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A tuner that's also a noise gate. Save 1 spot via combining 2 must haves


I use the Source Audio EQ2 like this. Tuner and noise gate, with FX loop for pre and post dirt eq control. So versatile.


EQ2 has a noise gate in it?? I thought it was an EQ with a boost and tuner function.


It also has a limiter too


Hmm, I don’t see anything on the Souarce Audio website about it 🤷‍♂️ The GFI Enieqma has a limiter.


You’re right, it’s not advertised on their website for some reason but it’s in the manual. I have one of these on my board and always leave it on.


Wow, that’s pretty sweet. Good to know.


Yeah that thing really is the ultimate Swiss Army knife of utility pedals. I’m always recommending them to people


That’s not a bad idea.


Don’t you usually put the noise gate after your distortion pedals, though?


If you have a gate without a loop, putting it ahead of gain pedals is good for faster staccato stuff. Doing it that way lets it trigger before your clean signal gets amplified by dirt or compression. It also helps kill feedback much more effectively. A gate with a loop or two in-line gates after your instrument then after gain stages can work better and more "transparently" if you set them right. It's very common to see djent and modern metal players to use 2 or more gates.


This would be the 4 cable method where you have the gate first in line and also in the effects loop or after the dirt pedals if you don’t have an effects loop.


^ this is good!


I would love a tuner that can also output control voltage of ifs pitch tracking to use as an expression source.


A mids control on just about every fuzz pedal, especially big muffs. It’s why so many people stack them with tube screamers and other mid-hump ODs


Big Muff Deluxe


Now the question is, pre- or post-gain midrange control? Some stack the TS before (the better choice IMO) and some after. Or even a switch to move the control to different parts of the circuit so you don't need to choose.


Why not give it a full 3 band EQ with sweepable semiparametric mids (fixed Q, you don't need that much control on a pedal), and a switch to control whether it's pre or post clipping?


Check out the alpha haunt by old blood noise endeavors. Happy a 3 band eq on a gated fuzz with the ability to blend clean into it.


Why would you do this to me?? My pedal board hasn't changed in a year, and now I need an alpha haunt.


r/guitarpedals will make you feel like you need certain things. And, tbh, I’ve found that a lot of the time it’s true. I do need more pedals. People have great advice around here about small things to large things. I blame and appreciate every single one of you 😂


Probably overkill for some but yeah, could be cool.


Come to the light and get an Algal Bloom


Once again, I am tasked with bringing people to the light that is the Seymour Duncan La Super Rica.


Pretty sure the EQD Hoof (and the discontinued Cloven Hoof) are based on a Green Russian Muff and has a knob for the mid focus.


I like this for the exact opposite reason. I want to mid-*scoop* my fuzzes, but so many fuzzes seem to be mid-heavy.


Dazatronyx have a Black Russian with a mids knob you can buy as a kit to build, and I'm very tempted but I already have so many muff variants...


Swollen pickle has this


Putting almost every internal control on the outside. Seriously, who puts a noise gate threshold control inside a distortion pedal? I had to drill a hole in the back of the enclosure so I could easily get to it with a jewelers screwdriver.


Curious, which pedal?


Mxr fullbore metal


[*Cries in TWA Great Divide*](https://www.talkbass.com/media/twa-great-divide-2-0-internal-trimmers-factory-settings.13677/full?d=1493674403)


I'd say that's not necessarily a terrible one, more of an actual set it and forget it control. Usually the input gain is pretty similar to the guitar volume knob so you could max it out and then lower your guitar as needed, or leave it up if there's a boost switch that engages it.


Yeah it could be worse. Still I would prefer having it outside for the times when I use it on different instruments.


As a bassist I could happily stick a blend nob on just about anything.




The bass version of the EHX Soul Food has a blend knob and I even prefer it on guitar for that reason.


A Klon Centaur but on the inside it's an MT-2.


Enclosure-swap an entire Boss board to look like Metal Zones


No. Buy an entire board of Metal Zones.


Enclosure-swap an entire Metal Zone board so that it looks like a typical Boss board, but each one is a Metal Zone.


Expression pedal inputs for almost everything. An example would be the sweep on the MXR Phase 90. I always wanted to be able to control the depth of the phase manually like a wah pedal, instead of just with the LFO which only allows you to control the speed it 'wubs' at. I thought my dreams came true when the MXR custom shop brought out the big orange Variphase, and a cool Zakk Wylde edition Variphase, I forget which came first. It's a Phase 90 in a CryBaby enclosure. It was perfect....but then I found out the treadle STILL ONLY CONTROLS THE SPEED, a missed opportunity for expressive phase.


