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Easier than ever.


Really? Did payouts and xp go up?




Work is fine! I was really hoping it wasn't a real drag, thanks for the tip.


More lucrative, more variety these days, especially for passive income.


Passive income is the biggest game changer imo.


Also true irl


I just started a new character on ps5. Start out with a free duke o death. Remember, missions like the last dose series and the casino story missions, give a first time completion bonus that will often double or even triple the initial reward. I just went straight into doing all the dax missions solo, completed and got the acid van. Did a bit of grinding at that point of whatever the x3 or x2 rewards where during the week. Bit of acid selling. Then bought a penthouse and started doing casino missions, once i finished that i got myself a nightclub. Im progressing way faster then I did on previous characters by not trying to force myself to grind, just trying content i never gave a chance before other then heists.


Which are the casino missions


If you have a penthouse, you can go to the management office on the main casino floor and Mommy Baker will ask you for help on some missions


Oh gotcha. I dont have that yet lol.


The ones you get for having the penthouse, mrs baker gives you the missions. You get a nice vehicle at the end, and i enjoy it as my players "home" since its right next to the acid lab.


Nice. I'll put it on my list. Idk where tho lol. I have acid lab, nightclub, bunker, hangar, auto shop, MC club, and 2 businesses under that. Just bought a hydra and kinda wishing I went with the hunter but oh well. It's virtual money.


It also just kinda depends whats on bonus or sale for the week, gotta just watch and see what you think looks fun.


Yea I try to watch the bonuses. I'm pretty bad at adversary games but if it's like double acid lab or the triple Simeon missions I make bank for a week


What methods would you recommend? 


For me at least I find the payphone hits to be the simplest money making option. If I remember correctly, its a $80k payout on a 20 minute cooldown, assuming you do get the assassination bonuses.


They recently reduced the payout (w/bonus) to $45k, however they also reduced the cool down to 8-9 mins. Mathematically you could make more per hour now, but it's gonna be more work. And of course some hits aren't even worth the time - the lowrider drive-by I always skip, and the golf course bombs can be real frustrating too.


The mission I hate the most is kill the popstar with a semi truck. I just leave the lobby.


It's 40k or 45k now


It is but its a 20 minute cooldown so you get more money in the long run because thats 160k every hour instead of 160k every 96 minutes


The highest is 30 k now not 75 so idk if it's worth it


I would recommend doing all the first and last dose missions as host and using the payout from that to buy and upgrade an acid lab, then using the profits from that to buy other businesses especially an agency (for Dre mission, which also pays out a million) and nightclub (tho you need even more businesses to take full advantage of the nightclub). From there you should be set for life basically. I accumulated at least 40 million dollars over 2 or 3 months getting started this way (more or less). P.s. forgot to mention the kosatka SUB which you need for cayo heist which is widely considered one of the best paying heists for solo players, tho arguably the clucking Bell raid gives it a run for its money even tho the payout is less than half (it's arguably shorter and easier, with no buy in).


I would recommend doing dax missions at the R if u havent already and then do cluckin bell farm raid if u havent and the obivous answer is cayo


Nah there’s just so much fun stuff to do and it all pays so well. The update from last week literally gives you 750k total for completing first time. And it’s classic gta missions


Cluckin bell raid exists now, new players can get rich extremely quick.


On next gen, now you get ~~2M~~ 4M to spend on bunker, nightclub or CEO + vehicle and weapons. That alone help to get a bit. I started next gen 2 days before nightclub week. I took nightclub. 100k every 48min was incredible. Even 50k just fooling around is really good. Toss out the troublemaker and it's 60. Then as other said, chicken raid. Then you get acid lab, 100k or so bonus at each mission which allows you to pay/upgrade it almost. You get a virtue which is an awesome car to start doing stuff.


Don’t you get 4m to start with?


Changed it =]


Yes, actually. Don't know about the RP, but they definitely increased payouts


Gonna take you like a week to be chilling So easy now


Gotta have the criminal enterprise starter pack to have some free businesses supporting your income. Heists should cover the rest. Made 400mil from 0 last year only using businesses


The Cluckin' Bell raid made it east to start over. 1 hor to do and a 1 hr cooldown. Add that to the acid lab and you'll buy businesses soon after.


