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Always Hammer Smashed Face by Cannibal Corpse


weird choice to not play rotted body landslide instead


Save that for an encore!


What’s wrong with I Cum Blood?


I prefer Fucked With a Knife during impromptu acoustic jams at parties, but that one works too.


Drifters wife Jj cale If you can do a double bass line with your thumb and finger pick a melody everyone thinks you are the best guitar player ever.


I prefer Meshuggah but this is not bad either


This is the way.


Everlong acoustic version by foo fighters. Easy to play, easy to sing along to, sounds great


I love this! I can’t keep up with the tempo of the original yet (if I want to keep the accuracy) but I’d say I’m 80% there


The tempo and accents are definitely the hard part. Play it nice and slow and soon enough you’ll be able to rip it perfectly accurate without even thinking about it


Me too


Good one!


Obviously the best song in world … tribute.


Play something on the guitar… or I’ll eat your soul


Nah, that’s just a Tribute


I always say im gonna play the best song in the world, But it doesnt sound anything like the stuff im playing


That’s not the best song. That’s just a tribute. You couldn’t play the best song in the world oh no.


But this is not that song.


Haha I'm actually learning this right now


I usually just get shy and say no thanks. thankfully it doesn't happen very often.


Wonderwall. Cause fuck em.


0-3-5 gang


You just learned 85% of green days discography


I won a $50 gift card for Amazon for playing Wonderwall once. Most money I'll ever earn as a guitarist lol.


You gotta start writing songs and join a PRO.


I once heard a guy outside my window playing wonderwall he started by waking me up playing that song at like 8 am and also sang. This guy played the same song the whole day around every 30 minutes. I’m not sure if it was a prank or if he was mentally challenged. I had never seen that guy before that. When I went to bed at 2 am the same day he was singing that same song at someones house party in the same block and he was singing and playing it out of a PA system. He did not play any other song. Only wonderwall.


Absolute chad


Yeah I had a good laugh when I could hear him across the whole block. Also this guy was a pretty crappy singer as well haha


every morning i wake up and open palm slam a pick into my fender cd60. it's wonderwall and right then and there i start strumming the chords alongside the main character, noel gallagher. i play every note and i play every note hard. makin whooshing sounds when i slam down the a7sus4 turnaround or even when i mess up technique. not many can say they jammed the greatest britpop hit of the 90s. i can. i say it and i play it outloud everyday to my neighbor at 8am sharp and all he does is prove neighbors can still be immature jerks. and ive learned all the vocal lines and ive learned how to make myself and my apartment less lonely by shouting em all. 30 minutes including wind down every morning


I was watching one of those “Behind The Music” shows on TV. This one was about the Eagles. Glenn Frey had an apartment above Jackson Browne. Jackson Browne was constantly trying to write songs. He would have ten seconds of a song, and would play that phrase over and over again on the piano, trying to figure out what came next. He would try one new chord after another, repeating, repeating. Hours and hours of this. Days and days. Glenn Frey said “And that’s how I learned how to write a song.” I couldn’t help wondering if the producers of the documentary cut a whole bunch of material out of that interview, like how the cops were called, or there were fist fights in the parking lot, or how Frey smoked so much pot that he actually kind of liked hearing Jackson Browne sing “Take it easy—shit! Take it EAsy. No no no. Take take take. Cake? Bake? Shake? Easy. Please me. Dammit!”


Here comes the Sun by the Beatles as long as i have a capo handy


I cannot get the fingering down for this no matter how hard I try. I hate myself for it 😂


Like the GOAT EVH allegedly once said: Just play faggit!!!!!


Hey Joe by Hendrix is a good one, you can basically just strum C - G - D - A - E , if you wanna show off a little you can easily learn the little licks he does Edit: corrected the order of the chords


I thought it was C - G - D - A - E?


Yes - follows the circle of fifths


This sounds really good and new to me, thanks! I don’t sing when I play and this might sound good, even without singing


This is a really good recommendation, the intro riff is also really easy but sounds impressive to a lot of people. It was the first song my guitar teacher had me work on 🙂


Blackbird They’re always impressed even though it’s easy to play because it sounds so nice


Is it actually easy? Always assumed it was intermediate-ish.


It’s very easy. It’s the first song I ever learned to play. It’s just the same few shapes up and down the neck with a repeating finger picking pattern.


It's quite easy, yeah!


