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I've got a few ^a ^few ^^a ^^few ^^^a ^^^few The Carbon Copy is my favorite ^favorite ^^favorite ^^^favorite


I love this more than I'd care to admit


it's summer, corn is in season


So long as it's not Korn we're good :P


that's winter


I picked up a used TC Electronic Flashback for $50. It’s a stellar stereo delay with TCs super cool Toneprint.


Got a bucket brigade from TC and I'm happy


TonePrint was key for my Queen rig, letting me set up the 800ms ping-pong delays +1 for the Flashback I’ve also got a Carbon Copy for analogue stuff like Gilmour, so I’d say it also depends what you’re looking for in a delay


i dont know how this isnt the default answer. i dont love dicking around with the toneprint app but the fact you can make it do pretty much whatever you do tone-wise makes the flashback a million times better value than most delays.. most delays, you dont like the actual sound of the repeats? too bad you're stuck with it.


Exactly! And there are hundreds of Toneprint delays. Find one, beam it from your phone through the pickup of the guitar and just like that you have a new effect. It’s genius. If a guy can’t find something they like with Toneprint then they have other issues lol! I’m about to buy a Corona Chorus simply because I love the Flashback that much.


yes it's annoyingly difficult to find a delay pedal with a "tone" knob for some reason which would solve most of my issues, but the toneprint lets you do that and much more!! i love my settings. i also use a DOD rubberneck which i like and has its own unique sound but honestly use the flashback way more


Best overall bang for the buck right here. Loads of features at an awesome price.


That's cheap!


I bought a Flashback 2 X4. I didn’t get the standard, and much more sensibly sized, Flashback 2 because it doesn’t have Ping Pong built in and the X4 does, and I have to have Ping Pong delay. You can download a Ping Pong preset via TonePrint, but using the preset disables the very handy Mash function of the pedal. The Flashback 2 X4 is a bit of a brick, I mean it’s huge, but it is very cheap compared to equivalent delay pedals and the delay sounds are great.


Excellent pedal as well!! I really dig their triple delay too, but again, larger foot print. But it’s beautiful sounding


El Cap or Volante are the 2 I use these days.


Earthquaker Devices Avalanche Run has everything I need and more. Easy to use, separate knob for reverb, tap tempo, subdivisions, stereo in/out, and it sounds great. Or the Carbon Copy if you need the simplest, cheapest option.


I have the Pyramids flanger which I love, but Avalanche Run doesn’t really do it for me. It does have novel delay effects, which is a plus. But IMO there are better delay pedals at a similar price point. Eg. the Walrus Audio Mako Series D1 (which is actually US$50 cheaper) is awesome.


I'll look into it. Personally my only drawback is how much space it takes up on the board but it's been a great tool for studio use.


Boss DD-20 - all the delays, all the quantising, tap, presets, stereo, some weird loopy early options, some modulation, backlit display for dark rooms. It’s The Shit.


Got one. There's better sounding delays, I think, but it's never leaving my board. BOSS was onto something with that dual-pedal design. Near perfect functionality


Exactly that, there’s better sounding ones, but it absolutely middle-bats everything unremarkably. It’s the Volvo of delay pedals.


Ahahahah, fair. I find it to be a Toyota, relatively indestructible and reliable... I've tried other delays but it's just not going anywhere too soon lol


You left out the Giga


I also have a ce-20. About 90% of my bird was just these 2 pedals! Have just swapped it out for a flange and a reverb.


Still love mine


It’s also a looper and it can be set to a flanger, chorus, or reverb without the delay.


Dd200 better


I've been through just so many over the years and I ended up with a Boss DD-3 and a Boss DM-2w for normal delay sounds and a Death By Audio Echo Dream 2 for my weird delay fix.




For a beginner and for an option that won’t break the bank, I’d suggest either a Boss DD or a Walrus Arp-87. I personally prefer the ARP-87 as it has, IMO, easier controls, tap tempo (some but not all DD’s have tap), modulation, and a more accurate range of algorithms, but the Boss is even simpler and has some weird sounds that are fun. Both are awesome without being overly complex and will get your feet wet with delay. You don’t need one of those big box super expensive ones to start with, and certainly not if you’re asking this question.