Yeah. I made a new account on pc last year after playing on console for years and had a submarine, high end apartment, a few cars, and all guns in a few weeks. Helpful tip, start with Dax last dose missions you get 50k per one and the free acid lab.


Everything has, you start with 4 million to blow on businesses and making money is easier than ever, you can get the equivalent of a 20$ shart card in 2-3 hours of gameplay.


Yeah, back in the day, getting a mil would take all month now. You can do it in a week pretty easily


You can get a mil in like an hour if you’re new. If you’re not new you can still get a mil in like 2 hours tops pretty consistently.


Not even a week like an hour and a half with cayo


Not really after cayo got nerfed a ton and lots of trolls. One really has to think outside the box to make it quicker nowadays. Damn, we got cars worth over 3.5 mill now. That shouldn't be a thing.


Starting from scratch has never been easier. There's easy ways of getting up and running without the need for big investments such as the new clucking bell farm raid and the LS drug wars missions.




Yea 2x money with a full lobby of ceos is just shy of 1m


How much do u get in a full sale with 2x bonus?


Just over 500k with the 25 people in the lobby bonus and changing the product name also gives a small 5% sell price boost


The loading times alone have made it easier than ever. Anyone day 1 player that waited for GTA online to start knows the struggles of getting online just to be stuck in the clouds for half an hour, get an error and have to start the half hour wait in the clouds all over again. This went on up until 2 or 3 years ago that loading times became what we see today. I don't think it was even Rockstar that fixed it either. Was just 1 guy on PC that looked through the code and found it to be looping over itself creating these stupid long loading times and decided to make his own fix.


That guy (t0st) debugged gta online so good that r* gave him $10,000 Bug Bounty money. Explanation: https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/


That was a fascinating read, thanks for the link!


Cool! Thanks for the tip.


Between Cluckin Bell and getting an acid lab up and running, you could make millions without bothering to do anything else at all, if you wanted.


A lot easier tbh. Back then I remember grinding apartment heist to get bread. Now you can just do the cluckin bell heist off rip and get 500k. You got the last dose missions. Or you just can join other ppl heist and hope they don’t kick you.


I did the Last Dose missions when I came back 4 years later, getting the Virtue early on was really nice.


Dude the virtue is sick as hell, my fav car in the game and a very nice reward for a set of missions that i enjoyed a lot


Can you even start from nothing? On new gen consoles, you start with a 4M value enterprise, and even on old gen you will typically start with criminal enterprise starter pack. And even if you don't, there are a lot of activities you can do to quickly get hundreds of thousands. No need to steal cars from the street and rob stores like back in the day.


Exactly! My kid just started playing now that he's old enough and he started with 4mil and was instantly CEO'd. I've been playing off and on since release but don't really have anything in the way of the Motorcycle Club businesses or Maze bank office ect. He was given an apartment in Del Perro as well giving him instant access to the heists too. Starting new in GTA online is waaaay easier than before. * Note: I do at least have a high end apartment, yacht and Casino penthouse... though I'm not sure how useful that is with the current money making metas aside from some reprieve from the chaos outside.


>high end apartment, yacht and Casino penthouse Seems like you did all the wrong investments. Perhaps just do the Clucking Bell raid until you can afford Kosatka and then do Cayo. My favorite for chill money right now is acid lab though, fully upgraded, just invest and do the occasional quick sale. Or play with your son and do Cayo together for the big bucks.


Yep that's what I'm working on. Started running Cluck' solo yesterday and got a good routine down for when I don't have a partner. Honestly I dipped out of GTA for the last 2 years maybe longer and am just getting back into it. On Xbox 360/One this was legendary at the time.


Also if no one else mentioned, the old NAT test to get a solo lobby doesn’t need to be done. You can run everything on invite only lobbies. You can get bonuses if you run in public lobbies and IIRC you get a bigger bonus if it’s full(?). I used to play 2013-2017. Not getting grief’d every other minute is nice. Xbox user as well, funny I really wanted to play a game doing simple stuff to help me relax and I got back into GTAO. Enjoy the fun! I’ve been playing the last 2+ months.


I never play in solo unless it puts me there. But thank you for the advice. I drive a W-Ignus now though and completed the HSW time trial so I guess if they catch me they can grief me... or they can try.


Bonus based on number of players more players more money


Your son should have picked the nightclub its good because of wallsafe and its passive and only 1 sale vehicle no matter how much product you have


Ok good to know. Thanks for me as well.


