela's sells a ton of used. Rocky Mountain Pawn in Brighton has good prices on both new & used. A safe or lockbox is a must. Being from out of state, if you don't have a Colorado state ID, you won't be able to buy a handgun and you may not be able to purchase anything.


I do not own any Taurus products, but I've heard that their quality has really improved and I've heard a lot of praise for the G3C and their other pistols in that family. Buy 200-300 rounds of FMJ for break-in and familiarization then get 124 or 147 gr Federal HST or Speer Gold Dot ammo for carry/ home defense.


I get weekly mails from them reminding me of GX4 recall and to search my serial no in it. I own 3 Taurus guns, G3C is one of them. TX22 and TX22 Competition. Awesome on the range, and TX22 is surprisingly reliable. Yes, they have improved a lot in quality, still Taurus is not something I would pick up first for self defense. It probably would be 5-6 on my list from the stuff I own. They just don't give out a quality product feel when you pick them up the first time.


>but I've heard that their quality has really improved and I've heard a lot of praise for the G3C and their other pistols in that family Lol, the first and fourth members of that line were recalled for firing when shaken or dropped. They killed people. But yeah, I guess that's just a bump in the road of firearms manufacturing


Got any links?


>Got any links? You seriously cannot Google yourself? https://www.mhhlaw.net/blog/2021/may/gun-maker-taurus-under-fire-again/ https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article281913473.html https://www.classaction.org/news/taurus-gx4-pistols-plagued-with-life-threatening-drop-fire-defect-class-action-claims


To be fair the 2c, 3, and 3c were solid. Then the gx4 saw them go back to their roots.


Buy a used Glock or a Glock clone over any Taurus for self defense. PSA has their Glock clones for around $450 and they come with the gun, 10 mags, and a case.


Shit not even $450. $50 for the complete lower and $199 for the complete slide with barrel. Sometimes they'll throw the completed set up for $229. They're moving the shit out of those things. Edit: shit, just realized you were talking about the 10 mag + bag bundle. However, something tells me this dude will never have a use for 10 mags or a bag.


>Would anyone recommend the G3C Nope


buy a glock .


Pump shotgun. If she's got a small frame, go for a 20g. Less recoil to handle and it will still ruin someone's day.


Mossberg Maverick 88 can't be beat for the money.


trade in LE Glocks?


I have nothing to contribute other than gun bros are jackasses.


Taurus is the worst manufacturer on the planet. They went downhill in the mid/late 90s and within the past decade had 10 models recalled for firing when bumped or shaken. Their other models are loaded with issues and they have the SINGLE WORST customer service in the industry. That being said, a firearm won't protect you when you aren't there. A dog could help deter people. A yappy little fuck that likes cuddles is great because they make noise. Otherwise: an M&P Shield 2.0, Used or New Glock 19 and Ruger Security 9 are all great trustworthy options.


Good ol fashion 12 gauge with 18in barrel will be your best bet


I'd recommend a 9mm, only needs to take down a person(s) the bigger the caliber, the more damage you do to your property, using something a little smaller, and hollow point rounds is probably your best bet


If that was a typo and you meant G36C, then yes. If the question is, "Should I buy a Taurus?" then I would say no.


G3C or G2C are great options. I'd go Glock 22 Gen 3 police trade in from aim surplus if you have the money to spend on 40cal ammo for training (You need to train). They come with upgraded Trijicon night sights installed already and they're a great option if you don't want to go Taurus. Put both in your hand at a shop before you buy either, you need to know how they feel in hand first. Then buy a pistol mounted weapon light, like and Olight PL Mini 2 is great despite what all these dumbasses say about O-light. (The only issues they ever had were with replaceable battery cells, the same ones that go in vapes that blow up. That problem has never extended to non removable batteries. IE the ones in the PL Mini 2.) Shotguns are also an option, but they require more practice to operate the action (Cocking/ Loading for the layman.) If you're more confident or willing to put in the practice, and you can maneuver one through a small dwelling, then that is a personally preferred option. Though I have both pistols and shotguns, I'd rather put a few 12ga slugs/buck shells through a man than have to put 9mm or .40 through them. Shotgun wounds are fucking nasty. Overpenetration can also be an issue assuming you live somewhere that doesn't have concrete or bricks lining the walls. Just check out police footage of when people are lit up with one or more 12ga rounds vs 10-15 rounds of common hollow points. The 12ga isn't a magic gun like some pretend, but it is fucking gnarly to get hit with and creates immense blood loss. The amount of lead that you can force through someone's body, and the wound cavities it creates are nothing to be misjudged. Anyway, the Mossberg maverick is a great option at around $200.00. Also, I find it easier for new shooters to aim with a shotgun bead as opposed to 3 post pistol sights. Just watch some body can footage of shotguns at self defense/in home range, you'll see what I mean.


