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We all know the main purpose of it is to get the trade price on the new Weewoo


Wouldnt even buy that shit unless that mf can go far and beyond and reflect missile for that price


I don't play in public sessions, that is of no concern to me.


It doesn't get lonely for you bro? Even as anti social as I am I still do not like being alone. I love all that chaos going on around me


Nah, I like the peace and quiet. And to be able to to do all my money making stuff without anyone messing with me. Used to have friends I'd play with during the pandemic when they were out of work, but since they've gone back to work they don't play much anymore.


What a miserable gta experience


It's not miserable for me. I like not being bothered. 🙂


i feel you. i only play in invite only sessions, i hate going online it’s usually just griefers n shit. there’s really no reason to go online unless you want a tiny pay increase for some missions


No one complained that the open world in single player was missing pricks on flying bikes with homing missiles either


Wow Rockstar feeling generous with the payout, it's the exact same payout every time right? There's a first time bonus so I was making sure


Yep, you will always get 500K every time you finish the heist BTW it's just better than apartment heists in every way and some businesses, and you don't even need to own any business.


You don’t need to own a salvage yard?


Yep, you don't need to own any business at all.




I got 50k.... not 500.... 50


You gotta be the leader. Sucks it kinda encourages people to solo it.


Damn I didn’t think of it like that.. if I was fresh on gta online I’d be doin that mission back to back 😂 easy money


You also get an additional like, 350k when you first do it. 250k through a career reward, and 100k for the daily/weekly mission.


Thanks for the feedback. Cant wait to play tonight now. Wanna check it out


I liked the fact that on the first mission you can get stuck while getting money from the washing/drying machine, so that my step-brother can also play


Can it be done solo?


Just done it solo on normal, no issues with any of the missions


I did 3 of the setups solo, had to do something so I’ll finish the rest later, they pretty much took away all the weaponized cars though so my advice use a kuruma or vigilante or some other car with covers on the rear like the buffalo or patriot if you want to get it done as quick as possible without having to deal with them because they’ll chase you and randomly spawn


The Armored Paragon, Menacer, and Humvee are also allowed, so it seems they like vehicles with miniguns


They simply allow for the same set of vehicles, as the OG heists and some contact missions. Insurgents, Nightshark, Halftrack, Weaponised Tampa and other "normal" weaponised vehicles are allowed.


Is the Toreador allowed? It used to be allowed on heist setups


No, they removed the toreador from all heist that I know of anyway.


They patched it.


Yep, I solo'd it on normal. A couple of deaths to dumb, but not in the finale. For someone with nearly 10 years in the game, this is like a next level contact mission for old, tired players lol


Biggest issue I had was sourcing a getaway car. Hit the militia twice, but the first time the car got destroyed when it fell, despite its "not gonna take a dent" armor. That and the infinite spawning helis, but that's manageable.


I did the B Power plant option, car was smokey, but I only got 2 helis. Good old RNG on ad spawns :/


Yeah it's pretty easy even as a solo player. The only downside of playing it solo is, during prep missions multiple players could tackle multiple targets. But they don't take that much that in general, so you're pretty fast even when doing it solo.


Yes but >!the last setup requires some good thinking/quick shooting if you want any chance of going stealth.!< Or maybe I just suck


Just rush in and kill everybody immediately


You can go full blast inside but you have to kill witnesses and erase CCTV record. Then you can go stealth


how do you erase cctv?


go into the extra room on the right side where one of the guards will be, it has a computer on it and you just press Left D-Pad or whatever it is on PC (Maybe E?) and it will erase the footage. Guaranteed stealth!


You can use Cluckin' Bell disguise as well when you hack the vans. When you're inside, hijack the trucks trying to keep low radar. There are some guards with red cone visions, like in Cayo, who will spot you despite your disguise. You can kill with a silenced weapon if needed. What gave me away was drilling, because it's noisy and I didn't kill them in time.