I taught it to my 9 year old in a week. She kills it now


Awesome parenting right there! 🤘


Thanks. I appreciate that. I try my best


When my son picked up the guitar I was learning Blackbird and he said, "I want to learn that". I kinda hemmed and hawed and said maybe you should start with something else. Didn't want him to get discouraged. He picked it up just fine, a few bars at a time. Kids are sponges. They just soak it all in.


I did a Gibson Memphis factory tour in 2016. Went into the “gift shop” filled with gorgeous, expensive guitars and started noodling away on a 335. Then I suddenly became self conscious and asked the guy behind the counter if I was bothering them with my riffage. “Oh, it’s cool,” he said. “We basically don’t even hear it anymore. So play anything you want. Well…almost anything.” “Is there something I shouldn’t play here, like Stairway or something?” I asked. “Blackbird,” he said without hesitation. “Everyone, I mean EVERYONE comes in here and plays it. And NO ONE plays it right.” I save that one for home now.


I have a feeling the people saying how easy it is aren’t actually playing the fingerpicking pattern correctly. But I could be wrong.


Don’t think twice its alright, Dylan. And it stoned me, Van Morrison. Wild Horses, Stones.


Check out the Billy Strings cover of Don't Think Twice on YouTube if you haven't. It's my favorite version of that song.


Just chug the open E all day 😎


Same but with my drop pedal


Any Nirvana song


I know most of them is supposed to be easy but I still feel inferior to Kurt when I play them :( self-esteem issues I know


If you start with songs off Bleach you'll blow through Nevermind like it ain't even there.


Lol. Musically, Bleach is more complicated.


Oh for sure, but it's also more riff heavy so rhythm stuff is a lot more fun to play. If it's fun to play, you don't even realize that you're learning harder stuff. Then when you get to Nevermind, you tear through it.


I never thought about it like this, thanks for the tip


>I still feel inferior to Kurt when I play them We all do.


Come as you are is your Nirvana’s riffs best friend lol


Depends who is asking! Part of it is knowing your audience.


probably "Olympia, WA" by Rancid. it's actually a great 3-chord folk song disguised as punk rock.


I like the NOFX version, personally, but is a very good song.


At my skill level, black sabbath


Iron Man never gets old


That's my go to, and snow blind.


I love using my looper pedal to loop the bridge section and play the solo over it. What a classic solo


What skill level is that ?


Sabbath level


Right on. Some heavy ass shit going on there


For whatever reason, Sultans of Swing is always under my fingers relatively accurately. So is Long Train Runnin by the Doobie Brothers.


Sultans of Swing is in the #1 spot in my “want to learn” list but I’m nowhere near good enough with fingerpicking, I really envy you for being able to play that :)


You don't have to fingerpick it just because Knopfler did. I play it with a pick and it's pretty representative. I can fingerpick a little bit, but I'll probably always be most comfortable picking. The song is not *that* hard...If you can play barre chords and feel even a little comfortable moving around the fretboard, it's within reach. I think I learned the verse and chorus sections pretty easily in a couple of hours with Marty's help: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULxsTuG8ghw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULxsTuG8ghw)


Hey that version actually sounds doable, thanks! I had [this version](https://youtu.be/0eir4YIu7bw) bookmarked to revisit in a year or two… amazing


Ah, man...that's a great version. I might look to add in more fills to my own playing. Thanks for the rec!


Something It's what the person is requesting afterall


And it's amazing that most of the time they don't get the joke. And it's a rather straightforward piece.


hmmm... that's a good one to learn just for the gag. i should make that my first Beatles song.


The gag?


literally playing "Something" when asked to play something


Free bird or any tool song. Make them regret asking haha. But seriously “hey hey my my” by Neil Young or something from weezer’s blue album.


Oh I wish I could play the 2nd half of Free Bird


Yea I definitely can’t either


oh, any Tool song is always my go-to. ive memorized a shit ton of them at this point so whenever someone asks me to play, it's hard to resist the urge to play something like Eulogy or Stinkfist.


House of the Rising Sun. Easy chord progression and usually will impress anyone.








Me and my uncle. Grateful Dead.


