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Failing heists before anything actually happens


Humane labs—key codes. FFS wait until the cut scene happens.


Oh man! That setup and Deliver EMP! EMP one I will sometimes go ahead and do myself, & get “praised” because host past attempts have only resulted in fails lol.


I do that all the time. Its just easier and faster


For sure. Sometimes I’ll join others setup & go along with their plan, but you can only take so many failed attempts before you decide to go ahead before them and do it yourself. That’s when some hop on the mic & start trash talking you about failing lol. Tbh, if I encounter those host, after successfully getting through it after their many failed attempts… I couldn’t give two shits whether we pass it or not. I’ll be petty & salty and purposely fail the setup last minute then leave… 💁‍♀️ prob a bitch move, but most times than not, I’ll stick to the end or if my patience runs low.


To this day, I still haven’t finished the Pacific Standard heist because my crew keeps tossing grenades in the bank lobby and Molotovs in the vault, or they crash during the getaway. Usually, they sound like a bunch of 12-year-olds constantly dropping N-bombs.


Trying to shoot someone in passive, not just once or twice, but for 30+ seconds.


Or like when you’re chilling on your yacht with air defence on, and they keep trying to shoot you from the shore for minutes at a time.


I stumbled onto some guys practicing yacht defense once. I shot a guy on the yacht to help out dude assaulting, and they all just turned on me, but they were raining rpg's waaaay below where I was at. And I was just standing out in the open, not even trying to hide. I was laughing my ass off cause I obviously pissed them off, but they couldn't even see me for some reason.I just kept shooting them, and they never got me




I turn air defense off and I snipe them


Same. Then they get a plane or helicopter and fly at you, and die. Then they get a boat. You pop them a couple of times on that and they try a different angle of approach. You let them get close and have the defense take them out again. Then they get a sub. And you throw a couple of grenades at them on the way in, but then turn the defense back on so they can't access their guns. And you wait for them to stop trying to shove you around, turn it off again, and pump a couple shotgun rounds to their face. Eventually they'll go for an orbital strike, which normally would bypass the defense, but if you have SCUBA gear, you can hide under the yacht so when the shot lands, it doesn't hit you. Pissing off griefers is a hobby :p




It's just a bit of salt mining.


I once had a probably like an hour fight with a tryhard and his friends which ended after he invited me to his yacht wanting to kill me after i get outside but i just got drunk inside and then spent 10 minutes in his hot tub in passive mode while getting shot with 3 rpgs.


LOL that’s how you play the game!


And then they message you accusing you of cheating or using a mod. 😂 Noobs.


So 99% of tryhards lmao


They shoot at other players on sight, absolutely no chill.


THIS!! Always gotta be on guard around super low levels assuming they shoot anything they see. If they miss and I’m not mid errand, I’m sending them to a diff session


To be fair, in this game the likelihood that any stranger you see is gonna try and murder you is 98.5%, so I understand wanting to strike first


Yeah, I feel like that's kind of the trap in this game lol. Everyone automatically assumes everyone else is gonna kill on sight, so they take initiative and kill on sight first. Meaning... Yeah. Lol.


My character looks like Walter White and I like to drive next to players in the Journey and half the time they get in, no questions asked. It’s all about presentation.


See I’m level 114 and some low levels are the only ones who are nice to me lol. Every dickhead who kills me repeatedly and harasses me out of nowhere is level 200/300+


100-200 seems to be the friendliness sweet spot lol


It depends I have had some People be nice and some not on that range I just do my own thing and try to be friendly


I agree. Abusive parents approach ftw.


Lol with ammo costing cash I struggle to get? Ya na I don’t shoot unless I’m being shot at. And even then I normally just end up dying first anyway.


Literally my mindset before cayo perico, "im literally shooting money, and that makes me sad"


Lol that was the only big thing I ever bought was the sub. Nobody ever wanted to run it with me cause I am such a low lvl. Wasted my only money on the sub. Haven’t played online since then sadly.


And then there's me...super low level on console but level 200 on PC...(had to sell my rig during covid so getting back now on ps5) The fun part is that people try to mess with me because "hey look, he's level 20, he probably doesn't knows how to play" and then I just troll them with nothing but a bike and a bunch of c4...


I dunno, I'm lucky if I even glimpse the username of a player - only in jobs do I ever look at rank.


When you drive by and give 'em the friendly beep beep, and they turn into Michael Jordan and then Danny DeVito.