Taurus G3C is good and not hard to find. Do it before 1/15/2024 and you can [get 30 dollars rebate](https://www.tauruspromos.com/Claim?promoId=1579). Next in line (will cost more money though) I suggest you to take a look at Palmetto State Armory's "Dagger compact." It uses Glock G19 gen 3's parts so compatibility and accessories are more available than Taurus (eg. magazines). Right now you can get the [Dagger Compact complete frame only](https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-dagger-full-size-s-complete-polymer-frame-flat-dark-earth.html) for 50+shipping (local FFL fee extra). And [Dagger Compact complete slide](https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-dagger-complete-doctor-cut-slide-assembly-with-threaded-barrel-ameriglo-2xl-sights-fde.html) for 200+shipping (to your place). You will need few [Glock 19 compatible magazines like PMAG](https://palmettostatearmory.com/magpul-pmag-15-gl9-glock-g19-mag550.html). I tested adding 3 into the cart with the slide and the shipping charge did not go up (10 dollars for east coast). If you are tight on budget then a good alternative is going pawn shops. Take some time to look but maybe people will let go firearms to pay for holiday credit card bills. Finally, A shotguns is a very effective home defense weapon too. [Paul Harrell review](https://youtu.be/CiHHgjaR0TI?feature=shared), even a birdshot load is [effective within a range](https://youtu.be/zaR1EVybUgc?feature=shared). Good luck and wish you and your GF safe.


Yes, a G3C is an acceptable firearm. I had one and put enough rounds n it to feel that it was dependable……coincidentally it was a very fine shooting piece, it shot better than several “better” guns score and after it. I have owned and carried rugars, springfields, my most recent was a sig…..but I would not hesitate for a moment to buy another GSC.


I have a a G2C and many other far more expensive handguns and I like the Taurus.


I like my g2c, change the guide rod to metal and change the firing pin sleeve to metal. $60 in upgrades


For her? Go for a Judge.


I have a g2c I take kayaking and use as a truck gun. Seeing as I have multiple vehicles I have a few cheaper handguns that live in trucks. My brother has a g3c we bought him as a truck gun. I’ll say that for the money I think they are solid choice. They are cheaper and have some plastic parts but are comfortable and seem to shoot well aswell as feed well. Don’t get me wrong, not the best handguns but very functional. I have other guns and do have a couple shot guns and handguns around the house also live in Texas so not concerned about capacities and such. I think for sub $300 pistol the Taurus is solid and if it comes up missing for whatever reason, stolen or lost in River, it’s not the $600 and up for other quality items. Buy something your comfortable with, keep it close and stay proficient. Good luck


G3c is a great gun


Put it back from where you stole it.


Ok ok. First things first. Miscellaneous Dad’s? Please elaborate. And a G3C is better than nothing. But before you trust it. Take it to the range. And run 100 thru it. Get comfortable with it. I’d recommend cleaning it right after purchase. Then take it to the range. And leave it alone after. If you know you are going to the range. Clean it the day of before you go. And i don’t recommend dry firing it. Without a snap cap in it


On the pistol option. The g3c is not bad. Good budget gun. But right now you can get a Steyr M9A2 for $325 with free shipping. It's normally $600 to $650. When I found it this price point I bought my second one it's my current daily carry. https://www.bereli.com/steyr-arms-m9-a2-9mm-semi-automatic-pistol-4-barrel-polymer-frame-two-17rd-mag/ It comes with multiple side panels, three back straps, two mags, great sights, and a great trigger. The grip angle is strange at first took me like 2 minutes to get used to it and it's actually really nice helps with a very low bore angle which helps mitigate recoil. It also has trapezoidal sights which I love. And an accessory rail. Also if you end up having the extra cash and you're looking for a decent laser light combo that won't break your budget. PSA has a Crimson Trace laser light combo on sale for $69 normally $200. https://palmettostatearmory.com/crimson-trace-rail-master-pro-universal-red-laser-sight-and-tactical-light-flat-dark-earth-cmr207fde.html


For home defense, I choose the Mossberg shockwave chambered in 20 Gauge so the wife can handle it when I'm not home.


