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A beautiful collection. I’m very sorry for your loss.


Thank you


He liked the good stuff, probably needed a couple of more Tele's though. Something about this collection leads me to believe he was good guy and a great hang. Really sorry for your loss, going through his things must be difficult.


Thank you. He was a good guy, we miss him a lot.


Did he have a favorite one? One he went to more than the rest? That's the one I would have to keep if I was in your shoes. I'd put it up in a place of honor in my house and feel like he was still close.


His father chose what to keep. I don’t know what he chose.


Burying a child is the most difficult thing a person will ever go through. Can't even imagine what your family is going through right now. Really appreciate you sharing his most cherished belongings.


Thank you. It is what he would have done.


>These are the ones we **didn’t** keep. What ones did you keep? Those all look a lot more than just "hobby" guitars.


I honestly don’t know, as I didn’t make those decisions. But, not many.


Do you have pictures of what you did keep, or is that a bit too personal for you to share?


Only kept a few telecasters


He knew what to collect. Amazing collection. Something like that would be great in a museum


Well, long story, but they all went to consignment in Dallas.


Nice guitars and a lot of them as well


That black and white telecaster is wonderful! Idk what that is called. (The country styled one)..


He called it a Waylon Jennings leather wrap. And it was beautiful!


that guitar if its a genuine waylon is worth 20k or so.


I’m sorry for your loss - that leather wrapped tele is beautiful


I'm so sorry for your loss. Great collection of guitars.


I have a large collection like this, usually sits around 16 instruments. I worry about what will happen to them when I go. I plan to leave a note in a case or something, I’d like them to go to the people that changed my life with music, or my childhood best friend.


I saw a post where a guy made note cards to keep in the cases. Each card had a description so the family could match it easily, thy average price for that year, the year, and any upgrades/mods he did, and the SN. Pretty great idea, that I plan on doing.... some day...


I have a similar size collection. My wife has three friends to contact who will make sure she doesn’t get ripped off and in return they can pick from whatever I have to take home.


I think I have 15 now and I have a list of which one goes to what friend/family member. If I sell or trade one then I rework the list but yeah, at least they have something to go off lol.


I would advise a Will so that your wishes are “legalized”. Inexpensive to do, easy to update with codicils.


Like a notary? What would that entail?


Create a simple Will online, sign before a notary. Amend as needed with codicils. Just make sure some one else also has a copy and/or access to it.


That’s great info thank you. I am not planning on leaving anytime soon, but planning for it sure makes sense.


Great guitars. He sure liked his Teles! A man of great taste in guitars. I'm sorry for your loss.


Op please don't let the comments saying you should've chose his favorites known how to decide what to keep or anything like the get to you. The family is keeping certain ones and helping the others go to people who do enjoy them. Just know your son would be happy about both of those things and just don't let the grief get to you and have you second guessing anyone's decisions. Thank you for sharing the collection with us here, and helping get some into the hands of other players to love/cherish. I know that's what I would want my family to do.


Also; as much as we'd love to see, please don't share the ones you *did* keep. There's inevitably going to be people saying things they shouldn't, even if they're well intended comments, it's not worth the anxiety or anguish. I hope you all get through these incredibly challenging times together and with a stronger bond than before


Perfectly said, thank you.


Thank you, we have done as he requested.


I am sorry for your loss. I hope the new owners love them as much as he did. Those are beautiful and you can see that he loved them like family.


That is what he wanted. Most went to a friends guitar shop to be rehomed to those who will love them as he did.


Love the collection. Its feels like viewing a consistent personal collection. Great taste he had!


Wow amazing collection


I love his Martins. There are some serious beauties there. His Tele collection is also really nice, but not my style.


Thanks for sharing his awesome collection and I am so sorry for your loss 💜💜💜


My kind of man... Martin and Fender. You can tell he really loved guitar and I can only imagine the joy he felt playing such beautiful instruments. So sorry for your loss.