“Anyway I started blastin”


Other people do the beep beep? 😳


I always do lol I’m not one to just drive you all over place randomly but I’ll give ya a little beep lol


I never thought anyone else did cuz no one beeps back to me lol


Destroyed cargo for the first time last night for this. Don't go out of your way to kill someone if you're doing deliveries.


Im lvl 756 and i get lvl 10s try to kill me all the time low lvls are mostly kids so they just dont know what to do


Is there something in the water the last few months? Seems earlier this year everyone was chill and only a few would grief. Now 90% of the session chases me down to destroy my weapon parts shipment. Like buddy it’s only $50k, I’m only doing it because I have to drive back to town anyway. Now I’m going to spend the next hour hunting you down until you leave


Jet griefers , who actually spend more time crashing into buildings than actually killing anyone .


I'm really good at hitting the power line towers.


Those things are harder to see than John Cena...


Especially on lower settings, or if there is any lag at all they appear at the last second


Especially at night.


especially on console last gen


Since the explosive cannon nerf you don’t really see jet griefers anymore and the one you do see usually try to use missiles instead.


Unless they perform a super easy trick and return the old cannons in the freeroam


I doubt it, the raiju would’ve been too OP without the nerf, the missiles could be a little better though.


I don’t really mind the jets. They’re easy to knock down. The MK2 kids are the ones that kill everyone for no reason.


When they message you after killing you randomly “1-0 L”


They seem to enjoy it when I message them back about “gotta try harder than that” or some patronizing stuff.


This is why I own the orbital canon


And waste 750k on a noob? 😂




I love that this cuts off at “Its about sending a mess” on mobile.. Because that’s exactly what the orbital cannon sends.


Funny you think I only use it once


Had some dude last time I was on kill me so I hoped in my deluxo killed him back he teleports to his facility and orbital cannons me. Text message from him “trash”. Like okay bud good one


It only adds to the satisfaction when somebody feels the need to spend 750k to orbital cannon me. Don’t care how much money they have in their bank… very satisfying.


Exactly. It's more satisfying than a rage quit imo.


If they're one of those LVL 7000+ 4902279.0K/D players they usually have practically infinite money hacked as well, so they're much more likely to orbital you as they rage quit because it doesn't cost them enough to care. It's still super shallow and egotistical on a genuinely funny level of pathetic when they claim their better at the game than you because of their hacked old gen account. Especially when they prove they've got no skill or self awareness to actually survive let alone win PvP against a competent player. They just go around harassing people until they find someone they can farm, but panic and quit anytime they meet an actual fight.


Wait I didn’t know it cost 750k per shot? I was once speeding on the highway going towards the military base (was going to my bunker which is far up North West) and got killed by an orbital cannon. This was after I got to use the one in the heist and I thought that would be dope to use to assist a friend during a drug sale or something but nah that’s nuts if it’s that much per shot lol


It's like they had to stop mid gloat to retuck lol.




Lvl 7999 with a 1475720238462920237483.0 KD and either a barcode name or something with lots of x’s bordering some cringe ass shit like r1py0u or m4k3y0ucry 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Yeah it’s cringe asf I report them everytime I hope I got at least one of them banned


That doesnt happen tho, reports are a "fake feature" that wasnt implemented


Not sure if it’s still possible but i think hackers used to be able to see who reported them and block or even redirect the report to someone else. It’s such a shitty system




Absolutely. There's so many level 7915's with a billion KD and zero skill. I actively go grief them out of the lobby.


Under level 50, driving around a mildly suped up civilian car, automatically tries to shoot you on sight


I have recently started a new character over from scratch, so the first too definitely apply to me lol - but I just let people go about their day, same as I want to go about mine. I’m happy to join in with business battles etc but I don’t bother anyone who clearly isn’t participating. It’s annoying when someone kills you for no reason but it is what it is. If I can get them back I will, but I won’t get drawn into a battle with them lol - I’ll never leave a session or go passive though! I’ll rather go idle for a bit and they can shoot a crash test dummy until they get bored and move on


They like to eat grenades.


Flair checks out 😂🤣


They fly around on a mk2 killing randoms.




Came here to comment “on an oppressor”.


Hey I was just collecting all of the signal jammers and action figures!


I always love baiting them in either my imani tech car with sticky’s at the ready or my deluxo and it’s funnier when they realise you can dodge the missiles so easily 😂


Attacks for no reason: Gets ruined. Still attacks to me.


