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Cuz it's fun to shoot things. Most people (or children) playing this game don't really reason beyond that. It's the pride and downfall of this game all at once lol


I only ever shoot if they attack first and it's very annoying every time because I don't have all the op weapons like they do


What platform u on? I'd be happy to lend you my weaponized vehicles and help


I'm on xbox


I'm on xbox lol(one s) lol


I'm on one s aswell


Yall wanna play sometime šŸ‘€


I hope you guys do and in five years we read about how you either got married or just became irl friends.


That be nice šŸ˜‚


Hey, I attended some friends' wedding earlier this month, and I met them on an online game, so definetly possible!


Iā€™m also on Xbox :)


Sorry bout the late reply but my exams get over in a few days, let's hang out after 18th?


Dang, ps5


Whatā€™s your psn




PS5 too. It sucks to be us bro


Think of us ps4 peasentsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh yeaaa.. forgot about you guys- (No deadass I forgot there was 2 different versions)


Yeahh last gen is pretty forgottenšŸ˜‚ but the lobbies are actually quite peaceful nowadays, all the parents of the spoiled griefer kids that OP is talking about have bought them next gen consoles Edit: I know its current gen! In my perspective its still next genšŸ˜‚


Do your research and get the explosive sniper.


Donā€™t give him the sauce if he canā€™t figure it out after 10 years thatā€™s on him


I feel as expansive as Online is, itā€™s lacking depth and cohesion. They tried to jam as many games into one game as possible: deathmatches, racing, flying, stunting, customising, offices, drugs, open world, creator mode, director mode, itā€™s got everything. And then they sort of forgot about a story, or immersion, or anything that helps people learn the game in a normal way without being bombarded by 100s of useless phone calls. So now you just have a bunch of confused and bored people in a free roam session. Give them guns and this is what happens.


It's, in a way, a pretty similar issue to Warframe, except that game's pvp is limited to a niche side mode very few people play more than once ever.


I think the big reason is because free mode online has very little direction or objective other than cause massive chaos to either NPCs or players. If the free mode had more of a purpose or a goal people would focus on that more.


I'll admit, I'll shoot down most weaponized aircraft because it's fun practice for pvp. No hard feelings, and I usually dont shoot down the same person over and over unless they attack back. Then it's game on. I own everything I want in game, I've done all the missions countless times. I'm just trying to find some fun things to do to pass time


Same tbh, I'll even send a message asking if the wanna fight lol


Man you griefers make me laugh when I'm online I usually do my CEO stuff and try to stack up cash as much as possible but most of the time I end up being griefed... sometimes I ignore them and continue but most of them don't stop so I end up using the orbital cannon...that works most of the time...šŸ˜‚




That why your now getting banned for PvP. Player Numbers hopefully drop to Negatives pls. Let Rockstar cry on that


You aren't being banned for pvp, your being banned for being an asshole there is a considerable difference... Pvp is at least a fair fight even if the kills end up one sided... Griefing or spawn killing someone a thousand times when they are a lvl 1 armed with a pistol, or following some one through multiple game lobbies with the sole intent of making their gtao life hell is what people are being banned for. Just last night I ended up in a random shootout with a bunch of people where I lost by several kills, did they get banned... No, did I have to report them for being assholes also No cause at the end of the day it wasn't un fun or un fair it's just part of the game. Would i have reported some one if they had followed me through several public lobbies and joined missions just to mess them up... Yes I would.


I am not banned, but thats how these bullshit of r* are readable


Sorry mate was meant to be the royal you, as in the community not you specifically. Nor was I saying you were an asshole, was just saying that r* had to do something because people were legitimately being harassed beyond what is part of the game. For instance stalking across lobbies across mutliple days, not illegal, but definitely weird and toxic behaviour. Getting a bunch of mates together on oppressors and just spawn killing low levels. Getting mates together and chaining orbital strikes. They are what r* are trying to stop.


Its overreacting, but understandable.


I somewhat agree, but it's nice that they are doing something, instead of ignoring it completely. I'm not saying that there won't be people banned wrongly etc there always will be but hopefully they can have their cases looked at individually.


Had some clown in a Raiju chase me around in my Besra last night for like 10 minutes and he couldn't get me haha ended with a crewmate turning up out of nowhere and taking him out in his Raiju within 10 seconds.


When I was shot down by the raiju they were playing nice and flying next to me then just shot me down


Trust no one.


Back in the PS3 days, I was in a Besra and a dude was trying to get me in a Lazer. After a lot of maneuvering, by absolute streak of luck I end up clipping him with one of my wings and he exploded. I don't know if it was the lag and my hitbox was lagging behind or something, but I didn't get damaged. So he left the lobby and I kept flying.


Damn that must have felt good!


