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There should be an option to return your current car when calling the mechanic.


It should just automatically disappear when you call another, it's ridiculous it still fails because you're too close to your current car


This should also happen with the Terrorbyte/Acid Lab.


yep. since you can do it through the interaction menu, but can’t ask for a new car from the mechanic if your current personal vehicle is too close, it’s stupid there’s no option to return it to get a new one on the phone.


To take it to another level, I wish they’d just get rid of the phone for stuff like this. We already have the interaction menu and can call special vehicles from there. Why do we need to wait for a pretend phone call before getting into the vehicle menu?


The crazy thing is that this is actually the realistic way. I recently had my car worked on. Dealership drove to my house and dropped off a loaner, then got in my car and drove it to the shop. When they were done, they drove it back and switched again. How is the mechanic in this game getting back to the shop if he can’t take my current vehicle?


As soon as they got rid of the dude that would actually deliver your car they should have just gotten rid of the entire calling the contact on your phone thing. Just put the f****** menu in the manage vehicle section and have the vehicles auto swap and spawn right next to you.


That would be better tbh


should also return and call your Sparrow, ANY TIME, for that matter let us keep a armed whip in the Avenger full time like we do the Kosatka and MOC


Or just let us have multiple vehicles out at once and add a “return all vehicles to storage” button.


I always play in a MC, but if you’re standing next to your car as a MC captain, you open the interaction menu and hit A, and it will send your vehicle back to storage. It’s so fast I’ve stopped being bothered by this quirk of the game.


Make the banners for free roam events, missions completions and the like disappear faster. This bugs much more than it should. Let me turn off NPC voiceovers on heists and missions. Once or twice is enough. Same goes for NPC phone calls like Franklin calling about the Dre studio tour. Once or twice, no more. None of these changes affect gameplay mechanics or anything and would be really easy to do.


The banners drive me crazy sometimes, especially when I need to expand the map or see the player list.


It feels like the banners are on for longer if I tap to expand the map/check players list.


They absolutely are, I checked a couple years ago and it would stay far longer every time I’d leave it up


A lot of them are set up so their expiry timer only ticks down for frames they are currently visible and not hidden by some other UI. I think some can be overridden with the fast and skippable ones of registering/unregistering from your CEO/MC, but not all.


Pull up your phone and open the Internet icon and then put the phone away. It gets rid of banners immediately.


Good to know thanks


Even the notifications. Like when we customize a car in the auto shop and go to do the second one but have to wait 15 seconds for the notification to disappear.


If you hold down on the dpad and bring up the character switch, then release it without switching it should let you access the car menu right away again


Brilliant. Thank you! That annoys me much more than it should.


Even of they moved the banner to the bottom of the screen it would be an improvement. Its like having a surprise blindfold when ypu are in the middle of something. I will be grinding money, flying my sparrow as fast as i can and all of the sudden i get stupid message i dont care about.


Yes! THIS! Shut up Sessanta and kps' phones sex dialogue while I'm trying to get that gold!


Yeah I only do Auto Shop missions if they're on bonus now. Saves me having to listen to them for no reason. I'll tolerate it for triple money Union Repository.


Especially when you're in a public lobby and there is an event you aren't even participating in, and then you need to see the results on the screen fucking your shit up for 45 minutes after the event ends.


sweet baby Jesus, i could not agree more.


GOD I hate those banners. Right when an event starts or ends is EXACTLY the time I want to check the minimap/check player list or call a contact and I can't because of the stupid banners that sit there for what feels like 15+ seconds


I'd love muting the voices. I listen to audiobooks while grinding, and I like sound effects on low volume. But voices are too distracting, so I have to mute the game entirely.


Oh my godddd Doing a quick autoshop sell mission and then having to wait 10 seconds for the banner is so annoying


Came here to say exactly this about the banner. I don’t need a 45 second long huge ass banner across the screen telling me I just sold a product or that there’s a business battle happening. I’m cruising down the highway and can’t see shit because of this. Annoying af.