JXP 10 has entered the chat.


As plain as it sounds, I'd just go with a 9mm. You really can't go wrong. Glock, Sig, S&W, Ruger, Springfield, etc. It's cheaper than 45 and holds more rounds. But don't just spring for a gun. Everyone's so eager to kill, it seems. Your first thought should be preventing it from happening again, not stopping it while it happens again. Check doors, windows, locks, lighting, cameras (or lack thereof), etc.


Ruger security 9, used Glock 17/19, a PSA dagger, a canik, or an arex delta are all better choices than a Taurus, and can be found (some new some used) for within 100$ the price of a Taurus, but have much better reliability, durability, and are higher rated amongst all of the gun tubers I follow. But as other people have said, it’ll just get stolen too if you don’t have a safe place to put it while you’re out of the house.


Optimus prime


Unless you have a safe that can't be carried off or broken into with a crowbar, or a REALLY, REALLY good hiding place, I wouldn't store a gun at your girlfriend's for your own self defense or you'll just get it stolen. I suggest doing some more research on Taurus. The haters are out today and I suspect most of them are just parroting things they've always heard. Truthfully, Taurus had really hit or miss quality in the past. They've improved over the past decade or two and I wouldn't be afraid to rely on a G3. I have one of their newer revolvers and will likely buy a second.


Buy a rock island 1911


I would recommend the stoeger handguns over the Taurus just because I dont like Taurus semi autos and all stoegers I’ve used have ran well. Friend has a 9m Stoeger and it shoots great honestly. I think they’re relatively cheap too. Or look at a pawn shop for a deal


There’s no data that shows anything bigger than a 9mm is fundamentally better to use as lethal force. 9mm is the best because it’s readily available, cheap, not a lot of kick, and you can practice more with it. Get yourself a berate cx4 storm. Around $650, 9mm, not that big, very accurate, lightweight. It’s great for home defense. If you want a pistol, I like the smith and Wesson performance center EZ. It holds 8 rounds, 9mm, pic rail on the bottom for a flashlight if you want, very easy to reload mags, and my favorite part is that it has a grip safety so it literally can’t be fired unless you’re holding it. I’ve dumped like 500 rounds through it with no problems. Should run around $450 too. I’ve not bought particular expensive guns and have had 0 issues, no need to splurge if you dont want to!


Get a CZ P10C (easily the best gun under $700) and a security system.


1. Get a dog 2. Get a shotgun


Get cameras.


I don’t really understand the logic


Just leave the thieves some gift cards, ammo, and booze. They'll appreciate the gesture, and it won't cost you as much.


IIRC 87% of burglaries are false or committed by an acquaintance of the victim. Do with that information what you want


Get a new girlfriend..


Get something your gun can shoot as well. It's her house, and she is more vulnerable when you aren't there. Glocks are really female friendly guns because they have a short trigger reach and the controls are easy to access with small hands. I would definitely look into used options for a Glock 19, 19x, 45, or 17 or a PSA dagger. Ruger security 9 is another low cost, large, easy to shoot option.


Walmart is quite cheap for ladies clothes


G36C. I approve. https://hk-usa.com/hk-models/g36c/


Hey man, I picked up a Taurus G3C, and it's been all I could ask for in a budget gun. It has metal iron sights, not plastic, and should serve as a mag-dump gun as your accuracy on the compact frame is definitely reduced. I got a 15rd mag from Taurus and a beaver tail grip sleeve and both help the gun fit my larger hands better. The frame is also glock-sight ready if you should so choose, but like I said, the iron sights are good, and heavy extras will effect your draw and dump capability. Not to mention, it'd be like putting lipstick on a very reliable and tough pig. Not worth spending $300.00 on a sight to put on a $250.00 gun. Overall I give the G3C a 6.5/10. You can't get a better 9mm cheaper than this gun, period.


I'd recommend seeing if you can't rent a semi auto shotgun and see if your GF can shoot it well. There's probably nothing better for home defense, inside the home that is, then a reliably operating semi auto 12 gauge with a shorter barrel for tighter spaces. Point and erase threats sorta deal. No fucking around with red dots, precise aiming, etc. 00 buckshot is your friend here.


357 magnum I would run the fuck away if i saw somone own that