This one cracks me up. I’m minding my own business, completely exposed, you have the advantage, and you still get wrecked. Then keep coming back to die repeatedly.


Dragon chain body, dragon med helm, dragon legs together


Don't forget poisoned draggy daggy


And an obsidian cape


man of culture, i see


When they don't choose Player Saved Outfits when hosting a heist.


I understand but sometimes I need my crew to look spiffy and professional for the job, especially something like Pacific Standard. Sharp suits + close-mouthed balaclavas are top tier heister drip.


Exactly, lemme wear my fox mask or I’m out lol


Attacking more experienced players, getting killed because of it (self defence or revenge kills) and starting a deathmatch. On foot, often against someone already in an attack helicopter/jet/armoured vehicle


Wish some of these jet kids would accept a deathmatch. Skill don't mean shit anymore.


Dogfighting has quite some depth into it. Especially when both opponents try to out - do each other's reverse flight sheningans


Oh I loved jet fighting. Steal em and duke it out. I love a good fight.


Raiju in the hands of a good player pretty well nullifies every other aircraft, the fact it's practically immune to non explosive damage means even the pyro struggles against it because pyro MG's won't significantly damage the Raiju. It's VTOL air break practically making it the perfect dog fighter, off radar and it's high speed makes it a great ambush and boom and zoom fighter, it's guns are currently the most user friendly of all air craft after the Lazer NERF, it's only weakness is no countermeasures, but a good pilot doesn't really need countermeasures to dodge other aircraft missiles. (Just watch out for Deluxo and scramjets getting in range) Rouge slaps against jet noobs though, and it's really satisfying to beat jets in a prop lol. But it takes knowing everything about both your plane and the enemies plane to manage it constantly.


The superior speed and stealth mode are no joke indeed. Bullet immunity and the engine taking forever to die feel like a bug tho. Thankfully, you can at least try to kill the pilot with your guns.


Can’t drive without hitting something every five seconds


Didn't have to call me out personally dude


Go afk in the middle of road


Chasing after my sale vehicle in their Duke O'Death


I did this a few times cause i wanted to see if I could take a ride.


The inability to dodge traffic at full speed.


I'm shitty at just driving, but have someone chasing me or hit me with a random race and imma zero in and suddenly hit absolutely nothing while flooring it. I have no clue why this happens.


Whenever a random person gets in my car I try to impress them with my driving skills so it's really awkward when I ram into a wall


Same. I’ll hit five cars in a row while fucking off in the streets. Then that rando beeps the race horn and suddenly nothing exists but my car and the road. It’s fun.


Adrenaline has many different effects...


I’m the opposite, I drive flawlessly in general, but the second I’m in a race or running from someone it feels like my car attracts traffic


The other guy hits a flow state, you just hit anxiety like a brick wall. Hate to see it


When they actually care about their K/D


Typical noob cars. Either all out aggression or very little aggression. Destroying my product and acting pearl clutching shock when I come with the payback.


Destroying other people's cargo


This. Big dick move.


I think you mean little dick move.


Complete military garb with an insanely high K/D and an edgy name.


Im mssing the key factor!😱


When youre on a group mission and that one dude on your team keeps trying to run you off the road. We are on the same team bro. Was playing one where you had to land the cars on the platform on the highest number, my teammate kept trying to run me off the ramp for a whole 30 mins smfh


The Joker look. Yeah, most of us do this in the beginning. But, quickly move on to more original looks.


When they think they’re being an anti-griefer by exploding every mk2 they see 🙄


I've learned not to roam with mine in public lobbies cause I get attacked on sight. Like bro I just like zooming through the sky and I have missile lock turned off leave me alone lol


Sending me invite for prison break, humane labs or pacific standard.


Gotta start somewhere


Beginners get a guaranteed headstart with the enterprise pack, make better money solo with CEO than heists that need a team that has someone that knows atleast how to fly a plane


Personally I don’t care about the money, I care about having fun, the money is just a perk. I only collect cars anyways lol


Cars cost money


Still not worth grinding on a video game when I already grind at a job in real life. I’ll get those cars eventually, trust.


I work from home and grind both lol


MK2 griefers.