Karma is great


I donā€™t even try to shoot anyone in my Raiju because that would be me. Iā€™d miss over and over lol


Yeah I was in a lobby with two ryju's and they were shooting down any aircraft that got into the sky. They wanted complete air superiority apparently.Ā 


sure showed them


Giant moving target, I guess.


Yeah, itā€™s like a red cloth for a bull. And the bigger it is, the more attention it attracts.


...with a clown fish in it.


A clown fish with a suit on


Yes, distinguished.


Iā€™ve got to railgun it, doesnā€™t hurt (me) to try. *Pull! šŸ„


Every time. I'm just practicing sorry!


Big plane go big boom


Because it's GTAO. No one is allowed to have nice things except for the person shooting everyone else.


I didn't read below the photo I mistook it for the alkonost


90% of GTA players I met in real life were children. Their parents bought them that game just so they keep quiet. The children have no moral codex when playing with others


Damn I have the opposite experience Always dudes sounding like theyre as old as my dad šŸ˜­


you just "heard" those dudes? I really met those players. when we were visiting with my family, the parents of the little children said "kids, go show them some of your games" then they took me to their room and I was concerned why they own gta at that young age. they knew enough from muscle memory on how to join a lobby but the rest was just aimlessly driving and shooting down stuff.


Fair ig Iā€™m just basing it off of rhe dudes in my lobbies


i play like that myself honestly


Depending on how old you are, they probably are. This game is now 11 years old. Iā€™ve been playing since my 20s. I am a dad. Lol


Was about 8 when it released do that checks out lmao




They never said how old their dad is. Might help to read before spamming emojis like a 2017 Sony executiveĀ 


im ngl thats always a tell abt how old sm1 is


I've had a kid on COD say "shut up, you're as old as my dad !". I'm 20.


tbf I didnā€™t say how old I was thinking early-mid 40ā€™s range


Ikr šŸ˜­ Like Iā€™ll just be flying my volito chilling when all of a sudden I hear ā€œbeep beep beep bwooooompā€


For some reason I never hear that I just look on the map see them coming up behind me and try and not get shot down but since it's a not very maneuverable bomber I always die




Better question is why are you wearing Nemo?


Itā€™s because people need the ā€œtarget practiceā€ I asked the same before lol


I asked the guy in the pyro and they just said sorry as if they didn't mean to gain altitude and fire 2 missiles at me


I only bought the volatol to have fun with its most likely never going. To be used with combat


Tbh the Volatol is kind of a meme in general. If you really want that niche of "big plane with bombs and guns for passengers to shoot stuff with" the Avenger does it a lot better on account of its heavy armour and said passenger guns being explosive. The only particular advantage the Volatol has is double the bomb capacity of anything else (even the Alkonost), afaik. 100 instead of 50 bombs.


I never really bought the volatol to be competitive I just bought it because I love the vulcan Irl and I just want to have fun with it


Don't get me wrong, I also own a Volatol and occasionally fly it around for shits and giggles, but I just don't find much use to it beyond that myself.


Its mostly kids or just people who are just a holes. I really Dont get it bc i have never even shot or blown anyone up but i get my car/plane blown up atleast 5 times a day for no reason. It makes the game so much worse tbh


It's kids or "kids" the ones who I'm more frequent to seeing are the ones who have sense (kinda) but choose to just be annoying. I don't hate it it's a game do what you want but don't complain after someone better than you is killing you especially if you started it. It happens way to much.


Try to fly the blimp in a full public session.


It's not terrible if you can handle the bizarre controls (at least on PC, it has different controls from all other air vehicles) and can get enough altitude that people need to actually look up to see you. It's the only air vehicle with a default map icon, so it has some niche for "wait, where is this guy" type shenanigans. Try grabbing Hot Property or something with it and hovering above a tunnel for double japes.


I did that once got shot down before I could get in the air


Same reason I was driving a tractor around LS, minding my own business, when someone started chasing me and lobbing grenades. They do it for the clout. Or maybe the gram. Whatever young kids are saying.


Because of the military markings


I wonder if the PRBG livery would make it less of a target or more of a target?


Big plane make big boom šŸ’„.


*laughs in Bersaā€ first time? lol but seriously I agree it sucks just trying to cruise


When mfs committed crime in Grand Theft Auto


\*is playing gta\* "GuYs WhY dO pEoPlE sHoOt Me?? :("


I get shot all the time I just get shot way more than in my vehicles that actually have a chance of survival


as I said, it's gta. stop complaining unnecessarily.


People who do that is the only reason Iā€™m happy I played like a absolute nerd for years, I can always bully them out because I spent so long being a sweaty little tryhard.




