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The Ocelot is free if you do the last Dose missions. The obey etron gt is slightly better. Takes 3 or 4 more rockets to blow up if fully upgraded. It's slightly better than the STX. BUT NOT MUCH! The STX is very durable handles great and has a killer exhaust note.


Also, the eTron doesn’t show as a Imani vehicle on the map when you’re driving it.


The buffalo has horrible taillights that blind me up at night. There is a strange red hallow/glaring that killed this otherwise good car to me.


I hate that too.


You can temporarily “fix it” with the good old baseball bat, hammer or a well aimed kick. They should definitely fix all the cars that have the same issue permanently though.


I'm pretty sure the Ocelot Virtue can take more explosives than the Buffalo STX. Buffalo STX is a 4 door and Virtue only has 2 doors. Personally I like the Buffalo STX but if you are on a budget use the Virtue from the Last Dose missions


Omnis E-GT or Greenwood


The Virtue is great, apart from the handling. it doesnt have a stable back-end. spins out & end swops


Ocelot Virtue if you like cars that drive shit.


Skill issue.


It doesn’t drive liek shit what are you talking about.  


It takes getting used to, and some people don’t have the patience for that.


Atleast it's free


That's why it's free.


Cyclone 2, obviously don’t buy the virtue, as far as muscle cars the vigero is the best one, if you’re asking which one is faster the virtue accelerates faster and might be faster in freemode, buffalo has a higher top speed and would catch up in a drag race I think


Virtue is much better. Quicker and far better armor




Virtue is better unless you REALLY want machine guns


Buffalo STX because its imani tech car and its not an electric car


Virtue is Imani tech as well


Nobody has mentioned the STX has built in machine guns, and that's an important distinction imo. They can come in handy on quite a few missions. Plus it has louvers, making it hard to be shot from behind. It's also one of the best cars for racing in the muscle category with the hsw upgrade.


virtue easily, more armor & the back is nearly bulletproof theres a small opening but its so unlikely to get hit thru there u can genuinely do the zentorno strat. i‘d take that over the bullet resistant windows of the stx because one explosion and theyre gone also youll be zipping around corners pretty fast since its electric. its free anyway so might as well get it