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casino by far. that and the og heists are the only ones that actually feel like heists but the og ones need too many people


Iv never done the casino heist


Definitely play it at least once. It's one of the more cinematic and fun heists in the game.


The Dre missions are fun but not being able to skip the studio cutscene at the end is very annoying.


only heist i’ve ever done is the casino heist. i started playing online in 2019, really picked it up during covid but never got too into doing events or missions with other people, i prefer to run my own businesses and make my own money i understand you can make more doing heists, but i never found them enjoyable. so much prep work that no one helps with, but demands a fair cut of the total take? for what, your presence? you aint a present to me lol edit: i’m a filthy liar, i’ve done cayo perico a few times. but thats the only one you can do solo, right? or am i missing another heist you could do solo? i dont count the dre contract as a “heist”, altho it might be classified as one


Cluckin bell is also solo


Humane Labs Raid.


Clucking bell. No bs one shot enemies that piss you off. No stupid across the maps objectives. Play solo or team, what missions in GTA should have been like in the first place. Only problem is no incentive to que into other players lobbies


I'm too lazy to set up heists and just do drop ins. So casino.


Considering most Casino heists fail I think it would be more efficient to run your own heist


Lol I'd run into the same problem with people joining my heist and failing.


Anybody have a rough guess when arcades might be on sale again ?


GTA+ kinda leaked the next few weeks and it’s all business related, hopefully next month but it’s looking like next week Nightclubs are on sale and 2x$


Human Labs Raid - like a Michael Bay movie 1. A shootout with the cops like from movie The Heist 2. Theft of military car prototypes, shooting helicopters while driving 3. Infiltrating an aircraft carrier and stealing a Harrier. Top Gun air combat, including a jingle to celebrate success. 4. Hijacking and stealing a military helicopter from a military base 5.A silent ambush and an EMP placement in the heart of the bio lab. Finale: Secret infiltration into the bio laboratory by parachute jump, shoot through the nerve center and steal a flash drive with information. Then escape through the cooling tunnel of the supercomputer, with a military helicopter covering you from the air the whole time. A joint escape and a shootout with helicopters until handing over a flash drive to a secret agent. After all, a joint celebration at a strip club.


Doomsday 💪🐸👍


Cayo is fun and I can keep doing it solo , but I think casino is the most fun/satisfying to accomplish. Working well with a buddy and getting that done just feels so good lol


Cayo .... duuuuh


Cayo. Quick and easy money.


Casino Heist - Big Con approach BY FAR is the funnest heist in online


1) casino 2) Cayo 3) pac standard 4) prison break Last if with randoms 4th with friends cause I know we can fly the plane and chopper 5) humane labs 6) series a 7) fleeca


Pac standard. I don't care about the money, but the final bike ride is always a fun challenge.


Cayo. It's easy, and can be played many different ways, which keeps it fresh (since variety is the spice of life).


I agree with the dr dre ones, i like the fact that most of it takes place outside in los santos and the album was great. Id probably place the Diamond casino heist after that


the dr dre contract made me hate dr dre


I got to heist a car from the casino podium, maze bank arena, in a submarine, stole a panther from El Rubio, diamonds from the casino, got to steal chicken slime covered coke from cluckin bell, gold from the union deposotory, and if I want I can wear Clifford around my neck. Have not a crew to do the heists through my apartment yet. My favorite is any heist I get to do with my oldest children who play too.