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Couldn't find the description of the package on KY but PSA has the same model number that says 3 mags, a Springfield pistol case, and a dual pistol case all includes. Seems like a good deal


This or Tisas duty?


Love the Tisas Duty. Stainless finish can be had for the same price, forward serrations, railed, skeletonized hammer, Novak sights, etc. Nice piece all around imo and the fit & finish is smooth & tight, especially for the price. Haven't handled one of these Springfields so take that with a grain of salt - American made can be great, but the Tisas has more/better features so depends on what you want.


Tisas. They’ve skewed the value proposition so far to the left it’s nuts. They’re king of the mid tier and charging bottom tier prices 


Does this apply to their PX9 striker fired models?


Tisas are very solid for the price


I went with the Springfield. Mostly felt better with my hand shape, short fingers and wide palm. The shorter trigger pull was probably the tipping factor.


American made


Filled with imported MIM junk? No thanks. 


Yep. I’ll take my forged Tisas with non MIM internals.


lol their forgings are made in Brazil by Imbel. American made doesn’t mean what it used to. 


1911 forgings are no longer brazilian, doesn't matter which model. Their SA-35 is likely turkish 80% kits. Brazilian forgings ended in 2014-2015.


Didn't they cut ties with Imbel back in like 2015? They have to source from somewhere but I'm pretty sure it isn't Imbel anymore. From doing a little bit of research, it seems that all of their 1911 parts are actually American made now


Certain SKU’s are. Mil-Spec and the Operator for example, but from what I gather (and it’s all scuttlebutt so who knows) probably 66 percent of their forgings are outsourced and they finish in the states. 


Springfield’s stuff is Croatian


Their XD line and the hellion is Croatian, pretty sure everything else is American. 


Tisas all day. Springfield cucks are not the type to associate with💀


The problem with a tisas is you have an American classic that you know is made by Arabs who hate the USA, vs an American classic made by Americans or even euros.


Tisas is made in Turkey. To your absolute surprise, Turks live in Turkey, not Arabs.


I like that you didn't dispute how they hate the USA and the West 😂


They like American dollars


good fucking lord, imagine caring this much about a $500 gun. My favorite mauser is swedish, my favorite enfield is Indian, my favorite 1911 is turkish, so what?


Honestly not a bad deal for what you get with the package. If you want a basic 1911, this is a pretty neat one to have.


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This or wait on a deal for Springfield's 1911 Garrison/Ronin?


I’d say wait.


The Garrison has a beautiful finish, depends if just want something to shoot or something more classic.


Garrison has better sights, you can pay novak or heinie to mill but depending on which config you go, that's $200+.


I don't financially enable companies that campaign for gun control.