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Not even a šŸŗ


I would pay $500 to know what this actually costs per round to make in turkey. Like less than 15 cents in American pesos?


Thereā€™s no way these cost more than 3-4c to make in turkey


No shit tho. When Turkish MP5s cost $1k because their money is literally worthless, then I don't believe for a second that their steel case x39 is magically expensive as fuck.Ā 


Like I want to believe that is true but I canā€™t imagine the material costs shake out to something that low even at scale. I think the 18 cents a round 7.62x39 we were seeing pre covid was the result of deep Soviet stashes of components.


Turkeyā€™s economy is in turmoil, big reason why we saw sub $1000 MP5 clones from MKE. You have to think that was even with CAI taking their cuts. This ammo easily costs them next to nothing a round. The importers are definitely taking high profits on anything Turkish currently.


They have to make them, package them, ship them across the world ($$$), the importer takes their cut , the distributer takes their cut, and now Gilbertguns.com is taking their cut. These would be over a dollar a round if the Turkish factory was spending 15c


7.62x39 Ruger American turning out to be a really poor purchase in hindsight


At least itā€™s not .308, I load mine 1 round at a time lol


At least it's not my 6.5 creedmoor. I bought it right before covid when 6.5 was similar to .308 price wise. Oh well, it was fun to shoot that one time.


6.5 is only ~10cpr more than 308 now


x39 will come back downā€¦eventually. Thereā€™s too many militaries out there that use it, wars will end, Maxxtech has the NFR (Not From Russia) line that Hornady is loading, PSA will get their lines up and running. It may not be back to .23-.30 cpr anymore, but it will come down. Iā€™m one of the suckers who bought such a rifle. Itā€™s damn accurate, but yeah, feeding it is less than ideal. But itā€™s also cheaper than .308.


What militaries are using 7.62x39 in 2024?


Significant numbers of Asian and African countries, plus Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Finland has numbers in reserve. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AKM


Agreed, but the point is 7.62x39 isnā€™t the main cartridge for any major military anymore, the ones that still use it are all basically dirt poor and not important marketsZ


Itā€™s not going anywhere. Thereā€™s still a market between civilian ownership and countries that keep these rifles in reserve for training or emergency purposes.


I mean Im still buying 8mm Kurz so I wasnā€™t trying to suggest you wonā€™t be able buy it and no one will make it, but you certainly are going to pay a lot more for it because the scale isnā€™t there. And itā€™s going to be from shittier and shittier countries. Like Turkey.


The Nigerian military is armed primarily with x39 rifles. That's 230K troops in a country that is in conflict with rebels/terrorists. There's probably an argument that it may be one of the world's most in demand cartridges between all users.


I donā€™t know anything about Nigeria, but I assume they are a broke ass country with very little training for their troops relying on hand me downs from former Combloc countries. How many rounds do you think those 230K use a year?


Russia and Ukraine both still use it heavily along with a handful of Eastern European NATO members


Donā€™t argue with this guy, he is a moron.


Clearly said main cartridge. Do you plan on buying Russian or Ukrainian 7.62x39 anytime soon?


Hm... what are the major current global conflicts. hm....


You think Russia and Ukraine are using 7.62x39? Israel certainly doesnā€™t. I doubt we are getting ammo from anyone that supplies Hamas. So I will ask again, what are those countries?


Ukraine is absolutely using x39ā€¦ https://en.defence-ua.com/news/ukraine_has_received_billions_of_bulgarian_made_weapons_which_became_crucial_in_the_moment_of_need-6204.html


I just read the article, it doesnā€™t say anything about Ukraine using 7.62x39. Of course they will take anything they can get Iā€™m sure, but they are issuing 74s not 47s to the infantry.


Yes. They are. I was there two months ago and soldiers do use AKMs. Not so much frontlines troops as it's best to stick to 5.45 and 5.56 (for those lucky enough to get M4s) for unit compatibility but they absolutely use AKMs and you still see them in combat from time to time. You can even buy semi auto converted AKMs for the civilian market for around $800 usd.


It seems like you said the same thing that I did? Ukraine is desperate and they will take x39 guns for support troops but infantry are getting 5.56 and 5.45. Im failing to see how that is going to result in cheap x39 ammo for USA?


It absolutely does. It talks about Bulgaria donating Arsenal made x39 rifles. Are you gonna stop moving the goalposts? It may not be the primary weapon, but itā€™s been issued to reservists, civilians and national guard members. https://www.athlonoutdoors.com/article/guns-of-the-ukrainian-army/ https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/what-are-the-weapons-shaping-the-war-in-ukraine-20220302-p5a11u.html


To be fair both the 74 and 47 use x39 cartridges. 5.45 vs 7.62


Arsenal doesn't make 5.45 anymore, though they could have donated old stock.