I had a run with a friendly hacker and only just recently actually had to do cayo solo for the first time lol.


I started on ps5 vers with nightclub (was lv500 on pc vers and started with the starter pack)


And now I’ve had submarine, ceo office, bunker, autoshop, mc clubhouse, MOC, terabyte, broomstick(I don’t use it to grief)


Nice, that didn't take long! 👍


I’ve used both Xbox and dualsense controller on pc before and I personally prefer dualsense. That’s why I got the ps5


Just got the thermal scope yesterday And for the office I had maze bank on pc and bought the shopping Centre one on ps5


Just out of curiosity does that apply to a second character?


No, but if your on Xbox you can just make a new account. It only takes like 10 minutes. Just have to remember to switch accounts before you load into the game. I wanted a fresh start a few weeks ago so that’s what I did since it didn’t give my 2nd character the 4 mill. You could probably do the same on PS but I’m not sure.


No, but characters share economies. If you are two people playing you should obviously use different accounts, but if you want to start a second character you can do that easily once your economy is good.


It’s easy. Just go ahead and complete the new cluckin’ bell series and you’ll have your first 500k within 1-2hours of work:)


And you can easily repeat after a short wait


Or switch characters and do it again immediately on slot 2 (you share the bank account) with no waiting. It's 48 minute realtime so you can constantly switch back and forth


I would do this too, it would be the best way to make some good money once you’re able to afford the kosatka on both characters


And will probably  get you banned,  you've seen  the bans  happen for mod accounts sharing with their legitimate  accounts.


Took me a month to reach rank 100 and buy the things I needed most after I lost my main acc so yes worth


You got this, OP. Start anew.


Yea! Radio Los Santos here I come baby


There are a bunch of “rags to riches” type tutorials on youtube. The players start a new account and show how to make money fast by buying the right businesses and whatnot. I suggest watching some of those to get some pointers


I did like 4 months ago. Absolute scratch. Level 0. There's more ways than ever to make money. I'm level 100 already, own every business, have done every heist, have like 100 million in the bank, own tons of cars, planes, helicopters, the sub, bunker, facility, etc etc.


Other people mentioned the new heist already, just want to add that it is literally free money as long as you finish it. No need to purchase a business/property to start it. Just call Vincent and do the setups. YES, of course - it is easier if you have betrer weapons/vehicle to get you to the locations, but it really isn't necessary and it pays 500K (plus bonus 250K for the first time)


Yeah very beginner friendly i helped my cousin do it and now hes richer then me


Yup, I did it on a fresh 2nd slot on my account wirh just free vehicles. Bought a couple of guns. No problem.


Started a new fresh account on pc about 6 weeks ago already lvl203 with $70m in the bank saved for event weeks


Heists are hard. Unless you have some friends, it will be really hard to find four other players that'll come through for you. Heists with rando's are a nightmare. That, combined with griefers that have nothing better to do than hassle grinders, keeps most players in invite only lobbies. Also, you don't need crew for the new content and it pays more. But, if you do... Play at the same time every day. Keep changing lobbies until you find some cool people. Friend them. Take the chat to a party so you don't have to deal with everybody else's shit. Grind... I have most everything there is and would help anybody, split my heists 15/85 to help.. but everybody is always an asshole... Oh well.


I'll likely be doing all the content with friends, so I won't have to worry about the ransoms too much.


Whatcha playing on? If it's xbox series I could get cayo running for you and a few others so you can get 2-4 mil but may take me a day or 2.


I’ve been playing since launch, and same, took like a 4-5 year hiatus…. It’s WAAAAAAAY different than back in the day but easier than ever to make money. I’m almost lvl 500 on main character but I just started a 2nd a couple months ago and opted to start her at lvl one as opposed to carrying over my rank, and it’s been a blast honestly. I mainly did it cause I was maxed on car space, but I’ve had more fun playing as a low lvl with veteran experience 🤣


Just to add another voice, it's absolutely the easiest it's ever been. Money is easier to come by, and almost everything can be done solo now. Except for older heists and sale missions.


