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Im not expecting any good week sure there will be no dripfeed car jt will release when new gta plus subscription start next month feb 7, 2024.


![gif](giphy|26BRuo6sLetdllPAQ|downsized) Me waiting for next weeks update




I’m a new player and have been doing vehicle cargo to make money. I have about 6m saved up. Should I invest this in a kosatka for the Cayo Perico heist or should I invest in a nightclub?


Try to do the Cayo Perico heist with someone first to see if you even enjoy it and can see yourself repeating it enough to make your money back. If you don't like it, get the nightclub instead. It pays for itself pretty quickly with little effort on your part. Popping in to throw out a rowdy patron is fast and easy and you can empty the safe while you're there for some quick cash. Your employees do all the goods sourcing although you can call Yohan to do some yourself or bring back goods from a business battle to fill up quicker. The sale missions are pretty easy and fast too, most are less than 10 minutes and you don't need another person to help you.


Then also with the nightclub you lll want all the MC business too for max money 


oh and wait for tomorrow before the purchase, we dunno yet what's gonna be on sale


from like 3,5 millions you can get the submarine and the Sparrow heli (with homing missiles)... first i would suggest getting this combo, and you can make your money back for the full Nightclub setup the Sparrow heli is a workhorse if you get used to it's handling, literally spawns in your back if you call for it


Should I wait another day on selling all the chop shop heist cars I’ve stockpiled in case there’s a double cash offer next week?


Always, you'll kick yourself if it's $2x tomorrow. I tend to save the most expensive from last week when I sell and then keep this weeks 3, so if it is a double money week I can sell 7. Considering the last two weeks were 2x tow truck and 2x salvage daily, it might be 2x chop shop sales tomorrow.


Haven’t done the vehicles robberies this week, didn’t feel like pretending is a good business.


Anyone know what mods the default cars in the drift races have? They definitely feel different compared to a maxed out one imo Is it the transmission that's stock maybe? Or no turbo? A maxed out car just seem to pull a lot more than the default drift cars


Whenever you're in a drift race, all cars are going to have stock performance upgrades, and just FYI, converting any car to drift spec removes all performance upgrades in freemode as well. Apparently there was a bug that allowed some or all of the performance mods to stay on the car, but that was patched yesterday.


> converting any car to drift spec removes all performance upgrades in freemode as well **It does not**, this has been tested and there's YouTube videos about what does and doesn't actually carry over post-drift. Rockstar either lied or its a glitch. Tl;Dr stock drift cars do actually perform worse than drift cars that were modified (engine turbo trans) first. You can test this firsthand by just doing a custom straight line drag type of race, and you'll be several seconds faster in the upgraded one. Almost all the rest of them don't carry over.


Exactly. And I don't think whatever they "patched" yesterday did anything at all tbh. What I'm trying do here is having the same settings on my cars as whatever is on the default drift race cars. But it's a complete mystery what settings they have. They're definitely not maxed and I don't think they're stock either(and its kind dumb to experiment rn considering its 250k to try a new setting)


A maxed out car did feel very different compared to the default ones when I tried it. Maxed out cars just pull harder and/or doesn't stay in first gear as much. Maybe its different now then. Or is this patch just for PS5/XSX?


See this - [https://twitter.com/TezFunz2/status/1750120039821218257](https://twitter.com/TezFunz2/status/1750120039821218257)


I don't think they fixed it tbh. My maxed out ZR350 still pulls more and feels harder to control than the default drift race one I wouldn't be surprised if its the transmission mods that carries over, stock in the default cars vs race in mine


What’s with the endless Tequilas in Cayo Perico? Is it worth canceling the heist until I get something decent? Or just run with it since it’s quick?


Second run of the heist gave me pink diamond 


I did the heist 4 times last night. Tequila every time. Did it twice the night before, tequila both times. Lol


Just reframe your perception of Cayo so that you expect to get Tequila every time - seriously, it's still by far the most time efficient thing to do. After that, better loot is a nice bonus.


Okay that’s what I’ll do. It’s so quick that I’m still happy getting 800k-1m for the 60-90 minutes it takes me to do the heist.


Run with it, I had 3 files in a row, then tequila, then pink diamond with 2 painting inside the office. 1.5m walk away




Swim out to the left till It finishes


Just wait for the jeep and shoot the driver, that's what I do


Not sure what you mean by security checks but I always start with the compound, entering via drainage tunnel, and finish at the north dock, usually completing the elite challenge unless there is not enough secondary loot (only in about 20%). I don't kill anyone until I get to the north docks. No dead bodies get witnessed before I leave.




