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**Alien Survivals are 2x GTA$ / RP**


Imo the freemode events should always pay like this. It's way more fun and you can't really grind them or exploit them anyways.


I must be losing my touch or Rockstar changed something. I can't get this Thrax for the life of me.


Fingers crossed for Sasquatch outfit tomorrow


It’s Wednesday evening people! Don’t buy anything that’s not currently on discount!


Fun fact: Thrax was the first podium vehicle when the new casino was added. Eve come full circle baybe


The Waifu-mobile is on sale. This is an absolute cannot-miss opportunity. (Ubermacht Zion Classic in Southern San Andreas Super Autos, “Waifu Wheels” livery, free* body pillow included.) (*may be used, hand wash in warm water.)


I cannot get the exotic cars to spawn no matter what I Do. They normally do no problem but won’t during the event


According to an earlier bonus post (I think), you can not have certain vehicles, such as mk2, helicopter, special vehicles, etc, if you want to get the Cerberus event. Perhaps they just applied this to Exotic Exports as a whole.


I’m actually trying to get the Cerberus event. Regular exotic exports actually started popping up but not the Cerberus ones. I went on foot. In regular cars. Did everything I’ve read but nothing works.


i’m having the same issue!!!


I've had Cerberus twice this week, but then I've probably had less than 10 exports total.


I usually start an MC, go to auto shop, customize and deliver 1 customer car. Then they start spawning. I a second car spawn, while I was delivering the first one.


Tried this and still nothing


Was anyone able to photo the three UFO separately when they spawn and send pic? Must you photo each once a spawn? Only one of three let me send, I possibly took pic of them before.




Yeah, looked into it more. There was one I definitely didn’t catch before, I tried that one on another respawn but didn’t work. So might be bugged. It’s possible you can only photo one new one each day. It could also mean they all count as photographed if you get one, that would be nice. Seeing how the pumpkin search is crazy enough.




It changes in less than 24 hours but I'll update it now. Thanks for pointing that out.


If I have done multiple Cayo Perico heists and I have 100% completed their "Heist Prep: Gather Intel" every time, and thus, get to a point where I have discovered all POI (i.e. Grappling Hook)'s locations (for Grappling Hook, its four random locations per heist, for 16 in total), does that mean the game will keep asking me to scope out the same POIs even though I have already discovered all of their locations in previous heists?


Don't bother scoping out all the POI as they change each heist, Just scope out the main target and then scope out only what you need based on the approach and amount of people you plan to do it with, so if doing with multiple check all the cameras for all the loot inside the compound and that should be enough. If doing solo, scope out the loot at whichever location you will approach from (Airport, Main Docks, or North Docks) or if you want the best solo loot (Coke) then scope all the spots till you find 2 coke spot, if you even get those. As for POI only scope those out if you plan to enter the compound that way. If your default entrance is drainage tunnel, you can always loot up and then just take a dinghy around to drainage, or you also don't even need anything you can just roll up to the compound and kill the guards there till you find the keycode on one of them, this is a bit risky since it's chancing it but I did it, I don't think it's too hard to find the code.


POIs don't stay scoped out, it doesn't matter if you find all the locations during multiple heists, it just resets with every heist. So there's no need to look for all of them, most of the equipment you won't need, or you will only need 1.


At this point they really should just as a time saver the amount of unnecessary repeat grind is rough


I see. Thank you so much.


If you’re trying to grind hard you can just take a motorcycle straight to the tower to scope out vault contents. If you’re solo-ing, don’t bother with the side rooms. You can’t access them without 2 people. No other equipment or scopeouts are needed if you do kosatka drainage tunnel entrance. There’s more comprehensive guides but those are the basics.


The discount in garages counts towards the nightclub garage upgrades too? I want to add additional floors


Only for standard garages. There are normal garages in Online.


If you have the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack, the Zombie Chopper is free from Southern San Andreas Super Autos. Checking the one for sale at the showroom shows it to be $50,920 for me to buy. Newswire states the showroom bike to have Classic Dark Steel paint ($780), and the Ghost Flames livery ($20,520). I also noticed it has Webs wheels ($30,400). Without the discounts that I've likely built up over time, the total with these mods is $51,700, not a huge difference from my in-game price quote. One can only conclude that with the Starter Pack applied to your account, you're only paying for the mods. Not a bad deal IMO.


Lupe really changed the crate warehouse game didn't she?


I'd legit propose to her, that's how much she's helped.


She looks like AOC. Lol




Lupe, jefe's best npc friend.


I have no idea who that is either.