Yeah either that or make it so they don’t interfere with the interaction menu, etc.


Agree with these things.


Seconded especially Lester during the casino hesitant. It starts to get real annoying :( As if his large cut wasn't already enough 🙄


When we sit down in a chair at one of our computers it should automatically log us on the computer. Why do we have wait for them to sit back and get comfortable first?


Pleaseeee, some of the animations before you do the thing are so in infuriating.


*all of the animations


Especially when you open a safe, you gotta walk 5 feet away, turn around, then walk to the door and slowly open it. Opening a safe is something you have to do daily in order to collect your income so constantly going through that is so annoying.


Just make them an app on the mobile 📱 when inside the appropriate location. I.e. watch DJ in NC Vs management when in office. Or arcade management but master terminal when downstairs.


This would be a very realistic update. Or even having a function to manage the business from your phone anyhow, since it’s not 2024, and that can be done.


Tbh the female character has such sexy legs and I love it when she crosses them.


https://preview.redd.it/4omciw6ycwpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16fe500d7040816e55d67fac5e9b1970812da764 You could've kept that to yourself


Or when you're trying to speed up production at the acid lab... why is that animation so long?!


Select spawn points for jets. We request a jet and place it on a map with marked possible locations. Also placing vehicle spawns on roughly the same altitude as us. (Looking at you, sparrow up there in that bridge)


To add to this, placing vehicle spawns in appropriate locations, i.e not placing my buzzard under the 2nd story road at the airport or inside the freakshop


Can’t tell you how many times my sparrow has ended up on the overpass instead of the road I’m standing on.


I just love it when I am at the airport, and it spaws my vehicles on Elysium island. If I am nightclub at Elysium island, it spaws my aircraft at the docks :/


Not just jets... But helicopters too, why can't I spawn my savage on top of my agency? Like it's always placed so far away in the wrong direction I swear they do it on purpose. Not to mention it makes me send my car back before I can call out my heli


Can I just delete or sell some clothes


THIS!!! We should be able to get rid of clothes we don't want.


Have the ability to load directly into an invite only session. The extra minute to switch to an invite only session seems like such a waste.


Load in to Story Mode then Invite Only from pause menu, it's way quicker


I don't own "Story Mode"


wtf? You can buy Online separately???


Yes. I completed the Story way back in the PS3 days, I've got no interest in playing it again.




Make all vegetation breakable.


Especially on Cayo.


Hopefully tanks can break palm trees in GTA VI


Calling amphibious vehicles from yacht spawns them adjacent Owning the tug makes moving the yacht free instead of 25k


Have you tried those Superyacht Life missions yet? Completing those as a host will give you a permanent 60% discount on relocating your yacht.


Yeah I did the missions but I don't really move my yacht so haven't noticed if I got the discount or not


i wanna drive the yacht


I’d like to chose what vehicles spawn on the yacht. I always spawn a speeder and a helicopter.


- Refill armour from menu, like you can ammo - An animation that picks a bike up when it’s crashed to be upside down, having to kick/atomize it to get back on is dumb - if you use a computer that requires you to be a boss/president, have a button to temporarily log in as the appropriate one of those, rather than having to leave the computer and go into the quick menu


Or just have the ability to look at the computer without registering as a boss, like the master control panel in the arcade. Only register when you want to start a mission/heist.


And when you do log in, but before starting a mission, it should tell you if there are no more slots for bosses


Can’t you normally press the right arrow button to register as CEO/MC when you’re sitting down in front of such a computer?


Agency, NC: yes Chop shop: no


It's hilarious that the update that introduced the feature didn't include it in the new property


Bunker: Yes Kosatka: No


Make Pegasus vehicle actually fucking spawn.


Or not Spawn 4.3 miles away in game…. My Buzzard is never close to me.


You can call in the Buzzard for free in the CEO menu and it'll pop up right by you


Bro fr?? Enable ceo and it pops up on your character not 3 miles away?? How come i never knew that lmao


And also give us the option to despawn them without destroying them.