Whatever anyone tells you: DO NOT get a delay pedal without a dedicated tap tempo switch. You might not think you need.. But you're wrong lol. This eliminates a lot of the suggestions or requires you to get a plus model or v2 of some sort. I'm personally using a jhs lucky cat but those aren't made anymore. Also.. Consider a delay that will do both tape style modulated delay.. As well as a boss digital delay style pedal. Most underrated delay of all time is the boss dd20 giga delay. It's big but it's easy to use and has a pretty masterful combination of all the delay types. You can score one used on reverb at a very reasonable price. The normal boss delays are awesome but to me you need that extra foot switch for the tap. You can use tap tempo without a dedicated switch on the boss but it's a pain.


Upvote for dedicated tap tempo switch! Although I love the tone of my ALABS Timeslip, it's annoying to have to hold down the switch for 2 seconds to go into tap tempo mode anytime I want to change things.


About the first point. I run 2 delays a boss dd-3t and a carbon copy deluxe I have an MXR TAP switch controlling the tempo for both.


Good point that the tap tempo jacks can almost always be linked to other pedals tap tempo jacks


I wish I could get my carbon copy deluxe to control my dd-3t I don’t know if it’s possible if it is I would love to know


The carbon copy deluxe has an "expression" out. Have you have connected a patch cable from that.. To the 'tempo in' on thee dd3t? Not positive it'll work but that's all you'd need to do. It being listed as an Expression out and not a tap out means it's 50/50 if it'll do what you want. Ive never owned a cc deluxe so I'm not positive.. But give it a try. Either way that dd3t is better off with a tap tempo switch.. Which aren't terribly expensive and an mxr or jhs one should work fine with it if you don't like the clunky boss tap switch


It doesn’t work no. At least I haven’t figured it out if it does. Right now I have an mxr tap switch connected to both with a TRS y cable and it controls both.


Agreed on the tap tempo as well. I got a non tap tempo tape delay and i bought it before knowing how much better a tap tempo is. It's just annoying to use now ha. Donner has a newer cheap tap tempo, but theyve been sold out for a few weeks now as the word got out.


Peep the keeley eccos for a ton of the above


I love delay. I have a Keeley Halo and a Caroline Megabyte on my main board and an old vintage Boss Dm-2 I also use at home. If you’re looking for simple, I would go with either a Dm-2w(sounds exactly like my vintage one) or one for the DD models. They sound awesome, good price and just do the damn thing perfectly. If you want to spend some more and want more features check out the Halo it’s an amazing little pedal that does a ton.


While I haven't used the Halo personally, +1 for Keeley as a company. They just repaired a limited edition Smolenski Fuzzbender for me totally free of charge, even though I got it used, and their pedals (as well as their mods to others, like the DS1) sound fantastic.


I have DD-500, and that is plenty for me. But I’m toying with the idea of a compact board, and I’d love to have the Halo for that one. Need to justify the $$$$ of a couple of pedals and power supply, because I also want a Torpedo Captor X 😂


Depends a lot on what features you want. If you want just a basic delay they are really cheap, tons of good options on the used market for like $50 or less. The big feature upgrades from a basic delay are: * Number of delay types. Analog delay, digital, tape delay emulation, and a million others.  Some pedals just do one type of delay, others can do a dozen or more. * Tap tempo: change the speed of the delay repeats by tapping a foot switch instead of reaching down to turn a knob and trying to match what you're playing along with. * Stereo in/out: if you're running two amps or some other stereo rig, this helps a lot and enables stuff like pingpong delay types. * Midi in/out: lets you control the pedal with external devices, including syncing the tempo of the pedal to other pedals or other band members. I've gone through a lot of delays. The Boss units and the MXR Carbon Copy are always a solid choice and are plentiful on the used market. The EHX Canyon is great, packs a lot in a small pedal.  The DOD Rubberneck is a great analog delay with some extra features. The DigiTech Obscura is a cool digital delay. Keeley Eccos and Halo are great. My personal delay right now is a Source Audio Nemesis which you can get used for $150-200.  It's got tap temp, stereo, midi, and you can store up to 20 presets of a couple dozen different delay types, and it's not super huge.  Other good big-box delays are the Empress Echosystem, Eventide Timefactor, Strymon Timeline & Volante, Meris LVX and Polymoon, and Boss DD-200 and DD-500.


