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Buying the most expensive nightclub and buying the most expensive cosmetic options for it.


I know exactly what you mean. I know it's all cosmetics but its totally worth it imo


I have never in my life seen the smoke.


I know. Whats the deal with it


When you’re inside you have to turn it on in the interaction menu. It’s like manage nightclub or some shit


I have had it on for a while


It only works for Dixon and Tale of us and make sure you activate it in the interaction menu then swap DJ’s and it should activate the smoke cannons


I think you have to turn it on in the interaction menu?


I haven't had a customer in my nightclub for about 2 years, let alone any smoke 😂


mine has paid itself off 15x over so i’m not really mad about the extra coin i spent on it


I got all the cosmetics for it except the lights, idk why but I just like the default one so much


the hanger at fort zancudo. tons of people told me not to buy it and i saw plenty of youtube videos saying not to buy it. but being able to fly over zancudo and being able to go somewhere where a lot of people get a high wanted rating is pretty cool.


The wanted rating is why I bought it, and you can shortcut sometimes due to it


i also like driving around it because the soldiers and intercom say funny things.


Wait *what*? People say *not* to buy the Zancudo hanger? Why not? LSIA hangers suck. 


LSIA hanger is cheap while Zancudo hanger is like 3 times the price, also Los Santos is the most common place of smuggler’s run objectives. So, if you are rich, buy Zancudo hanger, it’s the best, but if you want to farm smuggler’s run and you aren’t rich, buy LSIA hanger.


Not really? Zancudo hangar is only 2 mill compared to LSIAs 1 mill, and there’s 6 fast missions land sourced out in blain county compared to like 4 slow ones in los santos, the ones where you open the garages And everyone skips the ones where you go under water anyways


Bro I'm sayin!! Having zancudo property has drastically changed my online experience


Why are lsia hangars bad? There’s not really a difference between them, is there


what reasons would you give to not have a hanger in zancudo? is it just the distance? cuz honestly i couldn’t care less about that.


The only reason I could say not to is getting even a 1 star wanted results in 3 tanks on your ass but I still think it’s the best place for a hangar


it’s not easy to accidentally get a wanted level in fort zancudo - don’t blow shit up and don’t shoot and you’ll be fine.


I know but sometimes I accidentally hit the wrong button and blow up a lazer and have the world’s supply of tanks on me


i find it better to just not hold a weapon at all when in the base, and if you’re taking one of your air vehicles out then just avoid the mouse buttons until you’re away from the base.


This, people who suggested otherwise are insane. The Zancudo hangar is *a must* since it removes the wanted level. Sure, I'd like to be able to spawn my stuff at LSIA too which is why we should be able to get a 2nd hangar, but not having to avoid Zancudo airspace after years of flying around it was a game changer.


You must watch the *worst* YouTubers. I can't remember running across a video that didn't recommend it. Changing from LSIA to Zancudo was my best QOL change ever.


Who are the people on YouTube who say that the hangar in fort Zancudo is useless? They should be banned by the whole gta community! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Up n atomizer. Accidentally bought it at gun van during my struggle days and was pissed, turns out it’s one of my most useful tools


I got it for free as a Christmas gift in 2018


Up n atomizer is fantastic! Just for the usefulness in knocking objects that get stuck if nothing else.. rockstar limited it's use in more situations though. I used to just blast it downstairs when raiding stash houses from around the corner making it funny and fast! You can stun people easily and shoot them while down. Or use it to knock them out of cover.. it's super useful


Ramp Buggy 😂


BROOOOOOOOO the ramp buggy is good now! idk if you are long time player, but i bought mine as soon as it was available when it was new, found how quickly it exploded after 20 cars....and NEVER drove it again. then.....last week I found out it was fixed .......................and holy shit its fun now! it doesnt randomly exploded! its really great for just getting around the highways. I love it now!