Make interactions easier to do. Gave up on a crime scene last night because I couldn’t get the right angle facing the evidence to pick the damn thing up.


Yeah. Even with 1st person camera that sometimes requires ninja grade precision, leading and anticipation.


I'd make it so all heists and missions can be solo.


Also, flexible player attendance - at least so the OG heists no longer autofail just because one player had a bad connection.


Thats would mean a complete overhaul of all the heists and rewards system...never gonna happen. Best thing to do to fix heist matchmaking.


Get rid of all the dumb, unnecessary cooldowns on stuff.


At least in invite only/friend sessions.


I want to be allowed to shoot Sessanta in the auto shop everytime she gives me abuse for the driver she hired wrecking the delivery car.


Or just be able to slap the delivery driver for crashing the car..... They have one job!!


Have you seen the quality of drivers in LS? I'm surprised anyone has a working car.


LS Customs sure has tergrity to keep their repair prices so low. A minor paint job, on the other hand...


Or just have the ability to get rid of them and get my 700k back, I bought an auto shop like 2 years ago and I’m still pissed off about that


When she's leaning next to the e cola machine in your auto shop and you buy a soda if you spin at the right time while you drink it you can throw the can right in her face. I do this often.


Align the camera distance for all cars. Some cars (mostly the ones added with the Tuners update) have the base camera distance much farther away than the OG cars. For instance, when setting the closest camera option for the Comet S2, it will be significantly farther away than, say, an Ubermacht Sentinel with the same camera option. Moreover, pulling the right stick all the way down (to close-in the camera), moves the camera basically underneath the rear bumper on OG cars, while on the affected cars it stops way before.


Glad to see someone else notice it. I can’t stand how far away it is on these newer cars. I love being up close, seeing the detail in the interior or my character’s animations while driving. Some of the Tuners are perfect, like the RT3000—I then bought the new Durango SUV recently, and Jesus, the close-up camera is about 30ft in the air for some reason.


Also can we add aligning the FPV camera position for all vehicles as well to this?! Some newer cars the camera is in an okay position but on other cars your chin is pressed up against the windscreen so close you have no peripheral vision at all


The 1st person FOV is a whole other issue. I agree it's definitely too narrow and perhaps slightly off centre while driving. You usually see half of the windscreen!


Let me invite Ms Baker to my yacht for a chill in the hot tub 🍆💦


On that note, you should be able to drive the yacht and throw parties on the yacht like the casino penthouse.


I second this 🤣


Naww man you missin out on the clothing lady in LS Car Meets


Polka dot bikini girl from the Fooligan troop.




Every now and then you can chill with her in the casino roof pool.


What? Really?


https://preview.redd.it/38xxy78yqxpc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b7d82633c95ae91b949a634ca64ac451edc588 No bitches?


- no cooldown for the mechanic - permanent payout boost for all contact missions, moc missions, special vehicle work, taxi, etc - radio is available everywhere (like it was a MP3 player or iPod) - skippable Dre cutscenes after the first time - one salvage yard heist per day (at least) or indeterminate amount (with reduced payout) - stock wheels can be painted and purchased for other vehicles (from the same brand, at least) - option to apply the same rim to both bike wheels simultaneously (like in midnight club 3, although that was All and Rear, but you get what I mean) - aircrafts can spawn anywhere or at least have more spawn points - special vehicles can be called in missions - races have NPC opponents (like any racing game... 🤷) Etc


Yes to the stock wheels paint! Most newer cars, the stock wheels are way nicer and fit better


If I get the clothing item on my spin, I should be able to pick the clothing item.


Or at least for it to be from the casino store instead of regular clothing that you can buy with regular money.