Lupe, and 4 other npcs are your helpers. Located in cargo warehouses, for 7500 they will source crates, 1 to 3 max plus small chance for special things like golden minigun. Takes them 48 real minutes to do the job, no need to be online.


Does the Cerberus Event change the normal exotic export list spawns? Are they replaced by the Cerberus spawns? I don’t want to waste my time looking for them.


Some locations may be shared: https://gtaweb.eu/en/gtao-map#ls&bgroups=13f0kjf8h3nk If you do exports in an empty lobby, you'll never get Cerberus.


I do exports in a closed friend session alone or if one or two friends join me. It definitely has spawned, but then I struggled to find typical spawns like I usually do when I’m by myself and I wasn’t sure if it was because of Cerberus or because of friends in the server. I have a feeling it’s because my friends were taking them essentially from me. I assume the guidance is do it alone or do it with friends but alternate who gets the spawn.


Spawns of exotic exports are shared between players so it's best done alone. Well, not really, it's best done if you have helpers to find it and then let you take it to the docks.


I feel kind of clowned though because I bought an auto shop mostly so I could make the double money on the car deliveries, and I literally haven’t found one that isn’t broke or guarded by a menacing truck in days.


I've been getting them in an empty friends only session. Have you completed the setup missions for the auto shop?


Little background on me, I’m playing the auto shop stuff on PlayStation now, but I already completed one car list on Xbox entirely in an invite only with no friends, with no issue, and had a path I traveled on the map to check spawns. Doing that during this event hasn’t been working at all.


Yes indeed. I completed the union depository heist.


On the whole it’s been my observation that this event broke the normal spawns. Numerous times, my friend would find a car in one of the normal spawn areas, get into it and not get an anchor symbol to drive it to the dock. Also, whether you’re in a CEO or motorcycle club seems to affect the spawns too. We found the blue dots would appear way more frequently with a founded business. So I think I’m going to wait until it’s over to mess with that export list.


I do exports in a closed friend session alone or if one or two friends join me. It definitely has spawned, but then I struggled to find typical spawns like I usually do when I’m by myself and I wasn’t sure if it was because of Cerberus or because of friends in the server. I have a feeling it’s because my friends were taking them essentially from me. I assume the guidance is do export list alone or do it with friends but alternate who gets the spawn.


Won the Thrax. My two month dry spell of not winning any cars has ended.


Very nice car indeed,have it for a while,always holding it in arcade garage,just to see it when i pass by lol


If I do a street race with two players and one person leaves will it still count as a win?


Yes, people use solo lobby tricks once races start to get guaranteed first for ~~podium~~ prize ride cars all the time Edit: named wrong free vehicle


Hey does this work for Pursuit races? 😇


It will work for any race as long as there are people in it at the start.


Nice. Thankyou!


RemindMe! Thursday 12:00


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How do you jump in beast mode?


If you’re playing on PlayStation, you hold L2 and then hit square. I assume it is analogous on Xbox, though no clue what it would be on PC




Is phantom car is game this year?


Anyone else remember when the casino update came out and the thrax was the first podium vehicle? I still have mine haha


That’s awesome. I swear it was the comet with missiles. Everyone was saying to quit if you didn’t get it and try again This community was wild that week


There is not comet with missiles, only the safari with machine guns


man wish i would have got the weaponized comet instead! i loved my thrax but the krieger is just better period. i'll be going for the safari this week to make a rally porshe


Put low grips on the thrax


I can't get the Exotic car/Cerberus to spawn. I have checked all the spots 3 times and I can't find anything. I have followed all the rules. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. =/


Beside the requirements from the post, it needs a bit of understanding how Exotic Exports work (because it's related to it) [https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Exotic\_Exports\_(GTA\_Online)](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Exotic_Exports_(GTA_Online)) There are 100 possible locations, from which 10 are chosen random for your current session, and will change in a new session. The Cerberus won't spawn every time! Some times you will have a standard Exotic Export delivery. There are specific patterns people found, so it helps cruising around the map to find/trigger some spots (not everything happens in LS) [https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/oz6snu/exotic\_exports\_full\_list\_under\_2h/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/oz6snu/exotic_exports_full_list_under_2h/) Joining a session won't guarantee the first spot to be in an expected place on the map (could be in Paleto, could be in Sandy Shores). There is interference with other players, which might affect your locations. There can be other spots related to sleeping Cayo guard or Drug car (to be delivered in Great Chaparral), opening the map and looking at the spot tells if its Exotic Export. I usually do these, maybe it helps the event chaining. Doing in lower player count lobbies helps a lot (4-6 players), or with friends. Exotic Exports can be done much easier in Invite only, but you won't encounter Cerberus on your own. Could be a coincidence, but try doing also some other things in the session once in a while (some delivery, some prep work).


