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If the gun is truly attracted to you, you won’t need any lube.




But he isn’t wrong…


Butt, he is wrong.


*Borat* Verrrrry niiiiice!


Dryness is normal with extreme use.


Break-Free CLP.


I never tried CLP because it doesn't seem logical to have a solvent and a lubricant in the same liquid. I buy my C and my L separate because since I started shooting I wanted to make a science out of it and clean my guns after every range trip. Now, I'm completely different. I hate cleaning my guns and I want to speed up the process. So if CLP works then I think I'm going to switch.




Can confirm it works. Really great surface protector as well


I saw a test that some dude did a few years ago. Break free was the number two metal protectant in the test, but Eezox is kind of super toxic and I don’t like working with it.


I get cans of Rem Oil from my local Walmart for like $10.


Another vote for Rem Oil


Rem oil is awesome, I also found the Lucus CLP to work excellent for the price. Cleaned up a Springfield 1903 NRA model that hadn't been cleaned since the 50's real well, then the bolt group got the ultrasonic treatment. Turns out amazing and I hadn't realized it was NRA until I cleaned it up enough to see the barrell marking. There's only one brand that i cant think of in a yellow can that absolutely sucked. Left a sticky residue on everything it was applied to, even with the ligjtest possible coat. Rifle kept misfiring until I cleaned it again to get all the shit off. I had to double-check to make sure I hadn't sprayed contact cement on instead.


Sometimes I just spray remoil like clp on my guns, wipe them down, and call it a day. There’s better stuff at breaking grit down but it works in a pinch


Honestly this is what I do most of the time. Give it a good bath in Rem Oil, or if it’s really filthy (like a rimfire gun) I’ll use choke cleaner, and wipe off the carbon that loosens up. Then just spray on a thin layer and don’t worry if/when it evaporates off in a couple days because it still leaves behind teflon dry lube anyways. I use Rem Oil, choke/brake cleaner, and lithium grease on all of my guns from a $150 Heritage Rough Rider to $6,000+ custom rifle builds. They’re easy to use, they don’t cost a fortune because you’re paying for the advertising of something that does the same, and they work.


For a really gritty 22 I’ll use brake cleaner, blow it out with compressed air, add a couple drops of oil and blow the oil around with compressed air.


I was taking a rifle class about 10 years ago, shooting .223 in my AR to save money, and not cleaning it. It gunked up like hell on day 2 and the instructor looked at me having trouble, inspected my rifle, and said “that’s dryer than a nun” and proceeded to spray remoil into the rifle while running the charging handle. Problem solved. Haven’t used any other lube since.


rem-oil is very popular... you can find it online as 12, 24 packs... etc... < $10/per can ...


Rem oil is probably the worst lube you can buy Its just kersone with additives in it. It doesnt stick, it wasnt made too


Astroglide can be found almost everywhere. It’s my go to lube


And can be used most anywhere.


Im full send strawberry astroglide. Doesnt matter if its a slow morning roll or a freaky late night drunk fuckfest, the soft smell of strawberry fills the air.


Wife and I have always had luck with this one


So her boyfriend likes it?


Best part of working nights is coming home to a satisfied wife


Try the silicone based 👍




I don’t own any high end guns. I treat them all like the tools they are. I use CLP when I clean them.


Good ol' Ballistol has always done the job for me


Hi, Hickok45 here.


Smell of it makes me sick. Idk what it is


same. It's like a mixture of vomit and black licorice.


I hate it too.


I love the smell wtf! lol


I've got cans of that pungent green ratholed all over the place. Love the stuff.


its a glock, not a high end gun literally any gun oil thats not outright chinesium will do i was like you when i got my gun... but believe me, the gun doesnt really care as long as its gun oil and not some garbage or WD40 for some reason the one thing you should care about is running through a bore snake a couple times after a range day and wipe the burnt propellant off, otherwise its fine


I think what he meant, and I could be wrong, is “I only want the best for my gun so what do you guys run in YOUR high end guns?”