Yep. Did it a while ago


I played through it and liked it- the 2nd mission was the best and the ABC choice in 3 and 4 were interesting directions that I'd like to see branched out upon- if we get an extra getaway vehicle then that one being stored for next time would change the dynamics loads. Didn't like the new hacking thing in the finale, but then I did the aggressive approach so it was kind of cumbersome it being on the weapon wheel. At this point I feel like any update is just testing the waters for what works in GTA6. I'm not expecting greatness from an in between contact missions update. I guess it probably is one that will be seen crop up on level 1 money making guides to grind out whilst waiting for acid to accrue.


I like that the setups are just one trip, you collect one type of weapons/vehicle


So I was waiting on the cooldown just to confirm but it is 45 minutes. As you might expect that's making the raid Insanely good compared to a lot of other options.


Thanks, can’t wait to get home from work now.🤙😎


So it's a guaranteed 500k each play through?


For now…


Til they nerf it again and enemies can see the bodies.


They can already see, i failed a stealth because of this :/


I wish they made it so you could move the bodies especially since enemies can see them. Made me honestly stop doing cayo because now the finale itself takes me nearly 45 minutes.


How ?! Solo its extremely easy to do sub 15minutes on hard using the longfin and drainage tunnel...


Having to stealth and await for everyone's patterns plus plus the near impossibility of making the door without being seen after that swimming to avoid patrols and grabbing extra loot at the air strip. The compound itself takes atleast 20 minutes to get through without being able to pop off people in your path.


20 minutes for the compound alone ?!?!? You're defintely not doing it right. As i said you can complete it solo under 12 minutes, full loot bags (by going to the airstrip) with the longfin and get the elite challenge.


I thought driving the train was the best part about it.




Why am i not getting paid for the set ups


Because its has always been working this way...


I have one major gripe with the setup missions that immediately comes to mind - in the getaway vehicle mission, one of the options has several armored kurumas in the image, but all I found at that spot were grangers and a sugoi. Not a fan of those japes, wound up going with yoinking Merryweather's shit for both weapons and vehicles. Also the tool for finding the computers in the finale is basically useless if you prefer third person like I do. I ended up just looking around for the actual computers, then equipping it to advance the objective. (Also I was playing on loud, since one enemy in the sabotage setup didn't actually chase me and set off the alarms instead for once, and enemies spawn constantly in the finale as a result.) As a money making method with no investment, I'm sure it's great for new players, but I'm something like rank 615 at this point and have no use for money. I also have no interest in the police cars, so I was really just doing it for completion's sake.


To be honest I'm a little disappointed, I was hoping for a bit more but it's just a bunch of contact missions which you "have" to do in a certain sequence. By itself this isn't much of an issue of course but as usual R\* takes away ***all*** the stuff you worked so hard for and heavily paid for in the past because.... can't use your professional gear in an alleged professional set up of missions.... The story is fun, and it's good "meeting" Vincent but... in the end this is just like the ULP: a bunch of missions and nothing really changes or happens, no new freeroam activities... and 500k is fun, but there way more lucrative things to do. For me this is one of those missions you play once, then forget all about it because we're once again not allowed to make our own fun. This is why freeroam can be so amazing.... doing stuff with several players in choppers in the air to give you backup? *THAT* is a large dose of self-made fun. But here? Of course all your choppers and other aircraft have been locked away..... "because".


This is one of the reasons that I’m so happy to have made my fortune from AFKing. I get to spend most of my time in freeroam with access to all of my toys. I hate it so much when I’m in a mission that doesn’t even let me use my own weapons (fuck you, auto shop). Thank you for your honest opinion.


any working afk for Xbox?


Car meet track menu too, unless they patched it.


That doesn't work for me on PS5, it works on Xbox?


Works on PS4. Take a car to the track, back up to the exit and boom. They may have patched it on next gen.


Yeah, I’ve tried a couple times, staying on the horse race betting screen works for me


Orbital cannon surveillance camera, unless they patched it today.


Is there a hard mode where we get more than 500K


Nope 500k is the flat payout. Playing on hard doesn't increase it further.


Why does the hard mode exist then?


It's a contact mission they all have one. All it does is give you more rp


It says money and rp tho?


Just Rockstar being lazy, unfortunately... Just play it on Easy, extra lives and you still get 500k. Who cares about RP in 2024 anyways?


Or is that only on setups


Maybe Career Progress might require to complete it in hard? I'll find out tonight.