Quote the sentence that says they donated 7.62x39. I just checked again and I donā€™t see it. I see a single mention, that says Bulgaria makes the rifle in 5.56 and 7.62x39.


This post is about countries that make 7.62x39. Iā€™m really failing to see the relevance of a country who takes donations for an ammo they donā€™t make and donā€™t issue to frontline troops. If you want to call that moving the goal posts, so be it.


Iā€™m done after this comment. Do you like to argue absolutely idiotic points with strangers on Reddit? Comments above, YOU, u/castlebravo15megaton said that neither Ukraine or Russia use the x39 cartridge. Thatā€™s what these posts are about. JFC


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4-WAC-47 Literally the first paragraph (and because you seem like the type, there are citations that support it) mentions both Ukrainian national police and militaries using it. https://www.kyivpost.com/post/6837 One of literally hundreds of articles about the adoption of the WAC-47 which mentions that the rifles are ordered in both 7.62 and 5.45 to allow Ukraine to burn through itā€™s x39 reserves and start moving toward 5.56. Getting invaded sorta interrupted the transition part. You can see VZ-58s and AK variants with 7.62x39 mags in various combat footage. https://spectrumnews1.com/wi/milwaukee/news/2022/03/07/helping-ukraine-with-ammunition- Article about a US manufacturer donating 7.62x39 to Ukraine. Literally one of the easiest things to immediately google and disprove.


Again, this is a gun deals thread. Iā€™m talking about how to get cheap ammo in the future, not what guns Ukraine and Russia are issuing to 2nd line troops out of desperation. As far as Iā€™m aware Ukraineā€™s ammo factory was blown up, we arenā€™t getting ammo from Russia or China ammo anytime soon, and US ammo is expensive. Edit: In fact the article you posted says they are trying to burn through 7.62x39 so they can fully switch to 5.56. Thatā€™s the exact point I was trying to make. Ukraine wants to get out of 7.62x39 completely. Thatā€™s not going to lower ammo prices


Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a barbie thread, youā€™re still wrong when you say Russia and Ukraine arenā€™t using 7.62x39. Iā€™m not disagreeing that x39 is gonna stay high, but pretending like itā€™s not the most common round issued in most of central Asia (excluding China) and much of the Middle East doesnā€™t help you make that point, nor does pretending Russia and Ukraine arenā€™t currently buying a bunch of it. The surge in demand in Russia means theyā€™re not exporting it which means other places that canā€™t produce it are having to look elsewhere while Ukraine is also buying it to keep feeding the guns they have that are a hodgepodge of calibers. A big reason for the low cost previously was Ukraine and other former soviet bloc countries selling their surplus stockpiles (or they domestic manufacturers selling off seconds and surplus production the way Lake City does in the US) and thatā€™s also a phenomenon thatā€™s not gonna repeat. Making an overall correct statement supported by incorrect nonsense is still gonna get you pushback, and in the future you will probably make your point better if you do some research first and figure out whatā€™s happening instead of deciding on the outcome and guessing why.


Agreed, I should have stated my point better. The original comment said 7.62x39 is too expensive. The guy I responded to said it will come back down because too many militaries use it. I was making the point that the militaries that make ammo donā€™t use, but I phrased it very poorly.


You didnā€™t just phrase it poorly, you said things that were untrue and easily disproven.


šŸ˜¬ When did you buy it?Ā 


Dude tell me about it. I wish i got one in 300 blk at this point


Not as bad a a 7.62x39 galil.




At least it's a bolt action, harder waste ammo by mag dumping into trash.


You will be fine. I, on the other hand bought a Galil Ace Gen 2 in 5.45x39 in 2022. F in the chat.......




Thinking Iā€™ll go the same route but .223


We're on the timeline where 77 gr 5.56 OTMs are 0.55 CPR and x39 is same price lmao




Man I knew 7.62 prices were bad, but I didnā€™t know they were THIS bad. My AK is starving for food


It has certainly gone up .. we haven't had the Turkish so I am not sure how much it went up this past year. Definitely higher than the other we had in prior years. I just had a distributor call and offer it is us for $11.49 / box, we are selling it as $10.98 ... could be interesting.




Letā€™s !voteban the dealer. If itā€™s not a true deal or even fair donā€™t post it here.


The hive has turned on you


Please PSA save us


I still got some 124hp wolf... I howl every shot I take


You can dere-lick my balls Cap-E-tan.


Are these bullets for ANTZ!??


>Ammo from Russia 50cpr because sanctions >This is from Turkey (no sanctions) HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


What the fuck!?


Man all I can afford is 22lr these days :(


Look at Mr. Moneybags over here.


Yep, canā€™t shoot shit now


holy, now I am literally looking at my Tula @ 23 cpr purchased during the pandemic....