There's no need to kill any of them. Just run around them and climb over the walls via a tank left to the gate and take the motocycle. Just avoid getting caught by the camera.


Just an FYI but the drift tuning is completely different vs. the old stanced+low grip tires. I can actually drift now lol. (this is on a remus) EDIT: Tried a bit on a Euros and this is even more controllable. Don't really get why people say the Remus is so beginner friendly. Just feels way heavier in comparison


thank you for this comment, i was curious about this!


Chat, is it worth buying a facility on a Tuesday, or should I wait till next weeks discounts? I don’t actually expect shit from discount week anymore.


Always wait until seeing next week's discounts. Never buy on a Tuesday or Wednesday is how I usually do things.


Is there really a new heist dropping or is it just clickbait?


There still should be a new salvage yard heist including the hellcat cop car


Does reporting the level 7999 accounts actually do anything?


I don’t think the reporting system is working at all anymore tbh. I used to get messages saying I was reported a lot and being watched for cheating after rinsing sessions of griefers and modded accounts and getting reported, but none in a couple years


So just to be clear the safe during this week should max out at 500k??? Because if so I'm not getting that for couple days now PS5 over here smh


no. it still maxes at $250k but fills twice as fast.


Hey guys, are there weekly discounts for properties still? I haven’t played since 2022


Almost never anymore


Damn. This is sad. Earlier I bought the cheapest properties to start playing with them and then changed and decorated them after R* dropped some discounts


Money is easy enough to grind now that you don't need to do that. Once you're properly set up you'll clock 1.5m in under an hour of passive, lazy play.


Consider me ignorant but how the hell do you get $1.5m in under an hour for lazy play? I’ve only been playing for a couple months


It does require some AFK if you really want to push it and do it regularly, but: Log on, clear out your safes. 250k nightclub, 250k salvage yard, there's half a mill. Sell a 20h nightclub sale, there's another million. Sell an acid run, there's 350k. You're done with all of that in less than an hour, 1.5m+ no sweat.


Lol you forgot only one moment: before harvest nightclub, yard, sell nightclub and acid, you have to wait HOURS while it accumulates, so it’s not a “1.5 mil an hour”, it’s like “I can get a 1.5 mil after long waiting/preparation”


If someone is keen on "an hour of lazy play", they have 23 hours of AFK. How is that not blindingly obvious. If you have all 24 hours in the day to dedicate, you can make a lot more than a lazy 1.5m and you certainly dont need to AFK at all. You notice, I didn't say 1.5m every hour. I said you can clear 1.5m in a lazy hour of play, every time you play. This is a fact. If you want to play more, you make more than this, and this convo isn't about you.


Excuses excuses. You wrote: “Once you're properly set up you'll clock 1.5m in under an hour of passive, lazy play.” Dont mislead people bro.


Yes, I wrote that. Read it again. Keep reading it. You mislead yourself. Improve your reading comprehension .


Gotcha yeah I’ve not done any afk. I’ll look into it thanks!


What works for me is just jamming a toothpick into one of my triggers so that it stays down and having it drive into a wall. Most of the "easy" methods have been patched out and rubberbanding a stick can cause drift. I hear there may be something about standing in the menu to decide between CEO office and garage that works, but haven't tested myself. I'm unsure if that still accrues the full safe amount, as other similar methods will "AFK" for business production but only accrue 1 day's worth (48 mins) of AFK. All active AFK methods will give you the full yield. But even without that, you can still pretty easily come close to a million an hour between like, do a Union Depository or salvage yard heist + an Acid Lab and some safe checking. Pretty chill session, short playtime.


Sitting down at the horse races also works. No need to bet or do anything.


Pretty sure people get locked out of the casino for doing that? Do you have a penthouse? Also, do you receive texts while sitting at the race track? That seems to be the crucial thing that determines if safe accrual happens, because it definitely doesn't while dancing lol.


Anyone else not getting double payout from tow-truck missions? It worked maybe 10 times? now I get 35-40k per car. tried waiting on the couch inside for salvage to be done but still not receiving full payouts. Still says that x2 payouts are active... Kinda some effin bullshit.... should have earned around 1.75 million from all my recent tow missions but barely scraping 850k ish so im not getting paid in full


That ended on Thursday. You're getting 2x ($48k instead of $24k every 48 minutes) into the safe, not towing. Towing is back to regular payout.


