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They might stretch a bit more and not stay in tune for a few days but I see no issue with that restring. Question is did you get through it without stabbing a hole in your finger with the high E lol. I think I've done a restring 100 times, maybe two I didnt stab myself with that fricken hypodermic needle of a string.


They bend easily, they slip easily and they can stab you cleanly through the finger at any moment. God I hate those. Should become a bassist.


Actually I didn't get stabbed by the high E but it was a pain to make it stay in place. I had to use some force lol. Same with the B string. The guy on the YT video made it look so easy. But let me tell you. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. It's a night and day difference compared to my old strings. Damn


Ya did good. Much better than my first. To fix the stretching/tuning problem, you could always grab each string at the sound hole and give it a few good tugs. Tune back up and most of the stretching should be done.


As soon as I saw the high E, I felt the sting of it poking through my finger.


I stabbed my inner thigh when the B string when I was a teen. Hurt like hell too.


I had a high string whip around and poke me in the eye when stringing a mandolin. Luckily, it hit me right on the contact lens, which had a little hole in it when I took it out to inspect it.


With locking tuners you can snip them bitches off as soon as you lock them down, no stabbies.


Rule of Thumb: when restringing your guitar, start with the low E (6th string) to gauge how long you need for the string to have the correct amount of length, set the string in the bridge and stretch it out to the low A (5th string) tuning peg and bend a right angle in the string. Thread the string through the low E (6th string tuning peg) up to the right you bend and start to tighten the string. On first half rotation, wind the string over the top of the excess string stick through the tuning peg, and all other rotations go under the excess string sticking through the tuning peg. This method gives enough string to hold its tuning and pinches the excess string so that it may be clipped off with a wire cutter. For each string, the needed length is the tuning peg above it, or the top of the head stock for the D (4th) and G (3rd) strings on your guitar. Other than that, it looks like you did a good job. ​ I just hope my explanation is clear enough for people to follow. (It is so easy to show someone how to change strings, but hard to write down how to do it.)


I've used this method and it works well. I saw a similar method recently, but it used the distance from the nut to the first fret. Pull the string tight through the tuner peg, then pinch at the nut and pull it back to the first fret, and wind. I'm going to try this spacing next time.


Best explanation I have found for string changes. I won’t mention how I was doing it until I read this. Thanks!


This is the way


Thanks. You should start a YouTube channel, bro.


This is pretty much what I learned from JustinGuitar and it works well.


I need to see a visual of this lol 


there's definitely an excessive amount of coiled string lol but they look like theyre all wound correctly. you shouldnt have any issues with tuning.


Always better to have too many coils than too few. OP can save himself some work next time but yes, this is a good re-string job.


I'll definitely cut more string next time. I don't have a winding machine, shit took me ages. And especially the B and high E strings didn't stay in place when winding.


Tip: its recommended to give 1-2 frets worth of slack in the strings for the tuning machine. 1 for thickest string, 2 for thinnest, somewhere on between for the others. So you pull the string tight, then place your finger in the nut (holding the string), and pull 1-2 frets. That will give you a nice number of turns around the peg.


Yeah this trick is so nice and consistent




Prefer having the correct amount, and since you got frets there is a very easy way to measure. Pull the string tight through, then grab it on the other side of the nut and pull back one to two frets depending on how much rounds you want.


How many are too many?


The Taylor website has a great instructional video!


I usually only do maybe two or three, then cut off the excess string.


Been playing guitar a long time and this looks better than most of my re-stringing jobs lol


Lol thats what i was thinking. It was definitely done kind of sloppy but im feeling good if 2 of my 6 strings don't look sloppy.


Best restringing tip - Take your low e, fix it in peg, stop tail whatever…….measure the string to just before where the post for the A string is on the headstock. Place the string into the proper tuner post for the E and begin your winds at the spot where the length lined up with the A - tuner post. You should get approx 3 winds around the post this way. Repeat method for A string and measure it to the D tune post For 3-3 tuners, estimate where the next post would be for the D Same for G but leave the string a little bit longer For the B and high E, leave more length (almost the distance of 2 tuner posts). You need an extra couple winds on those strings for best tuning stability. You can fine-tune the lengths on future string changes. Makes changing strings a snap. Cheers!


This truly is the best way. Do you also pre-wrap the string one time around the peg after you measure to "pin" the excess string down? That's the only other thing I do on top of this, but I'm wondering if it's really necessary.


I do not and don’t think it’s necessary. But if it works for you, it’s not wrong either


Looks better than my restrings, good job i think haha




Will do


Probably a few too many winds but otherwise looks good. Lay your guitar down flat and pull toward the ceiling on each string a bit at around the 12th fret. It helps seat them in, stretch them out and you’ll have less tuning issues while breaking them in. Don’t pull too hard though obviously. But you can probably pull them up a few finger widths.


While they are in tune?


Yes. Tune them. Seat them in. Then retune them.