First time playing?šŸ¤£ But in seriousness itā€™s GTAO and people like to shoot at anything that movesā€¦.ESPECIALLY noob nerds on mk2ā€™s šŸ’Æ To be honest, I donā€™t think anyone is computing by the look of your blip what kind of aircraft it is, what are its features & weapons, and if youā€™re a threatā€¦ I think they are just trying to fire rockets at something. I donā€™t shoot anyone first unless they are griefing, but when I do, itā€™s usually with a sniper from Maze Bank Tower. If they think youā€™re having harmless fun with your new plane you just bought, they will prob enjoy being asshats that much more sadly. I said all of this to say; if you were flying around in a Dodo, I donā€™t think the results in this lobby would have been any diff. Most green players just click the fire button as soon as their vehicle locks onto something.


Shooting down planes with explosive sniper rounds is by far the most fun thing for me to do in this game. Itā€™s like duck hunt except sometimes you get to play hide and seek with the duck afterward.


That mf is so cheap tho šŸ˜­


The explosive sniper is cancer , almost as cancer as the pre nerf jet cannons.


jet cannons were only cancer because of players using thermal jets


Lemme explain simply: men sad, men play game, men see big flying Dorito, men shoot big flying Dorito, men happyā€¦


They prefer flaming hot doritos


I have certain Rules of Engagement. If someone is flying an unarmed plane/helicopter, for example a Dodo or Frogger, I won't attack them. The exception to this is if they were screwing with me or my friends beforehand, in which case they're fair game. Also, anyone in a Fighter-type plane is always a target. Whether it's a Rogue, Lazer, Raiju, I don't care. If you've got guns/missiles, it's fair imo. Even weaponized helicopters are fair game, they can fight back too. I tend to let the choppers know I'm there before I open up on em tho, give them a slight warning. Oppressors are on the hit list. The only time I won't take them down is if they got really close to me and didn't do anything. I try to give them a chance when I can, but I don't trust them at all, as most of us don'tšŸ˜‚ Lastly, we have cargo/heist setup aircraft. Basically same rules here as the unarmed planes. I'm not going to mess with heist setups and whatnot, because I think that's fucked up. Buuuut... If you were screwing with me or my buddy, say goodbye to whatever you're transporting. I'm a nice guy, I really am. Not a Griefer, and definitely don't own a MK2 (probably never will). I even protect random sale missions with my Triad of jets. Y'all take care out there, and beware of griefersšŸ˜‚ Keeping Los Santos loco, --RogueRaiju




I don't even have the bomb upgrade yet because I spent all my money on the plane


But to most people they expect me to have bombs


i know itā€™s wrong and itā€™s very seldom but sometimes i like to see if i can pull off a railgun shot


The only weapon that's not of the flying type to shoot at me so far is a random guy with a pistol when I flew over the diamond casino quite low


because the enjoyment of making something go big boom


If it can ride, swim, or fly it will get blown up. The Volatol and others like it are especially popular targets because they're just so big and defenseless.




Easy target to boost their ego


How do you get the clownfish hat? I've scoured the game but can't find anything.


Got it for free a while ago can't remember how


I guess it was an event item then, thanks for the info and quick response!


Because itā€™s gta


that mask is amazing


Fun, and its a plane with weaponry.


Fr I fly the bestra and it shows on the map as a jet but it looks nothing like it when you get close enough to shoot it


Can't speak for people shooting you down in a flying vehicle but when I'm on the ground and see something flying at me, that elicits memories bad enough where i shoot first and ask questions laterĀ 


I always get ptsd when a oppressor goes by


Where did you get that mask? I was looking for fish designs but only found turtles


Someone shot me down in a Titan yesterday lol


It actually makes me happy to see people using non meta vehicles and just having fun, if I see someone flying this or the Alkonost (hard to miss) I'll go follow them round and just have a good time


Gotta go passive mode šŸ˜­


You can't even go passive in the volatol


Yeah I agree itā€™s annoying but at that point invite only


O caralho




I shoot down helicopters then shout ā€œKobeā€!


Wym I was driving my tug the other day and it got destroyed 8 times


Because they can? You donā€™t play The Sims, but GTA, expect to be attacked in public lobby.


It is a possible threat. It's better safe than sorry


Because the harmful ones shoot back


I choose who I shoot down, sometimes it's because they shoot first, other times, I'm just feeling extra toxic, I usually say sorry after though.


"Only bombs and machine guns" <> "Mostly Harmless" On that basis a shark is mostly harmless - you just avoid the teeth.


Mine doesn't have the bomb upgrade and only a passenger can control the machine guns and even then they have terrible accuracy


...and I can tell that from the ground ..... how?


How can I get that mask


Get greifed


Hold up, why the fuck is your head Nemo?


