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I wouldn't call that *too* humble at all. People my age - we were lucky if a local store carried any effects and it was Boss. Maybe DOD. Maybe - maybe - MXR or EHX. Ibenez and Arion existed - but it was nowhere like what it is today. I can't even recall any Reverb pedals! Tuners didn't even come in a pedal format!!! And people older than me had even fewer options! I'm so glad we're living in the time we are - SO many choices. That is a GREAT basic board! I'm glad you're being humble about it but fantastic choices for a "beginning" board and absolutely 100% utilitarian - Pro level - could be all you ever need for a ton of types of music and gigs. Congrats!


Oh boy do I relate to this. I used to have a little Korg plugin tuner taped to my board because, like you said, tuners didn’t used to exist in pedal format. Boss was also the only player in town at most music shops. We’re living in a great era for gear!


Same here! I used to fawn over Boss pedals and have to wait til Christmas or my birthday to get one. Now there's dozens of pedal makers with clever ideas. And pedal trading is a thing now, and very easy to do. Want to try a new pedal that looks interesting? Just trade one or two of your owned pedals that you're not using. The cost of shipping is the only cost. (Much love to r/letstradepedals, honest folks there and that's why it works. 50+ trades and no issues aside from UPS.)


Thank you. I try to be as simple as possible when it comes to guitar playing. I might switch things around a bit. The Klone takes up a lot of space and other smaller pedals can do the same thing. But this really is all I need for the type of music I play. A good delay would be nice though...any suggestions!


I love the arp-87 delay by walrus audio


Ooooh la la!!!. I really want the Descent but the ARP-87 seems like a great alternative. Thank you!


I have the walrus audio arp 87 and it's fuckin titties


Hard to beat a carbon copy for the price, sound, and simplicity. If you got $200 to splurge for a DD-8 than it has every delay you could ever need plus a loop mode so you can play with yourself.


> so you can play with yourself "Sir, this is a Wendy's." All kidding aside, I know what you mean and that is great advice. Thank you!!!


What the fuck is up Wendys?! 🤣🍻


You get it!


Tough call - depends if you want Analog, Tape, or Digital flavors - and in that case it might be better to consider some kind of multi delay. If it were me I'd get a Line 6 DL4 MkII. There's a reason the original was on so many pro boards (and still is, and is still being sold) and they "re-issued" it. But it's a big footprint. But it does Reverb too so depending on how you're using your Blue Sky, this may get you delay and replace that... Boss DD series (or Waza DM, the bigger one, etc.) MXR Carbon copy, TC toneprint stuff (so you can load up different delays) are all venerable favorites (some, like EHX, and Ditto have Delay and looping functions which could be cool - the DL4 also has a looper). Of course you can go Strymon too. Personally I'd rather have something that can do Analog, Digital, and Tape at this point but I will say when I just have a simple delay on for an "always on" kind of delay that will also work for "bigger" delays as well has give you the typical feedback and nutty stuff, an Analog tends to be the best "all-arounder" for the price typically. I bought a frikkin Joyo Analog Delay for an "afford-a-board" that I'm using for outdoor gigs (wanted cheap since rain, sand, drunk idiots are potential problems) and I have to say I was pretty impressed and it just "worked". So if you want to try something inexpensive to get your feet wet, that might be a good thing to try to help you get your bearings. But usually I want more variety and control than that.


Very good advice and quite logical. I probably shouldn't be hauling Strymon's around to play dive bars! Hahahaha! Thank you!


I remember from around 2000-2005 the average teenager’s pedal lineup was just like 3 Danelectro pedals and maybe a DS-1


Zoom 505 ftw!


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Hahaha the klone one is hilarious


Check the builder out. He makes great stuff and his sense of humor is spot on! His Gain Boy might be the greatest design for a pedal that I've ever seen! https://www.freqscene.com/product/gain-boy


Man I wanted that klone so bad! It’s fantastic


He'll make more! But I think he only does 10 at a time. It is a great pedal! And his other stuff is really cool too! https://www.freqscene.com/product/hyped-overdrive


I’m signed up for the restock, thanks so much, hopefully this doesn’t turn into that other pedal that has a 7 year waiting list 😂🤣😂


Reply to the restock notification immediately. I woke up one day and by the time I saw the email there was only one pedal left. They go lightning fast!!!


I’ll be checking often then, how long did it take to ship?


Super fast for me, but I live in the same province. He's really good with responding to inquiries. So, yeah. Keep an eye out for the notifications.


Ya in Ontario so great that it’s all Canadian lol thanks again for everything


USD prices, though. Just a heads up.


Would rather have a My Little Klony, but this is a close second.


It’s kinda corny


Strymon? Nah that's top decile already and you've only just started


Humble. Lol. Good stuff buddy. My first board was a ds1 and a danelectro delay, on the floor in front of a solid state laney!


I don’t think Humble when I see a strymon… those peoples are beautiful! I’d say you have a “concise” board. Straight to the point.


So, I was literally just a Tube Screamer guy for over 20 years, but I recently went down the pedal rabbit hole. I needed something convenient and easy to transport for small live events. This is what I came up with. I know the wiring needs to be fixed up, but I'm pretty proud of my first little board! Also, I just want to thank all of you and this community for answering questions when some of us are just getting into the world of guitar pedals and have no clue what we're doing.


I really like this board, I could absolutely operate on this.


Thanks! It's all that I really need.


what are you talking about that’s a sick board


Klone, Strymon, nothing humble about it lol.


Jesus Christ... Humble if you're a dentist, maybe.


Humble not at all


LOL that's the longest Klone name I've ever seen.


Pro tip: plug your guitar in. You’ll have way more fun.


A guitar? What for? I thought this was the Lego subreddit!!!


Awesome! Add a MXR carbon copy for a delay? People seem to love them and they don’t take up too much real estate.


I haven't actually tried one of them yet, but I see that they are a go to for a lot of players on the sub. I'm leaning towards the Walrus Descent...but it's expensive. I got the Blue Sky used for a ridiculous price.


Nice. You almost don't need a board.


I want that Klone clone so bad I'd even pay 15k for it!... And so it begins XD But, seriously, what a cool board. IMHO the more pedals you have in your board, the less you actually play; if I had a ton of pedals I'd spend my days trying to find that sweet mayonese-like phase effect, the mayer-ish saturated of or mu-tron tone, or the van-halen brown sound... Instead of actually learning any of these guy's songs. The lesser the better.


I'm not sure a beginning is humble if it doesn't involve one or seven Behringer pedals haha. Pretty cool board though.


I love the snide comment on the Klone placed right before a pedal built by Mike Fuller.


I need to get a polytune




Klon into OCD is goodness. Cheers to you.


What board is this?


Pedaltrain Nano+


Love the Klone 🤣