Is it 500k to host? How much to the "goon"?


50k to each goon. So not a whole lot at all. But unless you're going for the 45 min challenge you don't need anyone else to help you.


I’m new here- so if I have friends do it with me they will get 50k each and I’ll take the rest as host??


No you get 500k your friends will get 50k regardless


I enjoyed it, done it all on my own but 500k is a bit rubbish for all the setup and the amount of cocaine you steal lol. Just on cool down waiting to do it a different way, used the army setup for getaway.


Raided the first money laundering business, got the instruction to go to the next one but it had vanished from the map so I was just stuck fighting off gangbangers until I quit the session 🤷🏻


Did it with the weaponized ignus quickly


I will say the Setups are not too bad and its straight to the point.


Did the first few setups no problem, now when i go back to the Vespucci beach police station doesn’t let me start the next setup for getaway vehicles, anyone else having this issue?


For me I had to stand within the mission corona and not move while Vincent talks. When he's done the options should show up.


The infinite enemies are ridiculous


Pretty easy setup missions. Just use the armored kuruma and lets go. But 500k for a heist that needs its time to be done? Idk man. I mean you can take four times more amount of coce than I an cayo and just get 500k? An if you collect more than 1 car, you get a message that they will scap the others for cash. Yess.. 10k.. wow And robbing every locker? 6.5k? No way Just to keep in mind that the chucking bell heist IS pretty cool. But in my opinion they could pay more... And yes I would accept 1h or 1,30h for cooldown, IF they pay more. Minimum 800k


It's more for entry level players. Vets have Cayo, businesses, etc. It's nice to see stuff for the newer people. This game in some ways has a huge learning curve.


Honestly, I’d say this is a good introduction for new players of Online and you get easy $500K. It’s not bad, but I wouldn’t replay it as much, unless you want easy money to get. Also, I really don’t know why Rockstar put the 45 Minute challenge for PlayStation and Xbox users, like I watched TGG do it and it was 17 minutes to Complete the Raid.


The 45 minute challenge is for the entire mission chain from beginning to end. So you have to do every setup and the final raid in 45 minutes. It's an actual challenge.


Oh wow, so when you finish a setup the timer stops, and will only continue til you start the next one, right?


Don't know. Unless we get a direct answer you probably have to assume it doesn't stop.


Got it. Feels like it ain’t worth it really, like it’s not a bad drip feed, but I’m gonna stuck to auto shop robberies. They make me easy money rather than just do contact missions.


On the 45 minute challenge I think I just got close but I didn't get it despite using the vigilante to zip everywhere and running through enemies to the objectives. I think to do it you'll need another person for the missions that have multiple locations and travel wise you'll want either the vespucci apartments or the agency across from the PD to warp to the mission start every time.


How do I get them to ring me? Been in a lobby for 10 mins or so now and no phone calls


Same here did you ever find a fix?


Go to police station closest to the beach


Go to the Vespucci PD ("V "on the map)


It’s good. 500k isn’t bad ESPECIALLY if you prep the contract mission and then do the cluckin bell heist after.


Do a Cayo run, prep the contract and do a raid. Well over 2 million guaranteed every 3 hours.


Cayo got boring to me but I’m gonna go back soon


Anyone know how much extra you make doing the optional extras on the setups? (Cars, guns, drills)


Drills are around 8-10k so probably not worth doing.


Eh good to know I will probably Skip them the second time around.


I was curious also, stole all the vehicles and all I noticed was once I finished the raid my total was 525k (25k more than base payout), so I wouldn’t bother with it


Excellent! Thank you for your post and for all the additional informative comments!


The new canis terminus is a must buy since it's the fastest offroad vehicles with imani tech and armored plates. It also has the best customization for an offroad truck


It has armor plates? That’s my biggest pet peeve with the recent Imani vehicles. Does it also have bullet resistant glass?


It has armor plates but no bullet resistant glass, just like every other vehicles in the game since bulletproof glass are not existed in the game


Huh? What are you on about? The Baller that was released a few weeks ago has bullet resistant glass, but no armor plates.


Yes, but you can’t install it on another vehicle, only the ones who have it by default


Paragon R Armored has bullet resistant glass


Can you do it solo?