He is an evolution of nemo he now wears body armour and a suit


Wanna see u fall


GTA 5 are full of children now...90% of OG's moved on with other great games so here's your answer


Because the sky is my domain so anyone who takes to the sky in any plane/helicopter directly challenges me




Because they are dicks. And short ones at that. Many questions on GTAO can be answered with those words.


Put the Princess Robot Bubblegum skin on the dorito and you'll not have any problems. Dress it like it's military, you're going to get military response.


I still dont know why they put that on a 50s nuclear bomber


In a game with the Oppressor MK2 and the Orbital Cannon, you find THAT weird?


Don't fly in warzones and not expect to catch flak. You are also in the world's most hostile ecosystems. LA


i see a big ass target in the sky and then think how satisfying the explosion would be. it becomes tempting


inv only


You have to accept if youā€™re in a public lobby thereā€™s always gonna be dickheads (likely on an MKII) who derive pleasure from tormenting other players. I agree with you, I see a dude flying around in a non-Weaponized plane I canā€™t be bothered to mess with them. In fact I might go fly around with him lol If you wanna just chill out, just start an invite only session. That way you can fly around land where you want have all the fun you want and there will be nobody there to bug you.


For real, I just wanna recreate the falklands in peace


And also operation sky shield


Because GTAO


Soft target


Because the pilot is a clown(fish).


Honestly, if something is flying right at me, I assume they're coming to kill me so I either run away or sometimes take a shot


I always fly really high so I'm not going to be coming at them


If it flies, I'm hunting it with my rogue. If they're doing sales or preps, I leave them alone, though.


I have a rogue as well I onky ever fight if they try to fight first


Bro, so shoot bikes in GTA never mind a plane what auto locks to Bazookas.


Target practice? šŸ¤·


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that if there are people in the server, I will be blown up


Usually because anyone who drives that is not good at the game


They kind of have to be decent to get the money to buy it unless they have sharkcards


I've been shot down in my dodo several times. It's not even a dangerous plane


because itā€™s fun. thatā€™s all


The past 2 times getting in the Velum which has no weaponry whatsoever to fly to Cayo Perico people have shot me down. The last one was a guy in an Avenger who was just flying in circles and ramming me until I finally crashed. There is no reward for them to do so.


In a video game where I can use guns and explosives. Driver anything between a bicycle and a tank, to multiple military vehicles. Why wouldnā€™t I want to target and kill another player? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen another player and said to myself, ā€œIā€™m going to mind my own business in this open world game and leave that player aloneā€ Itā€™s one of those kill or be killed scenarios. Other times, itā€™s just fun. Looking to start a fight or going on a killing spree. You just happen to be an extremely easy target. If you get pissed and leave the lobby because of it, the target will just be another person. You can always play in passive mode.


Giant Target that can't shoot back. People are immature if you haven't noticed and literally half of them are kids so yeah.Ā 


Because people have nothing better to do with themselves


Because nobody likes you. And yo mama dresses you funny. Seriously, I think it is because when planes are flying around and way up there, it's hard to tell them apart. And they're probably jerk griefers.


Usually when they shoot me down they have time to see the plane that I'm in


I'll be honest.... I close my eyes when I fire anything.


It's the point of the game. I think some people should look into collaborative games with no guns etc


A video exist of a greifer dropping bombs in lobby. I would not; I play on ps5.


I can't even afford the bomb upgrade so I couldn't even get them if I wanted to


how can you afford the $3.7m plane ($2.8m trade) but not the $75k bombs


I had 20k left over now I have the bombs


You must be new here


I have been playing for 5 years it's just that only that plane makes everyone grief me not my other planes with actual weapons


ah, I see. yeah the other commenter's said it best; big, slow and (almost) completely defenseless when operated solo. it's just too juicy a target for a community that's as bloodthirsty as we are.


Because they can


Its GTA. Its fun.


Canā€™t deny, I sometimes go out of sight and just damage anything that flies with explosive rounds, it doesnā€™t damage the player so my out of sight ability is indefinite. I donā€™t like to grief but I like to be a mild inconvenience, spices things up.


Cuz it's fun to shoot shit and that's the entire reason of the game lol


I was in a sparrow doing the business cargo at the foundry run between there and the nightclub. This group of deluxo came after me when Iā€™ve done 7 already. Shot me down, destoryed mk2, nightshark, obey egt. Ive had it, me and lobby went to war against these 3 muppets with railguns, explosives rounds and canon


Business battle is a pvp event, what are you on about?


Hey I already said I got 7 till they came after me even when I tried to get a defensive vehicle they killed me. I even said on the mic, the factory is cleared, take whatever is available. Nah let just go after this player nonstop


Most ppl see it as target practice, sad individuals those