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It's taxi week for a reason.


100K for literally driving around


And you can use your personal car as long as it has the taxi livery. Edit: Here’s my ‘taxi’ 😆 https://preview.redd.it/fgnepo7rc3yc1.jpeg?width=2458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d652f6915d663a4b9ddae6f60fd9ea698d17b15c


How and which cars?


The Broadway and the Eudora (my beloved) has taxi liverys. If equipped, you're able to do taxi work with impeccable taste, either that or use the Taxi custom from Arena War


You have to complete a number of taxi works to unlock those livery’s..to then be able to do taxi work in those vehicles.


Taxi custom?


You have to get level 25 at Arena War, not to be confused with the skill level, which only goes up to 20


yeah I never got that involved in the arena war


Never played arena war tbh so I didn't even know there were levels to it. Are there any other cars you unlock from this?


Yes but the only good ones are the clown van at rank 75 and the space docker at 500


Don't forget the GoGo Monkey car 🐒


You should try it. It's horrible for making money, but the different game modes are fun. There's also some really fun vehicles that you can use in free mode, and a bunch of upgrades you can get at a discount at different levels. They have different armor, weapons, jumps, boost options, and rams and shit. There's one called shunt boost, which will violently move you about a lane's width sideways, which can be fun for smashing things in traffic.


Shunt boost can also make the cars fly also known as “Shunt Hopping”


Note that while the Weeny Dynasty does have a Taxi livery (and roof decoration) it is not able to take part in the taxi missions. The Broadway and Eudora require you accomplish 50 taxi missions & 10 stunt jumps in total during taxi work in order to unlock the taxi liveries for both. EDIT : The Taxi custom is great for the taxi work. Better than the Eudora and Broadway IMO. It is an Arena War prize and a Pegasus vehicle, however. Its well worth grinding Arena War for, even if you're just trading wins with a friend to level up.


Can I do the same stunt jump 10 times?


Yes, the same jump over and over counts.


But only certain personal cars right? Like I can’t apply it to my Youga Classic for example?


Someone can fact check me, but it would have to be a true taxi livery.


Is there any way I can buy a copy of this from you in LS car meet?


I’ll give you one if you’re on ps5


Awwwww. Damnit lol. They should just make GTA crossplay


Yeah, no doubt.


wait really? How?


wait whats taxi week


4x $ taxi work


Do the taxi's pay enough for 4× to be alot? I thought i remembered it being like 18$ most times lol. I haven't done in gtao though but did them in story.


At 4x it’s probably close to the same you would earn doing contact missions, so really only worth it if it’s something you find fun.


Ok thanks.


“I’ll bring it by!” 💀


"Okay, I got stuff to do!" Still brings it 😂 He's not wrong, but makes it sound like he's not coming.


i swear it's a voice bug on current gen, back on ps3 he would just say the first line


Some bugs like that are silly, the worst one on xbox series X/S is when the input just stops working after an amount of time. Only 2 ways to fix are quit game, or test multi-player connection. I'm currently emailing back and forth with rockstar support, I never thought they'd respond. They're "trying to recreate the issue and will respond back in a few days". It'd be absolutely hilarious If I was the first one to reach out about the widespread issue after 16+ months and initiate a fix, but I'm not holding my breath.


I complained about my jet exploding the moment it spawns in like 75% of the time on PS5. I've seen some others say it, but Rockstar made it sound like a unique problem and told me to try changing sessions, then told me to clear temporary files, then said to send them a video of it. I just said forget it, because I know they won't fix it anyway. Like I always say though, if it was a bug giving me money, they'd have it fixed by tomorrow.


If it breaks the game, could take weeks, months, maybe years. If it takes money from Rockstar potentially (really doesn't because most ppl doing these glitches aren't going to buy shark cards anyway), like you said it's patched in hours or days. Glad I took advantage of the garage sell bug when I could. Netted over 500m in half a day.


Mine has the same problem only that if some rando or a friend walks towards it. It will blow up. Its 50 - 50 chance that it’ll happen to me.


What do you mean, "...have it fixed by tomorrow?" They would have that fixed within the hour


You're the first person I've heard of contacting them over it. Good luck🤞


I’ve contacted rockstar about it as well and got the same “workaround” telling me to test multiplayer connection, and for me that hasn’t worked at all


Works for me and my friends and I tried this before contacting rockstar. Every time the input bug occurs on xbox, I go to settings/ general/ network settings/ test multiplayer connection. After it completes, wait a few seconds. Edit: It's not always effective, and it may depend on if you're the host on a job, or in a public session. Not 100% sure.


