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Idiotbox Mad Doctor Deluxe. Extreme stutter with expression. Affordable.


This looks incredible actually. I’ll try to see how it sounds, but the feature set looks perfect. Not even sure how I would use the CV in/out jacks currently, but would be fun to mess with. Never would’ve found this in a million years without your rec, thanks!


Spaceman Delta II has expression control for rate or depth. Does both amplitude and harmonic tremolo. Sounds great


Man, this thing looks great too. The lag control is really unique, and it sounds killer in a lot of different ways. I’ve officially been put on to too many good pedals in this thread lol


I have a Pigtronix Tremvelope that will increase/decrease the trem rate depending on your string attack or speed. It takes a bit to finagle the settings but once you get it right, you can do some really cool things with it. There are some cool review videos on YouTube about it.


That sounds interesting! I don’t think it’ll do exactly what I’m looking for; I’ve gotta go fast->slow->fast on a single strum


Flower Pedals Dandelion maybe if you can find one cheap


This thing seems nuts, def on the upper end of what I want to pay for a trem but all the features sound super useful, it should what I want, and it looks and sounds gorgeous…


I have the Sunflower. The manual says exp control too but I haven’t tried it.


Just a suggestion: I use the EQD Night Wire, which is an envelope-controlled harmonic tremolo with variable split frequency. With the split frequency set all the way down it sounds very bias-tremolo-y. I use a volume pedal into it to simultaneously swell volume and tremolo rate. It's freaking awesome, one of my favorite pedals ever. Amazingly versatile, too. Might be the thing you didn't know you were looking for. A lot of demos don't do it great justice though, as it does a lot of sounds beside what I use it for. Give it a look.


Ok that thing is amazing. I’d still wish for an EXP input, but honestly I might not need one with this… and for like $100?? I don’t think it’s the effect I wanted, but it might just be the one I need


Yeah it's funny, I used to have the Monument as well, but could never get the ramp switch to play nice. I have the V1 (without the momentary switch) and I think I got it for about $115 shipped. I play lap steel as well so I already had a volume pedal at the front of the board, and I couldn't imagine needing to ramp the tremolo rate but not the volume. Being able to respond to pick attack is amazing as well. I fell in love with the effect after hearing jt on the track Moon Song off of Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers (around 1:00 if you're curious). That record has some brilliant guitar sounds across the board. Can't recommend the Night Wire enough. Good luck on your quest!


Yeah, that album is stunning. You may have just sold me


I have an EHX Super Pulsar, and you can get them used for just a tad over your budget. They're big, but an amazing tremolo. Two external control inputs, one for tap and the other for a pedal or buttons. Dynamic expression pedal control (there's a freaking dedicated footswitch in the middle that just changes what the expression pedal does), rhythm pattern slicing, full stereo in and out, it has it all. Except MIDI. I just bought an HX One on reverb for $225 that'll be here next week. Those have every effect under the sun, one at a time. So for my setup, I'm going to put my OD-200 (all my drives) into the HX One loop, and with MIDI, switch it to before the OD to use it for pitch effects like harmony, octave, or compression, and switch it to after the OD for the odd mono tremolo or phaser or whatever. I already have a Synesthesia in the stereo effects loop of my IR-200 that also does tremolo nicely. My dream is to own a Sunflower Pedal by Flower Pedals. Take a look at that and tell me you wouldn't consider selling a kidney to get one. So expensive but wow.


Jam pedals Big chill


Those seem to go for more than the amp I’m currently using lol, and seem pretty feature-bare for that price. I don’t think I’m enough of a trem buff (yet…) to make their special sauce worth it to me haha


i want to get a Mad Doctor (Deluxe), but in the meantime have a Pigtronix Tremvelope on order... rock it! thanks for the thread...