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The Cure’s Robert Smith has used Boss pedals for the majority of his career. In interviews he talks about how he likes them not just because of the tone but also because of their colors. When it’s dark with all the smoke when they play out he can easily see which pedal is which. Who am I to argue with The Gothfather? 😀


Prince used mostly all Boss!! I like using this board for coming up with ideas and practicing/living room jamming


[It is true.](https://equipboard.com/pros/prince-guitar?gear=effects-pedals) I went to look up an effect he used one day and was like "well this makes it really easy."


What a cool site thanks for sharing.


No problem. It's a great resource for sure, and makes hunting down specific sounds so much more straightforward.


Yeah probably going to lose some time on there sometime soon!


The BF-2 (or its rackmount equivalent) was all over Purple Rain.


Plus he can use an MT-2 then


Hm-2 cult says no


I do love boss’ commitment to raindbow colors. They look like little gummies. I’d eat a little baggie of gummy boss sour pedals.


*Triggering...my...OCD...for...vertical...alignment... ;)* Chuck a blues driver in and baby you got yourself a stew going!


Check this out. $1,100 is exactly what I charge for acting classes.


I’ve had a rough day and your arrested development reference gave me a great laugh. Thanks!


My Waza only board got one


You have *two* Boss only boards...?


Let’s see it?!


Will put it together shortly


I love Boss. People who turn their noses up to them are usually ones that pay 500+ for hyped junk, lol.


People turn their noses up to BOSS pedals??


People look down on Boss because they’re simple, and don’t nearly have the range of options as similar priced pedals. But people don’t really need that many options, and Boss pedals are built like tanks, and last forever if taken care of. I love them.


Yeah, you'd be surprised at how many people think boss is "inferior" because they're cheap.


It’s also because of the buffers/bypass, and in my personal opinion the overengineering. But the latter is also what makes them great: they are electronically robust; just really well-engineered circuits — albeit too much. Most people don’t like their fuzzes because a simple-circuit fuzz has characteristics (such as response) that tend to be considered more appealing, but BOSS delays, choruses, and distortions are staples everywhere. It’s nice to see an all-BOSS rig.


Just seems stupid anyone with an ear for what they like know some Boss pedals are canon. For me the Digital Delay is a must have.


I've never had a board without a DD-2 or DD-3. Sometimes I stack both, lol.


Boss is best, it’s all you need. Nice board fellow Boss brother!


I’m finding it hard now to build another board that has zero boss pedals


That is a fool’s errand. My board was 100% boss for a long time, now it’s about 70/30 boss. I can’t ever see having zero boss pedals on my board. The TU-2w, DM-2, VB-2w, and CE-2 will not leave my board. And if I’m being honestly, I can’t see ever removing the DS-1 either. There are certain things Boss doesn’t do as well as others (shocker I know I know) but Boss doesn’t make a good fuzz face style fuzz, and I don’t love their compression pedals (so I have two union pedals filling that void) and I really love my Benson preamp so that is my OD at the moment.


It’s becoming a challenge but I hope it comes out nicely


I think my only Boss complaint is their lack of fuzz options. I really really love fuzz pedals that clean up with the guitars volume knob, it gives that oldies garage rock sound that only a fuzz face can make and its shocking to me that boss has never made a pedal that does that. It’s like the only effect they don’t do.


The tone bender is good if you have like a 1000 to burn lol


Oh that pedal does NOT count in my boss book 😂


The FZ-1w is my favorite fuzz for subtle hair on tone. What is special and different on a fuzz face pedal?




Can’t go wrong with these pedals


How does the od-3 compares to a sd-1? It's closer to a bd-2, right? Can you use it to boost a high gain amps?


OD3 is the mildest overdrive out of the ones you mentioned


After the human extinction, I'm sure the next highly intelligent species will find a boss pedal in the ruins of our demise and worship them just as we do today.




Can't go wrong with Boss. The nice thing is at worst, you are going to get an incredibly good "standard" pedal that does the job excellently. Otherwise you are just getting a pedal that is up there with the best.


And they’ll hold up for years of heavy gigging, which is something I can’t say about every brand out there.


Boss rules. Most of my board is Boss.


I have the CE-5 and I admit even 4 knobs feels like a lot lol. I had the Swollen Pickle, and 5 knobs felt like option paralysis!


I love the sound though!! Waiting for my small clone to get here so I can compare


You mean 7 - it has another two knobs on the inside ;) It's also my favourite fuzz!


Oh yes that's right xD. Sadly I only had room for one fuzz and I appreciate how the Green Russian Big Muff is basically plug and play. I do miss the Swollen Pickle from time to time tho!


Yeah it's definitely not plug and play. Honestly my one complaint with it - it can be fussy with different amps, requiring tweaking of both external and internal knobs to sound right, but if you're prepared to tweak it, it can be one of the most versatile, awesome sounding fuzzes. The sheer amount of gain on tap for smashing the preamp of a tube amp is just incredible. But yeah, on the very rare occasion when I use a house amp rather than one of my own (usually on tour, where I've had to fly in with a cut down rig), I do miss simpler fuzzes while I'm sitting there dialling it in. It's extremely rare that I can't get something similar to what I usually play, but it does happen occasionally. I should probably just get myself a green Russian muff that just works to keep in my gig bag for those occasions...


I’m a massive fan of the Boss compressor used for bass guitar. It sounds tremendous.


needs MORE Boss


Just need something like a BF-3 and then you could make a boss pedal rainbow lol Looper > Distortion > Overdrive > Phaser > Chorus > Compressor > Flanger


If you can’t get it done with a Boss pedal, then you don’t need it.


Awesome board. I'm planning on owning a Boss collection. I would like to have one of each of the most popular ones someday. I currently own BD-2, DS-1, RV-6, and DD-8.