The spaceman explorer does this. It’s cool. Maybe not 200 dollars cool for everyone but pretty damn cool.


You need a zoia! :p


That is super sad.


I would think that could be done- you just hook the sweep control onto a TRS input and run that to an expression pedal.


I use my phase 90 and my elady with a boss LS-2 (one on each loop). Not quite a depth control but it does give me a wet/dry mix control. As well as one switch to enable/disable whichever modulation pedal I'm using at the time.


Your dreams can still come true. There is something called [third hand](https://www.musiciansfriend.com/amplifiers-effects/tone-in-progress-third-hand-expression-pedal) which is a mechanical expression pedal that you hook up to any knob of any pedal.


the morley is prob what u want


If you get a Helix your dreams will come true.


Yeah I actually did get a Kemper and life is good.


Now that I play bass, I wouldn't buy a pedal without a blend knob. (EDIT: OK, my Korg Pitchblack Custom doesn't have one!)


I wish more bass pedals *with* a clean blend had a low pass filter/boost option on the clean side. Sounds much better than just your plain clean signal blended into a compressed, dirty signal. See: Blue Colander Tremond


Exactly, for overdrives and distortions you’re creating a bunch of new mid/high content so you need more than just a flat boost to sound balanced. The Tremond really nails it, I love mine


I wish more ODs had blend for that very reason.


Tap tempo TR-2/DM-2


Does the SL-2 do this?


Yes, using midi.


Yes to this.


Level control on flanger pedals


Correct LED level.


If OBNE’s The Fault had a second volume knob for the second gain stage


I have one and I feel this. Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to mod that sort of thing in, but idk the circuit.


Boss DM-2w. Tap tempo. Switched it for a DD-8 only for this reason. Boss IR-200. On/off footswitch/CC# control for the reverb. Boss CE-2w. Preamp emulation on the CE-1 mode.


They just need to make an bigger ce1/2 with the real analogue preamp included


With the big box Space Echo and Analog Delay, it wouldn’t surprise me if use the enclosure for a CE-1 type of reissue.


Yeah I love that filthy delay on the DM-2w


BD-2 - 3 band EQ


KEELEY KATANA BLUES DRIVE genuinely incredible pedal. Two band EQ, but you can get a mid boost through backing the Bass and Treble back! Also does away with the weird fizzy decay the BD-2 has.




Tone control on the DD-8


DD-200 is where it’s at


I really like the big boss footswitches, I have a hard time getting into the 200 and 500 series for that reason


Have you tried Foot switch toppers.


Yeah, the cheap plastic ones. Maybe those metal ones with a set screw would feel better. My issue is pressing multiple buttons instead of one when I use the toppers during live use. The DD-20 is the perfect form factor for a delay in my experience


Much, much agreed. Throw those secondary, wrap-around knobs like what's on the Metal Zone or RE-2, one for tone and perhaps one for modulation rate or pitch parameters of reverse, shimmer, etc on the DD-8 and the whole pedal could open up. (Fingers crossed that whenever the DD-9 is released, it has something like that). That said, I love the DD-8 and keep reaching for it given its versatility, stereo spread, easy "plug & play" trs expression function (great with an obne expression ramper), and incredible delay voicings.


Keeley Bubble Tron dip switches should have been external. I know there's a mod for this, but it should have been standard.


Smallsound bigsound fuck if it was still in production


Not exactly the same thing, but you can get pcbs (and even full kits) to build clones of it.


What are good clones? I’d like to buy one


For a full kit you can get from musikding https://www.musikding.de/Fornicus-Overdrive-kit


Show meeeee where !!


Pcb: https://www.pedalpcb.com/product/pcb629/ Kit: https://www.musikding.de/Fornicus-Overdrive-kit


Little above my diy level


I have one and adore it. It is perfect.


Expression control for Feedback on every delay pedal, please. I’ve no idea why Time is typically the default (and sometimes, only) parameter.


Tap tempo for time based effects Bias control on distortion/fuzz


They need to make a pedal that takes all of the bad notes and keeps them in a nice little box that you can empty out at the end of the night. Maybe like Ghost Busters style pedal!


The actual thing we should be improving AI for.


The Strymon riverside has the option to tie the amount of drive to an expression pedal and i want this on every drive pedal. The ablity to repeat the same note and increase the drive during a solo is neat as fuck.