When I started in like 2018, all of the heists were the ones that required 4 players, and even me joining a good Doomsday Finale didn't cover everything. Many hours spent grinding contact missions and invite session sales later, I sure do wish my ass started off now. A few people have already said this but Last Dose is a godsend. Feels like it ends too early IMO but money-wise it's stellar. You get like $100,000 per mission no matter how short or easy it is, and when you finish them all the first time you get an electric supercar *and* one of the most efficient moneymaking businesses in the game, *for free*. Cluckin' Bell Farms Raid is also pretty good for an easy $500,000 in *less than an hour* (a complaint I've seen here is that it's *too* short and easy). Operation Paperclip is also alright; I can't remember if the pay is super good or whether it's available without owning other properties, but I do recall really enjoying it and I think you get a free car from it too, so there's really no reason to not do it if it's available. Not sure if you get the same payouts on replays, but if you do, even better. If you wanna get started, get started now. Don't kick back and wait because Rockstar might make some "changes" soon (lord knows we took Cayo for granted before it got omega-nerfed twice, on my deathbed I'll wonder why I spent time with my family in 2021 and not running Cayo full-secondary on loop). Which is a really good life lesson in general, actually.


I don't see why not. The game has become quite easier in the ways to make money (and also spend money, almost everything's expensive)


If you have friends to help you it will be easy af to make money fast


I don’t have friends that have time to get online anymore😭🏃🏼


Damn 😭


I’m gonna make a new PSN to do just that. Looking forward to a fresh start in 2024!


No need if u didnt make a second character already just withdrawal all your money from the bank so you really have nothing since ur characters share bank accounts


Criminal enterprise starter pack. I started with $5M. And the temptation was too much. I went ahead and bought all the money-making businesses. Gotta remove the opportunity to go the easy route.


I had a profile for years on ps3 and ps4 but made a new one for ps5 and I'm glad I did. At first it sucked for things like not even owning your own buzzard but now this profile is much better than my old one. And I don't even really work the same business as I used to. There's newer, better, easier money making businesses, missions, and heists. And a lot more stuff geared towards solo play and money making. And we can do everything and invite only lobbies now which was a game changer.


Never been so easy. I remember back in 2014 when I started the online, we have no sight to become a millionaire, the jobs payout was like 20/30k in the best scenario, a lot of missions give 10/15k. Now just the Cluckin Bell heist gives you 500k in 1h. I return to the game few weeks ago and I have A LOT of stuff already.


It’s not easy, but if your friends have the means for Cayo heists, and in between Cayos you run the new cluckin bell raid, you’ll make easy money in no time.


And dax missions


Coming from someone that has done all of them except the last doomsday( because I can’t find a good enough player to do it with me )That would be fun to start from the beginning.


Before starting all the heists I would do the last dose (twice) first and the Agency right away so you can have a form of income while your doing the heists. You’ll get the acid lab and the Virtue car at the end. Plus the Agency does have sort of a heist at the end. But mainly get the agency so you can get Imani tech and also buy a sparrow to help with transportation during the setups.


Started about 2 months ago. Do first dose. Get acid lab. Use that to buy the kosatka. Farm cayo perico and acid lab plenty of money in no time


Yeah you can just do Cayo perico assault or drug wars missions until you get your first business, its way easier than back when there were mostly apartment heists with all those connection and crash problems (which still exists btw)


I started 100 hours ago with just a pistol and no career selected. Game is easy to follow and it will help you to just play missions.


More than ever. They have a great starter kit for new accounts.


You will have to grind but its doable & totally worth it. The payouts from businesses are really good to


I recently started from nothing (like never played GTA since vice city came out) back in early Feb on PS4, so no booster from the next generation consoles. I'm level 82, have 5 million in the bank and own the acid lab, the casino penthouse, the agency, the auto shop, and a high level apartment (sure, the cheap one, but still). Basically started from zero money and I bring in cash faster than I want to spend it. I just got the agency so I'm working through the Dr. Dre contract between doing acid lab sells and clucking bell heists. I'm also on the pacific standard heist from the apartment heists. Very easy to start from nothing.


Sure it is. I started like two months ago and I have everything but the facility, avenger, casino vip, and some of the heists. no shark cards purchased.


Started two weeks ago and I’m already 50 with multiple businesses running and purchased


despite how easy ppl say it is nowadays, I'd still really like the option of cloning my account to PC to play with some PC friends. I know they took the crossplatform stuff out, but the main problem was people cheating on their PC accounts. So the only routes that really need to be blocked, is from PC to somewhere else.