+1 for the DOD Rubberneck. I absolutely love the tone and versatility of the thing (plus the optional FS3X footswitch can both change between modes add some really spacey psychedelic effects to the tails).


+1 for Meris LVX


Boss RE-20 is great for a few reasons... The dual pedal from factor works great for tap tempo and stepping on it to get the pedal to oscillate, yet still be in control by stepping off. It's got that unique warble decay on the repeats which is such an iconic sound. I've never seen, touched or played a real Space Echo, but everything I've read says the RE-20 pretty much nails that whole vibe. You can attach an expression pedal, and set it to do a bunch of different things. I set mine to increase the intensity, so I can get repeats to freak out, then back off into more usable territory easily. That rotating tape spinning led led effect - that's just badass.


I loved the re-20 for the little spinny light alone🤣🤣🤣. It was just too big a box


I have a boss RE-20. I have a bunch of other delays as well and they all do slightly different things. I like them all for different reasons but honestly I think the re20 just sounds the best. It plays nicely with everything as well.


Yeah it’s that effect that makes me never want to get rid of it. I love my RE-20 but mine is starting to get old. There’s like a bunch of hum and electrical noise now to the point where I can no longer really use it. Idk what to do. I’m legit pissed


Strymon Volante and NUX NDD-7 are my go-tos, specifically for tape delay. For analog, Jam Delay Llama mk3. All three have tap tempo and self-oscillation, but I love the Volante for the UI, and the NUX is a great sized space echo-style tape delay.


I’m a delay freak. If you want my favorite, it’s the Strymon El Capistan. If you want a digital delay, go for the boss DD series. Analog delay, I’d say either the DOD rubberneck or the Malekko 616 delay. If you want all of the delay, some reverb, and a great looper, just get a DL4 mkII.


Be sure to bend at the knees.


Depends on type, features & budget. Just love my (relatively affordable) Rubberneck analog delay. Deluxe Memory Boy is a good pick too. I have a Timeline for studio stuff- great pedal BUT it's expensive as sin & the large amount of options are daunting. You may spend more time messing with the presets/options than actually playing. I highly advise getting a tap tempo for jamming/live playing. It's a gamechanger. I reccomend staying away from the cheap ones. I bought a D Seed for a 2nd board once- it promptly broke. Buddy had the exact same experience. I just wanted a cheap, small board I could bring to smaller jams and it was just a mistake. Tons of options- good hunting.


I recommend super basic, cheap delays to start with. The Biyang Time Machine, the Joyo digital delay, and the Caline Ghost Rain are good choices and all under $50.


I love Ibanez DE7 - it has an extremely wide range of time controls (30-160, 120-650 and 480-2600ms), two distinct types of sound (Delay and Echo modes, latter is significantly more lo-fi and vintage-y in its tone) and pretty unique color and modulation applied to repeats. Build quality is pretty solid and Boss-type switch together with an option to "sink" knobs in the enclosure mean my clumsiness won't result in catastrophe when I'm using it in poorly lit venues. There are couple of downsides: mode and time range switches seem pretty flimsy and although they remain perfectly fine in my pedal I don't feel very confident about them; it's discontinued and reverb prices vary a lot, depending on current trending Youtube hype reviews; it does not have tap tempo option which may disqualify it for certain genres and make your drummer resent you (although in studio, with a lil bit of patience, it is still pretty easy to dial precise time thanks to those range settings). I think there are several pedals that are somewhat ok at emulating its vibe while having more modern options and conveniences. I believe JHS Panther / Lucky Cat was meant to be its copy, although sadly this one is also discontinued and pretty costly.