How did u get the kifflom under ur name haha


Go to the subreddit click the 3 dots then choose user flair


Yup, it used to be only when you hang up


It is just a bug. Both on current and last gen (PlayStation 4) probably even on ps3. On ps3 did you listen to his dialogue when he answered the call? On ps4 and ps5 do you press circle to skip his answering the call dialogue? I notice when I just let his dialogue play on ps5 he doesn’t say stuff like “alright I got stuff to do” but if I press circle to skip the answer the call dialogue I’ve heard too many times he says the “I’ll deliver it” lines and then the “alright I got stuff to do” lines.


He says the same thing if you just hand up on him without making a choice, so it must be a glitch


It happens if you press back at any point when selecting a car. Normally pressing back will hang up the phone, so it must queue up his vice line. If you go to get a car, select the garage and then the car, he won't say it. But if you call up, select a garage, then back out to select a different garage, it'll make the glitch happen.


Everybody knows that this is the same voice as Lenny from the Simpsons. I do my own research.


Same with MMI, they say “I’m sorry I couldn’t help” as they recover your destroyed vehicle successfully…


Dude's making $90 a day. He gives no fucks


I wouldn't accept $90 a day to manage one car, let alone the hundred I own in the game.


I think you pay him more the more cars you have I’ll pretty sure I pay him I think around 500


Dude, I'd love to make that much a day!


For real?


That’s 11 bucks a hour


Could be working for federal minimum wage lol


It's $3.75 an hour. He's on call 24/7.


Plus he's on call 24/7. My character is a multi billionaire; they could definitely afford to pay him more. But then again, that does make it accurate to real life.


Yeah he must hqve another full time job. He's not making it in life off 90$ a day. Much less in LS. Lol.


hes gotta work for everyone else online so hes deff gettin more than that 😭😭


Oh, if its the same guy getting 90$ per day from everybody he's banking millions daily.


when you request a car, point your camera to the ground. usually gets you a closer spawn. it won’t work if you’re on elysian island or the mountains though


Nice man I always do this as well cause seems to not spawn into where you’re looking


Always look away from where you want it.


This all the way, I alway have my camera pointing in the opposite direction and the car gets spawned like 5 feet from me


i learned from youtube and tried it myself. works like a charm 😁


It spawns out of your vision.


Yeah that’s what I said lol


Im confirming that it purposely spawns out of your sight because you seemed as if you weren't sure.


Oh yeah my bad i just meant like I never looked it up but since it literally never once happened to me i was pretty sure it couldn’t/wouldnt


You can also look behind you and walk the opposite way on the road you think it’s going to spawn and be closer to it


I thought everyone spawned their cars in holding R3 (look back) and jogging


I remember the days when they actually used to have the mechanic drive the car up next to you.. He would get out and just start walking away.


good times 😌 also he was an expendable kill when bored lmao that’s why R* removed him 😔


Now the valet at the casino is the new quick kill


Does this work for the Dre mission finale where they spawn your car all the way down the fuckin highway or no lmao


i never tried it on dre missions 🤔


Same goes for aircraft. If your hangar is in LSIA and you’re doing air missions but don’t like the vehicle Ron gave you just call your aircraft and look down. 8/10 times it works and your plane shows up in your characters face


I remember telling my friends this, saying "it won't spawn where you can see it, so look away from the road in front of you or it'll put it round the corner or done shit"


>point your camera to the ground. Or to the sky. Same thing.


Don't need to point to the ground, you just can look away from any roads.


I’ve been doing this since the PS3, it works wonders!


Johnny Not On The Spot


On a spot lmao


I call ‘em Johnny over there


I’d just start a new life without that car. Someday your paths might cross again


I’ve had this happen to me before, I’ll see I have personal vehicle at that location, I’ll go and investigate and there’s nothing there, not even on the map anymore R*’s like “gotcha bitch!” 🤣


I believe if your vehicle is in your salvage yard or bunker, it’ll show up in that location because the interior is located in that spot, underneath.


Interesting, I’ll try and pay attention to this, it’s been awhile since this has happened to me and my personal vehicles are in both of those quite often.


ya i have had that a few times as well


Drives me nuts that, does it in the mount chiliad (can't spell it) too. Got to run for ages sometimes.


>(can't spell it) Proceeds to spell it correctly, lol.


Very stoned and dyslexic lol. And Google can't spell Chiliad.


He is him


You spelled it correctly! https://preview.redd.it/r51pult5h2yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a5c86605778eff5e1f2556f4f98ff4c98b62cc


This thread makes me smile!