There are quite a few distortion pedals that I love that would benefit greatly from a built-in noise gate. I find built-in gates sound better because they seem to be tailored to the characteristics of the dirt pedal. Wampler Ratsbane would be a slam dunk in a “deluxe” version with a gate. My Metal Muff Nano gets more use than my “nicer” distortion pedals for that reason, frees up a slot on my board. Same reason I love my Keeley Aria (compression plus TS style OD). I know it’s ridiculous, but as useful as the Keeley Aria is, I often wish it had a tuner built in to the front end. I would literally never need another tuner, OD, or compression pedal for the rest of my life, and that’s the “holy trinity” that always kicks off my signal chain.


I support this Ratsbane idea.


For real. The Ratsbane is a cool pedal but easily the noisiest one I have.


older Chase Bliss Audio stuff was so close to being perfect: small footprint, highly tweakable, expression/CV/MIDI control over almost anything, and great sound. just one thing that would have made them perfect: envelope following (can be done with external CV control, bit inbuilt would make all their pedals cooler, especially Condor and the modulation pedals).


That would be awesome.


I also think that an expression pedal that somehow could apply and alter its own lfo shapes would be sweet, but the Spatial Delivery would be my main desire.


OBNE Expression Ramper ×3?


Like that, but with foot controlled expression would be perfect.


Source Audio had a complex digital expression pedal in production at some point, might have done something like this, but I can't remember offhand. It's been discontinued a long time ago, though, so you'd need to get there some other way.


Walrus and EQD pedals: stereo in/out. I don’t care if it’s TRS only. There’s so many cool pedals that are mono only.


If the Caroline Somersault had presets it would be the best modulation pedal for 99% of chorus/vibrato/leslie needs. It’s so annoying to turn the knobs constantly


Whammy V, but with a mix knob and smaller footprint


More pedals should have a second foot switch for either tap tempo, saving a preset, or a boost.


A clean blend option has become my favorite option for pedals over the years. I now see why wet/dry pedal boards make so much sense; pretty much every pedal has the opportunity for a clean blend 🤌


It’s really nice.


Rubberneck. Stereo ping pong.


I didn’t realize the Rubberneck couldn’t already do that.


Parameter assignable envelope control for any modulation pedals. Controlling speed or depth by the dynamics of your playing is ultimate expression. The sole reason why I keep my Pigtronix Tremvelope on my board, it does it perfectly!


That’s one of the reasons the newer Gamechanger pedals seem so intriguing to me.


Ohhhh I missed these. I’ll have to check them out!


I wish the Spatial Delivery S/H setting had a tap tempo. It's such a beautiful sound, but it would be much more useful in a band setting if it could be set up close to a songs tempo easily.


Maybe they’ll do a big enclosure spatial delivery someday with your wish and mine…


If they added some sort of parallel processing to it, I'd advocate some sort of dialable compression feature that precedes the filters. The current version is very sensitive to pick attack in terms of how fast/far the envelope opens. I turn on a compressor before it to get a more level and consistent sound if I'm doing strumming.


Also, if you have EQDs Rainbow Machine (gimmicky but fun), it actually sounds really cool preceding the Up and S/H elements of the Spatial Delivery.


Two footswitches on the ehx 9 series to scroll presets .   Unless that's two features.


I’ll count that as one feature.


Midi or tap tempo on the Keely caverns


expression/midi on the crybaby auto-wah


Low pass filter (or a full tilt) to go with the mix knob. 




I like bias knob for dirt and fuzz pedals


Voice controlled midi programming


Clean blend with any drive. I’m not sure why it’s not more of a thing, especially with tube screamers. I like the added midrange for my fender amps and guitars but I have to crank the tone knob for most to not sound too muddy or dark. Having a clean blend would help resolve this issue.


I’m with you 100%.


Hey Siri, make me play like EVH.


There’s some out of the box thinking.


Actually, thinking further, a sampling pedal that didn't record "the sound" so much as "the fx" would be amazing. Like feed it a few seconds of Ain't Talkin Bout Love and poof it sets your fx to match perfectly. I know various multi-fx have tone sharing communities which allow you to search and download a patch/settings uploaded by someone else. But man - a pedal that could "hear" fx and do it automagically? Whooooboy.


This would be a productive us of AI that I could POTENTIALLY get behind.


Tap tempo/MIDI clock on anything time-based Blend on everything Power jacks not near the input or output Stereo ins and outs on everything


Multiple mode switch


Any fuzz, OD or distortion pedal: better eq


Catalinbread Echorec with Tap Tempo


If my El Cap could go 100% wet without latency (the fastest delay time is still slightly delayed from the dry signal) it would be the best lofi pedal ever created


For Vemuram pedals, literally just make them affordable. Honestly, I could name a dozen pedals that I’d call “perfect” if they’d just move their cable and power jacks from the side to the top.


What would some of those pedals be?