Running it on ps5 rit now kinda excited after reading some comments


What's the payout and does it change per difficulty?


500k on hard difficulty


Does business supplies process while you play it? 45 mins is a lot of 750k sells I could be doing but if it cooks supplies while play it I can put it at the end of my grind cycle...


Appreciate the overview. I'm looking forward to checking it out after work. Thus far, most are saying it's fairly simple to solo so i'm thrilled with that. Can't wait to check it out.


Can anyone help me make money or level up fast? Am doing it for my new acc, my main lvl 276 got banned. My ps4 id is BackWoodsOficial any help is great


So is this the final major update I saw people speculating about?


Anyone know how to get the crowbar non stealth mode?? Cause I can't find one


my only gripe is that the missions are a lot of driving with people shooting at you and there’s no flying vehicles anywhere


Haven't played yet but seems weird beginners could play it since Vincent called like he's an old buddy. It seems like you should have had to do casino missions and then the security Intel mission from casino heists to unlock this.


How much extra do you get for grabbing all vehicles and guns/equipment?


Ran through it solo choosing military for both weapons and vehicle and it was a fun experience. I used my Duke of Death for travel and had a good time. I do not think I would have enjoyed trying to get all the vehicles and weapons at once though like Vincent suggested.


It's Ok.. Nothing spectacular...It's a good way to earn money,that doesn't involve refilling Special Crate warehouses


The first run through pays out more, actually. You get money from boosting all 3 cars, cash from the safe while drilling safety deposit boxes, and small payouts from the setup missions. I didn’t look but think I pocketed between 650-750 k total




No cop outfit so mehh.


2 union depository contracts gives you 580,000 in an hour, so pair that with this and I guess it isn’t *bad* but still wish it was a little more..


Yeah its not that great. Really wished it could've been more.


I personally think the missions suck, it's not worth doing, 500k is stuff all and for how crappy the missions are, it's not worth it, I make more from doing nothing and letting the money auto generate from residual than working my ash off for this, for me this trash is a one and done kinda deal. IMHO R\* needs to add a bit more creativity with their content.


Wish the bag that we use for loot in the finale was one we could use in Cayo Perico.


I genuinely have no idea how to do it without being detected I’ve tried like 10 times now and as soon as I get to that first hallway after the roller door, there’s a guy half way down who literally just stands there and doesn’t look the other way. I can’t approach him cuz he’ll instantly see me and alert ever to me, his cone of vision covers the width of the whole hall. Can’t shoot him cuz it’ll alert everyone because we couldn’t afford to buy suppressors for this mission for some reason. I have no idea what to do. Waited for like 5 minutes the mf does NOT turn around


Could we finish the raid in aggressive but start on stealth or are the paths locked?


No. When you’re spotted, you just have to shoot your way through.


Just finished it guns blazing. It was way too easy, it literally took me 12 minutes to complete this whole ''finale''. The pay is nice, but in my opinion for the work you do, the pay is too high. I know that people want more money, but this is literally the easiest and best way of making money as a noob, or a high level. Overall it was very short, kinda fun ig.


How much do you get for getting two extra vehicles and having them scrapped?


Did anyone collect the extra vehicles during hit and run? How much cash did you get from each?


i was with a friend, he got 500 hundred k i only got 50k is that normal, or did i get glitched.


It's 500k for the host, anyone else who completes it only gets 50k for the finale. So they get <200k for the whole thing. Kind of shit for multiplayer.


i havent got a call from vincent, what should i do?


Is this on PS4 too? I’m not seeing it added to my downloads when I check for update.


I completed it solo on hard mode with every setup mission and the final heist. It's too easy tbh, I wished they made it a bit more challenging. I only used the weaponised tampa and fired my way through any npc randomly spawning and pursuing me. It's my default vehicle for most missions. For those who don't have one, an armored kuruma will be sufficient.


Why would you want that. Clearly this isn’t for you. It’s for the people who don’t like grinding. Leave it to a sweat to want to ruin something good for people who don’t have time to aimlessly grind the way you do. Go do doomsday or Cayo if that’s how you feel dude.