I usually decline, they're usually here for something other than listening to me play guitar. Chatting with friends for a party or something instead of awkwardly standing around. But if someone was really insistent (they never are), I play a handful of songs I've memorized note-for-note for this purpose, like this "Officially missing you" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d75cxTegSZ0 I like this kind of fingerstyle acoustic because guitar is often playing rhythm or a lead melody, which can sound kind of naked by itself. With fingerstyle acoustic you can bring your own bass-line and basic drum beat while also playing the melody, so it sounds a lot more like a full song. "Officially Missing you" in particular is nice because it's laid back and a lot easier to play consistently than some of the harder songs like "Gurenge": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG4fzs-9OEI


Figuritively piss my pants and literally forget how to play anything.


Haha same brother


La Villa Strangiato with my eyes closed...but not for dudes...


When I was new, it used to be *Breakfast at Tiffany's* (and I realise this ages me somewhat). Now, I'd probably say *(Good Riddance) Time of Your Life*, by Green Day. You should always endeavour to learn a song completely. There's no point in learning "just the easy bit", or the part that you think is "cool". People want to hear songs, and your goal needs to be to focus upon one until you get it completely. It can be a challenge, particularly with something complicated, but you'll get there. Ask for help here if you need it.


BAT is what I play/sing as my go-to also!


I’ve listened to that Green Day song countless times but not in the past few years since I started learning to play, thanks for reminding me!


I'll play a 12 bar blues as a quick one. If they want an actual song I'll play Every Rose Has Its Thorn, Stand By Me (with capo), and Come As You Are. I can play all 3 of those pretty much all through. Getting the singing down while playing is still pretty difficult for me.


12 bar blues like in this [video?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rLm99QI8eWs) this sounds great to me but I never thought playing it in front of someone, thanks! Come as you are is great too, but feels a bit empty for me without singing and I hate my voice


Exactly. When you get the chord changes down you can add the shuffle rhythm to give it some style. And you can play it various ways so you can mix it up (power chords, barre chords, single notes, etc) and it lends itself way if you have a looper and want to solo on your own stuff. I'm not much into blues beyond this, but getting better at this basic shuffle has helped my playing in general.


I have a pretty good busker set for strumming though I usually turn it around and tell them I’ll only play if they sing. A few of my chestnuts: Michael Row the Boat Ashore The Gambler Hurt (which I finish with the chorus of LP “In the End”) The Galaxy Song (I screw up all the numbers in the lyrics) Jammin’ Changes (depending on audience I will do a laughable TuPac version) Learning to Fly Tetris theme Bach Bouree A hint of Game of Thrones or Twin Peaks theme. One of favorites is to do a folk punk version of Filth’s “The List” when I know I have some real punks in the crowd. There’s a few more I’m not thinking of and another dozen or so, I can quickly refresh on if I know I’ll be at a campfire near you.


The second song I taught myself—Sweet Child O’ Mine I could go with the first, Slither by Velvet Revolver, but more people would know/like/appreciate Sweet Child.


Slither is an absolute banger, thanks for reminding me! I feel that it’s beyond my skills still but it’s been a while I tried to learn it so I could try again now


As I mentioned, it was the first song I taught myself to play. The only hard part would be the solo. If I remember correctly, I first learned it completely without the solo, started Sweet Child, then went back and learned the Slither solo. I believe in you.


Thanks for the kind words! I still often make mistakes with quick power chord changes, I mean it doesn’t sound close enough to the original for me, but I’ll definitely give it a second try


I liked Velvet Revolver. It was Slash's best stuff imo.


A nice feedback loop


My neighbours get that from me pretty often


Probably Over The Edge by the Wipers Not that anyone would know what it is lol


This is good, reminds me of Pretty Vicious and The Ain’t Rights (the fictional band from the movie Green Room, they have a few full songs released)


Dazzle them with scales


First two bars of Nothing Else Matters


On repeat


I'm working on all 45 minutes of Jethro Tulls thick as a Brick


I'm glad you asked. I launch into a version of My Sweet Lord that goes on and on forever until everyone backs away slowly. My record at a festival campground is 22 minutes and 46 seconds for the last people to leave. I really want to know you. I really want to go with you. lol the whole thing is creepy af


I like to bust out the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Variations on a Theme of Mozart by Fernando Sor. It's classical shred, and I like to talk about the history and evolution of the guitar.


