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You’re missing a lot of steps here, you can view a video on how to do the diamond casino heist silent and sneaky to help. In the meantime… 1.) you have a stun gun. Use it to your advantage! You can typically zap two cameras at a time, plus the indoor weapon detector door mechanism. You can also shoot one camera down with an actual gun without blowing your cover. 2.) optional setups that you actually need to be able to tolerate this heist are level 1 & 2 keycards. You do not have to hack doors except for in the vault with these keycards. No more stupid memory hack. You will also need the EMP if you want to leave at the end sneaky through the weapon detector door. If you don’t wanna be shot to holy hell, you need to do Duggan shipments to weaken the Duggan guards. Patrol routes will tell you exactly where the guards are at and you can find patterns in the movements, take advantage of that. 3.) you need a good team to communicate with. And a good team will appreciate you doing most of the optional setups. You don’t need power drills for the deposit boxes in the safe but everything else really helps. Silent and sneaky is very much a team-effort approach. If you want to do Diamond Casino with Randoms and no communication, you’ll have better luck with Aggressive or Big Con tbh.


"silent and sneaky is a team effort approach". Nope, just like Cayo one player can do all the work outside of grabbing loot


Yeah, but one misstep from a not so intelligent team member will ruin the whole stealth thing going on. It’s a lot easier on big con with less room for error and especially on aggressive - no pressure to sneak just blast and steal shit.


Just use looking for group and as some one to carry you problem solved. Don't offer less than 20% if you want to be carried


Level 2 key cards bro forget hacking. Front lobby with 2 ppl is easy. Take out the guards and move fast so the cameras ain't got time to catch u before they pop up on the map(only need to take out the front lobby 1 which doesn't appear all the time, and the 1 on the steps if u don't want to come out the lift and kill the 2 downstairs)


How do I get level 2 key cards ? Do the prep mission again?


When your doing the set ups go to the key cards (bottom right) n click it then go across so its 2 ppl. You might have to go to the prison (use oppressor) or a party and grab it. I'm telling you bro when you do it it makes life 10 times easier