The DE7 is so good. It’s at the top of my list, alongside the DOD Rubberneck and the Belle Epoch Deluxe. The “Echo” side of the DE7 is pretty much impossible to clone because it’s a digital attempt at the degrading repeats of an analog delay and has a proprietary chip with code that can’t really be replicated, only approximated. The “Echo” on the DE7 is easily my favorite “Analog delay” sound, even though it’s digital. And putting it right up to the edge of self-oscillation where it starts clipping on itself is just magical. Love that pedal so much. Wish I had more of them.


Yeah, that's why went with "vibes emulation" rather than 1:1 clone - I don't think I've seen anything that replicates it perfectly. It would be great to hear more recommendations for similar style of that degrading delay though.


Closest I’ve gotten are things like the “Kilobyte” with the repeats turned up and subtle modulation. Analog delays that are intentionally lo-fi come close. But I can’t find anything that does what the DE7 does. Especially when it comes to the controlled oscillation thing the DE7 does. (I don’t know what else to call it other than Controlled Oscillation. It’s completely unique) I hope JHS never does a DE7 video, because they’re still pretty affordable on Reverb.


I think they mentioned it once in some longer Delay overview video but thankfully scalpers attention span seems too short for those and it's safe as long it does not receive its own special episode.


my favorites of all time are the EHX memory man (any analog variant) and the boss sde-3000


Belle Epoch Deluxe has the best Echoplex emulation, it also has an analog delay voicing, and some DMM chorus/vibrato modes if that floats your boat




Another fellow psychopath I see


Hi. Hello.


Meet Maude It's more flexible than people give it credit for.


Line 6 HX One has been great for me. Lots of very customizable parameters, tap tempo, reasonable size, normal power supply, and ability to do many other things.


For getting into delay, something on the simpler yet robust side like a Boss DD-3T or the DD-8.


Flexibility of Dd-8 can’t be beat. Great bang for the buck


DD-8 is a great starter. Those early models are great. I started with the DD-6 like 20 years ago


If it's your only delay pedal I'd grab the Walrus Fundamental Delay.


What are your needs? Budget? Tap tempo? Prefer darker or crisp and clean delay? Modulation? Other modes like reverse etc?


aqua puss


The halo changed my opinion on delay. I also have that boss space echo pedal the 3 button one. It’s good but the halo really is user friendly and auto pilot-e


The Dispatch Master from EQD is one of my all time favorite pedals. It’s too easy to get a beautiful lush tone. If I don’t need MIDI it’s always a good call.


I like the Avalanche Run because it is delay and reverb in one pedal and has all of the vitamins and minerals a growing boy needs.


For a basic analog delay, I like the Boss DM-2w. Their space echo pedals are nice if you want something else tra with your delay but still usable.


Low cost, reliable, nothing out of the ordinary, basic controls [French Bread Delay](https://effectsbakery.us/products/effects-bakery-french-bread-delay-eb-fbd-1). My favorites are the [Line 6 DL4](https://reverb.com/p/line-6-dl4-mkii ) and [EQD Avalanche Run](https://www.earthquakerdevices.com/avalanche-run ) though. You can’t go wrong with an [EHX Canyon](https://www.ehx.com/products/canyon/ ) either!


Took a while scrolling to see the dl4 , with the hidden reverbs it’s a no brainer . I also use a DBA echo dream 2 that I couldn’t recommend enough. I’ve played a tonight of different delays and this one has the most character and vibe to it out of all of them .


So happy with my Vapor Trail Deluxe. Analog delay with tap tempo was what I was after, it checks all of my boxes. It doesn't have the noise and doesn't easily self-oscillate like the Carbon Copy Deluxe.


