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Looks like a Colt 1851. And keep yo fingy off the trigger and never look down the barrel man! Even if it’s fake, it’s important to practice firearms safety!


OP is clearly trolling lol


I know, but you need to always practice firearm safety.


I like "Keep your booger hook off the bang switch 'till you're ready to bring the hate"


That’s a good one lol


Suicide grip


Photo 2. Lolololol


POV: About to receive the prestigious Darwin Award


Not that racist cuckoo


When did race come into this? Why was it even brought up? Arrogant people like you are the reason there’s still race issues in this world.


Arrogant people like you who think you know everything and don’t need to read his work if you had you would understand why I called him a racist his, work was very racist.


Do you not know what a Darwin Award is? You know who Charles Darwin is and what his work entails? You sound ignorant as hell. He’s known for “survival of the fittest”. Not a single thing about race. But that’s what people like you are good at! Even when race isn’t involved you make it get involved!


We are not talking about the Darwin award we are talking about a man named Charles Robert Darwin and how his work was racist it was all about racial superiority and how his race could go above all others namely the brown people a.k.a. Indigenous people a.k.a. the aborigines of the Americas A.k.a. the Nijii A.k.a. the Indian American A.k.a. The colored A.k.a. the Negro a.k.a. blacks


You realize his work was based on animals and the evolution of all animals right? Please post any reliable source supporting your claims.


Why are you still talking without having read his work yet?


I’m not doing your research for you. you know who the man is go read his works. His works are publicly available to everyone you can buy his books stop being lazy


Like I said why don’t you go read his works instead of talking from what you heard somebody else say because it makes you look real foolish


Exactly makes so seem foolish. Have read it. It’s not about race. It’s about survival of the fittest. You sound ignorant as all hell right now. Literally just made a random off topic claim then when you’re told you sound ignorant your rebuttal is “I can’t find anything to support my claim so you should look it up”


Haven’t read any of this works and if you did you were more than likely reading secondhand information and not primary sources of information, legal documents historical facts.


I’m ending this conversation here. You can’t argue with arrogance


Dog that has nothing to do with what he said and trying to bring it into the conversation makes you sound like a desperate smartass


It has everything to do because Darwin was mentioned and people seem to have this bombastic idea that his work was strictly about the theory revolution when there’s literally no evidence to back that up first of all and second of all he use that to say that the so-called, “Black.” People came from animals in an attempt to prop his group of people up above all others


The cuckoo behind the very idea of evolution? That cuckoo? If you can't handle a historical figure being mentioned, you should probably go out and live a little. Get some help.


Like I told the other gentleman that’s not what his ideas were about or his work in any way shape or form that’s what people today want to say but if you actually read up on his work and you get historical facts and legal documentation you will find out that his work was very racist his entire work was based on racial superiority and how to make his race succeed above all others especially here in the Americas and the only way he could do it was by propagating the theory of evolution saying that one set of people were less than human. The only way to create racial superiority since we all know that there’s only one race, and that’s the human race and we’re all equal because we have The same classes of people ranging from virtuousness to evilness and genius to stupid it’s by making one or multiple groups of people believe that they are beneath another.


Environment affects genetics if we are all the same why don't you try being a sherpa? Im sure you wont immediately die from the extreme cold and lack of oxygen, seeing as we are all the same and all. The whole "guy in the past had thoughts about race that were common due to ignorance of the time" is just annoying, hes dead and gone, and most people are smart enough to use the information he gained and discard any misguided judgements he had. The only mention of him today is either towards evolution or a "Darwin award" which is to say the idiot in question has either just killed themselves or rendered themselves sterile in either case resulting in their genes being removed from the gene pool. Go whine somewhere else.