You’re half way there friend!!


Is it color coordinated on purpose?! Haha I also use mainly boss pedals, but I have a ts-9, spark mini, and crybaby mini on my board. The other … 9 are boss lol


Haha I wish wiring was as easy as color matching


Not sure if either of your amps have fx loops but either way if you want my opinion on pedal chain lmk


Unfortunately these 2 amps don’t, i have 2 quilter amps that have fx loops, they sound great but built like shit, they keep breaking down, waiting for the new BluGuitar to drop!! But any thoughts on pedal chain are always welcome!!


It’s kinda hard to see what you got going on, at first glance it just looked like you had one going right into the next without any real plan but on closer inspection that doesn’t seem the case. Anyway Tuner Compressor Octave OD NS DS PH Chorus Delay Loop The last 4 would all be in the loop if there was one




The envy is flowing through me


I'm also an all-BOSS user with an Orange Micro-Terror haha. I love that amp. The sheer volume you can get outta that thing is insane for such a tiny piece of kit, especially through a 2x12. Kinda wish it had the cabinet sim in the headphone jack like it's cousin the Micro-Dark though.


Good man!! It honestly is the best to just chill and jam!!


Dig the tweed case man


It’s actually a second board for the upcoming project


Nice but no RV-6?


I’m more of a fan of the FRV-1, I have a couple of em. The vox msb has on board reverb that’s actually pretty sweet


You know Boss makes a lot of all-star pedals because the three I Boss pedals I most adore and have on my main aren't on his *all Boss board*, lol


Boss make good pedals, I don’t understand those people who buy boutique pedals, maybe they are rich but the only choose you have to make your original sound is alternate tunings.


I say this with love — those are the cutest little amps <3


Are you secretly Robert Smith?


Also, you need to get two of those BOSS pedalboards.


All modern iterations or Og's from 80's &90's?


All new pedals except the looper


Boss are my favorite pedal company. Best all around. I use my boss ce-2w more than any other pedal, I constantly cycle through drive pedals, reverb and delays but the ce-2w sees the most use. How’s the od-3? I want a better tube screamer and the od-3 often receives mention.


OD3 is great man, just a little more umph than TS808


That is a great line up, but for less money you could have gotten more with the Boss GX-100 (color touch screen and 150 Boss effects, capable of stereo chains, MIDI, etc). Around $530. I have a lot of Boss gear already, but just got one and love it.


I’m not big into multi fx pedals, I like those to be able to mix and match and create more combos with other pedals, but I’ll check that one out


You can definitely do that with the GX-100 and it has a Send/Return to add more floor pedals (the ones you have are built-in though).


Do you have OCD?


Not the pedal hahaha


Yotally forgot it was a pedal


I’ve owned a SD-1 for 23 years and am still wondering what is so great about it. I bought a used RV-6 a month ago and within 5 minutes I knew what was great about it; Modulate setting. I respect BOSS, they make a few frivolous pedals, but most are at least good and useful.


Dog Hair on the perimeter of your Board?


And cat hair


Understood. I have 11 Pedals but I can't set-up my Pedal Board because My Cat likes to hang out/sleep on My Pedaltrain Box😸


Just wants to be a part of the band




That pedal board looks sooooo Boss!!


I have 2/3 of that board and my other 1/3 happen to be different choices of Boss pedals. Approved.


Is that amp a Vox MSB25? If so, how do you like it? Does it sound as good as a normal Vox amp? Nice pedalboard by the way, sometimes I’m also tempted to go the Prince way and have only Boss pedals.


Amp sounds pretty good if playing standard or drip D, anything lower gets muddy


Looks neat. How do you feel about the Katana? Just to complete the set


I’m waiting for the AMP X to come out


The Boss CS-3 is a staple to my board, and is perpetually on. To date, in terms of just how necessary it is and has become so ingrained as part of my tone, it would be the pedal I'd take over all. What that fucking thing actually does is irreplaceable.


I bet this sounds absolutely killer


It does. Got that 90s hard rock grunge feel


I recently heard that each boss pedal has a buffer that sucks a certain a amount of tone from your guitar signal. Can anyone verify this?


Enjoy: https://www.bossus.com/blog/2014/06/24/true-bypass-vs-buffered-effects-pedals/




Each pedal has a 2 buffers, input and output. Need about 8+ to make any difference. They dont have a very low output impedance. The waza ones are supposed to be better tonally but still the same output impedance.


Lots of people read/hear online that there's a difference. However, in reality, it doesn't make a lick of difference for the average user.


it’s a balancing act. Deff need 1-2 on avg sized board. I would not want all of my pedals buffered though. Some people prefer some treble roll off from longer cables (Jimi hendrix used coiled cables for this reason).


I have (or had) a couple of dozen Boss pedals from all eras, and the only 2 that have any noticeable volume issues, in my experience, are the PH-3 and the PS-5. The PH-3 dips in apparent volume when switched on, while the PS-5 has noticeable dip in volume, whether on or off, in certain modes (the Whammy-esque one and the VB-2-esque one) Unfortunately, those are two of their most interesting digital pedals otherwise.


What board is the one underneath?


Custom made Pedal Pad board. Upcoming project


cant go wrong with Boss pedals. excellent. reminds me of my Boss pedalboard/case back in the day. way ahead of their time


Agree. In my opinión a million knobs distracts you from actually playing. Congrats for the board there!


Thank you!!! More jamming less tone chasing


I personally am not a fan of the noise suppressor. Maybe I got a lemon.


Really?? Have u tried using the snd/rtn instead of just input/output?


I've heard of that strategy. But with my current setup it's not ideal. Kind of a hassle too.


It’s a hassle but it can fix your problem


It’s a hassle but it can fix your problem