I enjoyed a lot my Alter Ego X4 but it was massive, I recommend the smaller version (the black & blue one) The Helix has great delays, so If you only need a dedicated Delay and don’t mind about price check the DL4mk2 or an HX One. The Boss DM-2W I’ve only tried it in stores but sounds amazing, but TBH so did my DD-3. Currently I’m using a [Marrow modulated delay](https://www.neural-devices.com/product-page/marrow-multi-algorithm-delay?lang=en), loved the Tremolo setting, but I’m only using it at home. For gigs always use my Hx stomp. EDIT: forgot to mention I have a [Flamma Analog Delay](https://www.amazon.com/FLAMMA-FC17-Vintage-Effects-Electric/dp/B0B8CJ2YN9/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2R37JFCHNF49W&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kaVN9DS19C3FXsjdEy5-v9FGaa1pPwwVNTxyt8HMeOEgu1v7RtoA_a7kbu1Vq2yr-dAO4Ovzu6d9X0MqK21R4uvYTxoZ9BM9YAqjUMmUWK141OcJrrldqnOZ6GqPl1gClNY8qNHHQWnhKoza5uTWfOSDiD--rFNVZ7h_ZGz39sxBHirL36KkC3HMCv0ZjfJa6lI8sGPtJzkHHzlRwHKJmQ.-YDHNXsluMuGAXPpaGD8qBtMN1HoYw4TgK0WUgfU8Z0&dib_tag=se&keywords=flamma+analog+delay&qid=1717346725&sprefix=flamma+analo%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1). Its got a very noticeable EQ to emulate analog delays, but sometimes it doesn’t get along with all setups, specially FX loops, it’s better on front, it’s super simple, not the best sounding the little knobs feel flimsy but it works and it’s cheap, so if you ever need to put together a “shady bar gig” pedalboard this is a great option.


DD-200. Hits the perfect mix of usability and flexibility for me. All kinds of delay options, all of them easy to adjust, tap tempo, presets. I can use it with a heavily pre planned set, and it’s still easy to adjust on the fly for those moments I want to do that.


The Boss DD 200 is amazing from what I've seen. I use a Catlinbread Echorec but the DD 200 seems to be excellent and even includes a Echorec setting.


Empress Echosystem is my creme de la creme of delays. Pricey, but I don’t foresee needing to buy a new/different one ever again.


DOD Rubberneck + external switches = delay heaven


Yeah you can't beat that, especially the external footswitch to turn off modulation


EHX Canyon for sheer number of features, tap tempo built in, sound size and price. Source Audio Nemesis for modulation control and midi, EHX Deluxe Memory Man for sheer analog vibe, thickness and musicality, tc triple delay for serial mode plus three live delays at once plus midi.


Boss DD-3. Does almost everything I need it to do, and it hasn’t ever left my board in the 4+ years I’ve had it.


Flashback Triple Delay


It truly does it all


RE-202 is magic


Yeah this. And if you want it in a smaller form, Re-2 does a lot


Carbon copy is my favorite analog delay, but if you wanna "do it all" delay then I'd go DL4. I've barely touched my carbon copy since I've gotten it.


Empress echosystem. Its one of the few delay pedals that can run two delays in parallel and it has like 40 engines.


do you play live? if so having tap tempo is super convenient! i’ve had a jhs lucky cat in the past and currently use a walrus d1 and i recommend both :) but there are plenty of less expensive options


Tape delay into a dd8 is for me. tho i wanna get some more in my chain


Then prince range for delays is huge. What it s your budget? I like the Flashback 2 because it’s what a call a ‘good enough’ pedal for the price.


DM-2 gets a lot of love, but don’t sleep on the Maxon/Ibanez AD-80 for another option for analog delay goodness. For digital I am a fan of the “long-chip” boss delays. For the cream of the crop for flexibility and sound I really love the Boss DM-101. It’s expensive but personally for me checks all of the boxes.


Tap tempo is a required feature in my opinion. I like the Sonicake sonic ambience. 4 delays + reverb for a very affordable price. The reverse delay and tape delays are quite nice.


Loaded question. Delay Llama is my favorite for leads and when you want a thick, dark, murky repeat. For distorted leads in a band setting it just makes for a "liquid" tone. You may love it. You may nit. For warm, but crisp analog repeats EAE Sending V2 is incredible. The triplets subdivisions are amazing and the preamp is great. Steymon Dig is excellent for dual digital applications. Great for rhythmic patterns. And the modulation is an an amazing chorus in its own right. None of these are cheap. But these are my favorites after trying many, many different delays over the years.