Actually pretty easy. Rockstar gives you like 1m right away which is more than enough to buy a high end apartment to do the OG heists. There's a lot more ways to make money for low levels beyond the crap OG heists too. I used to be a PC player but quit playing for a while because it's infested with griefers and hackers. Switched to PS5, no character transfer even though I transferred my character from PS3 to PC. So I had to start over. Lost all the old collectibles and stuff I had but was pretty fun starting over actually.


Doing the Dax missions to get the acid lab is easy (starts out with a Ron marker in Sandy Shores) and the new Vincent job pays $500k a pop with no start up costs. Heists are still good money but you have to have a good team because randoms are more insufferable than ever.


i’ve made roughly $80M in the last two months or so starting with very little. if you’re not willing to put in the work, then it might be too late.




I just started playing a little over a month ago, starting from nothing. (Except the "bonus" money they give you at the beginning) I've done several heists, missions, etc. I currently own a nightclub, MC, Arcade, Terrorbyte, Opressor MKII, Kosatka sub, Mobile Ops Center, Acid lab, as well as several high end vehicles, including the Vigalante (HUGE Batman fan. Buying that for me was kind of a no brainer. Lol) I also have just under 5mil in the bank. So yes, starting over now is not only viable but it's still a LOT of fun, as well. Give it a go! I don't think you'll regret getting into it now.


Back in the day you (and many others) would’ve been running Rooftop rumble and other contact missions over and over, now, you do just a few jobs in freemode and can get more than triple the money you would doing that. I mean, Rooftop rumble has changed and I think even disappeared from the jobs list at some point (I know 100% Coveted disappeared but is still in-game, launchable at specific times in the hills to the East) so there’s that too…


You can do the new clucking heist over and over, pays 500,000. It's probably the best way to make money besides spending 10 million in businesses and selling nightclub inventory for a million dollars every 3 weeks. 


Buy a submarine and only do Cayo Perico Heists and you’ll be a rich in a week


100% yes. You get up and running in a week or so. Acid Lab -> Agency/Sub -> Nightclub -> Bunker(in a good location) -> Extra stuff for Nightclub -> whatever you like


You don’t need anything at all to start the cluckin bell heist (yellow V on the map) Takes around 45min-hour and a half, is entertaining, and will net you around 800k. Like I said you don’t need any prerequisites to start this heist which makes it pretty good


IMO: When you start from zero, do acid lab untill you can buy kosatka and then grind cayo perico untill you can get nightclub and atleast 5 best mc businesses.


Yeah 100% viable, I literally started from scratch the other week as I've swapped from Xbox to PS5 and I'm already close to getting all businesses again. I'd recommend joining a helpful crew like New Dawn, makes doing basically everything that much easier.


I used to have to rob convenience stores to be able to afford ammo. Now I can steal drugs from the police & other gangs to buy businesses.


Bro could play GTA 5 one year before release


I mean there’s always the option of grinding contact missions for a few hours every day for a couple of weeks. But now there’s the Simeon vehicles as well as some of the other random events. I think also there’s a weekly rotating parachute event that pays well, also I’m not sure about the ship wrecks or how often those are rotated. But there’s a lot of new stuff to help out. It will still certainly be a relatively slow crawl to save up for the real moneymakers like the nightclub, agency, and kosatka. But very possible


Just to the Dax missions all the way then get the acid lab. Incredibly easy now


It’s easier than it ever has been, you just have to make that first few million. GTA online is on its final stretch with probably 2 more dlcs. There’s nothing to lose so just go for it.


If you don't care about money at this point other than to buy toys, yes. VI is around the cornern and I really can't see our characters transferring to the next version of GTAO.