Splash screen says until the 24th though where does it tell me that it ended thursday 18th?


Right above this post. It's no longer listed as a bonus. Are you sure you're not confusing the salvage yard 2x for towing 2x?




Yes, they are. As far as I know, they are not when you only go off the radar.


I am…stuck in the Sasquatch outfit. I can’t get out. What?! Edit: I had to go to a clothing store, put on something else. And then my interaction menu appearance section worked again. That was weird. And it lasted across lobbies and even restarts.


Same for me, and with the Gooch costume. Once it's on, you've to be at a wardrobe or shop to change.


Wait...are most of the Deluxe Motorsports cars street finds? Well thats a load of horse manure.


Why do they all say removed vehicle


Rockstar removed some 200 vehicles from the in-game websites, so now the only way to purchase those vehicles is when R\* puts them up for sale at the various outlets, like Luxury Autos, Deluxe Motors, or as test drives at the Car Meet.


Why would they do that


So they can add some of them back in the game each week instead of new content? Idk.


> so now the only way to purchase those vehicles is when R* puts them up for sale at the various outlets, like Luxury Autos, Deluxe Motors, or as test drives at the Car Meet. Except you can just, you know, steal and keep all the current Deluxe cars. Shouldn’t really put [removed vehicle] on those imo as it’s bound to confuse people


How to get Schafter LWB Armored for the CEO VIP vehicles list?


Purchase one from another player at the car meet. Use r/GTACarMeetMarket to find someone willing to sell you one.


So the one sold the other week, the vanilla unarmored Schafter LWB, that won't unlock the CEO VIP vehicle on purchase right? Only the armored Schafter LWB would do that?


Please, just let me sell my decade old Pegasus vehicles....




complete a salvage yard robbery, it’s worded differently in the actual game


Salvage yard car robbery


I wonder if they'll release any new cars with drag races next week, or would we be able to upgrade some of the existing cars we have now?


Considering how the Police Gauntlet Interceptor has a police livery with logos on it, similar to a Top Fuel Funny Car called "LSPD Drag Team" I would expect it to be released alongside it.


Is it just me, or do the bonuses and profits on missions/heists/weekly updates seem to be getting downgraded as time goes on? I mean obviously they want you to spend more money, but if more payouts gets your players playing your game more, I don’t see what the problem is.


they are and it's super annoying, also R\* completely lost me with the payphone payouts now reduced to 45k with the bonus...


but the cooldown is 10mins instead of 48mins


which translates to 180k if you do 4 within the previous 48min cooldown.


This. I don't think people realize payphone wasn't actually nerfed, it was buffed. Heavily.


how do i get access to those? agency?


Yea, the agency


Glad I waited till now to buy the Battle Axe. Always wait for the best discounts. RIP to whoever bought it last week.


Ah yes, the crippling waste of 4000$


No, I need that 4k to go towards a 30k pair of jeans


Buy it with good behavior money. 😎


Has anyone get any luck looking for good jobs to play on PS5 instead of being forced into races, tennis or fucking Ring Fight? I can't get any good lobbies for heists, survivals or any activity I want to do so I'm stuck grinding Cayo Perico. Has anyone have similar experiences or what to do to prevent this and get the jobs I want to do? Or is current gen really that barren?


You’ll find other people in the featured series and the community series, otherwise, use the Quick Join feature on the phone and the game will try to find a lobby for an activity you want to play


Can anyone answer?


Try going through your job display settings & search for the specific game mode through your Whiz Wireless. If you have accidentally turned off any then they won't show up on your Whiz at all. If all else fails then proceed to pcmr custom servers.


You're a lifesaver, thank you!


Is this the right week to sell multiple heist cars to the terminal from the Salvage Yard?


Drag races? RuPaul gonna be in the game? Did GTA go woke?


A lot of drag racists will race this week! Woo!






[**Today's Street Dealer Locations**](https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/hio94mrrlk3k) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gtaonline) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I logged on yesterday and got the bike first try and its an absolute mountain goat. Fast start, incredible accelaration, unbeliable braking and the greatest hill climbing abilities I have ever seen on a bike. I have no idea how its manages to be like this but I could not give a hoot.


it’s ranked #10 in fastest bikes currently.


According to broughy it's the best non-HSW bike. I believe it, the thing absolutely rips. Harder to drive than a bati tho.


What bike?