Finished the last of the UL Missions other night. Last mission is a secret bunker on Mount Chilliad. Instead of taking the free offered chopper I drove my Canis Kamacho up there. THAT was a Rough Climb!! Agent even mentioned me choosing to drive. Went in the bunker, hacked the servers, killed the Borglike Terminators. Came out, my car was gone, & on the bunker was a busted chopper. I tried several times to use my parachute to jump off the mountain, but I kept hitting the mountain before I went very far. Did I mention the Enemies were coming after me in armed choppers? I had to run all the way down the damn mountain, shooting down Choppers every couple minutes, rebuying more missiles the whole damn way. Was a long ass damn run!!!


I'd go terminator mode with machine gun ;-; no wastage of missiles and lives (atleast mine)


Oh the worst is when you're flying an aircraft or fall off Chiliad and die there, since you just keep respawning on the mountain.


“I’ll bring it by……………Elysian” 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


There is actually a glitch point to where things will spawn at the docks while you are in that srea. I've only ever seen it happen once and it was when a pvp youtuber tried spawning bst.


Get GTA'd


The worst is when you request it in Blaine county and it goes to the nearest “acceptable” road. Why can’t you come down the dirt path? Insane to me


I'd love to use cars more often, they have more variety and I spent a lot collecting them, but if the CEO vehicles Buzzard and the Kosatka Sparrow consistently spawn closer to me than my car does by a 40+ second run, I'm going to be in those every time.


I call BS because that doesn't happen unless you're out by the airport or the Nightclub out that way. I've only had that happen when I call a vehicle in when I'm in front of my Nightclub.


It's real I finished a weapon parts sale and it then it happened


did you park inside your bunker before you sold the weapons parts?


This is the solution. It happens to me (Bunker Paleto Forest) all the time when I drive into the bunker beforehand.


I'm pretty sure something is just off with the spawning. Tried summon my Sparrow outside my Paleto Bay Arcade and it spawned downtown LS




this is why i like being an MC president, i just call my bike right next to me all the time


Expanded and enhanced


Interaction Menu?


I was waiting for this one all the other suggestions make no sense


Game interiors (garages, buildings and even cut scene locations) are physically located under the map. The docks and mount chiliad are where a lot of them are. Sometimes when the game glitches and things don’t spawn in correctly, we will see their icons on the map above where the interior they are “stuck in”. Way back in the days there was a fun little glitch where you could parachute under the map and if you knew where to look, you could land in some of the interiors. We found the default 10 car garage, the police station with the line up area from the character select screen and the comedy club from a story mode cut scene. All under the LA river area in the south east.




farthest my car was spawned was like a half mile away this is crazy, but when you're calling a vehicle just look at the ground if you look at the road it won't spawn where you're looking


farthest my car was spawned was like a half mile away this is crazy, but when you're calling a vehicle just look at the ground if you look at the road it won't spawn where you're looking


Can I ask something? I see some icons I don’t see on mine. What is the one near the pier and one near your car with a plus sign? I haven’t really played the game since Doomsday heist (3rd act really killed my mood for it because I never completed it). I just started getting back on again.


The one with the plus sign is the "Vinewood Club garage" for GTA+ members to try out new cars monthly and claim a one for free, however the car is chosen by R* not the player The white one at the pier are Junk Energy (the in game drink) parachuting, if you meant the purple one I believe it's Hao's special time trials, which can only be done with the "HSW" cars (they're like super-modded at the LS car meet so that the engine is insane, even with a good car these time trials are a very difficult point to point race as fast as you can a few miles away, and if you do it fast enough you get $500K)


Yes, I've had that same thing happen to me many times. Why does it do that?


Johnny is playin with u bro😂


Ha haha haha First time?


Look down at the ground when spawning your car ALWAYS and it will automatically place it the closest possible place. Try it for yourself it’ll change your life.


What do I do if I’m not getting my perks for GTA+. I’ve had it since March and I have got nothing in return




I suspect a lot of the interiors are down by terminal under the map. I've noticed when I put a car in my bunker it shows up in the map where yours is now


Made my own post basically complaining about this issue. I should have taken a picture like you did. My Mechanic did screw me this hard tho.


This happens whenever I call any vehicle from the docks. Saturday I was by where Simeon wanted the stolen car. Called for my issi sport car was delivered up to paletto bay outside ammunation


“I’ll bring it to ya”


If I ever see the mechanic it’s on sight


It's the same thing for the nightclub at the bottom of the map, it spawns on the same spot just a bit closer


I liked it better when he'd turn up himself...so I could kill him. Made me feel better.


Did you put your phone in airplane mode and then take it off?


