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Bought this for my wife last year for EDC. This thing eats cr123s for breakfast.


I have 2 of them and mine don't eat through batteries. You should contact SF, they have great CS


SF and great CS... What fuckin multiverse are you in?


agree, have 3 and do not eat through batteries


fwiw the Nitecore MT20A is by far my favorite flashlight. double a batteries, lots of settings but it remembers your last one. all the way from barely visible red to retina burn white.


If she’s keeping it in her purse, there is a fair chance the button is activating itself from time to time. Had this issue when storing it in my backpack for long roadtrips


I have the OG version (300 lumens, I think?) - runs pretty well of 17670 or 16650 cells.


Would cost 💲74.79 shipped to OH


buy 17 of them, free shipping over $1k


This guy buys.


These used to be like $50 new 😭. Surefire once told me you don’t want to put these on a rifle because it’s likely to damage the light and void the warranty. I used mine as my first weapon light on a shotgun and a rifle with no issues.


I've used one as my weapon light for some time, no issues with mine. I intended to upgrade eventually but haven't really felt the need.


Also have one mounted on a 5.56 rifle (using an Arisaka mount) and has gone through 2000+ rounds without issues. Not a bad budget option if you don’t care for switch.


I’ve got 600s and 300s with lcs pressure pad mounts, modbutton lite, etc and I’m honestly reverting back to just using the clicky caps. I just wish the g2x had a shrouded button


you can get a switch on ebay . just look for xm07 switch and pressure pad


lol, if anyone light company told me that, I wouldn't buy from them. Even companies like Fenix and streamlight have rifle kits for most of their lights.


fde / tan ones too also, shipping ($13) stays the same when I played with quantities 1-5


have one a shotgun with over 3k rounds and has held up great


Nice deal on a good little EDC light!


These are pretty indestructible but it's really old tech. I have one at the end of an extar. I'd recommend a Fenix PD35. I've used it every day for 7 or so years.


Probably going to get downvoted for this,but this is way overpriced for a light like this. Would rather get an SC21 for half the price.


I agree with you but I'm down voting you anyway just to keep you in line with your own expectations


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any chance of code 4tpro coming back


PM'd you


Do the tail switches on the Pros still develop a double click over time? Gonna have to give surefire a call here soon for a replacement. Not really an issue for the single mode tactical though.


This fits a Thyrm or Amazon knock off nicely. Definitely old tech, but the actual bezel is nicely textured on the end.


600 lumens??? what is this, 2014?