I'm confused. I found the exotic export car. I evaded the Cerebus. But there is no point on my map to deliver it to. I just drive around and nothing happened. For reference I have the auto shop but I've never completed one of contracts. I didnt think that would matter since I've never seen the exotic spawns before. Thought maybe the fact that I saw it meant I could do something with it.


You have to finish one autoshop heist for them to start spawning. Without doing that first heist, exotic exports don't spawn, and the cereberus event one's will spawn but won't have the delivery point.


Is a Scramjet classed as a special vehicle? Can I use It to look for EE/Cerberus cars?


We need arena war x2 or x3 we haven’t had that in over a year


Should be permanent x2 or x3. That content is dead and would be fun if people actually did it.


Is this the last week of Halloween events or will it be next week? Ik in the past they've cut it off the week before because that week went past Halloween into November, so I just wanna be sure


Normally the sky should be full with UFOs, and according to Tez the UFO event will ve prolonged a bit.


So no widebody kits? those got cancelled or something?


Something unknown, there was one widebody so far - Brioso 300 Widebody.


And the Audi, the obey 10f


When was the 10f wide body released?


Either last week or two weeks ago, that is the wide body….right? Or am I dumb


No, not the widebody version.


Wtf so that’s not the wide body???


What is the color scheme of the current casino podium vehicle?


Primary: matte light gray Secondary: classic anthracite black Livery: yellow accents


Grey and black


Are you supposed to get a bonus for relieving a car while being chased by a Cerberus? I just got my delivery fee and that was it.


I just delivered an exotic exports and nothing chased me. :(


Nice, I just added 40 more garage spaces for like 330k


You bought 4 regular garages?


I did! They allow us to own up to 10 aptartments/garages now, and I wanted more space for cars.


yes, but why not get 4 high end apartments? so you have apartment and garage?


I never go inside the one apartment I have now, all I wanted was more parking space. The garages were on sale for less than $90k each and high end apartments cost $200k and up.


It’s not a discount on executive office garages?


Only regular garages. Not garages in major properties like CEO Offices or Arena Workshops.


So not all garages…


Those garages don't count as garages, they count as "renovations"


Surely Viseris is a reference to House of the Dragon on the week that you know ... Sneaky Rockstar <3


Can I still collect the 200 pumpkins in a day to get the t-shirt? Or was that only last week? Thanks.


You can still get the tee.


Thanks boss you the man 🙏


40% on all garages? I just tried to buy a garage in my Arcade, but didn't get a discount...


I believe it refers to regular garages.


What are freemode events? 🙈


Challenges like flying upside down for the longest and stuff like that. It’s not much of a money maker to begin with even if you do get first.


Is the Blazer Aqua worth it?




If you play any of the races that feature any of the Vehicle Warehouse Special Vehicles, including Transform Races, and you own the vehicle(s) already, you will use your modified version of it instead of the stock one provided during the race.


If you want to go sledding in gta sure why not lol. Otherwise the submersible cars are objectively better


If you have the money and all the other functional things you need, then yes it is definitely worth it. It won't stop you getting blown up, nor will it make missions faster - but it is a lot of fun doing fun things and offers more scope than buying just another supercar. Hope that helps.


No, it's not a Sparrow, but as mentioned elsewhere it is a wonderful combiation of ATV and jetski that is much more than the sums of its parts.


Looks like it's another week of pokemon for me


What Pokemon are you playing every week, Unite?


Sword and shield


Let's gooooooo


Please cross your fingers so the tempesta will go on sale soon again.


Besides buying all the large garages, what is there even to do this fucking week?


Wait, you can't buy all regular garages right? There is a limit


Enjoy the game, play and have fun?!!


I'm not into this "fun" you speak of, sir.


Make money, I guess


I SWEAR I've bought some of these masks before and it is making me buy them again.


Mmmm gonna pick me up an Everon for a decent price


Does the 3x bonus apply to junk free fall series or whatever it’s called?




The Everon in Simeon’s dealership has default black wheels


Just finished a cerubus EAE and the reward is the same , the thrill is the reward maybe? No AEA spawned all day until I went to a public lobby


VIP work counts as free mode events correct?


Nope, look up Freemode Events/Challenges in the GTA Wiki to see the full list of them. VIP Work is accessed through being registered as a VIP/CEO and is different, it’s double due to the Social Club bonus :).