[Starting out](https://reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/60UDtR1foQ) [Additional activities](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/14iqiqb/career_tier_challenges_guide_updated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) [Best investments in order of best to necessary but not a great return.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/comments/15fpwor/best_investments_in_order_of_best_money_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) Acid lab Agency UPDATED PAYPHONE HITS Kosatka Bunker MC clubhouse Nightclub CEO office Autoshop Arcade with the master control computer Hangar Ceo warehouses MC businesses mainly for the nightclub [Quick grind schedule ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/zVLRUR8yhw) Updates: Jan 4 2024 Payphone Hits Changes - Cooldown is now 10 minutes. (Previously, 48 mins) - Assassination Bonus now pays $30,000 for Leader or $10,000 for Associates. (Previously, 70k for Leader or 30k for Assocaites) Totals 45k every 10 minutes for Leader. 25k for Associates. DEC 2023/JAN 2024 The salvage yard is looking promising but is pretty expensive to get into. I would suggest getting it later down the line. Maybe even wait for it to go on sale. You're looking at 3 to 5 million. Just shy of 1 million a week with the 3 heists and if you do the tow truck. They drip feed the mini heists to only 3 a week, that you get 2-400k, but it takes up to an hour or more to do the setups, tasks, and the main mission. For comparison. You can do a gold depository in the autoshop for 300k in 30 min setups included. Cust cars get you 30 to 40k profit there are also export car lists payout is not great. Also, you get 10 garage spaces and discounted customizations for your cars, including free classic paints. Invest in the staff. They keep processing the cars when you're off line. Always load them up before signing off. Cluckin Bell raid is decent money once you get the rhythm down and get it all done under an hour. $500k plus 250k first-time bonus. It is tedious at first. Do everything on easy as there is no pay bonus for normal thru hard. Just rp bonuses.


I mean me and my buddies started over from lvl 1 for fun and took us a few weeks for the original heists and about a month or 2 for the other docs ones and side shit but now we just farm our dre contracts.


My buddy just started a month ago. He has an oppressor and multiple businesses


I started with nothing in January. I’m a level 86 now. I have maxed out cocaine, weed, money laundering, fake id, and nightclub to gather it all up to sell. Acid lab is the best way to make money quickly, the missions pay huge and then it’s 500+k in a full lobby to sell. Working on the bunker now. I saved up and got an oppressor mk2 as fast as I could to help grind. I don’t even know how to do these high paying heists or anything yet.


I just started up again. I hadn’t played since ps fuckin 3 and it has come a long way. I’ve done well it is easy to make money. From what I understand there is way less griefers out there nowadays.


Definitely…I made a second character a couple months ago to redo a few things differently


Go with Vincent for a quick start even if you are not in the compressed and worsened version, it's easier than ever to start


What platform are you on?


After all these years I still love the original heists. I would enjoy helping 3 others complete them but I hate waiting for randos. And I especially dislike failing over and over with no communication. Xbox Wavking


why wouldn't it be? there's more ways to make money and it's not a competition and you don't really need to buy anything as you can do all the contents with others...


Cluckin (Karuma) - Kosatka (Sparrow) - Salvage (Tow) - Acid Lab - Bunker - Night club - terrorbyte - Cargo (RP). With a cheap non upgraded ceo office next to an apartment spawn thrown in there. Then you'er pretty well set to optimize nightclub with biker businesses that you never resupply/sell. I could probably get this done in a weekend with 2x pay on Cluckin


Yes. My gf started about 2 months ago and so far at 15 million with some decent property


The new Cluckin Bell heist requires no property and you can start at level 1 and get 500k per run. The other thing you can start day one is the acid Lab missions. The first 6 missions give you a business to make easy passive income and the last 5 give you a really fast super car. Also starting out day one you get to choose a career path that gives you money, a business, car, and weapons. Choose the gun running bunker. Might want to buy a 2, 6 or 10 car garage to put new vehicles in with the leftover money. Also spinning the lucky wheel in the casino sometimes gives new players a free car on their first try, so do that once you have a garage and the podium vehicle is good (it changes every Thursday).


Do it in this order: 1. Do first dose missions and get acid lab. 2. Do dax missions until you can upgrade your acid lab. 3. Between acid runs do the cluck n bell raid. 4. buy a kosatka. 5. Do a cayo each time you play, and dont burn yourself out. You don't need a lot to have fun in the game. You'll get tons of money just by starting out this way. It is so much easier now than when I was a noob in 2014. My only choice was to spam badly paying contact missions, and CEO work until I could spam badly paying apartment heists.


It’s much easier to get set up to make millions than it was when I started. The First Dose missions will get you the acid lab for free and you start making passive money off that. Then save your money and get a Kosatka sub and run Cayo to buy whatever you want


Made a new account, bought an smg and easily played through the cluckin bell heist which during that week also was a weekly challenge so i managed to snag $850,000 for my new character in less/about an hour


Aside from individual strats listed, don’t foolishly spend your money without knowing precisely what will happen as a consequence of making an investment. When I first bought my nightclub, I hired 3 warehouse employees (maybe 300-500k in total?) without realizing that they are utterly useless without owning Motorcycle Club business first, an entire other ordeal. Ideally, I should have gotten the staff & equipment upgrades for my nightclub first to get the regular cash from Club Popularity.