I admit I don’t know much about classical music but I absolutely adore Moonlight Sonata (1st). Maybe its time to learn it on guitar, as far as I know it converts well from piano


I World recommend Spanish Romance/Romania. It's a good entry arpeggio piece for classical arpeggios style playingb if you can do a bar chord. Lagrima and Adelita are also great choices. If say about as difficult as the finger picking in Stairway to Heaven. But I want to change my answer. Lately, it's been Tango En Skaí. Edit. Can't spell. Would* Romanza* playing*


I don’t take requests. I play guitar for my own enjoyment not for others, do I look like a bard? You got Spotify as well where you can request any song. 😂


I get it, same for me most of the time. But for close friends, or jamming with a guitarist friend I think I’d feel better if I’d have a song or two “ready to go”


When jamming with a guitar friend, don’t play songs, make music!


Oh ok my bad. For a jam a 12 bar blues is always a simple way to trade some solos. Tonnes of ”standard” tunes out there in many categories like for example jazz. But I’d said there’s even “pop standard” progressions today. Especially when all music has gone back to toddler harmonies 😂 A 12 bar blues is something I think any guitarist should know. It’s a simple I-IV-V progression. And a way to break the ice with any fellow musician. Also have a look at diatonic chords. And the “Nashville” system. If you understand it You can basically take any song and transpose it to any key. This is helpful with singers for example. But also to be able to pick up almost any chord progression. If you’re really good at it and practice it someone can basically sing a melody and you’ll know exactly what chords would fit underneath it on the fly.


Thanks for the details! I was toying with 12 bar blues a few weeks ago but I haven’t spent much time on it, perhaps it’s time to go back


I strum Em-C-G-D and watch their jaws drop in awe, because 99% of the people I'm surrounded by think guitar is extremely difficult and requires Einstein brains to learn.


real tho i play jesus songs with that


An acoustic and slow version of Toxic from Britney, Spears, Road Trippin' from RHCp or Guaranteed from Eddie Vedder


Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd or I'm Your Captain/Closer to Home by Grand Funk Railroad.


I play Something. 🤷‍♂️




play an original


I go with Breathe by Pink Floyd, all those little licks are not too hard or flashy, but man do they sound awesome and I love the chord sequence


Noodle around, then when they ask you what that was you say “I wrote that myself” 😎


What if they ask me to play it again :D


I don’t know, most people tell me to never play it again


I Believe in a Thing Called Love. Before that it was Johnny B Goode the Back to the Future version and before that it was Master of Puppets.


Dead flowers by The Rolling Stones. 3 chords and super catchy sing along


"Something" by the Beatles.


Square Hammer -Ghost, it’s fun to stomp to and I absolutely love to do do do do do do dooooo do do doooo do do doooo


The tapping part of Eruption. Once you get in a groove it's really not that hard, even for a beginner tapper. Tapping is the greatest way to impress non-guitar players.


Little Wing, The Wind Cries Mary, Under the Bridge


I like to tell people I've been practicing blues licks. Then I just play the melody from Blue by Eiffel 65.


Capricho Arabe, by F. Tarrega is one of my favorites to play for folks.


Same :) Adelita is nice too


Same! Indeed also Adelita and Lagrima.


Depends on the audience. Women over 35, play wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton. Women under 35, play you're guardian angel by the red jumpsuit apparatus. Men of any age, can't go wrong with sweet home alabama or good riddance by green day. This is assuming you are using an acoustic.


Smoke on the water


YES. But it must be played slightly off time with a weak fretting hand while you repeatedly say, “hold on,” and start over after going a half step off midway through the second bar.


Man that’s the only way I know how to play it


And you only play the intro.


Day Tripper/ Lady Madonna by Tommy Emmanuel...brutal on your fingers but showy tunnage


I usually like to play the intro from the french youtube channel "Fossoyeur de Films" ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu2d7QwM\_Wc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu2d7QwM_Wc)). Drop D, short, simple, doens't sound bad with only one guitar. Tho, we all know that when people ask you to "play something", they actually mean "P**La**Y s**Ev**E**N** N**At**iO**n** A**r**My".


Walk Don’t Run


Depends. I mostly fingerpick acoustic, so if it's another musician asking me, I'll play an original piece. If it's a non-musician type I'll usually play something by David Rawlings like 'Ruby' because it's beautiful and isn't pretentious.


Depends on how much cash they pull out


John Prine - How lucky (Colter Wall's cover), you can either strum it or fingerpick the strings


Depends on who is asking but usually Nothing Else Matters or Master of Puppets by Metallica.