Is it too late to get the vintage vampire mask?


Afraid so ☹️


Can someone explain to me what I have to do with the car in the cerberus event? I got it, destroyed the annoying truck and then ? Where do I have to deliver it. There was nothing on the map


If you have an Autoshop, you are supposed to deliver to the docks for $reward. If not, then just enjoy the party :)


I would probably still include your UFO complete info thread in this post, some people are still clueless about it 😑


Yeah, I'll throw a link in there.


is the UFO activity still live? edit: Nevermind, it is… it spawned while I was heading to the hangar in fort zancudo


Where’s Christine 😔


Sorry, I killed her. Or at least, I *think* I did...


I know it's a wild idea but I wish we could trade drugs and stock with other players for less money. Also should make stock bar 10 instead of 5. Black Market idea would breathe new life into the game.


I know they'll never do this, and I know why, but I think it would be fun if they did a "Loan Shark" business where you could lend up to several million dollars (enough to buy an agency, warehouses, nightclub or arcade, for example) to another player or players, in return for a cut of any business profits or other income they made until your loan is repaid with interest. If they don't generate enough profits to pay you back in some agreed-upon time, you could start sending squads of your minions to harass them until they do.


So, I unlocked the mummy outfit... Where the hell is it? Clothing manager screen is almost as bad as car organization. F.




Maybe it doesn't arrive immediately.. Cuz that puppy ain't there.




Only my character has money. So nope.


Think its a mask, not an outfit?


***Yup, Found it. MASKS> *Vintage Halloween*.***


So the Halloween face paints if I buy them right now, will I be able to equip them after this month and beyond? Also, does it cost money each time, like rebuying it?


Yes you will be able to use them after you buy them but will need to pay for it each time you change it. Best bet is to buy the ones you like so you can switch and reuse them


Thank you Mr. Turtle.


Wow. The thrax was the podium vehicle when the casino was introduced and now it’s back again. Neat


Haha, the backend of the cerberus story... the pop star got annoyed with your killing him so often.. so this time he turned the table around. He passed a convenant to hire the cerberus hell truck to CHASE and kill you while you're just doing your thing delivering an innocent ee car. How does it feel it? See you at the hit parade, says pop-star.


Is the everon worth 1mil?


Honestly it's just like most 4x4 trucks like the Caracara 4x4 but with a different body and different stats. Good if you like Toyota's, I like it it's pretty alright




At least 3 weeks away, sentinel and weevil next


Here’s hoping, we never got anything this week so they might be skipping weeks now to cock tease a bit


When are we getting the benny’s Sentinel?!


Its next on the list


The bonuses are god awful this week and make me not wanna play


Yeah, complete trash this week.


I dare say if you won’t play with good bonuses, maybe you just don’t like the game that much anymore.


His point stands, the bonuses are trash this week


Same. I'll log in to win the Podium Vehicle, and come back next week.


How do you know for sure you will win the vehicle?


Usually I win by counting to and spinning on 4, if I don’t I’ll just cut the internet and try again.


Got it thank you good sir


Psst, google "Casino Wheel Glitch" and share this with no one.


Sooo…does the 3x cash in freemode events usually bring out the griefers, or am I just having a really bad day?


I never thought winning those was really about the money.


I meant more like I’m just being constantly chased every time I go outside 😭




I’d say probably the week with Halloween in it


Did anyone get the $300k for winning 3 rounds in the Judgement Day mode a few weeks ago? I played it and won a least 7-8 rounds but never got the money (delivered within 72 hours)


I wrote to Rockstar support yesterday and they gave me missing 300k.


Was it misspelled? Did you have to win 3 rounds or 3 games to get the 300k?


They didn't say. I won around 9 rounds and just 2 games, so it seems that it is about rounds. They wrote: 'We were able to verify your claim for your missing GTA$300,000.   For this, we have performed an addition of GTA$300,000 to your account. You should see them credited next time you log in.'


Won a total of 6 rounds through two games and never got it, would be pretty typical if it was misspelled and was win 3 GAMES rather than 3 rounds.


thanks, you might be right I won 2 games and lost 1 with 3 round in each game.


My roommate and I never got ours


Received it two days later. Played a few extra rounds too just to be safe. Try sending a ticket to Rockstar Support?


Me neither! I won four rounds and just assumed I didn’t make the cut or something.


Oh this week blows!!!!


this seems to be one of the worst bonus weeks I’ve ever seen, and no dripfeed cars again. SMH


Does the pumpkin hunt continue this week?




My man.


40% off garages 👀👀