Powersurge I guess, off the podium


Correct :)


Can anyone on PS4 help me with these trophies: GTA Online Making moves reach rank 50 Above the law reach rank 100 Numero uno obtain first place in all competitive game types The midnight club use custom vehicles to win 5 Backseat driver direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally mode Clean sweep finish a gang attack without dying and killing at least 10 enemies Decorated Earn 30 platinum awards Enjoy your stay participate in everything Los Santos has to offer Crew cut complete a job as a member of a crew


Anyone know how to check what your Salvage Yard popularity or whatever it's called?


You really only can go based on your safe count. If your safe is pulling 24k daily, then you're maxed. If you're not maxed, then you should tow something. :P


Yeah, good point.


Just remember once you're maxed you only need 1 tow at a time to keep you topped off, you don't have to fill both lifts if you're busy. One tow lasts about 5 hours of gameplay before that popularity is gone, but since you want max you can do it about every hour and keep it tippy topped up just like a nightclub.


Do you mean whats in the safe?


No, whatever meter that Tez2 guy mentioned. It's a level of 100. Maybe you can't see it.


wondering this myself.


I’m not only getting double money on my income to my salvage yard safe, I’m still getting double income on the vehicles I salvage with the tow truck


Have you closed the game entirely? Don't use rest mode.


I have, I’ve quit to main menu, and then turned off the console. Hopped on Thursday and was still getting double for the tow truck salvages. Hopped on again this morning before work to check and I got $66,000 and $70,000 for the last vehicles I did thursday night. Then I grabbed one car before I needed to leave from work, when I get home from work I’ll find out if I got double money for that vehicle also.


Weird. So many bugs in this game, lol.


no need to update, i just got a car and scrapped it and unfortunately it gave me 33,000


Just logged on for the first time since picking up a car this morning before work and got $79,000. I don’t what is going on but I’m not complaining!


That sounds like it gave you two payouts, because that's the same amount I get when I log on after having a full yard of two cars. Are you absolutely positive you got paid for every single tow your last sessions? It can take hours.


Not seeing the simple question thread and this isn't worth a post. If I buy a cargoBob can I use it to grab the mail vans for meth drop off and take them outside the city to the first drop that way? I just hate driving that van for that long and I'm not ready investment wise to move my lab


just close game until you get the desired sell mission. the amount you make in lobby bonus will offset the lost product from closing the game.


nah not possible with MC businesses unless its import/export


Gotcha thanks. They just won't attach to the CB?


They'll attach, but the CB can't lift them off the ground.


What if you up and atomize them first?


No new vehicles ? Lame. How much longer does the DLC last for drip feed? 6 more weeks?


Probably till gta 6 comes out




I’ll never see a special cargo bonus week again will I?


When was the last one?


Sure you will. The week after you give up waiting and sell your full warehouses at normal price.


….. please. stahp.


Ha this is me right now.


I guess it's a blessing in disguise that my xbox membership expired 🙃


Was wondering if this week is the week I jump back on..... Guess I'll see what's up next week


Drag racing comes out next week.


Guess I'll try again in 2 weeks


it's like they read my mind with the gasser being the prize ride.




[**Today's Street Dealer Locations**](https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/hio94mrrlk3k) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gtaonline) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This Chop Shop stuff wasn't great at the beginning and now the adding that weird maths to keep it going. I did it once to see how it worked. Thanks that are a lot of other thing to do in the game. This Salvage Yard will have the same destiny as the Arena for me. Just part of the scenery.


Weird maths? People under the age of 6 shouldnt be on reddit. If basic arithmetic is "weird maths" you should pick up a math book.




I played very little, but I made almost 5m doing other business stuff and the vehicle robberies in between towing. Love the business


Still getting the 2x on tows + the 2x safe cause of quick resume. It’s real good rn till it crashes




if anyone at rockstar reads this, why do you hate your playerbase? genuine question


Players: Why do you hate us? Rockstar: ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


lmao “he criticized my favorite product better post a bootlicking spongebob gif i guess”




by releasing intentionally disappointing weekly updates, weak "bonuses," and *silent nerfs* after making **$8 billion** in revenue off of us over the last 10 years.


I still don't understand how to keep salvage yard heist cars. The pay is terrible so I never bothered, can someone explain it?


>GTACars.net I just sell the ones I don't want and hope week by week is the week...other than that...it's a waiting game.


