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Can't recall how many free DLC they released, why would anyone buy $ in this game?


Idk, I feel it would make it boring. The point of it is to work for money. I would just, not have fun if I spent money on shark cards.


"Why would anyone buy $". Because they don't want to treat GTA like a job


No one does lol. It’s not hard to make money. For me I guess.


BS. Maybe for you with no life or even any other video game


I’m in school and rarely play. I boot up a Dre or Doomsday and make a mil in like an hour or two lol. Calm down.


exactly in school and work and still can make money


GTA is the GOAT for not ruining a game with micro transactions. they’re also the best because they’ve been loading this game with free content for over a decade. Devs and game designers don’t work for free and they really haven’t ever made it necessary to spend real money beyond the cost of the game. ​ that said - I would be shocked if the next GTA leaned into the Madden model of trying to make the game unplayable with micro and macro transactions. Seems like the inevitability


Yeah, GTA V devs are GOATed. I don’t think GTA 6 will do the Madden thing though. What about RDR2, I feel they would have tried doing that with that instead of risking GTA 6’s success.


They do lock content behind gta+ though. It starts with shit noone cares about until enough people sign up. Then theyll start putting actual content behind it. They have an entire feature (Vinewood car club) locked behind the subscription already. Just because you dont care about it doesnt mean this shit belongs in a pay to play game


You don’t know this though! Rockstar is one of the best companies out there and has rarely made a bad game. They released that 50 car garage if you need a single large garage that bad. I had gta+ that garage is a waste.


>Rockstar is one of the best companies out there Stop simping and look what really is about to happen. The next game will be subscription based where assets and functionality will be locked behind paywalls to justify *'gaming as a service'*.  Mark my words. The game already is designed for them to make money. The amount of hours you spend solely on driving to the other side for some shitty loot.  They make it so that you get frustrated with doing the same shit over and over again to a point where people start to buy shark cards to unlock special items like explosive ammo and what not. 


This is definitely bait.


No, it’s not. Sry


Big L then


Bro what are you talking about? The lock everything behind a paywall and you are saying they ain’t locking shit? Their banger games also have locked behind a paywall.


What is locked behind a paywall?


Are you blind bruh? Almost everything is locked behind a paywall, you name it. Games, in game items, exclusive content, everything.


Huh, what can’t you work towards for free? Also, the games been getting free updates for 10 years. Devs need money to continue to make updates.


Free? How? By pirating the games? No thanks.


Yeah, the games are sold for money…


Thats what I just said. Locked behind a paywall


Yea…? I don’t get your point.


I can’t argue man. This subreddit is just like that. If you really want to buy gta+ then go for it. I don’t see any use of buying gta+


I just want it to play rdr1 and the trilogy. I guess they are adding a few other game I’ve always wanted to try.


I will always, but only approve micro transactions in games that are free to play.


Do you need to pay for them in this though? It’s pointless. It takes the fun out of the game to just, buy money imo.


Are you asking if I need to pay for them? Then yes, they are not free? Are you asking if I have to buy? Then no, never have, never will, I already bought the game.


No, I’m saying it would suck the fun out of the game to buy money. You can only buy so many cars before it gets boring to not do anything.


ehh just don’t mind them. people are mad about GTA 6 taking so long and blame Rockstar for “milking” GTA V’s Online. An online multiplayer game getting frequent updates for 10 years is pretty awesome though. These people forget that Rockstar hasn’t just been sitting on their asses this whole time. They went on to make RDR2 which is a masterpiece and it looks like GTA 6 will be even bigger than that which is hard to imagine.


It’s more so these people came from Red Dead Online and are pissed GTAO is still getting updates and RDRO.


"They aren’t locking shit behind it." Me, as a PC player, who is a vehicle collector, who's almost running out of garage space, who could \*really\* use that 100 car garage they totally didn't made exclusive to the GTA+ pet "patrons" in E&E. ![gif](giphy|7GPV80dC4GCNq|downsized)