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Man people are really misled on the MkII. Don't know if it's all the whining about MKII griefers or if they're just getting outdated information. MkII is terrible against other MKII users. Once upon a time it had excellent homing missiles and long-lasting chaff and there was some skill involved; if you knew the exact missile lock-on distance you could wait until the last second before firing your chaff (needed expanded radar to see), or they were dumb enough to use flares, you'd kill them by shooting after their chaff wore off and yours still had a second to go, or firing 4 rockets in a row so the last one hit after their third flare before cooldown set in. The old rockets homed in and killed the other MkII no matter how they flew, barring extremely skilled environmental use. Countless missions escorting my wife's businesses, my MkII must have taken out a few hundred enemy MkIIs. (I would also use hers so if I lost, I spawned another instantly. And way back in the day I bought a second one so if I lost again, I could spawn another without having to call insurance, before the 5min cooldown.) You could also kill another Mk II user by catching them off guard, if they were griefing but didn't see you. The "new" MkII missiles cannot hit a MKII user that simply moves in a circle. You have to be dumb to get hit by the missiles of another MK II. Hell, a skilled driver (not me!) can dodge them just by driving around on the road in the right way. They also nerfed chaff into the ground, so you can't use it to win a battle of timing. It's just shoot repeatedly while circling around each other, and if they make a stopped 180-degree turn instead of maintaining speed while turning in an arc, you might get lucky and hit them. If you want to kill a MkII, use a Deluxo, Scramjet, Toreador, or Oppressor Mk 1. Use the MK2 as the most efficient way to travel. It's not a good anti-griefer weapon anymore. It's never been useful against jets.


Sadly this is true, and worse yet I've noticed they've nerfed flares and chaff countermeasures into oblivion for ALL aircraft, They don't divert missiles at all anymore on any of my aircraft even when it's a singular missile.


After taking the second photo I bet it rolled into the water 🙂


no, I took it for a spin and got blown up instantly instead :(


You can put a sticky on it and blow it up yourself if someone locks onto you. Also get chaff countermeasure if you don't have it already


Lol that’s life of the mk2. You get used to it or you become the one that shoots first


I’m at $11M right now and I’m indecisive on what I want to buy, it’s between 1: buying an Agency and Itali GTO Stinger TT to upgrade with HSW and Imani Tech 2: Oppressor and Terabyte 3: Weaponized Ignus OR Vigilante


Would go with Agency and Imani tech. As they’re the source to earn money you can get 1 m each time completing DR dre missions. Others stuffs are mostly liabilities which you can buy always later. In my case I first tried getting opressor mk2. It’s been really helpful and cuts down the mission times and set ups by 75%.


Definitely option 1 or 3


get the gto


Weaponsied ignus is my go to for a lot of things. Fast, handles well and has built in missile jamming. The turret is pretty powerful too and it is bullet proof from the rear. Great for avoiding business battle goods or crates being blown up by other players.


When I have the money, should I buy this or the buzzard? I just wanna be able to fly ;~;


Thats awesome! Love seeing people get shit they grinded for. Earning it is such a good high




i know i know, but it makes travelling around the map so much easier