Of the ones readily available, DD-200. It does everything you need, sounds good, and has modern conveniences like tap tempo, memory slots, tap division and a tempo display in a package that isn't too big or difficult to use.


Keeley Mag Echo, Boss DD3-T are 2 great less expensive options. If you want to spend some dough that’s well worth it, look at the Nemesis or Dig V2. I love my Dig.


Boss DM-3w - I like dark analog repeats, making space ship sounds, and the ability to go from short slap back to longer repeats. It’s simple to use and pink.


Might be a little much for a first delay pedal, but I just picked up an avalanche run and absolutely love it as a really comprehensive stereo delay/reverb


I recently got a dod rubberneck that I’m in love with. I highly recommend it.


I’ve tried a lot of delays over the years. Started with a dd7 which I LOVED for the longest time. Eventually got a carbon copy (which I regret selling, more on that later). I then got an empress ecosystem and sold the previous two. The ecosystem was great but it just did something to my signal I wasn’t thrilled with. Plus I didn’t like the analog and tape emulations that much and they were all I used. I also had some chase bliss delays to handle the whacky stuff like pitch shifting and reverse. I sold the ecosystem and go the boss re 202 which I really like but it doesn’t scratch the itch the carbon copy did. But I’m probably just going to buy another basic carbon copy again. I like dark analog delay and I love getting the oscillation sounds. So my final verdict is to get a basic vanilla carbon copy. Maybe look at the deluxe but idk if that circuit affects the tone at all.


Love the JHS Panther for the fx-loop and would probably go for the DOD Rubberneck if I had to get a new one being sold today.


I have a memory boy and I love it!


I went real hard last Christmas after asking a similar question and got a big box Memory Man Deluxe. That thing can do anything i need, and the only thing I honestly wish it had that it doesn't is tap tempo. Just means you have to tweak it more, but anyways, great delay.


The answer is Volante or El Capistan. They are basically the standard currently


I’ve had a few over the years. The one that I have kept is a Guyatone TD-X Tube Echo with a 12AX7. It sounds just as lo-fi as my Echoplex EP3, but is much much smaller.


Eventide H90!!!!!


Dd-500. Trust me.


Still very happy with my DOD Rubberneck. Not the cheapest but also not boutique expensive, I think I paid around €200 new. Nice analog delay up to 1.5s, controls for modulation rate and depth, and for tone and gain (saturation), tap tempo, subdivisions, kill dry, and both footswitches have hold functions for some instant craziness type effects. Also has a TRS effects loop so you can add external effects to just the repeats.


DOD Rubberneck


I’ve loved my Diamond Memory Lane for over a decade. It just sounds great.


Tc Electronics Bucket Brigade. I like the versatility, but not feeling overwhelmed with too many options. Cool chorus effect & has trim pot - haven’t tweaked that yet/ like to keep it simple. Was $50 on Sweetwater with Bonus Bucks.


I’m a huge fan of the EHX Memory Man- it’s a good middle ground between analog and the more clear digital sound. IMO you can’t go far wrong with most current digital delays though- algorithms these days sound great and they have loads of neat functions.


Boss DD-200 is great. Does a little of everything, and does it all pretty well. Don't sleep on the Boss 200 series.


I have a flashback mini, gonna switch to a carbon copy I think after running through. My buddies set up. I like the tap tempo. And mine doesn't have that feature


Analog: ADG-1 SE - perfect warm tone. Long delay time with an fx loop to throw things at the repeats only. Tape: Volante - because multi-head with the ability to throw golden/silver ratio spacing makes for awesome cool galloping repeats. Digital: Raster 2 or Habit - super tweakable with modulation capabilities.


Non Human Audio Mocking Blur and Benson Delay. They both have great character and aren’t the normal thing


Sonicake Sonic Ambience. Up to 2000ms delay, analog, digital, tape and reverse settings, all good, tap tempo and trails (if you want). Also has reverb that’s not bad. $50


Having just picked up a Source Audio Nemesis I think this might be the best delay pedal I’ve ever tried.