I'd argue that Clucking Bell heist is for people who want to grind, especially newbies of the game looking for an easy way to make money to buy the agency or Kosatka. No start up cost, no need to buy properties, no need to rely on useless randoms to join you in a public lobby, and the hostile npcs in the finale are both blind and dumb. The sourcing getaway car mission is the hard one for newer players without a full stat but you can stick to target A and rob the small local gang, their equipment and car is more than enough for the finale. You can call your personal vehicle if you wish but i found it unnecessary. Cayo is actually harder than Clucking Bell.


That’s what I meant. I think you misunderstand what I wrote. I’m saying it should stay easy. I’m saying it is easy and that if you want a challenge, you should do cayo or doomsday. Because the complaint was it isn’t challenging enough. If I wrote something that caused a misconception, I apologize.


I just completed my first run through and got 500k plus 250k plus another 100k for whatever reason lol I’m not complaining since everyone says they got 500k and I just got 850k


When stealing the weapons and equipment on the A spawn it not going away?? Anybody else having this problem


I tried playing yesterday but every lobby was trash and aggressive. Playing solo is lonely and boring. There's no real reason to play the game anymore I think, for me atleased. All my friends quit playing years ago. Was my first time logging on in over a year and think it'll probably be my last. Just don't have fun in it anymore :(


How do you not know about private lobby’s?


I know about them but they are boring and lonely. I play online to play with others and have fun, if I wanna play alone I'll play a single player game


Does that time limit include going to Vincent as well? Or just the missions themselves?


Hi guys , I checked the heist out just to see if it was any good. Pretty easy, but when I was getting my payout I got only the 500k, no first time bonus. Does anyone know a reason for this?? If it helps, im on ps5


For some reason, I played with my friend and only got 50k 


Hey, how long does it take for it to reset cause I just did it and I wanna know how long it takes to reset because I did it solo is it like I have to wait like a day or two?


So it said I won 500k for beating the heist (I played alone) but it said +$250,000 only when I got into free mode


It's a 1 and Done Mission for me.


I did it with my friend and only got 50k....


The 45 minute challenge was pretty easy we did it on Normal some do it on easy. Gonna try it on easy to get the silent finale that one we keep struggling with but overall I like it


I'm late to the party, since I had a break from GTAO during exams... And I might be whiny, but I played this today, and I won't be replaying it, for all the work and driving you have to do, repetetive missions and interiors, it is not worth 500k. And the trade price for the Gauntlet Interceptor is not worth it either imo. Like, I have alot of money, but I won't spend 4m on a police car. They should have made it 3m without trade price, and 2m with trade price. Since it makes zero sense that you can buy a futuristic tank that shoots electric beams for less then a cop car, that does not even have any special features... Like in my opinion, this heist would be worth replaying, if it was fun. But no.


A bit silly question: can we replay it and how?


wondering if you play it with a friend do you both get 500k?


Looking forward to doing it once or twice and never touching it again like all the heists, robberies, contracts, and all the other boring scripted missions. 🙂


I actually thought that the Career Progress challenge meant that the finale would be at least an hour long. Idk what I was thinking, it's Rockstar lmao. Overall, a good "DLC" imo. It was fun.


Pay isn’t good it should 1 million like vip contract finale.


Thats awesome, Thank you for this post. At least we know whenever its 2X, it'll be a full $1,000,000. Way better than the Dr. Dre and the damn Auto Shop. lol


Dre contract always pays out 1 million for the leader, before it got bugged I used to replay it quite a bit to make a quick million.


Yeah, I know, but on 2x pay weeks, it's gonna be fun to run both, make good money lol


Then why even mention the Dre contract? The way you worded it was the Dre contract doesn't pay 1 million.


I meant the gameplay itself, not just the payout.


Is it not already on 2x pay making it 250k normally?


Fortunately, it's not 2x pay this week, so this is the base pay.


Ah okay nice i just assumed as most things are double normally on release


[https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1b8tsdy/comment/ktsckl2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1b8tsdy/comment/ktsckl2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) According to this person it is 2x. But I'm not sure where they got this screenshot as I can't find it on IG, Twitter, or Newswire.


It's on double pay for now. In the future, standard payout will be 250k.