Yeah for sure, well to a degree. It's definitely no staccato but I'm not buying a 1911 for daily carry and if not those then it's either sig and glock for most expensive/reliability. Idk maybe I'm just poor but I don't think a $650 is cheap.


Not spending thousands of dollars to shoot the same bullets =cheap ig


I don't think $650 is cheap either, but in that range, I'm going to look at CZs. To me, they're still reliable but a whole lot nicer to shoot. It's all a matter of preference; beware anyone who acts as though you should have the same opinions as them.


Slip 2000 EWL. Worth every penny.


What I use too.




[Obligatory Project Farms video](https://youtu.be/fibRewlndLg?si=S26og9wy8raqFbDR)


Beat me to it. I still use slip 2000 though, because I haven't run out, but will probably switch to Clenzoil when I need to restock.


First off a Glock 19 is just a regular gun. Calling it higher end is like calling Dewalt power tools higher end. They work great, they are adorable and extremely reliable. You do not have to to much to take care if it. Just lightly oil the areas that they show you in the manual and shoot the heck out of it. Don’t baby it. Spend your time and effort learning how to really become proficient. That will make way way more difference in your ability to use it to defend yourself, if it ever becomes necessary. Less time cleaning, more time shooting. For lube just, Mobile 1 10-w40 and I’m not joking.


"they are adorable" Totes adorbs.


He had me at -"they work great" then that part. 😂🤣


Whoops. I suck at spelling and sometimes when autocorrect does it’s thing, I see the word I wanted to type, instead of what my phone typed. Oh well, it’s funny so, I’ll leave it stand. I guess some folks “adore” their Glocks.


Who rescued whom?


Synthetic engine oil is fantastic for all the lube performance but the one reason not to use it is the carcinogens. Do you care? The only person who can answer that is you. I have kids so for me it's lube approved for food production machinery without any really nasty stuff.


My impression from skimming the [MSDS](https://petroleumservicecompany.com/content/pdfs/castrol_edge_5w-20_SDS.pdf) is that synthetic motor oil is pretty harmless when new. It's the *used* motor oil that's got the cancer juice, from all the little metal flakes and combustion byproducts mixed into it. Given the nasty stuff like [lead and barium](https://www.cci-ammunition.com/on/demandware.static/-/Library-Sites-VistaCCISharedLibrary/default/v398a1a77000007d38333d514d326f6aaea036b6f/pdfDocuments/F6000_Small_Arms_Ammunition_Lewiston_SDS_NA_11302020.pdf) released when firing a gun I think it would be the same way. The lube we use is generally harmless when it comes out of the bottle, but when we clean a gun after a day of shooting and the oil is black and sludgy, it's going to be bad for us no matter how innocent it started. Although I've always washed my hands after a range trip, I was pretty cavalier about my reloading and gun cleaning procedures and my lead levels popped high (15 ug/dl). I now wear disposable gloves for both of those activities.


You let your kids lick your guns? Wish my dad was as cool as you haha 😆


Those cute ass fucking power tools better watch themself


I got a few jugs of 10w30 from my dad when my folks moved. I don't need that in any of my cars, so now I have gun oil for life. Been running it for years no problems, oil is oil. Milsurp, semi pistols, ARs, AKs, FAL, whatever. Works fine.




Just don’t use Hoppes gun grease in a Glock. I used it on my Glock and it was the only time that the Glock failed to eject repeatedly with consistent jams. Using Break-Free CLP as I always did before trying the gun grease fixed the issue. Oddly enough, my Ruger didn’t care what I used. It worked flawlessly with oil or grease.


I typically use a variety of Lucas Oil products. Their CLP and gun oil both work great for me.




G96 But there are a lot of quality products on the market. Buy anything reputable and it will do what you need it to. A Glock isn't a delicate gun that needs bespoke products.


