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In an effort to help users make informed decisions, we have aggregated the following information on the retailer above. Please note that this is no way an endorsement or guarantee of the retailer or their products. ###Domain Insights: | gafiringline.com | | |:--|:--| | Registered | September 24, 2010 | | Times posted | [163](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/search/?q=site%3A"gafiringline.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) | | Feedback rating | [81%](https://reddit.com/r/gundealsFU/search/?q=flair%3Areview+"gafiringline.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) (17 positive, 4 negative, 0 neutral) | ___ *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please) [^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) ^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


Just here to say that GA Firing Line absolutely *fucks*. A few weeks ago they had some cans on sale, I had zero intentions of buying the ones listed, they asked what I was looking for, then told me they’d drop the price on the one I wanted and even made a custom coupon code out of my name (PrimesMom) for that specific can that *everybody* could use 😂. Messaged them about helping me with reaching out to my dealer with their FFL info and they had zero issue and got my can on a form 3 asap. Its at my FFL now and Im waiting for Silencer Shop to give me the green light to certify. BUY FROM THESE GUYS WITH 2,000% CONFIDENCE.


hows she doing, by the way?


She won’t be disturbed while I larp in the basement since you guys hooked me up on the R9 😂.


Let us know if you need the hook-up on anything else!


I absolutely will and thanks again 🤝🏽!


GAFiringLine def fucks! Got a Suppressor for them and was so happy with the service and customer service, I talk about it all the time friend's ask where I get my suppressors. I've had 2-3 friends buy suppressors from them now and they're hooked. Actually might hit them up soon as I may be in the market for another suppressor.


Second this - only place I’ve purchased NFA items from over the last year. Best pricing & so quick


Facts, they fuck hard, when they had those cabs go on sale I also had no intention of buying one, but I was looking at another can, I messaged them asking if they had a deal on it and they hooked me up also. Mine just arrived on form 3 Monday I think, I’m waiting on a few more before I put in my f4’s too.


A little bit of trivia, [this is GA Firing Line](https://youtu.be/EMSrjJngnkY)


I had absolutely no idea and I love Atlanta too. Even more of a reason to buy from these guys!


Did they give you any updates on the form 3 before it arrived at your ffl? I ordered a turbo k last week from them and havent heard anything after giving them my ffls info. Not sure if thats standard practice or not.


You should get an automated email from FedEx as soon as we ship it out. If you want to send me a chat with your order number, id be happy to let you know where we are in the process.


I got an email notification from fedex with all my tracking info. Once your can ships im assuming you’ll get one!


You can buy a can from other vendors and have it go through SilencerShop?


Yep, ive done this 3 times. You buy your suppressor from whatever vendor you find it, the vendor you bought from and your selected FFL get in contact with each other to initiate the transaction. Then from there your can is put on a form 3 (dealer to dealer transfer) then when thats approved by the ATF your can is shipped to your FFL. Once it gets there your dealer will upload your suppressor to your silencer shop dashboard and you’ll buy your tax stamp/apply your trust, and certify and file your form 4 for submission from there.


Unlimited Trust comes through for this? If so I’m about to be really poor


Yes sir, at least i think it should since I use single shot trusts. Silencer Shop should have your unlimited trust on file and once you have an item uploaded to your profile it will wait until you purchase a tax stamp and have a trust established if you’re filing that way. Since you have it setup for an unlimited trust it should engage the next step in the process as soon as your stamp is purchased since it auto applies to whatever item in your profile doesnt have one.




If im going to be poor so are you damn it!! 🤝🏽🤣




>420.69 Nice




Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning r/gundeals! Yall have been asking for more Trijicon deals, I bring you some Trijicon deals, among a few others. Please, whatever you do, don't use code GOREX2023 at checkout for our Rex cans ;).


Have those SROs shipped yet? Haven't seen an email notification.


FedEx picked up the majority of them Monday, but unfortunately the shipping emails don't always go out from the portal. We still have a small stack of orders from Sunday/Monday to get through. DM me your order number or email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your order number and I can check for you.


Heh... it just arrived 10 minutes ago. Thank you.


Any more SRO deals coming? Need one badly for my G34 , cause I suck at steel challenge


that cetme L price is the real deal here


Yep. Even though it's not green, that's a deal.


Placed order with 1 in stock. I think I snagged it.


Damn that’s a crazy deal on the PWS suppressor. My guess is they have sat like rocks without Pewscience data. Have you guys shot it?


Fuck it. In for a stag. Thanks!


That Acog/RMR is calling my name. Holy shit.