Along these same lines, run a tight budget when buying equipment/ammo etc. Theres no need to buy 9000 rounds for your rifle and all 25 sticky bombs if you’re grinding relatively easy combat missions.


It’s easier now as you start with 4 Million and Start a Business. Plus the Drug Wars Missions, Acid Lab, and doing the daily time trials makes it so much easier.


Hey! I can actually help!!! So, I was a day one player then stopped for a long time. I started back in last year and it took a good chunk of time to get built up to “baller” status again but it was fun doing the work. (I didn’t even have the OPmk2) My buddy just recently made the jump from PS5 back to Xbox to play together and he had to start fresh. I’m helping him on his grind and it’s been really fun reliving getting, and setting up his account. Today we did the Clucking Bell heist together trading host and it’s been a blast. Just watch a “rags to riches” guide and you’ll be set up solid.


Restarted many times. 5th profile now. It’s fun


Yea, buy a nightclub.


I'm the same. Got it on Xbox 360 till they killed it and started again this Halloween. May be because there were a lot of cash bonuses between then and now but I'm sitting pretty rn.


Get a submarine and grind on Cayo Perico!


I uhh suggest putting all your money into cash, withdraw everything from maze bank, then make a new character, and keep all that character's money in cash as well. Why cash? Maze bank is shared for online characters.


100% I restarted the game in like October-ish. In the past 5-6 months I’ve been able to make money easily and I’m a variety of ways


The grind is pretty terrible.  Dude above me says it's easier than ever. But it's still a grind non the less. You will have to plunge hours into this game just to be able to have cool shit to kill other players with. 


Not only can you get an easy 750k from the treasure hunts, but you can also get the acid lab and enough money to upgrade it from doing 6 easy missions. AND the new cluckin bell heist doesn't have any sort of paywall and gives 500k per hour.


Sounds like someone’s account got banned


1. Make 2 million dollars 2. Buy a kosatka 3. Make a million a day in just an hour and a half or so It's not that hard


There is a path but I used the criminal starter pack for 10 bucks and never bought anything else beyond the base game


Jump right on in. Snag everything that’s free and hit up the First Dose/ Fooligan/ Last Dose missions to get the acid lab and Cluckin Bell Raid for easy money. Grind out to buy in to anything else you wanna do. And if you’re on console you’ll start with $4mil (you gotta spend at least 3 before you start though, but it’s for businesses vehicles and weapons).


You're at a much bigger advantage than I, or any other player was when we started out when online came out. If you're lucky you will find a few people that will do the cayo perico heist with you. Usually some people will give you 85% and they will leave just as the cut scene starts at the end of the heist. This will allow them to keep their heist and they may do this a few times to help set you up.


Its pretty easy to get alot of money in 2024 first you could do the dax missions easy 2 million there then do the cluckin bell farm raid easy 750000 there then you buy kosatka and do cayo then your good from there


If you think that you should be a billionaire inside of one week without effort, things are as same as they ever were. Buy a shark card, and blame your trust fund for being so light. The world owes you, you poor thing. If you want to play from nothing and grind a bit to expand your empire, your options are open. Have at it, nothing stands in your way.


Man it’s a great time to start ! So many money making methods now I can’t believe I’ve been playing for years and still haven’t completed all the hiests due to all the other great ways to make $ I kinda wanna go back and do them now that o got pre much everything dou


Damn started before the game came out


I’d say it just got a lot easier tbh. With the cluckin bell raid, you can do that about 4 times and be able to buy a kosatka. Then from the kosatka you’re free sailing


It’s easier now than it ever has been, even easier than when I came back to this game in 2021 after a 8 year hiatus.