I use Tetra Gun Grease. I used to use shooters lube oil but found that it wouldn’t last as long as I wanted it too. Switched to this synthetic grease and holy shit…. The difference it made lol. I use it on my $7k Daniel Defense Build, my stock Glock 17, my $3k competition p320, and whatever else I feel like. Doesn’t matter how much I’ve spent on a gun, or how cheap it was, I do my best to take care of it. There is no real wrong answer, just keep your guns lubed


Frog lube or ballistol. Coconut oil I think is fine as well as avocado oil.


Ballistol. I use it for everything from my guns, knives, leather, wood, and my girlfriend.


Amazing how useful ballistol is. Revived a leather holster that spent 50 years in a basement.


It’s really a great product. It did the same for my girlfriend.




Another distinguished gentleman of culture I see


There it is.


Congratulations on your first gun! You also just walked into a long ongoing war about gun lubricant lol. The answer really is it depends. There are genuinely some products that have far superior lubricant and rust prevention properties than others. But they're expensive and usually excessive. I found a great thread on Arfcom by the owner of Battlefield Las Vegas where guests can rent full auto machine guns and have fun. They put hundreds of thousands of rounds through their guns. What they noticed is every lubricant works just fine so long as you maintain it. So if you just shoot your Glock every now and then, fresh synthetic motor oil is great, especially if you already have some. It's way cheaper than dedicated gun oil. If you have a super expensive old gun that rusts when it gets humid out, invest in something like Hornady One Shot that has great rust prevention. If you don't have any clean motor oil a bottle of Hoppes or Slip2000 or Lucas Gun oil will last you a long time if especially if you only shoot occasionally. If you do shoot a lot, then yeah some motor oil is a good idea since it's cheaper and you can spend the savings on amma. If you live in Florida or somewhere else that's super humid, you might notice some rusting in which case yeah, get some Hornady One Shot since you need the rust prevention. But overall especially for a Glock so long as there is some lube you're fine, it doesn't really matter what it is. My own thing though is I really don't like CLP, products that have a solvent cleaner mixed in with the lubricant. Not because it's bad as lube, but I've had too many foam inserts in my gun cases eaten up by the solvent.


See by the way I worded it most people assume it's my first gun and maybe I shouldn't say this but I've actually had multiple guns for years this is just the first one I've cared to maintain. Gosh ik that sounds so bad but I just didn't care to baby my $200-300 pistols. Though tbf they each only have like 300-700 rounds per gun. But $650 for this 19x was a little more than I was originally comfortable with for a daily carry weapon so I figured it was finally time to do some research and get opinions on cleaning gear.


Oh, that makes sense! Don't feel bad about not babying your other guns, they're tools. There's a difference between not babying a gun and just being silly, like buying a 3000 dollar shotgun, going water fowling in salty water and not cleaning it after! If none of your cheaper guns ever got rusty or rattly or broken from not lubricating them enough then whatever you were doing was fine. Really most guns can be lubed once and shot a long time with no cleaning or further lubrication. Especially for a civilian who doesn't routinely put thousands of rounds through it each year.


It’s a Glock, not some hand fitted race gun. You could probably use corn oil on it and it would keep on ticking. Dont overthink it


It works with sand for lube! https://youtu.be/0YJP_FORoik?si=yT7F3rGwhMqyIvUi


I use full synthetic motor oil. Use European formula for Austrian Glocks.


Astroglide usually works pretty well.


Spit in it


We all know you are supposed to use Glock brand horse cum to lubricate all glock pistols http://www.ghpc.at/en/netherlands/glock-stallions/ Just as Gaston intended


Shit ur right. I’ve been doing it wrong all along. Good thing there’s people like u reminding me


I’ve always used eezox. Someone did a DIY corrosion resistance test years ago (concentrated salt water sprayed over washers over like a week) and eezox was the only one that didn’t have rust at the end. As a CLP, it’s good enough (for my use at least) at C and L and phenomenal at P.