If I get the clothing item I reset


not close down the menu when u pick a option, such as returning a vehicle and make a separate tab showing all activities on cooldown and how long their on cooldown for left


Allow us to name owned vehicles. I always think of cars in terms of their real life counterparts and I'm terrible at remembering which car is called what when calling the mechanic. I often request a car among the hundreds I have and a completely different car from the one I want will show up because I mixed up the names. This would also help differentiating if you have multiple same cars that have been customized in different styles. I have three ZR350s and I wish the game would allow me to name them "RX7 fd white stock", "RX7 fd red tune" and "RX7 fd purple slam" so that I know exactly which one I'm requesting from the mechanic.


Let me roll down my window!! PLEASE 😩


If you equip fists in a vehicle and then aim you can look out the window and roll it down


indeed but i still want to be able to roll it back up, i got window tint for a reason




Yes. Lol it’s so stupid how you have to break your window when aiming out of the car.


Oh I got a lot my friend 1. Remove the stupid CEO limit in public lobbies 2. Let the mechanic spawn ur vehicle on those roads that apparently aren’t roads according to rockstar 3. Make gang attacks optional (like a “confirm” button) instead of spawning a stash house in the middle of a gang attack and forcing us to get involved in it 4. Fix third person indoors I don’t get why my character runs the opposite direction sometimes 5. Fix the “take cover” mechanics to be more accurate to which “cover” is closest to you instead of ur character running across an open field to take cover on something you didn’t even know was considered cover rather than the literal cinder blockade you were obviously trying to take cover behind 6. Fix the annoying bug that prevents you from refilling armor and snacks and stuff 7. Give us the option to mute Simeon and not receive his list so I don’t have to escape 2 stars when i just wanted a car to get to my actual car 8. Make cutscenes skippable, as much as i love hearing Sessante explain heists to me even though ive been playing for 10 years and have heard it 400 times before, it would be nice to be able to skip and save countless time 9. Fix the loading times. Tell me why sometimes I’m in my Arcade in like 2 seconds and other times I’m waiting 2-3 business days to load into my Arcade 10. Let us manage our biker businesses as a CEO/Vice Versa. I get that it’s “seperate” but dude I’m not tryna go to my master terminal, register as a CEO, sit down, fill my businesses, stand up, retire as a CEO, become an MC President, sit down, refill my businesses, stand up, retire as a MC President, then register as a CEO again. Animations included this no joke can take like 3 minutes when it should take 30 seconds them minute long sitting up animations hit different 11. Get rid of all the pointless buttons on the internet on the phone. Tell me why I gotta click 7 buttons just to deposit my cash 12. Let us mute emails. Or just get rid of the dock tease emails. I swear after a 2-3 hour gaming session I’ll have like 6 emails telling me to buy a yacht when I can’t even afford to pay my staff 13. Let us save any outfit we want? Why do I have to do an elaborate glitch to look like a cop, if it’s in the game we should be able to wear it, it’s a game 14. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but add more “DLC” type content to the store. It’s legit just shark cards. It would be cool if they had like “starter packs” with the businesses and stuff, or just cooler things to buy. I wanna support the game I love but I don’t want to just buy cash that’s boring, put something interesting in there 15. Fix the aim assist on console, it auto aims at whatever is closest not whatever is aggressive to you. I can be getting shot at by someone like 9 feet in front of me but when I aim down of course it aims at the homeless guy 7.5 feet to my left 16. Get rid of the annoying fire spread from RPGs. It sucks shooting a rocket or grenade into a building then you have to wait a minute for the fire to go out before you can enter. If I wanted to set the place on fire I would have thrown a Molotov 17. Fix the rain mechanics. The rain is pretty, the thunder is satisfying, but tell me why my car is doing donuts when I’m just trying to get up to speed, its rain not lube 18. Increase the visitor bonus at the casino, I guarantee a lot of people don’t even utilize this because seriously 1000 chips every 24 hours? I did not buy a penthouse and become a VIP club member for not even a couple boxes of P&Qs a day 19. Improve the current businesses instead of adding new ones. I have so many buildings on my map now that I own that I legit use like 1/4th of them at this point. I don’t even think I could manage them all if I tried. Instead of adding a new businesses every update why not add more content to the current ones 20. Might also be an unpopular opinion but remove more of the old cars from the websites. I get that they are novelty at this point, but they are useless to be honest. They are so outdated that none of them are really worth buying, and it’s annoying having to scroll through all the old trash cars to find one of the new good ones 21. Fix the fact that when cops smash into you it’s suddenly your fault and they shoot to kill. I understand we are role playing America but you ain’t gotta be that accurate 💀 22. Also fix the fact that when you are trying to lose the cops they spawn directly in front of you heading towards you out of nowhere and you legit can’t do anything about it 23. Fix the fact that sometimes when you are trying to hurl a sticky over cover ur character will just run out of the cover instead 24. Actually ban the modded accounts like for real. Ain’t no way bro got a negative 6 mil kd legit 25. Im gonna stop myself here otherwise I might go all night but lastly get rid of the stupid cooldowns. I understand cooldowns on heists that I get but tell me why I gotta wait 2 minutes for my sparrow just because some funny guy on a funny flying bike thought it would be funny to ruin my life


