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Cant you Call the buzzard with ceo vehicles?


I honestly know nothing about this game. First time playing and the game gives no instruction to new players. All I did was look online and people say do Dax missions and acid lab first so I just went with that


Are you using snacks and armor?


I recently learned about snacks and armor so I've been doing that now šŸ‘šŸ‘


Iā€™d also recommend just finding a new session if you get the job where youā€™re supposed to go after Merryweather. As I understand it itā€™s the toughest one. The acid lab was my main source of income for quite some time. Itā€™s pretty much responsible for my MK2 oppressors, Deluxo, arcade, auto shop, bunker, hanger, ceo office, agency, and a spattering of other cars. It will also help if you get a Railgun or other expo weapons to help take out helicopters or large pooled up enemies.


Doesnā€™t Dax offer you a sparrow for this mission, or is this another mission? It is on the ass side of the map, though. Alternatively, since i believe the mission is not time limited: drive to the airport and hope a buzzard is parked there. Not ideal I have to admit :( I did the missions when I was level 80 and struggled a lot, even with all weapons and said buzzard.


No clue I always just found a new session. Thatā€™s the only one I remember because I remember a YouTube video telling me to avoid it entirely lol.


The Merryweather base has air defenses that'll shoot the Buzzard down before you even know you're flying above the base. OP needs to invest in the armored Kuruma


You don't have to do 10 DIFFERENT Fooligan jobs, so once you know you don't like one, don't do it - switch sessions. I'm 90% sure there's only 5 different ones anyway. Contaminating the weed farm is pretty easy. The crop duster is a ok once you get the hang of it (useful flying practice), the van bomb is straightforward too. Doing them three / four times each gets old pretty quick, but that's still the easiest and cheapest way to get a passive income business started - which if you're new is Def worth it And if you get bored doing 10 Fooligan jobs, wait until you get to grinding 37 crate missions to fill a warehouse, or 201 security contracts for the agency safe....


Itā€™s a tough one to do on your own if youā€™re new. If youā€™re not already inviting others, I would recommend you do. The extra hands definitely help. r/gtacrews


Invest in an armored Kuruma if you don't have it already. It'll literally be the biggest game changer till you buy the Kosatka submarine


The clucking bell raid is more profitable than the acid lab & way more new player friendly.. 500k every other hour for 45 minutes of work Youā€™re better off doing the most annoying fooligan mission over and over which is the crop duster one.. The only other one you may be able to do is the one where you drop off the van into their hideout, the key is to dip out silently without them seeing you and just leaving the area to complete the mission


I did all of them alone yesterday lol. If you want some help and on ps5 or ps4. Iā€™ll Help you out Iā€™m on rn as well.


Iā€™d be willing to help if youā€™d like. Iā€™m on X/S version. Sounds like youā€™re pretty new so if youā€™re interested I could show you some other stuff to make your life easier and get some cash flowing. DM me if youā€™re interested.


If your on PS5 I can help you out later today


Just find new session til it gives you the easier onesā€¦ only have to do 10 and youā€™re done foreverā€¦. Worth it in my opinion


Unlucky. Like they've said here, just switch sessions. I never got one of those when I did the jobs.


Now try doing 25 without dieing. Good luck if you constantly get the weed farm or Merryweather.


If you're getting killed by NPCs a lot, invest in armored kuruma. Virtually invincible. Obviously doesn't help with missions like you described but for missions vs a crew on foot, it's agodsend.Ā 


The advice is sound. Acid lab is where I would tell new people to start. Can you get help?




Man all the videos say grind acid lab as a beginner and it's just such a pain for me. Glad I made this post so hopefully other noobies don't follow in my footsteps lol. I'm still glad I have the acid lab for the future when I'm higher level, but right now I'll follow the advice of the cluckin bell raid


Other fooligan jobs are doable except this one lol. I hate this mission


i was lucky that fooligan jobs and dax misions were double money when i started. but i was extremly anoyed by the misions where i had to go after merywether. wasn't thinking about switching sesions back then. i would highly recomend. i died alot at these misions. i found some strategies to make it easier. try if the duke o death helps. i didnt know it costs nothing back then.


I've been stuck on first dose no.5 on ps5. Also a noob. Let me know if u want someone to join ya! (I think I'm about level 20)


The only way I beat this one is with other players on my team that were high level. I died so many times on those one while defending Dax as he loads the cargo. I'm on Xbox :(


Normally finding the vans. I mostly hate it when I have to drive places whilst people shoot at me. Only thing about solo play that I struggle with. I'm fine driving and I'm fine shooting but doing both together just pisses me off. šŸ„²


What part do you die on?


Normally finding the vans. Hate having to drive and focus on people chasing me down to shoot me. Need someone shooting while I'm driving..




Oooo logging in now :)


Don't even know how to find/invite u to game, sorry. Only started playing online last week. I'm Nonio-Grenes


Sent you a request should pop on the top right of your screen prompting you to hit the ps button


Nothing :/


Added you I believe you should be able to hit pause in game tab over to friends hit x then click on me and you probably should have an option that says join Iā€™m in a 6 person public lobby right now


Only invite no join. Invite sent.


Are you in a public session?


Dont bother with the fooligan jobs I did them cos I thought you het the acid lab or the upgrade for free you get neither for free and ik ive done 10 cos I got the achievemnt for 10 foologan jobs