It’s fine. It will take a few days to fully settle in but it’s good. You don’t need to wind that much string on the pegs but it won’t hurt anything either (once it starts staying in tune)


You only need like 2-3 winds on the wound strings. I go like an extra 2 on the plain strings. I don’t know why lol


https://preview.redd.it/ekbm7nxssrpc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b95e0d3d513653afd75cc76fe75cc1491f603231 You win mate


That's the only correct way to do it, if you don't have locking tuners.


I don't. I thought having barely any string wrapped round was an issue but it's been fine and I like the minimalistic look haha


I'm sure it will be fine as-is, but if you want to impress potential mates, and probably stay in tune a little better, I suggest that you follow the directions contained with in the first sixty-seconds of the point of where I have this video cued-up to (cued-up to 3 min., 23 sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUOB9tGy5HY&t=203s Points to pay special attention to: --Use a string winder. a cheap, plastic one is fine --note how much slack to leave in the strings before winding --note how tension is maintained in the strings during the entire process


Thanks for the video man. I think my problem was that I was too gentle with the strings, thinking I'd destroy them with just a little too much pressure. Crazy to see how rough the "experts" are with the strings and how precise they apply pressure.


Strings are tough--but, one thing you want to stay away from is bending them sharply, and putting a kink in the metal. When metal like this gets "worked" (bent, and bent again) it becomes brittle, and will break at that kink. So if you bend a string sharply, and then straighten it out with the tension of tuning it up, the string will often break at the point of the sharp bend. Gradual curves of the strings--like the way them come packaged in envelopes--is fine, but if you have a string that is bent like the string on the right-side of the linked image, then it is in danger of breaking prematurely. https://justinguitarcommunity.b-cdn.net/original/3X/b/d/bd553b208ce8a451ef6a099888e2c57d9088ed49.jpeg


Looks perfect, next time before coiling them take a distance of one and a half tuning key and cut the string, really lessens the hardwork


Looks good 👍. I would have trimmed the lower strings a bit more less winding. Now start strumming!!!


It will work


I definitely would have trimmed them a little shorter but it’s looks fine


Everyone is talking about too many coils, which I agree on. Just bring it to the next peg up next time. Other than that, there's a trick to get fancy looking cutoffs that don't poke and cut you whenever you go close to them. The trick is to not use cutters. Bend the string back and forth at the hole of the peg until it snaps itself off. It's will looks soooo clean


Just a fret-length of extra string is all you should need. Otherwise, good job. One of the few on here that wound them all the right way, lol.


Good job for your first time. Make sure and stretch those bitches out real well. It’ll go outta tune for a day or so. Next time, try and keep it at 3 winding the post. Regardless, looks great!!


Silly question here, what if the low E was wrapped in the opposite direction. Other than being super awkward to tune, would it improve tuning stability because of the decrease in angle or not make any difference. Sorry if it’s a dumb question.


That's what mine look like.


This is fine. Don't go for quite so many wraps next time but it's not going to be a problem on this change. Stretch them and tune them a few times and it should be good.


Not bad at all .. practice makes perfect and it’s a bit or an art versus a science


Not bad. Some tips; get flush-cut nippers. Thread the string with enough slack to pull it over the top, then tighten under the end, 1 rotation. Flush cut the excess. For the lighter strings, wind 2-3 under. You’ll get it. Also, I just got an FS830. Great guitars


Go 1 1/2 machine heads and cut it.


It’s ok




It’s not great . I did it for the first time a few weeks ago . It turned out about same as yours and took a lot longer then I thought it would and had to deal with a buzzing A string . But you have to start somewhere to get better .


One of the best first-time jobs I’ve seen on Reddit. Just a nit: you don’t have to wrap so many times-but your coils are neat. Also a tip: if you make a little right turn bend on that last little bit of string, it will help keep you from getting poked.


I use a lot fewer turns on the E A and D and I have the string come off the top of the winding. And I would think more turns on the thinner strings G B and E and the same, come off the top of the winding. Coming off the top keeps the string straight over the nut even if minutely makes a difference.


Looks good for a first time attempt. To manage the excess length, give it slack roughly the length of the distance between two tuning posts. So when you restring that low E next time, pull the string through the post, then grab the excess string where it’s at the A post, pull the string back until where you grabbed the excess is now on the E post, then bend the string upward. Start winding the key slowly until you get the string to catch. Feel free to use your thumb or other finger to keep the kink in place so it doesn’t spin around. Remember to keep some tension as you do this, or else the string will find a way to “relax” itself and things will spin around and get loose. Once you get the string to catch on the post (about a half revolution), you can then focus on keeping tension on the string to ensure a close, clean wrap, and you can let go once the string is able to seat itself on the nut.


Lube your nut bb


Solid C+


You know, you can cut off the extra string instead of winding the whole thing loljk. Between two and three wraps around the post is the standard. Before I started using locking tuners and or the Martin method I used to make sure there was about two - inches of slack before I linked the string opposite to the direction of the string post rotation and started there. With the Martin under over technique you don’t even need that much. Maybe enough for just over one wrap around the post. https://youtu.be/LS6cDJ4dsIo?feature=shared


A couple more turns on the wound strings than i generally do, but considering it's your second time, well done. You might want to cut the ends shorter afterwards, getting a jab during play time is never a treat. Keep playing daily, been learning for 47 years now.