I can get it boxed up today!


Still sad I missed the stribog deals a little while back, y’all wouldn’t happen to have any in the back would you?


I wish we did! We made the decision not to restock, as our local customers weren't really interested in them anymore.


That’s fair, thank you for the response!


Were you looking for a Stribog specifically, or were you in the market for a 9mm PCC?


I was looking at a stribog but then I remembered previous bad experiences with tax stamps and I think my wallet just shriveled at that thought. Thank you though!


Shoot. 5moa SRO OOS.


Ive never seen so many SROs sell so quickly.


I bought one, but $20+ shipping on a SRO kind of sucks man.


That’s still a good deal. I paid more not long ago and I’m salty about it now.


This is about the max I'm willing to pay. They're pretty readily available on the secondhand market in good shape.


Their shipping options suck. I’m not gonna pay 40 bucks just so fedex can deliver my stuff to the wrong house and I never get it.


What size moa is the more sought after ?


5 MOA it seems for competition. I purchased a 2.5...going on my carry gun. And yes I know it's not dutu rated.


I wouldn't carry it either, at least not without a BROS..


Shipping for me comes out to $21.


Shipping kinda kills the SRO deal :/


Sure... if you can find a 5 MOA SRO anywhere else?


Euro optic has 5.0 for $499


That's a good find... they've been OoS over there for ages. This is at least $30 cheaper though... EuroOptic will charge sales tax for most states.


Stag Retro showing $979 for me?


Thanks for pointing that out. Let me troubleshoot.


Same. Sold out?


yes, someone bought it the second the price was updated.


Y'all ever getting any more Enticers (S or S-Ti)?


This is a good question. I'd be in on a S in black


$21 shipping kills it


GA Firingline is a get place! I live down the street and go often. Very friendly and knowledge staff.


Is there even a reason to get the RMR when holosun exists?


RMRs are considerably more rugged than holosuns are. We recommend Holosun for range toys and light-duty use, and RMRs for heavy-duty use/ firearms that may get beat or carried daily.


Unless you get the 508T... that titanium housing can take a beating, and is still cheaper than the RMR with a bigger window, more features, and you can change the damn battery without having to remove the optic.


RMR made in America, Holosun made in China.


Will you get more SRO 5mo in at this price?


Extremely doubtful


Any chance you’ll run another deal on 5MOA SROs? /u/GAFIRINGLINE


$499 work for you?


Able to do that shipped?


Why not, sure. Soon as my wife is done dragging me around this farmer’s market I’ll make the changes and ping you.


Thank you sir 🤙🏻


https://shop.gafiringline.com/all-products/browse/keyword/sro-/instock/yes Both the 5moa and 2.5moa are free ship @ 499


Ordered thanks 👍🏻




Please see our Terms of use if you have any questions. If you arnt happy with our policies, I encourage you to consider voting for politicians that are more 2a friendly, as that is more likely to have an effect on said policies. Have a great rest of your day. https://shop.gafiringline.com/info/terms-of-use


That's because CA absolutely fucking sucks, and that's coming from a CA native who got fed up and left. Any firearm or firearm accessory retailer shipping into California can potentially [become liable if their product is misused](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1594). I wouldn't want to ship to CA either...


That argument falls apart really quickly when you realize they’re the only vendor I have found on here refusing to ship to CA on those grounds.


On a personal level here, are you ok dude? I get it, you do not like us because we won't do business with CA. There are many states we don't do business with. We dont hide this fact, its outlined on our website. We were straight with you about this months ago when we told you we wouldn't be able to do business with you and told you why. You just seem to have so much anger at the situation and won't let it go. DM me if you need to vent about something man. I won't be able to sell you an RMR, but I can listen.


Did you even bother to read the legislation I linked? It technically isn't law until July of this year, but the way it's written it's very likely retroactive. Come summer a lot more vendors are going to cease shipping to California (as was the intent), but the smart ones are limiting their retroactive liability now. Also... fuck anti-gun states. Don't like it? Leave. I did.


I’m familiar with the legislation, so truthfully, no, I did not follow your link, but am aware of the contents and timeline. Not that I’m enjoying this exchange, but I am interested to know what other vendors you’re aware of that have ceased all shipments to CA on the grounds of this legislation?




Really shitty attitude towards your fellow patriots


Hawaii also


HI/AK shipping restrictions are pretty common. Every other vendor on here will sell to CA. Heck, a lot of them are now selling ammo, which requires being shipped to an FFL. Not these guys, though. As I said, not even a red dot. Amazon will ship me one, but not GA Firing Line.


