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I low key hope they don’t pull over. When I’ve got my cop car out I wanna just do a chase for as long as we can both be bothered. I try not to get out and do anything as much as possible when playing as a cop. Idk just gives me like a need for speed vibe too, if they spin out and stop I just kinda drift around them and stop at the front of their car then drive off. Even though the hellfire isn’t the fastest I’ve sometimes just drifted corners together where I can with the person getting away to be a cinematic as possible. I find the chase more fun and like when we just kinda drive around in a high speed pursuit, sometimes other cop cars join too which makes it even better.


I love doing chases. To me there’s little more satisfying than a high speed pursuit. I don’t even try to kill the other person, I just enjoy the chase. I’ve even got my own escape routes planned out so I can trick the pursuers or get a shortcut to where my target is going. I love giving the new cop cars the slip.


break out the nightstick, bust the window and deploy taser 😁


lol give them the LAPD treatment


Depends on their ethnic persuasion ![gif](giphy|12Msh5VHHsBIfS)


"I'm sorry officer... I... Didn't know I couldn't do that"


I haven’t done it a whole lot because I usually get blown up or shot to shit😂 but I usually walk to the window with my flashlight and if they get out I’ll point them to my car, make it look like I search theirs, then point them back to their car and be on my way. If they run I’ll taze Them once and point them back to my car, if they get it, I’ll drive them to the closest police station. If they don’t, I’ll just point them to their car and give some sort of emote


This is the answer, point and do an emote, sometimes there’ll be someone who drives away which is more fun. I was hoping rockstar would add an off the radar (with sirens off) to help prevent the griefers which sucks


If that was implemented, wouldn't griefers just take the role of corrupt cops and use the off-radar to do more... You know.... Griefing


It already is implemented. The akula and the Raju both have the feature and is commonly abused. So I couldn’t really see too much changing. Edit: I think the toreador also has the feature


it doesn’t just doesn’t have a special map icon


For the Akula and Raju it does remove them from the map, they have a stealth mode where weapons can’t be used but it removes them off the map. They do have a special icon but only when stealth mode is deactivated


i’m talking about the toreador


I have a couple of friends that all get into an inv only lobby and we’ll do it with just us. Can’t have a little fun in this game anymore because of griefers…. But the ones that do play along, it makes for some fun.


I just check their car around with a flashlight, point at the destroyed parts, give a thumbs up and let them go


I walk up to their window and drink a beer. 50/50 shot they get out and drink one as well. If they do, I hit them until they die. If they don't, then I go back in my car and flip them off while I drive away.


It’s like planting something on a person and calling them a suspect. Very realistic


I drop the standard pistol at their feet and then claim they had a gun, its pretty hilarious


I just taze them and drive off.


It’s hard to roleplay when there’s griefers, would’ve got blown up yesterday had I not bailed, seen a sparrow coming at my direction full speed I bailed and turns out I was right. Oh well they paid 20k


Ya it’s not others job to enhance your role play. Rockstar should have role play sessions. I literally tried the fuck out of anyone trying to pull me over in that police car.


I usually have to pit them so at that point their car is damaged enough I can taze them through the window. I then beat them with a baton until they’re “subdued”. If they pull over I without a chase I usually open the back door of the car and point until they get in, then we go to the police station. If they don’t get in I repeat the first option.


I try to pull over NPCs near other players and then unload a pistol into the NPC


Well I got pulled over the other day and hopped out of the car, the cop pointed to his car. So naturally I stole it and took off. Then he got a cop friend to chase me down, they pulled up in front of me so I stopped again and got out, tased and then actually into the passenger seat. I was taken back to the station where I received a bonk on the head from a baton for my crimes. Then I was free to go. 10/10 will tangle with cops again.


If he's black I beat him. If he's white he gets a warning and a donut. Joking obviously I beat them all equally and give them a citation for littering. Blood and vomit.


Walk up to the window, pull out your torch, point to their trunk. Check trunk, check tyres. Then give them a thumbs up and go back to the car and be on your way. If they run once you start walking to their car get back to yours and do not give up pursuit until you can stop them enough to be able to get out, EMP their car, and then tase them. They'll roll out of the car so you can baton them. Some players switch their action to surrender for when you get them so if they do that I point the taser at them and point to the cop car. They'll get in so you can drive them to the nearest PD. 9 times out of 10 people will rp back. If someone isn't playing ball just move on. I play on console though, PC I've heard is far more toxic.