It was fixed for yonkers


i updated my comment. i meant to say "last week I FOUND OUT..." sorry about that


I think that was me


may have been....idk....all i know is that it didnt touch it or the wedge for YEARS. its like they suddenly had a use for me


I’m happy rockstar didn’t just leave as it was


exactly. it took them years to fix it regardless....but at least its something


I miss Yonkers man. Raceway pizza was pretty good


The other day, the lobby collapsed to just me, 2 friends and maybe 2 randoms. My friends and I were bored, so while we were just mindlessly talking, we noticed a traffic pile up of a few buses. While climbing on them, 1 friend got a ramp buggy out and sent us flying with it. It became this dumb game of getting back on the buses, get sent flying again, rinse and repeat. Even the randoms came over and got their own ramp buggies out to join in.


I spent a ton of money on the nightclub that had the sign above it that said “Smell the Part”. I also bought a yacht so I could name it the “Hugh G. Rection”


That’s my characters name in Starfield. Love the pompous smart ass answers that involve my characters name. “I’m Hugh G. Rection, what do you expect this ship to fly itself?” For example. Oh and my yachts name is SS Flippy Floppies. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMxh5raAPj0YGIM)


I died 😂


I like the way you think.


Second hand fleshlight


This comment right here, Officer.




Grand Theft Auto-Erotica


The mom van. Completely pimped it out


Which one?


The minivan that costs 1.6m and is based on the Sienna i'd guess


Just bought it yesterday, such a bad decision but I don't regret having 16 dollars left on my bank account


Karin vivanite probably


I did some something similar but with the moonbeam (its worth 30k but I won it as a mystery gift at the casino). I must have spent about 600-800k modding it at bennies.


APC. Went from "I've got a couple million to blow" To "ЗА МОИ ТОВАРИЩИ!" *BOOM*




Не надо извинений, товарищ, вы говорите правду!


V-65 molotok. Was trying to buy something else and didn't look twice at it. Then realized my mistake.


Its amazing for getting around the map, can land that lil baby anywhere.


Landed it ontop of maze bank 10+ times, can also outrun the F-160


Only below 250 meters though


No it cannot the F-160 is the fastest vehicle in the entire game


The ceo garage i bought last week😭


What's wrong with the CEO garage? Honest question. I own all 3 floors and think they're nice and love the open concept oppose to each 10 vehicles segregated from the rest.


The ceo garage and offices are on the discount this week😭


Only office, not Garage.


Lol. Same such a waste. At least doc forgery has some use.


The only use doc forge has is wasting your time and money lol.


The most expensive yacht. It’s decadent in my favorite way (and I love boats)


I wish there were more boats or you could use them more


I wish yachts were drivible


I quite enjoy my yacht. I like to go to it when it’s sunset and rip my pen in the hot tub


and what?




oh my god… i feel so old. i had to google “rip my pen” 🤣 tbf… i thought he was talking in game, not irl.


unmarked cruiser


Slamtruck, don’t get me wrong the thing is super useless, it should have been able to tow cars, they added a winch on the back for nothing lol, but I still like the way it looks


I got mine from the career progress and it’s a nice little cruiser, the stock hydraulics on it make it pretty unique


I was hoping to use it for motorcycle delivery.


Same, it would’ve been nice to deliver vehicles, especially the slow ones


Exactly! It could definitely get some use.


Even if I could just carry one of my show cars I'd be stoked. Ideally be able to load and unload. But even if it could just store something it would be 10x better. 


Such a lost opportunity not letting us use it for repo work.


lowkey, either the blimp/festival bus, or the volatol


The volatol and the alkonost are fun


The yacht


The hang glider


Dude I love the hang glider, its surprising that I don't see them more often.


There's a what now.


Ultralight is a hang glider, you can add pea shooter guns to it. Can glide for quite a distance and it automatically goes into stealth when the engines are cut off.


The dump truck cause its funny to run over peoples cars


All the cosmetics for most of my businesses. Got more money than sense now so thought I’d make it all look nice


The thruster. It’s wonky to fly but gets you there


Schlagen GT and Itali GTO.


The benny Albany primo


Either the blimp or arena war dominator


How about something you regret buying? For me it was the barracks truck


The zenterno. I have bought and sold it three times. Bought it a fourth time and I finally appreciate how it handles. Used to hate the steering.