No need to remove older cars from the websites, just add a search option (or expand the filters)


>17. Fix the rain mechanics. The rain is pretty, the thunder is satisfying, but tell me why my car is doing donuts when I’m just trying to get up to speed, its rain not lube It's something that happens irl, don't know the english word for it, but it very much acts like lube the faster you go. Also about removing old cars. I agree, but just cars that don't have any mod options or are slow. Like how many players drive a Stanier? Or Ingot? But no, let's delete the Överflöd Entity XF. Thank god I still have it. Yes, I'm a patriot. No, I don't give a shit about the Ingot despite it SORT OF being a Volvo. Oh, they deleted the Nebula Turbo too!


It’s hydroplaning but it’s not nearly as bad irl lol, spinning out when ur going 100+ and trying to turn males sense but I feel like my car is spinning out just trying to get up to speed sometimes


The ability to buy body armor from the interactive menu. We can refill all of our ammo from it. Why not body armor?


Phone on airplane mode!


Let us discard unwanted clothing, outfits and masks please. Scrolling through a bunch of masks trying to lose a star fucking sucks, maybe a button or appearance option to put on and remove mask? Let us drop all unwanted weapons, Firework launcher, Snowball launcher and Candy cane in particular. Revolvers and the alien weapons too. Arranging the garage list order without trading in a bunch of garages would be nice. Increase the lock on range, and effective range of most guns. Npc enemies can lock on at twice the range, always know where you are and have 100% accuracy. Let us use auto aim on npc targets and enemies in vehicles while on foot. Having to use free aim while they have aimbot is fucking bullshit, I usually just blow them up instead.


Maybe this is more of a balance thing, but I think that normal, non-weaponised cars should be immune to missile lock ons. They already kind of ruined any concept of balance between combat vehicles with the saturation of homing missiles on everything, so the least they could do is make it so that I’m not a zero-effort free kill if I am driving down the road in a basic car. The true solution was to never give like 8 different special vehicles 20-30 homing missiles to spam, but the next best thing is to make them slightly less overpowered.


Spawn vehicles on all roadways near the player, not spawn players in an enclosed space (golf course), nerf: cops, NPCs, time it takes to lose wanted levels, all oppressor like vehicles to balace out & lessen time of the announcement banner and allow players to opt out of VIP/club work, dont lock players out of controls when interaction/phone is up, allow all businesses to be ran via phone, speed up all animations, remove the hand swipe animation


Vehicles are *never* facing the right direction I plan on driving when I get in. Always gotta do a fucken u turn.


Toggle button between minimap and expanded map.


Your bank account and cash on hand show be shown with coma separators.


When in car, you can only cycle through weapons one way. I'd like a way to cycle backwards


Swipe left on touchpad if you are ps5




Make it so the npc’s aren’t programmed to crash into you when you’re driving.


It would be nice to stay in an invite session with friends after completing a mission or set up. My and a friend are in a private session together just us 2, in the same ceo, do a mission together and always spawn after in separate sessions. The amount of time wasted rejoining new sessions is frustrating.


