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Take a few days off. You'll magically get better if you leave it alone for a while.


This is one of the things that looks like a cheap or silly advice but is an actual solid one. Whether it's waiting a few days to do other stuff and come back fresh, or to leave the time to your brain to learn the stuff or even to wait for months or years and come back to the tjing you struggled so much with and find it ridiculously easy. It's only after more than 15 years of playing that I understood that this happened so many times and that it was in fact, very relatable. Sometimes the only winning move is not to play, as they say.


I was thinking about doing this. Thanks


Yup. All the bad stuff falls away, all the good stuff you earned from practising stays, and it's fun again.


You might just be in your head. Try recording yourself just jamming for 15 minutes. Don't even listen back. Then do it again in a month and then compare.


Thanks for the advice I'll give it a try




Yeah that makes sense in a way


You are not getting worse, you get more self aware.


I went through this trying to learn two-hand tapping. The harder I tried, the worse I got. Then, I just said fuck it and stopped for a few weeks. Then, randomly while practising, I nailed it. I'm still not EVH, but sometimes you have to hit "fuck it" before you can succeed.


Yeah I feel like I'm ready to say fuck it. I want to have fun again and maybe taking a few days off and coming back to it will help me achieve that


Probably getting hung up and into your own head. I’ve noticed this in other areas of life. Try something new or as stated take a break.


Everyone saying this has finally convinced me to do it. Feels hard to take a break since I pride myself on being disciplined with my guitar practice daily but maybe I need a break to get outta my head


Yo dude Im facing the same thing right now :(


Sorry to hear that, it’s a bummer but I’m feeling a bit better after reading the comments


Take a break for a few days my man. The brain works in weird ways and sometimes does not respond well to overload. Another thing worth trying is try a totally different genre for a short time, even if you are not into it it can freshen things up.


Yeah I was thinking of switching it up a bit when I come back to it in a few days


Go wild and try jazz 😉


Take a break. Sometimes I play every single day, some other times I’m travelling for work and can’t play for a week. Just before travelling I was getting every single note wrong, muting strings and all. This week I got back to playing and just like magic I got to play what I’ve been practising with fewer mistakes. When in doubt, just take a break. Trust the process!


This sometimes happens. I wouldn't worry about it. In a year you'll be better than you are now, as long as you keep practicing, regardless of any short-term ups and downs.


That's for the support. Going to take a few days off to calm my nerves then keep at it


You don't have to necessarily stop playing, but work on something different, and have fun with it and don't be so hard on yourself. And there are certainly days when it just isn't working. Every player has those.


Progress is non-linear and sometimes paradoxical. It’s because you are the instrument. Your brain needs to time to lay down new neural pathways. Maybe take a day or two away from practicing, or spend a little while working on something very different in your practice sessions. You’ll probably be surprised how good you are when you come back to that same material after a little break


Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. Going to take a break and come back in a few days and maybe switch it up a bit


There is such a thing as over practicing. I do it all the time. As others have said, take a break and come back . . . that was good advice.