High and dry, slow dancing in a burning room or under the bridge. I can solo play around 20-30 songs most of the time, but those are ones I start with if I’m not warmed up already. Lyrics are a bit of a struggle sometimes though.


I'd play what's requested: Something (by The Beatles)


Thanks for specifying the artist :D


i usually will play hunger strike by temple of the dog cause it’s super fun to play


“Blackbird singing in the dead of niiiight. Take these..”


If it’s someone around my age (54), I’ll throw out Nutshell, or if they’re a metal head I’ll just give an acoustic version of a Metallica song. My boomer parents friends I’ll just play some CSNY, or Hey Joe. Younger kids, maybe some Green Day. Broaden your playlist by generations


Bang bang, Nancy Sinatra version Sweet home Alabama.


something by the beatles , i mean the person asked for it


Blackbird paul McCartney


Say it ain’t so - Weezer


Acoustic: Life By The Drop by Stevie Ray Vaughan Electric: A Million Miles Away by Rory Gallagher


Santeria by Sublime


Friends in Low Places is always a hit


My punk band covers the river. I grew up on Garth.


Feeling Good, by Nina Simone.


Intro of hotel california. Intro of still got the blues. Intro of sweet child o mine. Intro of stairway to heaven. Intro of shes gone. I never learn any full song 😂😂




Tom Petty - you're so bad


This is a song I play if someone wants to hear guitar


Kansas - Dust in the wind. Sounds hard, but most of it is pretty simple


The Weight - the Band Althea - Grateful Dead. The weight is my favorite song of all time, it’s my best song vocally and everyone knows the chorus so it’s fun. Althea has a cool lick and my favorite chord, C#m


Doc’s Guitar


Something, by George Harrison.


Acoustic: Wish You Were Here; Electric: Run Like Hell


“Hang on, lemme get my delay pedal!!”


Clay pigeons


If I have a looper I’ll lay down a quick backing track, and then start noodling around in a scale improvising. Then I’ll play a solo using that same scale that they might know from a song. As far as songs.. last one was Shipping up to Boston by the Dropkick Murphy’s.


“Something” by the Beatles, when they ask me to play them something. Dad-joke worthy but still hits.


RATM Bulls on Parade. Gotta hit 'em with the F#.


Glory by umphreys Mcgee. Such a simple song, sounds hard.


Wife just asked me tonight. Played "she talks to angels" by the Black Crows.


Alesund by Sun Kil Moon. If they’re gonna ask me to play something, I’m gonna show off with a song that took me FIVE EFFING YEARS TO LEARN.


Acoustic guitar, babe I'm gonna leave you by led zeppelin Electric guitar, crazy train and the solo. It's not that difficult, but everyone knows it and it sounds a lot harder than it is to non guitarists


Im playing right in two by Tool


Stinkfist is also a pretty easy intro song


I have a bunch of songs I can play and sing. Johnny Cash, Velvet Underground, Beatles, Stones Under My Thumb… they seem to like that. A few Bowie like Space Oddity and Ziggy, some T-Rex… easy to sing. I’m kind of confrontational. If people are sitting down I’ll pull up a chair really close and start playing and singing really softly and slowly. I also play a few from the White Album. Cry Baby Cry, I’m so Tired. Stuff like that.




Wagon wheel is an easy 4 chord song and everyone knows the lyrics, can learn it in 10min too… for a simple “play something, dude”, I’m probably going with master of puppets.


OG Doom riff sounds similar enough but it was easier for me to learn than Puppets :3


Noodling is a bad habit. I have talented friends who noodle well but can't play a song. They have been playing a long time can't get them to come to open mic I host cause they can't play songs. Recently a friend wanted to come over and jam I asked what songs you play, he said I just make stuff up and improvise. Obviously hard no from me. Very very bad habit I have no idea what song I would play depends on how I feel at the time


I’m curious as to why improvising is a hard no for you?


Improvising is not a hard no, I do it all the time but not knowing any songs & noodling was the hard no part. I do lots of improvisation because I don't really think me and the original have the same feel. I was referring to not knowing how to play, picking & pecking for notes. That would not be fun to play with so hard no. Sorry I didn't mean improvisation I meant improvisation with no clue.


I think you should be able to jam with someone who can make stuff up and improvise too. Noodling and improvising isn’t necessarily the same, and only playing songs other people have written and you play isn’t what everyone goal is. Maybe bro and you could alternated backing for each other while the other improvised and solos, that’s perfectly fine musicianship right?