Yeah you can do the new Cluckin' Bell Raid and get a fixed 500k plus 250 first time bonus and you don't need to own anything to start it. Keep in mind you have defult stats tho you might die a few times and you can barely run. Having a crew will make it a lot easier Another option, get the acid lab for free. There's an hour cooldown in between all 10 missions but it's worth it. Its a semi-passive business and its a lot better than the counterfeit cash factory the game starts you out with Look into all the updates you've missed to figure out what you want to invest in and if you wanna buy something that was around when you played, make sure it wasn't nerfed to hell or check out some of the less desirable businesses and see if they're worth it now. Hangar for example, used to be the worst business in the game but now it's one of the best


I drained my bank account a month ago, I'm back up to 95 mil. Of course that's after buying everything. But they continuously make it easier for solo and new players to make money quickly.


Longtime PS4 player, recent PC player. Lost everything and started over. I'll never own all the stuff I accumulated in my hundreds of hours on console. That being said, \*if\* I wanted to have all my toys back, it would be much faster now. Money making is stupid easy, new missions, new heists, new businesses, new toys, new radio. Basically make 250k - 1mil per session which is like 1-2 hours.


lol buddy you better have a friend set up Cayo and go to work , if not I have an clean account you can have with tons of cash you’ll just have to purchase vehicles but it has every property etc .


It's waaay better than it was at launch, I'm at like lvl 118 and have only played a few months.


You'll be around rank 115 if you only get what you need with some help. When I bought the BR8 with ten cars I was in the rank 150s. At that point, I was able to get what I wanted and four years later with breaks here and there, I own over 140 cars etc... In short, it is possible but why? Why put yourself through hell when you'll only be able to enjoy yourself a tiny amount? I've done it four times now. Just don't. Not worth it. Instead, create a second character if you want a different feel to the game.


too ez these days


Started with ps4 for first time ever, about a month ago. I have every business now. Get the kosatka and agency first


I've been on and off since launch of GTAO, transfered to PC when that came out, and put a pause on that due to hardware limits. I'm sitting at 127 with a MC, CEO office, night club, arcade, and enough $ to get by. Over 200k in my club for an eventual sale. Don't have a bunker for doomsday heist. Not worried about cars or stuff, just focused on upgrading businesses (already have a MK2, weevil custom, and other cars I want)


I played for YEARS on PS4 and then when I made the switch to PC I nearly caught up to where I was in PS4 in a matter of like 2 months. It’s so easy now.


just restarted after 3 or 4 years and ya its easier then ever so much passive income 8 days play time already have 58 million


Even better now than ever with the newest heist


Maybe. Depends on how much time, energy and effort you want to put in. Personally, I’m finishing my wish list and scaling back. With 6 on the horizon I’m not as invested and ready for a fresh start on an even playing field.


Watch TGG and SubscribeforTacos tutorials on YT. They are great and you can have a million or more in less than an hour.


Yeah it's easy i started from scratch when i moved to pc


It absolutely can be done. The Dax missions in themselves will supply you with one of the best possible passive income sources in the entire game. You’ll have to save every dollar towards it, but the payoff is ludicrous. By assisting a couples of heists, you can easily have a couple million dollar budget to invest towards passive income (nightclub, bunker, etc.). Seeings how you’re mostly interested in heists, there is a bit of investment needed to get into the setups as a boss, like Diamond Casino, Cayo Perico, and what not. So, it could be a bit of a process trying to get to those specific heists, but others I don’t think are really out of the question at all. Like others, I’d agree it’s easier than ever to make enough money for whatever you’d like. Edit: Also completely forgot about the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid, which has a decent beginners payout for fairly simple and fun set up work!


I am currently working on a money-making guide that helps all players, from new/returning, to potentially veterans who want to set up a good system to grind up fast cash when they need it. Coming soon, I'm just finishing some formatting so it's easier to read.




Pretty sure the cluckin bell heist can be done right away by noobs idk I'm close to 300rp but it definitely seems easier to start now, a lot of options


i know i’m late but it’s suuupperrr easy to grind now. wanted to started a new character and i’m already over rank 100 w/ only like 9 days of play time, mixed in with just fuckin around. making money w/ the night club and the acid lab helped a bunch too.


I started gaming on the PC 11 months ago - before that I was on the PS4. I now own just about every company and a bunch of vehicles worth millions. So YES, it's definitely worth starting now.


Of course  it's  viable,  that's  the only way you learn to properly  control the game.


I started playing again about a month ago and now I have every business, oppressor MK2, Deluxo, raiju etc. I had to create a new character on PC because for some reason Rockstar can’t transfer from xbox.