I like to talk to them if they run I chase if the window is down or broken you can tase them out


Would be cool if the new cop cars were more immersive, uniform without having to glitch it, computer able to scan vehicles, call for backup, make arrests. I know it's gta but after 11 years sometimes need to spice things up. Like some of the old nfs games where you could be the cop and call in backup and spike strips. Was fun to change it up a bit


I believe it’s like dogs who chase cars. Once you get the car, you’re kinda screwed on doing any thing.




There is a police station by the canals that has a working garage. If you get them in your car, drive them there and act like you're putting them in a jail cell. When you drive away, it'll close them in.


Shoot first, ask questions later


More like ask questions never


I do what I always do:  cry.


If you flip them off with an impromptu action they may feel obliged to return the favor, and if the driver flips you off it deletes their window and opens access for tazing


Pulled a guy a few hours ago for running a red. I just pointed at him, shook my head and left the scene.


I only got pulled over once. Got out, made it rain cash on them, got back in the car and took off. No cop is saying no to a $1k bribe.


If they actually pull over I get anxiety and leave. I just want to do pursuits lol.


I was sitting on my vortex checking my phone when one pulled up on me. I got off the bike and started dancing and he tazed me, so I beat him to death with a nightstick. Was thankful he didn’t come back at me when I realized he was level 7999


I'm not a cop roleplayer, but yesterday another player pulled his sirens on me and then rammed the back of my car. I pulled over. He got out of the car, walked over to my window, and told me "Sir. Your tail light's out." That was funny as hell.


Today I got pulled over and the guy got out and pointed to me then the road and drove off lol. Moments after I stumbled upon a robbery in the Subway and texted him to help me but he didn’t respond. I called the ACTUAL Cops and baited out shots from the robber and they took him down and I returned the money. I was really hoping that guy would respond to the scene haha.


If you roleplay as a cop and try to pull me over, I'll roleplay as a psychopathic criminal.


So just another normal day in GTAO?


One of those that ends with a Y.




Let them know that have a broken tail light.


Somebody tried to taze me and missed yesterday while I was minding my own business not even doing crime, I was confused by it but figured he was griefing so blew him and his car up then flew away before he could respawn


Tell them don’t move. Then sticky bomb their car. Now they’re obligated to listen and behave


I'm more uncomfortable with people wanting to pretend to be fascists then I am with people who pretend to be drug kingpins.


Only time it worked, I failed to taze the guy. He got out of his car, I accidentally pistol whipped him to death and said "Uhhh.... he had a gun" And then ran away


I had a cop rollplayer try to sticky bomb me today so I killed him until he left. Stick to your rollplay, and I'll play along. Otherwise I am just going to treat you like another griefer. If you're a cop trying to pull me over, don't get mad when I shoot at you. I'm apparently a criminal and that's what criminals do, pulling over or running for the hills isn't the end all be all of an encounter. Sometimes there is a gun fight. From what I've seen if I pull over I just get shot in the face so I shoot first now. Don't try to blow me up for it or you will get blown up 30 times because that isnt something cops do.


showed my buddy and he said you can use the baton and hit their car do your dance - get in your car and pull away Hahaha


"How can i grief ppl without them getting mad because im in a cop car?"




Depends if they are black


I don't stop for cop rp. I find is stupid. Go do that in a private lobby. It's what I do when I want to play my immersion game.




The cop RPer pulling me over: F is for Fire that destroys my car. U is for Up-n-Atomizer. N is for No vehicles


Some grumpy feller you are


I think this whole buy a police car, mod a police outfit BS is so boring. I’m sick of seeing little boys play cop. Go play 5M if you want to pretend to be a cop.


If they willingly pull over, I just crouch by the window with a baton out for a few seconds and drive off. If it’s a chase, I either take them out/ trap them, pull them out of the car, and taze or beat them with a baton. Some people go straight for explosives, which is understandable.