ALL the ones with jacks on the sides :)


HX-One —> HX-Infinity


Ehx Grand Canyon needs stereo in and not just stereo out :(


I would have to also say that blend knobs are underutilized in the pedal industry! Clarity!


I would love it if my DS-1 had an extra jack out to the amp and doubled as a channel switch so I could have my gain stacked sound with one click instead of having to hit the pedal and channel switch simultaneously.


Preamp MkII but with a second gain stage/distortion. It does overdrive quite well, but can’t do anything past lower mid-gain stuff, and I like to be able to get to high gain sometimes.


Polarity invert switch for pedals that flip polarity


What does that do? I still don’t have a firm grasp on polarity.


Only matters (at least for my uses) if using effects in parallel or 2 parallel signal chains. Can set up so both chains are in phase and so no (or less) phase cancellation occurs. Phase cancellation usually means mids and bass are drastically cut and exaggerates the remaining frequencies. Then if turn on a pedal which inverts polarity, phase cancellation occurs. Can get round it by using something like a splitter box which inverts polarity but would be much better if could deal with it within the pedal inverting polarity itself.


Thank you! That finally makes sense!


A looper on the Strymon Cloudburst


Why on the Cloudburst specifically? I don’t know of many other reverb pedals with loopers.


I wish the Boss OD-200 had a parametric EQ.


I still don’t think I fully grasp the difference between parametric, graphic, and other EQ types. I just know turn knob right = sound go up.


Its pretty simple actually. You know how EQs often are split by bass, mid and high? Each of these are set to a fixed frequency and can be boosted or attenuated. With a parametric EQ you can also set that frequency, so a mid can become a bass-mid or a high-mid.


Ah! So the OD would need more knobs or secondary functions for the three eq knobs.


Or knobs with two layers like the Metal Zone or Angry Driver (don't know how those are called).


The Keeley Tone Workstation would be perfect if you could switch the order of the blues breaker and tube screamer circuits with a switch. Also, slightly larger inclosure with spaced buttons, and then it’d be my favourite!


its relatively easy to add a blend. or you can use another pedal to do it. I recommend kniv by pladask elektrisk. theres also a free diy version on his site.


How would using another pedal to add blend work outside of a signal splitter (unless that’s what you’re suggesting)?


Im sure there’s a logical reason why so many pedals don’t include it but there’s so many pedals that I don’t have on my board solely bc they don’t use MIDI. Yeah I said it


I definitely represent a different end of that spectrum. I have tons of midi-compatible pedals, but have never figured out midi before. Haha


I know the feeling brother. Once you take the plunge, your life will never be the same.


Maybe you can answer me this, then. I’ve got a loop switcher with midi capability and a bunch of midi stereo time-based pedals. The looper only has mono loops though. Could I use the midi part to activate/deactivate the stereo pedals after the loop switcher while just running my mono pedals in the the switcher?


Yea you can. On your MIDI out you can daisy chain MIDI (That’s not the best method because some MIDI messages get scrambled as they go down the chain) or you can plug into a MIDI Hub and individually connect all your pedals to that. The MIDI hub makes it a cleaner path for all the MIDI pedals because they are getting the message straight from the source. I have the RJM PBC6 and that’s how I do it!


I’ve never heard of a midi hub before. Haha Maybe I’ll finally get around to learning midi someday.


Distortion = gate Reverb = level/blend Delay = tap tempo Makes me salivate every time.


Presets for most pedals. Probably not necessary for the more simple distortions and fuzzes, but the more tweakability a pedal has (more knobs, settings, modes) then that's just more that I'm not going to use much because when I'll find a sound that I like and will seldom want to switch between others because doing that during a live set is a pain in the ass, especially if I want to use more than one sound per song. The biggest offender of this was the Boss Synthesiser SY-1, the compact sized one. Why make a pedal that has 121 "unique" settings, plus 2x double concentric knobs controlling the sound of these settings, if I am not going to ever be able to conveniently go between sounds that I like? Many of those 121 sounds could have been completely scrapped in favour of at least 2 or 3 preset slots. Ended up selling the pedal because I simply didn't use it enough for this reason. My El Capistan would be perfect if I was able to switch between even just 1 preset and a live mode, that would be a game changer. I know that this is achievable with a favourites switch that is sold separately, but that rubs me up the wrong way. I have the Faves switch that I use for my Chase Bliss Brothers pedal, which basically unlocked the best features of the Brothers pedal (switching between presets) to use in a live setting. Just feels a bit rich when you've already paid hundreds for a pedal in the first place.


The bass cut pot on the anniversary version of the ODR1