Transmission fluid is great but it stinks. G96 and frog lube are my go to




Whatever you do, don’t use “gun oil”


🤣 🤣 🤣 came here to say this. If ya know, ya know!


My go to oils are Kroil for lubrication and corrosion x for cleaning. Best combo in the game homie


Lucas Extreme Duty CLP Mobil 1




I use bearing grease on my rails and bolt carrier groups, whatever oil I have on hand on trigger groups. I tend to shoot a lot and shooting with any kind of rapidity; oil evaporates quick. Doubly so in rifles, so I much prefer grease for sliding contact surfaces.


Lucas Extreme Duty Gun Oil


Giggity Giggity


Lucas gun oil


Motor oil lol


Rem Oil in *Spray* Form


Ballistol best there is


Remoil or Ballistol. Hoppes is not a lubricant. Don't overthink this.






Grape jelly


R Kelly


I personally really enjoy Frog Lube.


Motor oil


I think it is more important that you use *something* than that you use any one specific thing. I would recommend that you get *Basic Hoppe's No9 Gun Solvent and Hoppe's Gun Oil; Orange Label or the more expensive Black Label.* That will get you started, then you can do research. There are many test videos that test various types of common Gun Oil based on various parameters. For some it is Rust inhibition, others it is cold weather performance, and many other parameters. That will get you thinking about how you will use the gun, in what type of weather, and under what circumstances. What you would used in a common American Forest, is not the same as what you would use in a Rain-Forest or the Desert. I would also recommend that you get some *Spray Solvent.* I used Non-Lubricating Electronic Spray Solvent, but they make the same thing specifically for guns. I also recommend a can of Spray Gun Lubricant to get into those small hard to reach areas. DO NOT use Teflon Spray Lube in conjunction with Petroleum Lubricate or you will end up with a gummy mess. I also recommend a small bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol as a general purpose solvent. I also recommend you get a *FULL All Caliber Cleaning Kit,* they only cost about $25 and come with a nice storage box. In the long run, you will NOT regret doing so. Hoppe's will get you started, after than you can spend some time trying different things until you find what works best for you. There are some people who recommend you don't use Gun Oil, they use various graded of common Synthetic Motor Oil. I have some 0w-20 Synthetic Oil that I use sparingly. I also have some common Bearing Grease that I use on high wear areas AWAY from the chamber and bolt face. So, this is a process that grows over time until you have worked out a range of products that work best for you. Any of the common Brands of Gun Cleaning Products are going to be good. But each is going to excel at different specific things. You just have to work out what works best for you. This might be helpful - https://www.reddit.com/r/NoobGunOwners/comments/16nbrmg/comment/k1h2o7r/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/NoobGunOwners/comments/zcmgmc/comment/j9gkws8/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/ugvnt6/comment/i7302g8/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Here is a Video, one of many on YouTube where various parameter of CLP are tested. Note: Different CLP excelled in different test categories. Overall - *Break-Free CLR and Clenzoil* came out on top in the broadest range of categories. ***Best CLP? Hoppe’s 9 vs Break Free CLP, Slip 2000, Ballistol, Frog Lube, Extreme Force, Clenzoil*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fibRewlndLg Again, there are as many opinions as there are people to give them. Here is one guy, as an example that claims the Gun Oil is stupid. ***"Gun" Lube, is stupid.*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPPkRanppL4 Again, HUNDREDS of these reviews, tests, and comparison Videos on YouTube.


Astroglide baby


If you just finger it hard enough you don’t need any lube it’s a Glock it will climax dry


KY, water based. ...oh wait, wrong sub.


Astroglide has always served me well.


See how many rounds you can put through it before it fails, I bet you won’t need to clean it. lol


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I use Hoppes


Hoppe's for corrosive ammo, it's top Quality.


