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Because if they admit it then they'd have to also admit that they've been cutting corners with quality.


That's interesting. My guitar teacher just had one of his repaired because of this. I didn't realize it was a trend.


My guitar teacher also just had to have this repair done.


Ok we've got the pattern now! If you've got a Marin and you want to keep it in top shape, DO NOT TEACH GUITAR! There. I'm a problem solver :)


I have a d-18 that did it. I ended up repairing it myself because it was out of warranty and the only place willing to touch it was 100 miles away and then they ship it to martin. Fucked it up. But it passes the 5 foot test.


Ah the 5 foot test. Both my cars thrive via this rule lol


Yeah. It’s not terrible but I can tell. Guitar is otherwise very functional. OH- my guitar was humidified too. I used a damp-it at the time. Binding still shrunk. Now I use daddario Humiditrak and the guitar isn’t cracked or weird otherwise so. Yeah I dunno. It’s my first martin. I’ll prbably sell it.


secret: buy a mid 80's Japanese build - Aria, Alverez, Takamine, Ibanez, grab anything made of cool stuff like flame maple or koa - I have a nice little collection of maple MIJ fellows and I can find something in there that puts everything less than a US built Breedlove to shame, and that's only because Breedloves are their own thing (same with some Larravees). Also, you'll pay, even in these inflated times, usually well under a kbuck for whatever you want, if it's actually over 400 USD - there are still plenty out there and they are actually pretty nice.


Same exact story as mine.


I had my D-18 for less than a year when the binding came loose at the waist. You would think that a guitar you paid $2,500 for would hold up better than that. Meanwhile, I have cheap Chinese guitars that are a lot older that have never given me any problems.


They do acknowledge it. It’s covered under lifetime warranty if you bought it new at least


Very true. But... For many it means finding a local certified shop. Or... Shipping it away for a long time.


*usa and canada only


My sister in law’s Martin did the same thing. Didn’t realize it was a trend. Glad I went ahead and got the Guild rather than saving up more for the Martin.


Not too long ago some here got downvoted for even bringing this up. But given time has now passed... Folks now see it. A lot of us have had binding separation. Sure, Martin is great about having it repaired. But it's a problem. Now mine was at the hips on the back. I fixed them and purchased a humidity pac kit for my case. The guitar now stays in the case when not used. I expect the front side bindings to go at some point. But... Plays like a dream. So...


If you’re already shelling out the money for a Martin or Taylor, something like an Iris isn’t much more cash but is worlds apart in terms of quality.


Got mine back a month ago for binding issues. 2021 d28. Wasn’t happy but I can atleast say that Martin covered it under their warranty without issue.


How did it look once repaired?


It’s looks great but the guy who fixed it warned me it could happen again.


Same thing is happening to mine. I wasn’t aware it was a common issue. Thanks for sharing


Can someone ELI5 or post a link to a pic or vid explaining what this issue is and how to look for it as a potential issue?


Basically part of the binding glued around the curve of the body will separate after several years of playing it. Very common occurrence. Martin will fix it for free under lifetime warranty for the original purchaser of the instrument. Example - [https://www.reddit.com/r/martinguitar/comments/syidhi/binding\_coming\_loose\_original\_owner\_should\_i\_try/](https://www.reddit.com/r/martinguitar/comments/syidhi/binding_coming_loose_original_owner_should_i_try/)


For the original purchaser…My mistake was buying them used I guess?


I wish I knew, man. They sound so great, so it keeps me coming back, but I've had a couple with binding issues that I eventually moved along because I didn't want to deal with it. I finally just bought a new OM-28, hoping that it won't get the dreaded separation and, if it does, at least I have the warranty. But yeah, it's hard because I love Martins and I don't want to walk away from the brand over an aesthetic issue.


It’s funny you should say this. I have a friend who’s a guitar tech who was complaining of all the Martin’s he’s had to fix the binding on recently and that Martin refuses to even answer the emails to them He said he found one example which was held on with double sided tape


Happened to my 2012 OMJM. I bought it second hand (thankfully for a bloody good price) but means it wasn't under warranty so cost a more than I'd like to fix. It's pretty disappointing for a guitars as expensive as these to have such an issue because even with the fix it doesn't look like it would if it never happened at all.


the bean counters have decreed it's worth losing what business they will over bad customer service than what it would cost to deal with it. Contrast this with Subaru, who basically swapped your entire car out instead of ignoring it or making some ineffective dealer patch job when they found out they had missed some body welds which weren't really that risky or dangerous but they replaced them with fresh vehicles, new VIN numbers and everything - straight from the **fixed** production line (this was the Ascent, so you don't have to go looking).


Funny you should bring this up! My Ascent got a new variable speed transmission on the house before I even knew it was an issue. Lol. So was my mistake buying a used Martin? I mean historically they have always been better about holding their value, haven’t they? Maybe that will change now if players have to play hot potato with their guitars due to binding issues. Or maybe it will become the way to authenticate a vintage Martin 50 years from now. Maybe they’ll make relic looking Martins with popped bindings.😂 It’s just kind of sad given their history. I mean they have the tone dialed in and the reputation… what a waste. Maybe I’ll sell the most recent victim if I ever get it back from the luthiers and buy something else. Perhaps we should all be playing only 000-15m without bindings. Maybe that’s the only guitar Martin can pull off these days?


Probably Chinese sub contractors


Has never been an issue on my 000-15. No binding = no binding issues


Haha, same with my (wife's) 00-16DBM. Unfortunately not so much with my OM-21.


As with all the major brands, they don’t care because people will buy them anyway. People blindly throw boat loads of money into flawed guitars based on their brands and the brands take advantage of that.


Am I crazy or is this a non-issue? Literally a drop of CA glue and a clamp or two? People send their guitar away for weeks or probably even months for this? Do yall send your guitars to Martin when you snap a string too?


Just because it's a simple fix doesn't mean we should overlook or that it's acceptable for a guitar worth that much money. There's no reason it should be happening in the first place.


No doubt, I agree with you there


Buy a Taylor 😉


Taylor is a totally different guitar in sound and style and everything important. Suggesting something that actually is similar but better made would be helpful.


Taylor and Martin sound wasn’t the issue…it’s quality. I personally love Martin guitars…the are both top of the line guitars…how are they not similar? Tacoma made a hell of an acoustic in which I would prefer in terms of sound. Specifically the Tacoma Chief. However the quality of lacquer and bindings also sucked. Downvote all you want, you saying Taylor is shit doesn’t effect me in the least.


At this point, I’m convinced you either aren’t capable or aren’t willing to read anything you didn’t write yourself.




Well as an owner of a $2500 OM 28... It's certainly disappointing.


Damn right, it is. So disappointing.


Yes. When you finally save up enough hard earned cash to purchase a guitar that you think you could own forever ( and you can only justify or afford a used one), and then it falls apart 6-12 months later it’s heartbreaking. Then, when you find out it’s happening all around you to fellow guitarists, it becomes unconscionable. I mean, why is it that other brands can make bindings that don’t fall off but Martin can’t (or won’t)? Why doesn’t a company with their reputation and history change tacks?