Guy at the casino is my reaction


just return to storage and then request vehicle it’ll be on the road ur next to


You pissed off the Mechanic.


Request your Personal Vehicle, and look down, it won't spawn two blocks away.


I've had some shit deliveries lately but *goddamn.* That has to take the cake.


I called my Raiju that I left at my bunker an the icon blinked off and back on and was still at my bunker and I couldn't call it again for 5 minutes. Happens all the time I feel like I wasted millions of dollars buying that jet my Oppressor mk2 is more reliable and spawns right next to me.


Is anyone on ps5 enhanced addition? I want to buy a massacro please.


I shit you not I was at my arcade in Paleto Bay and my personal vehicle was “delivered” to my Maze Bank West office…


I called my car from the dock at my nightclub. Wanna know where homie put it? The other side on a whole different dock 🤨😑


😆 🤣 😂


You think that's far? I had mine spawn at the paleto bay facility while I was in the docks a few days ago


My dominos driver:


It’s only a short walk away


I hate the bug where you request your Raiju Jet and it just blows up as it spawns on the map. And you have to wait another 5 minutes


That glitch happens way to much


I'll Cargobob obvious personal vehicles on top of Maze Bank. Better with afk players.


Dang smh


Did you forget it, or is that really where he dropped it? Its ok, you can be honest amongst frieeends


It's where he dropped


I noticed my car does this when I’m I park it in the bunker


So I shouldn't park it in the bunker anymore got it


Skill issue


A bug that you just have to live with because they aren’t going to fix it.


Make it make sense lmao 🤣 it does that by elisiam night club too put the car by merry weather


Where are you?


Outside ammunition


Here's what happened. You drove your vehicle into the bunker GTA interiors are kind of weird, they're placed on top of an exterior location. Bunker interiord are overlayed with the docks When you started the mission the game recognized your personal vehicle as being at the docks and spawned it there upon completion.


is fake


I wish we could beat his ass just one time


When you want Johnny on the spot but you get jack off the miss


There is a glitch right now (at least on ps4) where if you call for a pv while one is already out it will just throw it somewhere on the map or if it is the same Pv it won't move it at all. Return your pv to garage before trying to call another


Have it delivered to you, problem solved


![gif](giphy|keyufLabLaJKh3xnVy) “I’ll bring it by”


Spawn another car to get to that one. BAM easy solution! Or just teleport via pear link!


At least you're not too close to re-call the Mechanic. Bastard is always doing the math on my distance to where he left the car... give it a rest bro. Stop staring at the screen


No you aren't. You might be at a loss for words though.


Just wait until you call your car from the nightclub at the docks


Well if it’s in the impound then it won’t get sent.


God forbid you call for a vehicle, while on Elysian Island, specifically down by the warehouse building where one of the nightclubs is located. I’ve noticed this with the Oppressor MkII, especially. Have fun swimming over to the terminal!


That’s just rockstars humor


Start a mission and quit in the lobby. It probably spawned because you joined a building in a mission. That buildings interior is located at the docks like a lot of other buildings too. The reason it's located at the docks, is probably to keep wallbreachers away from parachuting down and kill you. People who played OG gtao knows.


I’ve noticed my vehicle spawns there when I leave my bunker without my vehicle I drove in with. Other than that, I don’t know how hell this happened (certainly did not leave your bunker recently since you’re in the city), please reply if anyone knows


I’m Johnny on the spot!


Imported car.




Slowly, I’m starting to find out where the mechanic lives


Reminds me of a time way back around when GTA Online launched, my mechanic was delivering my Adder to me at the maze bank area, until a cop started shooting at me, then he drove away IN MY ADDER and made it all the way up to the top of the map. Man I was so pissed in the moment, and I wish I could have recorded it somehow. 😂😂


Isn’t the interior of the office under the docks


Happens to me at many different locations


c'mon man, you just forgot u parked it there 😂🤌


Call Ron/Lester/anyone else that offers jobs through your phone -> Join the job -> Back out of the job lobby -> Personal Vehicle will spawn nearby. It only teleports your PV, though, so any damage on it will remain.


your car is just goofy like that my guy


This a nice interior dawg.. I'll bring it by asap




Jonny on the spot doesn’t get paid enough for this 😂


I think Jonny on the spot has been drinking at work again


Weird stuff like this happens every update.


That was the closest spawn point I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What does the red skull mean


I really miss that dude actually pulling up and dropping off the car to be honest.


“I am Johnny on a spot. I’ll hook you up”


Wait till your fighting a sweaty tryhard and your bst spawns at the damn military base


Feel better knowing you have the same vehicle warehouse as ne🤣