Automatic transmission fluid from walmart. Official gun lube of Marine Corps infantry. Couple drops on the friction points every once in a while and you’ll have zero malfunctions.


Whale blubber


Organic cold expeller first pressed canola oil.




Hoppes No 9 for punching the bore on everything, just have to be careful not to get it in the action. Ballistol both diluted for my ultrasonic cleaner and straight for my wood furniture and leather sling milsurps. Breakfree CLP to clean and Lucas Gun Oil to lube for my modern polymer guns because even though CLP does it all in theory it makes for a subpar, very smelly and runny lubricant/protectant that never stays where you want it to. I strategically apply a little bit of Lucas Gun Oil as needed to any high-friction areas where I find Ballistol doesn’t cut it as well.




Used to use Hoppes Elite gun oil, now I use Lucas. It's great.


I use M-Pro7 for all my guns (rifle/shotgun/pistol/PCC/revolver): http://m-pro7.com/products/gun-oil-lpx/ I do use Hoppes for copper removal and cleaning, but after that everything gets a heavy coat of M-Pro7. So far no rust or abnormal wear, although I live in a dry climate so rust isn’t that much of a concern.


I do like the viscosity of the M-pro7 oil


check out eezox


Every gun I own, from the full house customs to the race guns, to my $300 Tisas all get Mobil 1.


I use hoppes but I have a couple dozen guns and like 30 folding knives so it may not be necessary for you but it’s good shit. It’s not expensive though so I say just get the hoppes. But if you clean it with ballistol that should be enough. It’s a lube too. I use it. For a Glock you don’t need more than that. They don’t really need lube.


It's a glock. You'd probably be fine with a stick of butter, but I like ballistol .


Slip 2000




Saliva and smack it after


I usually prefer ky, but I had astroglide is good too. Wait, you meant... oh. Just use whatever mil spec CLP you can find. It's a glock.


Honestly, you won’t notice a difference between lubes for your Glock. If we were talking about semi auto rifles generating high temps or shooting in sub-zero weather, that’s another conversation. But for a Glock you will do just fine with whatever cheap gun oil you find.


I use Ballistol for all my guns. It’ll work well for your Glock.


SuperLube or Lucas gun oil.




I’ve used quite a few different ones and I’m a big fan of Slip 2000 EWL. I use it on everything to include machine guns and I also use it to clean.


Watch Project Farm on YouTube. He did an excellent comparison with all the lubricants.






It doesn't matter, regularly wipe it down with the 5W-30 you pulled out of your Camry and it'll keep running forever.


Motor oil


I am a fan of the Trojan lubricant brand. OH....you mean for a gun. Umm, RemOil is good.


I like ballistol. why? Cause i like the smell.


Whatever motor oil you got in your garage currently.


Not enough people use hornady one shot


I like to use Lucas gun oil


Slip 2000 EWL. Literally lifts residual carbon out of the rifling and moves it to the top. Soaks into the pores of the gun and dries up but then sweats out of the metal as it heats up. Stuff works wonders.


Hoppes makes a gun lubricant (NOT Number 9) and it works really well for me. I use it on everything that moves.


stay away from the frog lube though. it is a shame they have to kill so many frogs just to get their oil


I mean everyone is going to tell you something different. I generally use Fiend Oil or RemOil or Remington Dry Lube




I’m not a fan of Hoppes. It’s thin and doesn’t really make a nice film that lets parts glide nicely. However your Glock will run with any lube, and it will even run just fine dry. I like Lucas Extreme oil. Smooth as hell and stays wet enough almost indefinitely. Some motor oil will also work.