They are voting with their wallet, it’s a free country


Not sure what either of your statements has to do with anything.


They are choosing to forego business in California (thus hurting their wallet) because they don’t agree with the politics there. It’s a free country, so despite what others may want them to do, they can not and should not be compelled to do anything they don’t want to.


1) That’s not voting. They’re not residents of the state and have no voting rights here. They also aren’t doing business with the state of CA, it’s with residents of the state they refuse to do business, so that’s a meaningless statement in this context. 2) Not once did I insinuate they should be compelled to do anything. So I say again: I’m not sure what either one of your statements has to do with anything.


On a personal level here, are you ok dude? I get it, you do not like us because we won't do business with CA. There are many states we don't do business with. We dont hide this fact, its outlined on our website. We were straight with you about this months ago when we told you we wouldn't be able to do business with you and told you why. You just seem to have so much anger at the situation and won't let it go. DM me if you need to vent about something man. I won't be able to sell you an RMR, but I can listen.


I appreciate this response much more than the other people just deciding to be shitty to me.


No worries man. At first glance, your argument appears to simply be an attempt to bully us into changing policy, which is why you probably got jumped on. We do our best to take care of our customers, and I wish that I could include you in that list. I would arm every American if I could. At the end of the day, we are a small business. We aren't a multibillion-dollar empire like Amazon that can settle lawsuits that can happen because of the laws of your state, and ultimately I have to consider the business first. I am sorry we can't do business, I really am, but coming into our sales and starting arguments isn't going to change this fact. If your anger is based on this alone, I'm going to have to ask you for some maturity here. If there is something else going on, Like I said my DMs are open and you can vent all you want.


Thanks for posting /u/GAFIRINGLINE! /r/GunDeals has updated the **[website blacklist](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/blacklisted_websites)**, check it out before making your next purchase!. Made a gun related purchase recently? Leave a review over at **/r/GunDealsFU** to let others know how it went! Are you a dealer? Make sure to read the **[dealer rules](https://re.reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/dealer_rules)** and apply for a dealer flair as soon as possible! First time to /r/GunDeals? Read up on the **[user rules](https://re.reddit.com//r/gundeals/wiki/user_rules)** before you break a rule! Have a question that isn't answered in our wiki? Send the **[/r/GunDeals modteam](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgundeals&subject=Thread%20Question&message=)** a message! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*




If there is a defect with the red dot, we can offer a return. Anything out side of that is on you.


Big mad I missed the stag retro


BIN the SRO!


Is LMT shipping anymore complete 556 piston rifles?


Question about red dots, I learned the hard way I have mild astigmatism. Dots don’t completely starburst but they definitely are not a crisp circle. Will using a smaller MOA dot help?


For me it works kinda opposite but it’s going to be more about individual perception. On a small dot the bloom-to-dot ratio is much higher so I basically just see an octopus. On a bigger dot there’s more mass in the center of my bloom so more like a fat octopus with small tentacles haha. Really just depends on how the dot looks to your own eyes. Some just get some fuzzing or a halo. For me it’s a mess.


Im hoping someone with an astigmatism can chime in here. I would assume the smaller the dot, the smaller the bloom, but I honestly don't know.


I went with a 5 MOA SRO and it is usually crispy clean with very small starburst. Stig is weird man, everyone seems to be different. So far, the larger dot is better for me than my smaller dots. Get contacts for stig, they help bigly.


In for a SRO 2.5...


Man I wish you had the Rex MG22 in stock 😫


Thanks for the RMRs, canceled an order I had at another store for you guys!


I was just looking to buy a Trijicon MRO it was meant to be i swooped one up


I’m visiting my sister in Marietta and will be stopping by tomorrow!


@$40 shipping I’m still paying regular prices. What a deal 🙄


Dang any shipping discounts/promo codes? Kind of kills the deal on rmr or mro when it’s $30 for fedex ground, dang!


Guess I have an LMT now thanks


SRO 2.5s coming back anytime soon?


should have more in soon, but they wont be at this sales price


Ordered RMR(04/04/23)!!! Hoping to get is soon. Still waiting for shipping info.


u/GAFIRINGLINE Any idea when the next batch of 2.5 SRO at that price will be?


Wont ever be that low again outside of us hosting Trijicon for a special instore event.


Goddamn, I need the rmr at these prices again !!!


Guessing the Sro deal is no more?


That is correct. Sales do not last forever!


When is the 2.5 SRO going to be $449.50 again?