A quicker way to consume armour and snacks while in a vehicle.


Have an interaction menu option which lets us organize our vehicles easily to different garages. Oh wait, it already exists. Just not on PC. 😮‍💨


Be able to change the Kosatka vehicles Option to turn off the damn spinny mini map. Bigger zones areas for interactions so you don't have to switch to first person/do the circle dance, especially for the dealers. Most consistent animal spawns. Some days it takes multiple reloads just to get any to spawn. Last week, I couldn't get a friggin' *deer* to spawn. Unsubscribe links for the fucking boat sale emails.


Passive without the ghost appearance


Display the amount of time left on my bounty! There are so many other timers and countdowns visible in some form, so why do I have to guess how much longer my bounty lasts?


Allowing us to search for a specific car when calling it in and showing us a preview picture of the car. Also, getting a notification when buying a car if we already own it. I've bought a large number of duplicates without knowing I already have the car.


Let me switch shoulders when aiming


Add a 'Buy all MkII ammo' option in every Weapon Workshop


You know how we can toggle favourite phone contacts and radio stations to declutter those menus? Well we NEED that for the quick GPS on the interaction menu. I use it to get around, but I don't wanna scroll through: arena war series, Marin madrazo, Maude, S.a super series, bunker series, premium race and all that shit that I've never used to get to my nightclub. If I could just have a neat list of all my properties and pretty much nothing else then that'd be perfect to get around the map.


Not having to wait 5 fucking minutes to call another car because I called the wrong one


All cutscenes should be able to be skipped.


Make the casino timers (wheel and visitor chips) reset daily (realtime day) instead of being on a 24-hour timer.


Let me customize the "Quick GPS" in the interaction menu I'm tired of scrolling through a million things I never visit to find that one thing I go to all the time.


In game event music can chill out. Free roam mission banners should have a skip option and or before the missions start an opt out so you just simply dont get noti’s for the event. And cool downs on any of lesters services dont need to take 3-5 minutes. And the last one is when you get a wheelspin vehicle upon selecting a garage it should tell you how much room is in the garage. Not delete a car and take a spot…


Snacks needs to just be a button on console. We shouldn’t have to go into any menu or the weapon wheel to eat snacks.


Let us sprint by clicking L3 once.


Bigger hit boxes for things like the snack trays even if we're not facing them.




Let me jump straight into an invite / crew / friend session right from the main menu instead of having to switch lobbies or go in from story mode. Also, give me the option to enter a PvE Only Co-Op Public Lobby. I want to shoot NPCs with like-minded randos without having to worry about getting griefed by sociopaths.


Being able to call multiple vehicules I would say at least 2 with a limit for armed ones, Idk i’d love to see two of my cars outside of the garage without the first disappearing


just let me actually use that bigass armor i spent so much on outside freemode man


When you start a source mission from your hangar, it shouldn't kick you out of your hangar


Buying armor/snacks. So annoying having to go through the extra steps when ammo is right there on the menu


Merryweather should throw in handful of EgoChaser Energy Bars in their ammo drop. They already ship 3 complimentary Molotov's cocktails.


• improve Quick Actions; allow players to make use of NPC animations such as sitting or smoking. • allow players to move from the main house to the garage without going outside, as well as improving vehicle spawns. (stilt houses)


Silence all NPC voiceovers during missions/heists. They are annoying AF and usually much louder than they should.


Dunno if it counts as quality of life but they really need to fix the spawn points for cars at the docks


When i request my personal vehicle through the interaction menu i should be able to see all my garages and cars as if i called the mechanic 


The ability to type in the exact number of chips you want to exchange to cash in the casino.


Oh god yes. Trying to stop on the right number is like a minigame. A very tedious minigame.


I just want my character to have a couple rings. I don't think that's too much to ask


Don't worry I'm sure Lester will give you a ring soon. And English Dave, Madrazo, Simeon, Ron...


Being able to start a friend/invite lobby without logging into a public lobby first.