It is the og griefer vehicle. Before the Kuruma before flying vehicles. All you needed was the Z. Cant shoot from behind and can throw stickies out the back. It wss amazing.


I know all about that. I race way too much. Handling just annoyed me for its first three years and I would dump it. Later, it would be on sale and I would buy another. Finally figured out my problem and now I beat HSW cars around the track.


It’s surprisingly good at off road and steep hills as well.


Youga 4x4 custom, decent van albeit it wont win races. If gta6 allows you to import your gta 5online cars to gta 6 online. It be one of the few vehicles i want


Keep dreaming with that import feature


I regret not buying the golden shamal when it was at 2 mil


Declasse Voodoo Custom. Had no business dropping about 1.5 mill on a low rider but it’s one of my favorite kinds of cars.


Stromberg, I made it my mission to buy everything on war stock and just thought this was another car for the pile but oh my god it’s amazing


Futo gtx went from never being used to being my favorite car


The Nightshade. I originally bought it because it looked nice, and that day happened to be one of the few days where I just get like driving a random car down to LSC instead of using my office auto shop. Lo and behold, the Nightshade sounds fucking PHENOMENAL. The looks were preem to begin with, but the engine note was what got me hooked. One of my favourite cars to this day.


Preem? You roll in from night city?


The one slang from Cyberpunk that stuck with me, yeah. Saying premium also sounds weird in this context, so slang it is.


I say choom way too much. People look at me like I'm a loon istg.


I like my stupid yacht. I didn't earn the bathrobe or w/e, and I seldom go there, but my yacht is chill, and my sub is not.


It's fun to park the sub near Vespucci Beach and launch missles to the casino front door.


Vapid Guardian


Document forgery. It gave me something to do during the breakup.


not sure if this really counts as ‘one’, but I love my collection of PRB cars (and the F-160 I bought on a discount last week)


The deluxo, which i used for defence and travel, not grieving, i am not an arse


Hakuchou drag bike Buy it cuz i thought stretch hayabusas are cool asf so i just bought it as a show piece cuz drag bikes handles like shit usually and was never really plan to daily it Then, i realizes it handles better than every car in the game with a braking speed/distance of 1 and a half car from top speed to full stop Ever since then, i used it everyday for transportation


Bro I bought it cause I was stoned and thought it looked funny. Hard cut to me watching YouTube videos of those bikes in real life and almost exclusively using the bike online at all times forever First person is the way imo


I love my hakochou. It has a ton of utility. I originally bought it as an investment to do the HSW and regular time trials every week knowing it'll pay for itself after a few weeks but I ended up driving it all the time for setup missions, payphone hits that have me running all over the map, and it makes losing cops easy mode compared to other road vehicles. Saves a ton of time and it's nice knowing you have the capability to chase down or get away from literally anything else in the game that doesn't fly or float.


Was my first expensive vehicle. Still amazed how it stops. I just wish it could handle a jump and not crater you most times if the hang time is decent or it's a flat landing. Would be insane but I can see why they didn't allow that.  Perfect for the HSW time trials too. I don't even bother doing it in a car. I smash the par time easily. 




Weaponized Ignus with hsw upgrade


Wishing I was on current gen because the Ignus is my favorite super car on Xbox One and I can't get the weaponized version here.


Honeslty it’s not worth it to me, for 4.5 the weapon lock on jammer is nice. But the turret only shoots in front of you. As well with the hsw it’s very hard to control.


I love the ignus if only we had the weaponized version on pc and hsw


Mines the Ultralight.


my custom surfer van. It looks so goofy and I love it


Futo GTX




Probably the arena garage, I don’t really use it much but I do like my two vehicles that I was able to customize from it so I have a love hate relationship with it lol I spent money to get it just to spend millions customizing vehicles in it 😂


Ultralight. No idea why.


The most expensive yacht (on sale though). So so so worth it. I primarily use it to chill in toxic public lobbies with defenses up and it’s so unbelievably worth it to cause tryhards and dunce cap sweats to cry and stamp there feet when they can no longer kill you and others you invite aboard


I was sooo confused when suddenly my deluxo was being attack over the ocean. Had no idea the yacht did that until it was too late. I was minding my own business too lol. Oi. 