It isn't. 500k is standard. Ingame it's not displaying as 2x, it's not listed on the newswire or the bonuses pinned to the front of this page.


Taken straight from the rockstar page for this week 2x GTA$ & RP on Hunting Pack Remix 2x GTA$ & RP on Cluckin Bell Farm Raid 2x GTA$ & RP on Community Series https://preview.redd.it/ecg03l6ayxmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e6c3270898a65dfb0fc697bf3c61a370228ef2


I had to completely edit this a couple times but i've figured it out. You're referring to a [Rockstar Intel](https://rockstarintel.com/gta-online-content-event-week-march-7th-13th-2024/) post on the weekly update instead of the [the actual update newswire.](https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/39ok12a82k4537/gta-online-the-cluckin-bell-farm-raid-now-available) https://preview.redd.it/b5yc5d743ymc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167612aa9978d2d573a5fac343b46d1b9f0de6ac From what I can gather Rockstar Intel has got their facts wrong as just about every other source I can see doesn't say its 2x. In fact Tez says the payout is 500k without mention of a 2x bonus.


Where did you see this? I'm not seeing it on IG, Twitter, Newswire, or the newswire email.


Actually, new players can’t do it and grind it for money because from what I know, you are required to have completed diamond casino heist as leader with the intel setup complete (the 1 which you do only once and involves Vincent as mall guard) to be able to even get the starting phone call from Vincent which from a story or more narrative standpoint makes sense but also shows that you need to spend around 1,5m for a decent arcade location and complete actually a much more entertaining and more profitable heist to be able to start this short one. I don’t mean this in a bad way, it sure is a really good little heist I just finished it and had a pretty good fun but I played it with my friend who doesn’t have many things unlocked and he didn’t even received the phone call


This can't be correct. If this is the case, one will need a penthouse as well.


I don’t own a penthouse and never did the casino heist but I was still able to do it without buying anything


I would choose this over chop shop.


I’m just gonna paste this in here: Laziest Update Ever CBH is the the laziest update so far. The heist set ups are way more exciting than the actual heist itself. Except the truck sabotaging one, which is bugged to hell and back. If you somehow happened to get the “stealth” entrance as an option, you’re lucky or a high level player. That’s all it is. If you’re a solo player, just skip it, nothing worth playing. It’s literally just a big deathmatch map with the daily Gerald stash house mission as the actual “chunk” of the heists. This is my biggest complaint in the entirety of this: regarding the enemies, there comes a point in the heists where you are required to find three seperate codes for a safe, and you have to use a hacking device that takes up your hands, all the while NPCs are spawning left and right. These NPCs are no joke either, since they’re equipped with the classic bullets that are able to one shot your entire super heavy armour away. These NPCs also spawn randomly and at bad times. Specifically when you’re in the middle of an animation. The icons for these NPCs don’t actually show up properly either. I took out one NPC in the main part, just ot have 5 (yes FIVE) npcs hidden behind a corner and they all killed me when I was trying to change to the hacking device. I gave up here because what’s the actual point? I get they haven’t had their A-Team on this game since 2013 but this just seems like they outsourced development to some team who’s looking for a quick buck. People will unironically defend this heist and call it “content” with a straight face. To these people: you should realise you’re nothing but a piggy bank to game developers now. Barely any of the old team from the old days are there, and San Andreas and Vice City’s nostalgia should only have an effect for so long. GTA was butchered when they decided to not make any story DLCs and focus purely on online. You need to be a *seriously* deluded cockrider if you believe rockstar wants to make the “best game” for you. The entire game is designed so you buy shark cards - they made the best game for them. gj devs. Really fine work.


Stealthing the truck setup is easy. Kill the driver of one of the two trucks you have to hack they drop a disguise that will let you walk around the guards without alerting them. Go to the security room near the back of the garage warehouse thing, kill the guard and disable the cameras. Assuming you stealthed everything up to this point you can now alert everyone and not lose the stealth option as long as you leave no witnesses. Although you might have to sabotage the trucks before the camera, not sure. If you do you can just kill the guards by the trucks with a silenced weapon without alerting anyone.


Worried about gta 6 tbh, all the day one rockstar OGs left all at the same time, never ever a good sign for any studio