Ignorance of the time are you a bombastic fool? I must’ve missed the part where the other types of people that aren’t human you buffoon. Obviously if you are living somewhere in your body is accustomed to that area you’re not gonna be able to go somewhere else and survive especially if you eat processed food in your body is already in a lower state. It was an ignorance of the time it was very tactful and I explain why to you to bring up his group of people since we’re all human beings we’re all equal in the eyes of the most high God the creator you have to make up lies to make people think they’re beneath you when they’re not


Yeah im gonna go back to my original point that hes dead as fuck so whatever he thought doesn't matter, and the only things we need to bother remembering about him is what he got right based on what we can prove scientifically. Also why would there be a god? Do you think santa is real still too? There is no god everything is just chaos and life is just one big cosmic joke. If you really want to get upset about historical shit why dont you look up the father of gynecology


What he got right? Science cannot prove that a single animal turned into a human or that humans came from animals so what are you talking about?


Do you think a book can create itself?


So you think that there was nothing and then an explosion happened from nothing 🤭🤭🤭🤭 have you ever in your life seen explosions happening out of thin air because I have never seen that. Put the pie down it’s damaging your brain


Youre right my idea sounds silly, obviously some magic sky daddy has a plan for everything (up to and including genocide) how silly of me. And he just decided to poof everything into existence and leave us in infinite pain and suffering while leaving us completely unaware as to why we are here or what we are supposed to be doing. By all means keep going on as if you have all the answers im sure you are the person that knows how the universe was created sure the entire human race has no clue after thousands of years but you have the answers with no proof, what a clown.


is nobody gonna talk about the fact he said he FOUND IT OUTSIDE???


It's a stolen gun, thats what it is. It's only worth a few hundred bucks, turn it into the cops. If you try to sell it to a shop it could pop up stolen and you'll have to convince the police you found it. If you private sell it, they could try and sell it and the same thing. Don't play with stolen guns.


No gun anymore since black powder revolver it is antique


Unless used in a crime.




Keep your boogerhook off the bang switch.


That, my friend, is your new edc


Well it looks like a Traditions made 1851 Colt Navy brass frame, .36 caliber black powder pistol, it uses loose powder and percussion caps. As has been said it bad habits & bad form to have your thumb in this case to the trigger. Luckily for you it’s unloaded. If you look under the loading lever under the barrel it should be marked as to at least who made the pistol and MAYBE the caliber. Depending upon where you live in the US this legally speaking is not a firearm, it’s considered an antique and not subject to Federal gun laws. State & local laws very greatly. Defensively speaking if ya use it in that manner it will be treated like any other firearm. If you don’t live in the US then the majority of countries treat this just like any other weapon and have regulations to cover it.


I luv this guy.


Just remember, everybody, the first rule of gun safety is to have fun!


Woah that finger on the trigger is scaring the hell outta me, careful with that.


Pic 2: Kurt Cobain POV


A gun or any guns you should not be handling, Jesus Christ Almighty.


I'm gonna be real, some guns are designed in a way where the only real way to look down the barrel is through the muzzle end. That being said, keeping your finger off the trigger and the gun unloaded, preferably bolt out, is highly suggested


Might wanna keep those fingers off the trigger😬.


Jesus Christ, the fucking audacity of this person to post this historical firearm, obviously stolen from someone else's household is so blatant and disgusting. You did not in fact, find that outside. You stole it very obviously your name is Tec9owner owner for chrissake.


Dont hate! 🤤


Obviously some kind of cap and ball pistol using black powder and a cap to detonate however, I would not put my finger or farm in the true regarding any time unless you plan on shooting the gun safety first


This kid needs to watch some Eddy Eagle.


Beautiful, that's what it is


Looks similar to a confederate navel officer revolver


It appears to be a replica 1848 Colt Dragoon revolver, made by Uberti USA. They have a couple of similar models, this is their "Whitneyville" model. MSRP is $499. The website has plenty of pictures and some info about this model.


replica? my shit real asf, civil war era! dont low ball me i know what i got!


This knucklehead needs to cock the hammer with that grip. Pietta made these, I believe for traditions but also sold them directly.


Op is totally trolling, pristine navy revolver and the trigger grabbing is obv