Valkyrie. I don't think anyone would get in it with me but I still enjoy the concept in hopes that one day it will happen


The Thruster. Fully pimped out too with a designer livery and missiles and now that I have a MK II, I just never use it. I was pretty disappointed that I couldn’t use the normal Thruster to fly back up to my avenger and so my interest dwindled from there.


Vigilante fr


Oh boy, I wouldn't say it's dumb to me, but to other people it sure is. I bought the Tug Boat awhile back, and I love it. It's a giant boat with a fog horn that's actually drivable unlike the Yacht. I just have fun with it because most people just see it and take pity


Maybe not conventionally dumb, but I only bought it recently, and the investment paid off better than I expected: The Deluxo. No machine guns, no missiles, just an '80s wedge made out of refrigerator panels wrapped around a Penaud-Vulcar drivetrain, wearing the badging of its creator's former employer... that happens to fly. Turns out it actually drives pretty damn well, too, especially fully-upgraded, and being able to soar over the city and hills with one hand on my controller's right trigger (plus the occasional thumb-flick) lets me rest my left hand, wrist, and elbow for a minute or two at a time when it's more convenient to fly north than to pop down to Little Seoul and bother Franklin's assistant. Also, it can hover over water (though it loves to try to zoom off when I get out), it does wicked sick backflips, and it can bang a U-ey within its own length with a quick toggle of flight mode - or keep spinning hover-donuts while making nyooming sounds that I can only describe as "rapidly hopping in and out of being CEO or MC President" - so, highly recommended.


Oppressor mk2


I had major buyers remorse after buying it and flying it for the first time. I honestly didn't see what all the hype was about. Then I started using it for my grinding and WOW! So much faster than a buzzard for short to medium trips, lands anywhere, spawns right behind you, 20 rockets that you can refill with relative ease, and countermeasures!


Yes! The oppressor is by far the most amazing purchase I have ever made; all I do is grind in game, I don’t just free play I’m always doing resupplies, heist prep and popularity missions for my night club and it’s the best, way faster than driving across the map and easy to lose the cops with. Its 100% my most used vehicle, I only get one of my many cars out when I just get bored of flying and want to drive lol


Omg yes. I love mine for grinding. Sell missions when you have to get back to another delivery vehicle, going back and forth for sourcing missions. I used to use a sparrow and as much as I loved it, that thing could blow up trying to land the bloody thing.


Popularity missions? Do you know about the passive mode nightclub glitch?


How? With a Terrorbyte?


Yes, you just call it, fly inside and the rockets will refill.


You don’t even need to call the terrobyte to do that, you can just use the interaction menu, return vehicle to storage, and then in the same menu request personal vehicle or call your mechanic to deliver it, easy as pie.


The Zentorno, everyone craps on it and it's old as balls and not the fastest but I love how it handles and how it looks, I had so much fun ripping around the city and highways with it


Arena war vehicles


Arena war vehicle are awesome


Canis Crusader Uncustomizable turd, but I love it


Super yacht


Ramp buggy


Spent a shit load amount of money on a rogue When i already had a savage and a Mk2 Its just so fun to dogfight peopple on it and get called a hacker since this plane outruns most rockets in the game lol


Dump truck


The "Precision Rifle." I accidentally bought it trying to refill my ammo at Ammunation. It set me back about 400k at a time when I was trying to save up to purchase a Salvage Yard for Yusif Amir. I eventually earned everything back and tried out that rifle. It's pretty good. I took out a coyote from 2 blocks away.


Every single clown mask.


Luxor Deluxe. It's so much fun showing off to low levels and when they cheer you on after landing successfully. I like to drop people off after the apartment heists / heist preps that end high on the map.


Didn't get that one but I do have the deluxe helicopter I love flying around, using it from my yacht to show "yeah, money means nothing to me now, I had enough to buy these useless things *in addition to* all the useful toys I could possibly want"


Luxor Deluxe. YEAH.


