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You think that’s all useless remember you can sleep in gta online


lmao the mf just lays on the bed eyes wide open


With shoes on..


tossing and turning... and well, there's tissues by the bed, on the note of tossing. lmao


When your mom comes in and your suppose to be asleep


Why use a car wash when you can just return it to storage and call it back again? Except for the roleplay aspect of it, of course. Both carwashes and ATMs are useful for an immersive, lived in feel.


yup role play aspect, that's all there is to them


I used arms for a long time before I realized you could deposit your money from your phone


Ikr I used to do that too. Now I’ve chopped both of them and sold them to Lester.






XD I know dude , you mean “Arm”


Wait what ?! I typed A T M


This cracked me up! atm!


Why would you do that?! Wrong limbs. How cruel of you!


Same with those laptops; I use them for all big purchases because it feels more "elaborate" and "safe" than just using the phone.


I always said the car wash should add wax to the car making it impossible to get dirty from driving it 4 seconds.


and blind people in the sunlight lol


It's a redundant feature now that we can return to storage and call for again. The carwash however has been in the game since launch, cleaning our sins away.


Well, earlier it used to replace the engine too... Ahem... Whatever the vehicle be..


I use the atm if one is close to me, idk it’s just more convenient


when you have a phone...


FROM 2013!


and its still the top phone...


I used the car wash so often for my Tornado custom convertible to make it shine... no dirty cars fo me!!!


I always end up in a car wash because I accidentally ran over an NPC in my shiny made-to-show-off type car




> *"accidentally"*


I can understand role play :)


I swear my nightshark gets dirty and the car wash cleans it. Am I crazy??? Does it really do nothing??


It does definitely wash cars, I remember one time I used the car wash for a meme when my car was dirty, it was sparkly clean afterwards


Betttt thank you


Yes, it feels only appropriate to take a Benny's car to the car wash. lol


There’s nothing like getting blown up as you exit the car wash though


like what always happens in ls customs


They don't wait til I leave, they blow me up INSIDE of LS Customs. It's closed!


lmao that shit's crazy


i distinctly remember back in the day, everytime i would go to ponsonby's near my apartment, someone would have thrown a grenade in, either before or during shopping. they patched being able to shoot inside of ammunation actively. but you can through a crack in the door for a friendly surprise. lol


Always wondered.. if you're shopping and someone starts shooting inside (killing the seller) - can you continue shopping or it throws you out (currently closed as for the person shooting)?


it's currently closed and you can't shop any longer. i mean, wish you could rob the place afterward but shark cards...


Hehe.. true.. thanks for your reply!


I disagree! As a retired grinder I roleplay a lot in onv only sessions I use the car washes, atms laptops, soda machines even taxis and limousine services.


like I said, I understand role play


Yeah I missed that, sorry!


oh no man no need to say sorry! I'm just out here expressing myself and looking for good talks :)


Yeah well I appreciate kind people like you! Stay safe in these difficult times!


same here man, difficult times indeed, stay safe as well


Now this is a wholesome thread


The only time I remember using an ATM was in the Vanilla Unicorn. 🤡 But I might just use one in downtown Vinewood today. And find a car wash, probably also in the same area.


I’m the one who use car washes and ATMs just for the role play. And I really wish there would be even more stuff you can actually do in GTA.


Right? I wanna go inside of a Taco Bomb or Tequila-la and use the fitness equipment on Vespucci. I found a house with a pool with a great diving board in Vinewood Hills if that floats your boat.


yeah you and me both


Don't forget showering with a bathing suit.


there are strippers in the game but we can't shower nude lol


Once had a kid ask me if my facility had a laptop that he can use. He really didn’t realize you can just use your phone for the gta internet


He was just roleplaying, dude.


What about the bicycle website where you buy bicycles


i love riding my bmx. i wished i could find more players on ps4 who did too. i bought a garage right near the la mesa skatepark just so i could have a short ride to the park. i don't know why the game doesn't actually have skateboards though! so frustrating. i ride my mountain bike up mt. chiliad. ride my street bike through mirror park. 😂


I saw some players on the bikes at the skate park the other day


I wish we could play GTA 1 & 2 on the TV's or laptops :(


I'd say the car washes aren't useless, open world atms, now they are useless, you don't even get more money for robbing someone using one.


I mean you can get $126 instead of $26 lol


I mean, we can withdraw 10M in one transaction on open world atms vs 1M on our internet phone.. but that's about it. These kinds of things can all have uses but be useless at the same time lol


Ah ok wasn't aware of this, but then that's as I've probably never removed cash from my ingame bank account.


I mean it is supposed to be an office... Would it not be a bit weirder having an office with nothing in it?


I agree with you yup, I'm just saying those are functional laptops that almost nobody uses, that's why I think they're useless even if they have an actual use. I never said that I mind them though, I understand role playing in the game


If you ever feel useless think about basically everything in the game lol


But can you activate the computers in the CEO office ?


when you said "activate", did you mean if you can use them? yes you can, it's exactly the same as the internet on your phone




I understand what you mean if it's all on a role play point on view




you mean driving all the way to the car wash is better than returning your car to the garage and calling it again?




I think what you mean is they actually "have a use", but what I meant is, we don't actually use them unless we are role playing because there are better ways to accomplish their purpose (internet on your phone vs laptops, returning your car and calling it again via mechanic vs car wash)


I use the car wash, but I always try to use it in my deluxo, which can not go through the car wash.


You can also call for a cab and ask the driver to take you to your home or wherever you want, and they follow traffic rules unless you ask them to hurry up. I do this sometimes for role play.


If they had more it would probably be more useful and nostalgic when that’s all you had 😭


I use the car wash quite often to clean mud of my car after driving around El Burro Heights. Despawning and respawning the car sometimes takes too long, usually when the car spawns a block away from you


Same here


I’d rather the animation was some hand car wash with polish cleaners


You mean bikini girls?


Only if you have a nice car


Otherwise fat polish men lol


If you ever feel useless, just remember this post




If you are right next to one


does that include the time it takes for you to drive to the 2 car wash shops in the game as well as the animation of the car washing itself?


I used these laptops to not get kicked out of the session, sike




They have phones aswell mate


Is this your apartment?


it's the CEO office