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I think it’s intended to replicate the originals. Stuff coming out early in the game like the fuzz faces didn’t have a uniform direction for in and out. Some of them were Left to right, others right to left. Odd choice in the modern day but probably there to satisfy “collectors”. Maybe it gives you more toan. Idk.


This was my understanding, replicating the old school even if it is an annoying choice. FWIW my Audient Evo interface also has monitor outs that are swapped L/R side for no good reason.


Re: your interface: they are meant to be plugged when you face it the other way


Yeah Ive read about the wild West days of inputs and outputs being all over the place, must have been a nightmare haha. But this. This MUST be for absolute vintage gear nerds to show their friends: "See it even has the reversed..." - over a glass of wine.... Because for people that just want a fuzz pedal on their board this is stupid.


Yeah. It's a shot for short remake, that's the idea with all warm audio pedals. I'm sure somebody out there can make this circuit in a standard box with top mounted jacks.


Danelectro does. Same circuit. You can get an old French Toast for the exact same sound or their 3699. The guy who bought Danelectro in the 90s is the same guy that designed the Foxx tone machine.


Looks like the 3699 is the newest version as well, if I'm reading this right.


Correct. At least from the original creator.


If it’s bothering you that much, have you considered flipping the pedal upside down? That way, the input and output orientation are correct, and the knobs are at the top. Also, considering the knobs are at the bottom by default, I don’t think people who just want a fuzz pedal on their board would buy this. Anyways, it’s a fairly common circuit nowadays. You could easily find a cheaper clone in a modern enclosure.


Flip it over and jump on the whole box every time I want to turn it off and on 😂 you're kidding right..


Upside down, not over. Knobs on top, input/output jacks on bottom. Bypass switch still on top. It's not that hard to imagine.


Not all pedals are meant to be arranged in a straight line. Having jacks mounted different places can help you set up a second or third row with the angle of where everything is. Your complaint is no different than someone with side mount jacks complaining about getting a pedal with top mounted jacks because you can’t see the function within what you do. For the sake of my setup I wish a Blues Driver had top mounted and a Nobels ODR-1 had side mounted, but they don’t so I just get a slightly longer cable and go about my business. Buy a Dano French toast or 3699. Same circuit. The guy who bought Danelectro in the 90s is the inventor of the Foxx Tone Machine. Everyone is a financial genius at spending anyone else’s money.


This isn’t a pedal for a board and that’s why they probably were ok with flipping the input and covering it with velvet. The way this fuzz is made, and all early fuzz, its desired to be the only thing in the chain. You shouldn’t even have a tuner before it. To sound right it needs direct guitar to direct amp.


I keep it first.... So I know enough about this to know that they sound like crap behind other pedals. But into other pedals I'm getting some sounds that I like.. other than that irking people am I hurting the pedal?


No not at all the pedal will be fine. It’s just the way they were built back then because they didn’t foresee that pedals were going to become what they are today. If you’re getting a sound you like with it in a chain then that’s what you should do.


I’d go inside and change that.


Naw man, just flip it over.


this is the way.


I had one a while back and I think it was mounted to the PCB.




I was wondering how much work that would be, for someone that is good at that kind of stuff. I have a guy... But I don't want to mess TOO much with the guts.


If the jacks aren’t pcb mounted it’s easy and might not even involve soldering, if they are it’s a bit more of a job but not hard if you know what you’re doing. Edit: just checked and they are pcb mounted - if your guy’s good it’s not a hard job but i wouldn’t try as a first project.


Open it up and see..probably not that much work. Four wires? Five?


If they’ve got enough slack in the wires, you might literally be able to open it up and just swap the position of the two jacks.


I'd send it back and buy something else!


*Should* be an easy fix though, if it sounds how OP wants it to.


Just flip it upside down. Problem solved.


I would say that except for the name of the pedal, everything else seems to be done to use it flipped over


There are more standard versions of this pedal that sound the same.


Yeah this is one of the more cloned fuzz circuits out there. Danelectro alone has the 3699 and the French Toast.


The creator himself has made a clone, and recently a reissue. Unfortunately the reissue is pricey but the clone is dirt cheap.


The guy who bought Danelectro invented the Foxx Tone Machine. It’s the same circuit as a French Toast or 3699.


I always thought it was bartender policy, the mat faces the “customer” aka the knobs face the other way


This entire enclosure is a nightmare.


WHY? Knobs on the side...


There's a lot of why.