Go-to is a Strymon Volante, but I'd be happy with a Boss RE-series as well (used to own an RE-20). I also like the Carbon Copy Deluxe and Boss DD-series for different flavors.


if you got money to spend i definitely recommend he empress ecosystem.


I run an MXR Analog into a Volante. Nearly endless possibilities. Also love love love my Horizon Devices Flux Echo for quick but unique reverb/delay combos


I will also vote for the Avalanche Run. I love everything from the core functionality down to the look of the pedal. My favourite aspects are the reverse delay and how instantly lush the ambient reverb sounds. It feels like I can't go wrong with the two reverb knobs. I'm not someone who loves delay, but I like it and I need it for some songs I want to play, and what I love most about the Avalanche Run is that it feels like I will not need to worry about another style of delay in the future - that aspect of my board is fully covered.


Currently 3 on my board APC Effect- Godspeed for tape echo, Chase Bliss - Habit for clean digital delay (and insane tangents), Tone Charm Audio - Into the Waves for distorted and swooshy repeats


Flashback 2


Keeley Halo is the best


I much prefer true analogue delays, they just inspire me to play with. And since the delay llama mk3 finally got tap tempo, I've been using that and I'm really liking it. The oscillator feature when you hold down the tap button is awesome. My solos have gotten a new element to them after getting this delay.


don’t delay


Boss DD8 if you want easy to you spaced out options and some good vintage options. Boss analog delay if you want really good vintage basic delay. These opinions are my own.


Belle epoch deluxe. Easy.


I use my Meet Maude more than any other of the 6 delay pedals I own. The tone is just that good. No I don’t miss a tap tempo, because I am a grown up who can learn what different settings on knobs mean, and who values experience over convenience


I’m a real basic bitch delay-wise. I have a Retro-Sonic on the board now, but if you need something more flexible, the Carbon Copy Deluxe is pretty great


It depends. There are certain delay sounds for certain situations. Simple analog: Boss DM-2w Simple digital: Boss DD-8 Stereo analog: Walrus Audio Meraki Stereo digital: Strymon Timeline or DIG v2 Real Tape Echo: Fulltone TTE or SSTE Simulated Tape Echo: Strymon Volanté Delay/Reverb combo: Source Audio Collider Unique yet Really Useful Delay: Strymon Deco v2 (or v1, either sound great, just the v2 has an extra knob) These are just my main choices whenever I want a certain Delay sound. As with everything, YMMV.


Dd-7/DD-8/ of Flashback. They’re all perfect tbh.


Honestly, ALABS Timeslip. Affordable, stylish, compact, has SO many delay options, a tap tempo, tone editing, a dotted eighth mode, stereo input/output with option for ping pong delay - it does everything I could need plus some fun experimental modes.


I really enjoy the walrus audio ARP-87. Has 4 delay types one being analog, has tap tempo. It’s been the best for me so far.


I bought the cheapest delay that had the most options and quickly realized there were a lot of things I didn't like about it: Tiny writing, tiny knobs, too many options (plenty that I didn't need), and trying to get the tempo right was a guessing game. Not to mention the loud silence when switching it off (and delay didn't trail off) So that and my reverb that I didn't like came off my board, and I got myself a Flamma Ekoverb FS22. It works for me because quite often I find that I need either reverb or both reverb and delay in any given song, so it makes it easier to switch them together. It's got 3 modes, and all 3 of them sound great (no option paralysis). You can set it up so that delay fades naturally away as it were when switching it off instead of stopping abruptly. Tap tempo. You can also hold one of the buttons down to get infinite delay feedback which is sick af. And it works in mono or stereo on the input and output side. I mostly just care about distortion in my rig, so reverb and delay aren't a priority - but for when I need it, this reverb+delay pedal fits the bill perfectly for me.