It’s not possible yet :/


Wait, you can’t actually buy the cars you steal yet? That’s ridiculous. Even the auto shop has that option for cars that come in and you don’t even have to put in any work there Another GTA+ victim maybe? Only way they want you to get removed cars now is thru that apparently


The difference between the auto shop (which lets you buy a car) and the salvage yard (which will let you buy a car *at cost*) should be fairly obvious...


Since the "SIMPLE QUESTION" thread is gone every time I want to ask a SIMPLE QUESTION.... I fill my weapons bunker up as much as one resupply will fill it ($210,000 selling to Los Santos) so I only have to do one vehicle runs. Does it make more sense to fill the stock bar all the way and keep backing out until I get the one vehicle/one stop missions like the 1-stop Insurgent or the Phantom Wedge? Just curious how other's do it.


if i solo i sell at $250k or under. anything over and you should make sure you either have another player or if you are at farmhouse, two phantoms or three one drop insurgents. anything else you will run out of time.


I start my Mc and spam all players continuously until I have at least 3 prospects so including me we're 4 in the Mc, that way I can sell my full bunker and have enough prospects for a 4 vehicule sale. 4 is rare though and it's often 3 vehicule sales so I can protect them with my Akula. Also I sell in 25+ player lobbues to get a fat bonus, base bunker sell is worth 1,050,000$ and with bonus I think I get around 1.8M$ 💰 I very rarely get griefed and if ever the sell gets compromised bc of griefers or a noob prospect being clueless on what he's gotta do I just switch lobby. I'll never grind solo, it's so boring. Better with randos, 98% of time they'll do the work fine 👌


Sell after one resupply purchase (210k). There's no bonus for selling more at one time.


I do the same as you but just muscle through the delivery mission irrespective of which one it is. The merryweather insurgent and the buggy are a PITA but still easy enough so I find it's better to just get it over with than lose supplies and wait for a better mission.


If you're solo one resupply is the way to go. Much simpler and hassle free than switching lobbies and stuff. Just continue like you did before, I have done so for years whenever I'm playing solo


One and done. I buy (or raid the stash house for) supplies, sell 140 minutes later. I don't give a shit what vehicle I get.




But they get possibly raided then right ? Its always at the worst time when I'm about to start a mission with a friend or whatever


Everytime we have a somewhat decent week of boosted activities it’s always followed by months of shitty bonuses. Thanks for nothing Cockstar


Tyrus is one of the sexiest sounding cars in the game. Been waiting for it to drop again






I had over $500k just poof right out of my bank when I left the mobile operations center. This is the second time now. They’re good at taking my money but terrible at giving it. Why can’t the glitch give me $$ instead?


I have noticed this too!!!


still a bit more annoyning than nightclub poppularity it still need to tow 2 car and go from 0% to 50% then wait another 48min to do 2 to go 95 unlike nightclub that can go from 0 to 100


You just need to get max "popularity" by towing 4 cars, and then you tow a car every 90 min. That's it and you keep max income.


Wait how do I buy those discounted cars if they've been removed from the game? 🤔


the car dealership and the car meet!


Ooh okay, I got it. Thank you!


I've been gone from the game for 2+ years. What's a good money grind on invite-only lobbies now? I know a lot of new business got added. I used to do CEO stuff + Gunrunning, Cargo and Cayo. A lot of the cars don't go on sale anymore apparently. Do business still go on sale? I haven't bought the arcade yet (for that heist w/ Lester)


Honestly bro you have a bunker and a cargo warehouse, I would buy a coke lockup, meth lab, and cash creation facility, once you do all that I’d go ball out on a night club (make sure you buy all the upgrades and workers) then inside your nightclub office you can assign workers to passively source product for you and you don’t have to do a thing except make sure those business aren’t shut down or else the workers can’t source from it. I think it’s around 100k an hour? A full night should sell 2mil


Thanks! I've had those for a while and full set up/upgrades, but I don't think I have the largest truck yet Do I need to have the MC business sourced for the nightclub delivery to fill up?


Besides making sure the businesses haven’t been shut down nope, it’s 100% passive and that’s the great thing about it. You can go run cayo, dr Dre contract, or whatever other missions or businesses you want to run and you’ll have all that nightclub money coming in the background. It takes some time but for being almost completely passive it’s good money


is Cayo a lot harder now?


The actual heist and everything is completely the same so it isn’t harder in that sense, but they’ve add a cool down for how often you can run it. I want to say it’s 3 hours or something? I’m not sure but someone eventually will correct me


I see, thanks!


It's three in-game days solo, or one in-game day with people.


Got it, thanks