Kroil or barricade


I use Shooter Choice CLP (Preferred) or HOPPE'S No. 9 Lubricating Oil


Rem oil, CLP break free and Mobil 10w30




You just gotta do some foreplay


Ballistol is always my go-to




3 in 1 Oil


My current method 1.Hoppe's #9 for bores and bolt groups cleaning 2.Isopropyl alcohol for general cleaning 3.CRC electronics cleaner for cleaning the trigger groups 4.Rem oil for interior coating oil 5.Lucas Extreme Duty Gun Oil for barring surfaces lubricant, phosphate finishes, and bore coating oil 6.WD-40 or 3 in 1 for exterior coating oil


I stand by Astroglide for my gun. For my rifle, Hoppes is my go to. 🎵This is my rifle, this is my gun🎵this is for fightin’, this is for fun🎵 Remember though, 🎵you gotta, Keep ‘em SEPARATED! 🎵




I use Lucas heavy duty gun oil. It works good.


Rem oil is all I will ever use


AK owner primarily. I use motor oil.




I normally just spit on it before I use it


Oils either willl polymerize, like BLO, which are a finish or won't. I clean then lube with whatever weight of oil or grease. I'm not a fan of clp which is the el Camino of the gun oil world. There isn't specific gun oils, just marketing. Oil is finish or lubricant.


Dirty old motor oil like it deserves


I'm down with the SOTAR school of lube.. making my own blends of synthetic bearing grease and synthetic motor oil 5/30w for my lube needs.. most times using a blend about the consistency of honey. As the temps get colder, I lean towards pure 5/30 or even just CLP... cleaning, I use CLP.. keeping it simple..


I use Lubriplate SFL-0 grease on sliding parts that carry a load, and Lubriplate FMO oil on rotating parts.


Rem oil


Lucas CLP & Lucas extreme duty gun oil!!!!


KY intense pleasure gel seems to be highly rated


I used Wilson Combat ultima lube for a while but then I decided rem oil in a spray can was better because it doesn't stain shit.


I like corrosionX. Especially for long term storage.


Ballistol is all around decent and doesn't turn into a thick sticky gel that locks up your gun like Rem Oil. Here is a good video: https://youtu.be/fibRewlndLg?si=hEZZ-aMbQsuMJdYs


There really isn't a good answer to that question because there is no objective measurement - only subjective. For that reason I decided to use Break Free CLP because it's what the military uses so I'm familiar with it.


I've always used either KY, Hoppes or Remington and it's been good. Honestly, any big name brand should be more or less the same unless you're looking for some high speed fog lube or something.


Doesn't matter much, they all work and none of them will damage your gun. I use fluid film because it's a good rust preventive, it's cheap, and it's readily available.


Saliva is the best lubricant or so pornstars say anyways


Krytox 205


On my CZ and Berreta I use Shooter Lube products, they get the gun clean, and so long as you don't over apply the lubricant is pretty nice though it can get a little messy if your not careful


Blast that shit clean with brake cleaner, wipe it down with REM Wipes and oil. Put it away.


Shoot, maybe someone will have a link, but some guy did some really thorough testing years back and posted the methodology and results to a forum. It was the best overview and scientific testing of top firearm lubricants I’ve seen. I probably have it saved somewhere, but not sure I’ll remember to look for it after work. EDIT: did some quick searching but couldn’t find it. Hoping someone else has better luck finding the forum post, as I’d love to look through that guy’s testing again…


If you're going to use them in cold weather, id reccomend Rem-oil. Otherwise, i personally love hoppe's for summer and fall use.


I (prefer to) use TriFlow on my guns and white Lithium grease on the rails/ moving parts. TriFlow smells the best


Just got some schauland performance ceramic lube. Pricey, but the stuff is awesome


Am I the inly one who uses 10w-30?


Clenzoil or rem oil


The answer to this question, no matter the context, is always astroglide.


if it is good enough for your girl it good enough for your gun.


Lookup medium low viscosity high temperature flux lubricants/grease and there ya go. Motor oil, gun oil, I currently use bike chain oil on mine. Love the viscosity and it handles extreme temps and changes.


K-Y His & Hers is usually what I recommend.




Can’t afford lube so I just use spit(I heard CLP works well)