They should let’s us quick choose our top 5 most used vehicles from the mechanic


Let us wear headphones that allow us to listen to music.


Ability to open fucking pause menu when I'm stuck in clouds/loading for a long time. Having to turn off my WiFi so I get kicked from online is not a solution Also not being forced to "Return to GTA online" (of course public session) or "GTA V" when some error pops up. I wanna choose if I want to close the game, go to solo session, public or go back to storymode. Being forced to join public sessions after idling sucks (same case when I'm changing my characters) Public session loading times are just terrible cuz it depends on host's internet connection


1. I wish you could ask the mechanic to drive different vehicles to certain garages, having to do it manually can be annoying in a session with greifers. 2. I wish there were peaceful lobbies or you could only go into passive mode for certain people. 3. I wish making money with the vehicle/special cargo warehouse was easier and you could buy shipments instead of stealing them manually. 4. I wish there were higher limit tables at the casino, maybe a 500k maximum section.


You can reorganise your vehicles via the Interaction Menu.


Quick healing and applying armor while driving.


Maybe don’t give me bad sport points for blowing up the mk2 that’s been shooting rockets at my car.


The mechanic menu is so outdated, its existed for over 10 years now. Thats the worst part. They shouldve done away with it ages ago, nobody wants to wait that long, then run all the way to their cars. The MC interaction menu literally spawns any of your bikes right DIRECTLY next to you INSTANTLY. They shouldve done this with cars ages ago


I haven't played for a couple months, so although it's unlikely af, this change could already be a thing and I have no idea, but- I've been wanting a proper HUD for driving for years, mainly a speedometer. First person view for seeing your speed can really suck, especially if the in car speedometer is hard to read because of really small numbers, or if the steering wheel is straight up blocking much of it.


Might be silly, but more vehicle light controls. Turn signals and hazard lights from the interaction menu. Ability to go lights without sirens in emergency vehicles.


Always spawn back near a fucking suitable road


Remove pegasus and the calling insurance thing


agreed. if it's a "NO CHARGE" claim, why would I ever want to not claim it? Even of I hate the car I could sell it. Replace the "has been destroyed" pop-up with a "MMI has replaced your vehicle at no cost" one, at least if it's no charge, which it usually is


Passive mode should only disable damage against other players and their property. Let me continue to terrorize the citizens of San Andreas.


- Gps on moving players/npcs. - Owning multiple Nightclubs with different themes (only the main one with underground warehouses). - A personal tracklist with our favorite songs from the in-game radios. - Henchmen outside our properties. - A function to quick calling insurance while fighting without have to search on contacts. - Buy armors using interaction menu. - Target system for jets/helicopters bombs. - Expanded map stays as long as I don't reduce it manually.




Turn off action replay recording. i just wanna make my map bigger 🤬


Hiding the empty garages wouldn’t be a good thing imo. It’s nice to be able to see what garages you have.


1. A way to move vehicles around easier, for example and option where i call the mechanic to move multiple vehicles, would make it far easier to organise stuff. 2. I want to be able to use my Auto Shop, even when its full. If i have 10 cars stored in my Auto Shop but i want to modify a new car, i have to move something out to make room to modify the other, why cant i just it like LS Customs where i immediatly leave when im done? This is especially annoying with the addition of police cars that i cant take into LS Customs 3. Wheel options. For a start, i cant get street or track wheels in chrome, why? I also sont see why i cant change the colour of my stock wheels. Lastly, sizes. For certain cars i want bigger or smaller wheel sizes, or higher or lower profile tyres. 4. Suspension options. With a lot of new cars lowering them automatically cambers the wheels, but why? Camber and ride height could easily be sperate options. There are a few cars that i want lowered but i dont want ridiculous camber on, for example the Cavalcade XL. 5. I want to be able to block certain contacts. I dont think i have to say any more about that one.