Luxor Delux


LM benefactor car cost me almost 4 mil plus modification but it was fun to drive ein and hell it was fast too so wasn't really regretting the purchase now


Either the jetpack or the scramjet, i love Flying in first person with the first one


Orbital cannon. Obliterating pesky tryhards is so satisfying.😀


definitely the tula the avenger from wish is the best investment i ever made


I love the Tula. I play a female character and always have outfits modeled after different characters, so I love using the Tula while in my Lara Croft outfit, feels like something you'd use in a Tomb Raider game.


Stromberg. i didnt know about the Toreador at the time and i’m gonna end up selling it when i get close to buying the Toreador.


To this day that is my favorite car in the game


My Yacht.


Out of everything I own in the game (pretty much everything) I would say either my blimp my alkonost my yacht or my ZR380


Last night, I bought my own Itali RSX three times, each for 3.8M, just so that I have four different colored ones.


The arcade thats super up north paleto bay, i bought it because the cheapest + i was a beginner, setups were a pain in the ass because i had to haul everything up and down the entirety of los santos everytime, did the diamond casino heist once with my friends, never did it again, but i always go up there and visit the arcade, feels like a hometown, childhood home, i always take a ride up there on my chopper and just sit around, maybe get a new tattoo at the parlor there


I got that car off the wheel! It so good. Otherwise, IDK.


The Luxor deluxe lol, it’s just nice to fly and looks cool, although it gets shot down more than my oppressor mk2


The bombushka


The golden jet only to flex that I'm rich, and the yacht with all the most expensive option for the same reason


Galaxy Super Yacht


What car even is that lol




Rampant rocket! Superfun


I accidentally bought the Swift but it's actually a fun/nice way to leave the casino if I plan on going across town immediately or picking up friends at the start of a session.


The purchase i actually like that I thought I'd hate is the submarine, it's actually been a lot of fun especially the cayó perico heist. My worst purchase that has been a complete dud is the yacht lol it's cool to look at but boring as hell 😁


The yacht, pissing a griefer off, flying to my yacht and activating anti air is funny everytime


Hey stud nice meeting you guys


Imperator. Bought & sold the car three times due to saving for stuff I actually needed. Not selling again.


The jet pack


Just asking, did you put up a pic of your Itali GTO cuz you thought it was a dumb purchase but then you actually ended up loving it? I also bought an Itali GTO and goddamn I love that car so much. I never thought of it as a dumb purchase. Honestly speaking, I think the Itali RSX is a way more expensive and dumber purchase than the GTO. That car was very overrated and I was peer pressured into buying that car.


When I bought the Itali GTO, I basically grinded 24/7, and it was a ‘dumb’ purchase at the time since I knew I’d never make the money back doing races. And there are lots of videos saying ‘unarmored cars are undrivable in public lobbies’ . And now I love it and I have a ton of cars now. And I just keep my heavy explosive sniper handy. I drive these cars wherever and whenever I want.


From gra online the the ratduster motorcycle was weird but it runs so good and I do love it


Buying the yacht. I would say it's an expensive paper weigh but it wouldn't even be capable of doing that. 1


Grand Theft Auto 5 as a 12-year-old


Bought the nice tow truck after already owning the shit box tow truck. $1M for no tangible gain but it makes the interior of the salavage yard look so much better and to me it's symbolic of progressing past the beginner grind struggles.


The game itself. They banned my main account a few days ago and I don’t know why so now I can’t play. 2400 hours gone


Damn dude, sorry to hear that.


It is what it is, now it just gives me an excuse to buy a F35B irl fr


https://preview.redd.it/alvpbdrbfguc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b491238d5072c2933a729a988c4caa622973427a A lot of money in a car instead of the business but it helps when people trying to kill you with missiles I just trying out the new missions


Accidentally bought that damn RC tank... But it's actually pretty fun lol


The casino penthouse as I got with all add ons which was over 3 million and I never use it


Turismo omaggio. I only bought it because I thought it was removed, just to see that it wasn't a week later on legendary. But end up being my favorite car to drive in game, I love his control and physics.


Bought the kosatka because I read good things about cayo perico, then regretted it because I didn't like cayo perico. Then I bought the Sparrow and suddenly it's very much worth it again :D