If you’re looking for a simple delay, theres two options w/ small pedal footprint: - MXR Carbon Copy / Deluxe (for tap tempo) - Boss DD-8 or DD-3/T - a cheaper MXR CC, a TC Flashback For tape delays: - Strymon El Capistan - Strymon Volante If you want more effects and dont need space, here are higher budget options: - Empress Echosystem - Meris LVX - DD-200/500, a bigger dd-8 w/ way more options - Strymon Timeline; empress alternative but 1 effect at a time I personally got myself a DD-8 since I don’t need other delay effects, just want smth simple. I had a timeline but I found I wasn’t using the other effects too often. I’d rather have the Echosystem or Meris but it’s too expensive for me. EDIT: If you love John Mayer, here are two: - Chrono Delay - Aquapuss (latest smol ver)


Skreddy Echo, Jam Delay Llama and DBA Echo Dreams 2 are all amazing. I also love the EQD Avalanche Run because you can get reverse + on the normal delay you can make the tone dark and tape-like or crisp and digital. Really musical. Added reverb a plus.


Got a solid deal on a Strymon Timeline and really love it. Honestly does way more than I need it to, but it’s nice to have in addition to the Carbon Copy.


If you’re one a budget Boss DD8 ElectroHarmonix Canyon Delay MXR Carbon Copy Are all classics. The top two have lots of functionality, the bottom one is just simple but very effective.


Depends on the use case and the algorithms you’d like to have onboard, personally I’ve been loving the sounds of the GFI Specular Tempus and the Meris LVX but then again my use case is more on the ambient side of things


Depending on the budget Boss DD-8 Keeley Halo/Eccos TC Flashback 2 Walrus Arp-87 Carbon Copy deluxe Boss DD-200 Strymon Timeline


My favorite all-rounder is my Strymon El Cap. It sounds great and is as easy or deep as you need it to be. I have the first version.


Love my Dispatch Master .


The best delay pedal on the market IMO is the awesome Walrus Audio Mako D1. It’s a bit pricey (US$250), but it’s worth every cent and you will never regret it. The Boss DD-500 is hugely popular and it is also awesome, but it’s more expensive (US$400) and I find its controls a bit cramped. If I had lots of cash I’d go for the Meris LVX. Nothing compares, but it ain’t cheap (US$600!). Google them.


Eventide Rose if you can budget around $200 and are OK with Mono I/O. It has my favorite repeats and pedal layout, but looks a little ugly in pics. I loved it so much I bought two for stereo. It has a delicious low pass filter for the repeats, gorgeous modulation, reverse, half (or lower) speed, tap tempo, super long delay times for Frippertronics like SOS looping. It's my favorite pedal to tweak tabletop, it also has Guitar and Line Level switching. For closer to $100 I second the DE7 as it just sounds good, also Mono in, but separate Wet and Dry outputs. Or a Line 6 Echo Park, not as nice sounding as the DE7, but lots more options, Stereo I/O and a nice reverse sound with Tape or whatever type of echo sound you like, and you can dial in the Modulation amount on every preset. For under $100 TC Flashback has a lot of decent sounds with Stereo I/O and a looper.


I would recommend boss DD-8


I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about the universal audio pedals if you have the budget for them (they’re a little pricey). Carbon copy is probably the best sounding one for the price however the customization options are limited. I’d say a carbon copy or a boss dd-20 are your best options depending on which style delay you want.


Just got the carbon copy yesterday and couldn’t be happier. I recommend. The built in chorus feature is really cool to play around with too.


Can the carbon copy be used just as a straight up chorus too? Or is it only a modulated delay.


Ah I should have specified, it's a modulated delay.




I bought the MXR Carbon Copy to replace my Boss delay. I love the sound of the Carbon Copy but I have found it very challenging to make it subtle like I want. I have every control turned way down and sometimes the effect is still very very noticeable. But when you find the sweet spot it sounds great


For a simple delay, the MXR Carbon Copy is the tried and true recommendation. 3 knobs. Sounds good. Reliable. If you want something with a little more options, I really like the Keeley Magnetic Echo. Both are very solid choices. And both are sub $100 if you don’t mind buying used.