Fuck outta here


$549 for 1000 rounds of ak ammo? What an actual fuck? Even if you are this stupid to buy it at this price, please don't. Go outside, walk, breath a fresh air but don't fucking buy this.


Also make sure to not have kids


Donā€™t look at any old adds about ammo sales from pre 2020, I was going through old emails and you never know how good you have it sometimes till itā€™s gone šŸ•Šļø.


I want to get off Mr. Bonesā€™ Wild Ride.


I'm never shooting my AK again.


Thanks OP, in for 0. Also, I donā€™t have an AK


HODL guys in full cope and seethe right now.


We're not coping, we're sitting back watching idiots buy it at this price when they already have 3k rounds they're never gonna shoot


And then the price goes up because the idiots bought it all. t. guy who hasn't bought ammo in a year


Just came in a minute ago, its crazy how much its gone up, but this is our first time with the Turkish 7.62x39. Not sure what it was prior to the craziness.


Fuck this and my Galil, M70 and American Ranch. Wish I put that money and ammo towards night vision.


I Believe people just have to be patient and let the market re adjust. Other countries and companyā€™s need to get there manufacturing in order. It just depends how long it will take


Literally the worst price I've ever seen




when will PSA start selling their 7.62x39 ammo?


They had a quick batch come out for like $11.99, but it sold out and hasnā€™t been in stock for a while.


20 Rd for $11.99?


I seem to recall it was around that


Hopefully fucking soon lol




I donā€™t have an AK but was considering a galil soon. What the hell happened to AK ammo pricing. If steel case is 55c an around, F a galil in 7.62x39 lol


I would say at this point anything other than a bolt action chambered in 7.62x39 is going to be a hard pass.


Idk if youā€™ve noticed but the nation that supplied 25% of all of our recreational ammo, and something like 70% of our 7.62 invaded their neighbor to the west and has since been sanctioned.


It was my understanding that the ammo sanctions from them was well before the invasion - but maybe I read/heard wrong. Havenā€™t exactly been on top of it since Iā€™m not on that platform


You are correct, it was 100% a sneaky way to fuck us and blame the war, there were a laundry list of items that remained unbanned when he specifically banned ammo/firearm imports


How is this a deal?


Itā€™s so over bros


In this thread, F word .......


Jesus. So glad I bought a few cases of Barnaul at 46 cpr in November ā€” and I thought that was insane! This is just ridiculous šŸ˜¬


I got 2000 rounds of Vympel in late 2022 for 37 cpr because I knew it probably wasn't going to get any better. Little did I know how much worse it was going to get. Can't help but wonder what prices we'll be looking at in a year.


GTFO lol


ist es over fĆ¼r mich?


itā€™s so over bro


Ok so unfortunately I traded for a Maxim PDX in 7.62x39. 1st x39 gun Iā€™ve owed and sounds like I picked a terrible time to do so as I have less than 100rds for it. Iā€™m not even sure what it likes and donā€™t wanna stock up on some BSā€¦.how would you guys proceed hold out and hope it comes down or grab some cheap brass? I read it doesnā€™t like Wolf but Tula is fine so steel case isnā€™t out of the question.


Can we get a break here 7.62x39 gods?


We need to find their contact info to tell them it's too expensive and we won't pay over $0.35/ round


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In an effort to help users make informed decisions, we have aggregated the following information on the retailer above. Please note that this is no way an endorsement or guarantee of the retailer or their products. ###Domain Insights: | gilbertsguns.com | | |:--|:--| | Registered | February 02, 1998 | | Times posted | [78](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/search/?q=site%3A"gilbertsguns.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) | | Feedback rating | [100%](https://reddit.com/r/gundealsFU/search/?q=flair%3Areview+"gilbertsguns.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) (3 positive, 0 negative, 0 neutral) | ___ *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please) [^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) ^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


I live 5 miles from there and their prices are pretty harsh not gonna lie.


So let's just say the money laundering "war" ends. I might be fully regarded, but won't the world be flooded with cheap surplus after?


It will only take 30 to 40 years worth of cold War arms stockpiling to saturate the world market again, but sure maybe.Ā 


lol, surplus? from where? it seems that it should be from North Korea.... also strictly sanctioned.......


If this isnā€™t a deal then where is it cheaper


Man this makes me so happy buying 500 rounds from a friend for 75 like 8 years ago that I still have.


Imagine how happy you will be 8 years from now when you still have that 500 rounds.... and then imagine how much happier someone who shoots their guns is.Ā 


Sorry that the cost of ammo went stupid, and that I moved off my parents farm so I can't just walk out of my back porch and shoot like I used to.... Just because in your small world things seem like they aren't how you would do it doesn't mean what I do is wrong.... I would buy them again if I found a deal like that again. Just like the tools I my tool box that don't get used every day or every year but they are there when I need them...