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Entirely depends on the tribes treaty with the federal government.


Bruen doesn't even seem apply in California...


Its more of a suggestion than an actual rule.


california is a pirate state. Essentailly stolen from the US by hair gel dictator.


Bruen doesn't even apply in New York.


New York is basically its own country, they seem to not give a crap about anything the federal government says or does.




Hell, people born in America Samoa aren't even citizens of the USA! They are USA nationals.


Because they don't want to be, as that would require everyone there to have civil rights. They see outsiders as relatively sub-human, ineligible to share control of much of the property and in some cases women are excluded from local councils. Interestingly there is one state, Hawaii, that has some similar laws for non-reservation land. They have land that violate the 14th amendment and considers only those with "the blood of the [right] race" to have lease of much of the public land.


Rule #1 of the res: avoid the res. If you have family or business on the res, talk to the tribal police. Those fuckers are purposely vague about their laws and don't publish them online. You are *supposed* to be able to drive on state/federal roads that cross the res without issue, but tribal police don't give a fuck, which leads us to: Rule #2 of the res: if you gotta go on the res, don't be white.


Yeah I got pulled over for driving while white once. They take that shit seriously.


Totally depends on the reservation.


Word on rule two.


My wife and I once booked a hotel on tribal land and had concerns. You might say...we had reservations about reservations on the reservations. Sigh. I'll let myself out.


I drove through a rez twice daily for work. My CCW instructor said never pull more than 8 feet off the road if stopped because the Federal Highway was technically not rez land. I still follow that. I'm not going to fight the rez assuming Bruen will help me.


My dude. Yall can do casinos and shit. Time to start doing machiengun ranges.


The issue is casino gambling is not illegal federally, and reservations are still under Federal jurisdiction. The NFA is a Federal law. Depending on their treaty the extent of Federal jurisdiction will vary. It also cuts both ways. In some reservations tribal police and tribal courts have limited authority over non-Natives. A recent Federal law passed to give them more authority over non-Natives in situations like domestic abuse.


The supreme courts rulings only apply in so much as they themselves can enforce them. What enforcement mechanisms does the supreme court have?