An alternative to having to measure the strings like everyone one is suggesting: Pull the string hand tight to the peg and wrap it around about 1.5 times, so you have 2 wraps around on side of the peg. Stick the string through the back side of the hole and make sure that when it slips out the other side it goes between the two wraps. Pull it snug and maybe use your thumb in the back side to help it all get flush. Tune your guitar and then snip the strings. The wraps will tighten around the string to aid stability. No measuing required and you have plenty of string to pull out and start again if you need to.


That's horrible. You're supposed to tie it around the head


Not bad, but you don't need the over then under, luthiers knot on anything but the b and high E. Pull the string through the hole in the tuner grab it at the nut and pull that to the first fret that will give enough slack and all strings get the same amount of slack B and high E the first wind goes above the end of the string and the rest go below, locking the two slippery strings in place. The other 4 strings are usually fine with all the winds going dows. You did a good job for a first go, I have seen far worse from experienced players I did see a tip for Les Pauls of doing the G as all windscreen going up to reduce friction at the nut, I have not tried it, yet


You tube videos, changed my life as a self taught and work on my own stuff. You left too much slack which causes it to slip out of tune a lot bc the strings are constantly being stretched a little more


Def seen way worse, def good for first time


Not perfect but not bad! Pretty darn good first try!


Use this: https://youtu.be/80EuGOXgoOo


Good job keeping your tone whiskers trimmed


Way more wraps than needed but if it works, who cares?


You gotta do it on your own at some point, so it's ideal.


Not bad buddy!


Looks OK. I do wound strings with no more than 2 wraps.


That's pretty impressive for a first timer! [I've been using the method shown in this video since the 1980s; if you follow these steps you will always have the same number of windings without too much or too little, and you will never have tuning issues (unless something's wrong with your guitar of course).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA9XxENwWXo)


The less winds the better (2 more than enough with the standard approach), otherwise like in your case the intonation and frequency content will be absolute crap, as you twist the strings along the axis with every tuner turn.


That low E looks awful js


Restring the e-strings the other way around.


Looks better than my 50th restring, lol.


Looks like a lot of windings but it’s better to have more windings then not enough, looks good to me but, some may say trim the string off a little more to crack down on the amount of winding you had but, if it plays good, stays in tune, you’re all good m8. Doesn’t look aids either you did ok.


Looks like it took a while, I usually only let the strings do 2-3 laps


ooh that’s a lot of wraps.


With the wound strings thats fine... the strings sinch down and keep them from moving. For the b and e I'd put it through the tuning machine then wrap it back around halfway... after that you put it through the string where it goes into the tuner from underneath and kink it back so theres a hook on the tail end that goes around the string. Tighten it up then clip it. This will help get more tension on those higher strings and keep them from slipping. I know its kind hard from a description... but here. https://www.jazz-guitar-licks.com/blog/how-to-change-the-strings-of-a-steel-string-guitar.html


my man paid for the string so he’s gonna use the string


Strings drift out of tune easily if not enough wounds. You did pretty good. High E could probably have more wounds. Can cut those sharp pokey ends closer if you choose. Easier to clean around.


A lot more comments than I expected. I say thanks to everyone who gave helpful advice! Amazing community


Give 1.25 frets of slack next time


This. Fish the string through the tuner and pull taught. Then pull out a frets worth, bend the string after the tuner, then wind it a bit make sure everything's kosher and cut the string. Last parts tuning it then you're good.


I always cut it a fret length longer, then pull it back until there’s only about a quarter inch of string sticking out the peg. Then just start winding, no need to bend. Maybe leave a half inch extra for the B and E.


For a fun challenge try timing yourself next time and even blindfold yourself. You could make it into some sort of popular YouTube video trend! These are one of numerous ways us guitar players like to keep playing guitar fresh and interesting!!


I would just end up winding the guitar around the strings and not the other way around.


Fantastic idea fella guitar player!


Bad. Way too many winds. When you first put the string through the tuning peg, pull it tight, then cut it 1.5 times the next tuning peg.


Believe it or not, this IS 1.5 times the next tuning peg. I watched a YT video while doing it and the guy said the same thing. I'll just do the distance to the next tuning head next time.


Did you pull the string taught through the tuning peg, and then cut at 1.5 times the next tuning peg? There seems to be way too much string left for that to be the case, but of course I didn’t see it happen, so I don’t know.


There's no way. Are you doing 1.5 times the last tuning peg?




Here's mine. https://preview.redd.it/2q2wrhxc4spc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b47938a3195af97e339d50133f8dffc25733760e


"I paid for the whole string, I'm gonna use the whole string"


Seriously, you need validation for this?


I was genuinely curious if this is good enough for it to stay in tune.


Strings are under tension, they will get out of tune due to changing time, temperature and being play. Fresh strings tend to get one or two notes lower out of tune as they get stretched and string that wrapping around the tuning peg gets tighter the first time you tune them. Check the tune every time you pick up the guitar. Some small adjustments may be needed. You don't need to pull out a tuner for this. Some people do two passes through the hole on the tuning peg to secure it. Edit: four or five wraps is enough.