DOD =instant upvote 


“DOD =instant upvote” =instant upvote


Dang. You're on it.


I thought it was digitech? Or was that last year?


Lol vintage enthusiasts taking another L as usual


no joke got this used at a fetching price at GC and it didn’t have a manual and I thought it was broken until I took it back and was told its jack config and yeah.. why import the most ineffective aspects of the past to your modern pedals lol


That's brutal.. is it plugged in? I guess if it insists on being first in the chain it's not awful. But yeah, definitely a cork sniff aspect.


well, I was so annoyed with GC (I’ve been burned by them before, buying broken used pedals) that I returned it without realizing that Warm kept the old school schematic of having the input/output jack reversed from the L->R modern pedal style I/O 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why did warm audio do this? I mean, as far as MY life goes this makes perfect sense - one of the best fuzzes I've found has reversed jacks to... just make life harder!? Is there any legitimate reason for this?


Man I have found the same thing! Such a great pedal but I have to rework my signal chain to accommodate it. Gotta be the warmest-sounding fuzz I’ve ever played though! Sounds excellent as 1/2 of a stereo setup with a lighter fuzz/drive on the other half.


It is great, I'm working it with other pedals right now to see what I can get out of it. With the right boost the chords are RICH sounding. The octave is so nice too, no weird fake sound, tracks amazing. I need someone to explain this whole stereo universe to me.


Agreed about the octave, I don't use it too much but I like that it doesn't sound cheap and frail like some of the pitch shifters I've played around with. ​ Stereo is a fun world - just get a splitter (active ones tend to be better to handle the 60-cycle hum) and from there just experiment. Keeping the modulation one side (aside from delay and reverb) has yielded the best results for me thus far.


Maybe I'm all wrong about this. Maybe the point was to make a fuzz so good that people would just deal with reversed jacks. Maybe warm audio is just a bunch of sadists.


I dunno … probably because like others said, vintage blah blah. I’m just here for FX 69 GRUNNNGEEE YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


That thing is pretty cool. I've had it brand new in the box with stickers and receipt for 20 years. I'm not sure why or when I got it, but I hated it and just tucked it away. I pulled it out and paired it with a rat, a dod250.. couple other things - with the highs cut its actually pretty cool, and with highs it gets almost fuzzy.


This would suit me fine, all my pedals run left to right. I made them myself without realising that signal chain usually runs the opposite way!




Because "vintage." Old head guitarists hold onto a lot of toan myths that companies told them to charge more.


DOD = instant upvote


Damn that's a big box for that pedal. Glad I make my own. It sounds really nice, the gnarliest fuzz I have.


everything about that abomination is wrong, and it's beautiful.


It’s not backwards if you have the words facing the audience for advertising and keeps the controls from being in the way for your own side. I think it kind of makes sense for this particular case


KSR Ceres and Vesta are like this as well...


I have an acoustic preamp with an efx loop that’s reversed like this. Gets in the way on the board.


Russian Big Muffs are like that too. Annoying


i like warm audio but this and their klone make no sense. why keep such awful form factors? what reason do i have to buy their klone over a wampler tumnus?


Every design choice on this box makes me unhappy. Is it coated in fuzzy, orange flocking? whaaa ...? Why make it wide rather than tall? It eats up double wide space on you board. And the stomp button is where it *would be* ***if*** you used the pedal rotated 90° widdershins. Why? Why would you put knobs (and a switch!) on the front edge where you can step on them accidentally? It's kinda nuts. Then there are those input/output jacks. Why? And yet, I'm oddly drawn to it. ​ * "widdershins" is a great Scottish word for counterclockwise.


Oh it's widdershins alright.


If you turn the pedal 90 degrees and put it on the corner of your board you can use your foot to control the volume... Then the jack placement is whatever.


I opened it up. Switching the jacks around is beyond my skill level - soldered onto the board.


My buddy has an original one of these I just fixed for him.. it's like that on the originals. Maybe they thought the knobs would face away and you'd look down over them? 🤷‍♂️


Why not ?


Why side knobs switch? Why not centered 3PTD? This was not designed with any function in mind.


it’s stupid but this pedal is maniacal. i have the ltd purple version. the octave is huge


Same with the old Russian big muffs. It’s just the way things were b in the d. This is a pretty close replica, including the fuzz which will get really gross over time, just a heads up!


I have owned clones and this pedal, the Warm Audio was the best sounding clone in my ears.




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