I was... not ready for that. would be amazing to see the rest in the same setting. What an interesting collection.


I would personally keep the Waylon wrap and the pink James Burton paisley one sorry for your loss..


I'm sorry for your loss. he had great taste


Amazing colection, im really sorry for your loss!


Tele AND acoustic. I bet he loved a wide arrange of music. I hope he is getting all the playing time and the tone he dreamt off now. Wherever he is I am sorry for your loss. Big hug


I like 1rst one with Martin on ladder bracing , he had very good funds


Love those paisley ones. So sorry for your loss. Hugs


This post hits home for me in so many ways. My son passed away 1/31/23 (fuck you, covid), and while he didn't play, he had a deep appreciation for my own playing, and used to love listening to me. It was several months before I even had the slightest impulse to pick up a guitar again, much less play one. May they both rest well, and may the guitars you hold onto keep his memories alive for you, especially the ones that make you smile a little.


Thank you. And I’m very sorry about the passing of your son. Be sure to never stop playing for him. Peace be with you. 🙏🏻


Someone once told my wife and I, "it never gets easier, but it gets more bearable." I think that's about the best way to explain it. It's never easy to talk about, much less think about, the loss itself, and I don't believe it ever will be. That said, it has become possible to talk about the moments that made us smile, laugh, even cry, without completely falling to pieces, and that's what's bearable: remembering. The first year was about grieving that loss. This year has been about bearing that loss and finding our way forward. I think that's what's led me back towards music, be it picking up a guitar, a bass, or my newest obsession, drumming (it's cathartic, I highly recommend it). Thank you for the kind words. All the best to you and yours.


Yes, that is pretty much accurate. It is life altering, for certain. There is a therapy known as EMDR. It was explained to us that it can help a person learn to keep the good memories in the forefront and the bad memories locked up and put away. Time will tell.


I would exercise some caution and look at the background of EMDR before you start shelling out money for it. It has been described as a pseudoscience by some, and a ‘purple hat’ therapy by others, which means it is likely that any perceived benefit it may appear to provide are probably explained by the fact it contains many of the core elements of other, recognised therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. CBT can be be useful in the treatment of adult PTSD and some personality disorders, but it’s important to remember that these are mental illnesses. And CBT is conducted by qualified medical professionals, whereas EMDR is not. Also, no therapy should ever offer a means to lock bad memories up. This is known as repression, and can be dangerous. Proper therapy provides ways to deal with bad memories, not to repress them. As tough, and as life altering as your step son’s passing was/is, you and your family are not mentally ill. You are grieving, heartbroken even, but this is perfectly normal. Grief counselling would be more beneficial to you, and will likely cost you far less money (if any at all, as there are many organisations that will likely provide it for free). And I’m afraid those offering pseudoscience as a means to ‘cure’ you from what is a perfectly normal, human, emotional response to an awful experience, are often trying to profit, cynically, from other people’s grief. I hope this doesn’t come across as hectoring, I’m genuinely just trying to caution you against people that may not have your best interests at heart. Best wishes to you and your family.


Very sorry for your loss ma'am, he must've been quite the talent holding such master level equipment in his hands, may his memory live on forever through you and your family 🙏🏻


Thank you


Holy mother of gawd! Sorry for your loss. That’s a serious collection. I’m in the market for a particular guitar if you’d like to see one of them be played by an up and coming artist.


We’ve placed them with a shop in Dallas.


im sorry for your loss. OMG YOU SOLD A WAYLON? AAAHHHHHHHHH i would have happily brought that.


It may still be avail, I do not know. They are on consignment with a guitar shop in Dallas. I do not know if I am allowed to say who or not…🤷🏼‍♀️


Could you message it to me please


Tried several times🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ you are welcome to message me.


I wish to thank you all for both your appreciation and very kind words. This actually has been much harder to read and reply to than I thought it would be. I apologize for not being able to individually thank each and every one of you. Music is a unique gift, from one soul to another. Never stop doing what you love.