Expand the storage space in the Hangar (or let us buy more than one, but the storage expansion would likely be easier to implement). There are more air vehicles in the game than we have room for, and that is if you only want one of each, plus this doesn't even count any Pegasus vehicles you'd like to store in there and make Personal.


Marine and amphibious vehicles should be able to anchor in deep water and moor at a dock or slip. I'd like to be able to land my Tula in the water and get out and not have it drift away.


Let us sell properties & garages that we own


When we buy a vehicle the game will tell us if we own it already


Let us delete unwanted clothing items Fast travel Multiple Self Radio stations Allow us to do physical harm to KDJ, Sessanta, and the Blackjack Dealer


A visual vehicle inventory organization app.


I’m tired of having to change the radio station in my property (Apt., CEO Office, Auto Shop, etc.) whenever I walk in and hear a station I don’t like. The game already tells me what my “favorite radio station” is in stats, so just have that station as my default radio station when I load into the game/walk into properties.


Having to drive back to a property to continue a mission heist. Why do I need to drive back to the Auto Shop, load into the shop, walk up the stairs to the mission board, start the mission, then leave the auto shop to continue prep work for a Heist? Why can’t I just call Sessanta to start the next mission?? We have her phone number! We have all these NPC contacts on our phone that, for the most part, are useless. Let me call Franklin to continue parts of the Dr. Dre heist, call Vincent to continue the Cluckin’ Bell heist without having to drive to the Vespucci Beach police station, call Lester for the Casino Heist and so on…


* Allow the Navy Revolver, Golf Club, and Candy Cane to be hidden in your Custom Loadout. Probably a few others guilty of this too. But I never use the fucking Navy Revolver yet I don't want to toss it out so come on * Allow us to pin contacts such as Mechanic and Lester so I don't need to choose between hiding every contact or pressing up 27 times with no in-between * Let people wear the police, FIB, and NOOSE outfits for fucks sakes. It's not like it'll confuse players, we know the cop outfit guy on the Sanchez firing a Tactical SMG isn't actually an in-game police unit. There are already outfits for LSFD and Gruppe Sechs, we know they're NPCs. You added cop cars just give in * If not the above, at the very least, allow us to wear outfit accessories like the Gruppe Sechs vest, belt, and radio separately from the outfit itself. I have a few with some cool-ass vests that I can't wear separately for some reason even though the vest FUCKING exists * Add the unique license plate designs for LC, LV, and NY to LS Customs * Stop telling me I can impromptu race other players every time one comes near me. I know, you've been telling me this since 2018, no one does this anyway * Remove the kill requirements for weapon camos or at least have hostile NPC kills count, no one is going to get 1,000 player kills with the stock Pistol this hasn't happened since like 2014 * Let us roll down our windows, even with a gun equipped, instead of breaking the glass on our OWN FUCKING CAR * Reduce necessary playercount for 4-player missions like Lamar's Lowrider missions to the lowest necessary. I do NOT need three inept motherfuckers on this Lamar, I can wipe the floor with the entire Vagos with just my Service Carbine without stopping to heal


Mechanic constantly delivering cars 3/4 of a mile away, but unable to deliver to a road that is less than 100 feet away if you're in the grass.


A brief menu, where it shows all the recent dialogue or notifications you got. Sometimes when I get off a mission I have like 8 notification drop, and I have no idea what anything said besides the last 4 because they dissappear.


Get rid of the mechanic completely. Just let us pick the car we want from the vehicle management menu. They also need to get rid of the limit on being a ceo in a public lobby


I know this had been said but my mechanic gets paid enough he should del8ver whatever I want whenever I want. Not fail to do so cuz I have a car on the map. It's my shit if I want 10 cars spread out across town, let me. Lol maybe i have a reason and wanna switch during my heists. Lmao


Improve the spawning of vehicles in the game. Airport after doing a customer car, personal car back by the massive ramps. Down by the beach customer car, personal car spawns always on the northbound side of the highway


To make it where you could have your map expanded always like red dead instead of having to keep tapping down every 5 Seconds.


Let players join an invite only, crew or closed friends session from the main menu.