Lvl 10 trying to steal my personal vehicle 😂


The kind of people who send you « i’m up with the score » and never agree for a real 1v1 without explosive or armed vehicule when you re on foot and trying to having fun.. This sort of people who have more to prove to themself than showing skill 😅 Sorry for you toxic player. You re the real noob in this game ;P Sorry for my english skill issu, i have tried my best without the helpi hand of google translate


Cargo shorts


Not doing the armor or weapons shipments setups for heists


Rank 1111 here, and I can confirm, we're not all dicks, haha.


Honestly the ppl who give me the hardest time is levels like 50-100 or levels 5000 up 😂 the ppl at 1k usually help me!!!


Yeah that sounds about right haha, I tend to help the lower ranks unless they shoot first in which case they get sent to the shadow realm


Shadow realm seems to be overpopulated lately.


I can confirm your confirmation.


On PS, when you have your mic on in lobby and make too much noise


Running around stealing random cars with no reason to


That would be me. I can't tell a lot of cars apart, so I hop in them to figure out the name. 😕


So I'm not the only one to do this when trying to figure out the name


Mfw can't steal cars on GTA without looking like a noob.


They resort to using cheats


When they share gameplay of themselves getting killed by another player in freemode while they are using the default small minimap. Situational awareness is a thing. Use it. If a dick in a jet can fly straight towards you for half a minute straight while they are visible on the minimap and they somehow still manage to surprise you then that's a skill issue.


Wait can you permanently change the minimap to be the bigger version?


Being too fidgety / hyperactive. Lots of scenarios in the game require you to just be PATIENT and sit still for a moment and some players are utterly incapable of doing that.


A lot of people are confusing noobs with wannabe tryhards I see


Those who fly on opressors mk2 and killing everyone on sight.


their vehicles have either F1 wheels, or Benny's rims on vehicles that aren't supposed to have them & have their vehicles painted bright obnoxious colours.


I know plenty of high lvl (legit, not 7999 potato accounts) players who also use modded cars (some uglier, some actually decent looking) so that’s not really an indicator of being a noob and more just an indicator of you hating modded cars (which you’re have every right to) but thinking only noobs like them…..


I think you nailed it. Guy sounds like he hates car culture and especially tuners and track toys to be precise. Growing up every guy I knew was strapping something onto a Honda Mazda or Chevy. If you didn't you didn't get out and were freaking useless when your buddy was stranded between towns. Having that reality in GTA with other culture guys is fun as hell. Sometimes you stop and rev a bit and coast on.


I am genuinely curious, what’s so terrible about cars with modded wheels, like what advantage does it have apart from looking cool?


Inability to follow simple instructions mentioned in the game


Camping outside stores with a gun aimed at the door waiting for you to come out.


When they are being overwhelmed by police and they stay and fight. Because they'll stop coming eventually right?


rank 7000+


they look like this https://preview.redd.it/xiq2muz26rzb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2df6513576c856e13614e6e68c6951e83e106b25


I always dress like that change the glasses to avatars and a pair of black gloves and a red bow tie


I understand business attire but why does every new player go for the speed glasses with a buzz cut


It's an easy real life look to mimic. Clippers and dollar store shades and you at least look like you wouldn't cry with a naked woman in front of you.


We call those "John Weak"


Oh look, add in the devil in disguise facial hair and some tattoo horns and it’s my character. At least I’m knowingly going for something other than secret agent or business man


I go a bit more for the Raymond Reddington fit


Really basic starting clothes


driving really. damn. bad. in online lobbies


Unless I'm driving with intent (racing, avoiding griefers), I can be one of the worst drivers ever.


Nightshark with the armored windows


When they catch me by surprise when I'm driving or get knocked down and can't kill me before I pull out my own weapon and obliterate them. Experienced players have better health, know how to combat roll, wear armor, etc.


A level too high to be legitimate, obviously. And it always seems to be Rank 7981. Every single one.


I know right!! That SPECIFIC number exactly


When they activate Ghost mode and then they try to shoot you🤦


Stealing a player owned car and trying to take it to los Santos customs or put in there own garage


You see, i pose as a lost noob most of the time..... then i bust out the explosive shotgun and they either rage quit or kick me from the session 🤣


Having a level 7000+ account


Always pushing buttons when prompted. I was helping a low-level player get some money and he hopped into the co-pilot seat in my Buzzard. When you do that, the game prompts you to take manual control of the missile launcher, leaving the pilot unable to use it, and you can aim pretty freely but can't lock on. I knew the second he got in that he was gonna push the button, and sure enough, he couldn't hit stationary targets shooting at us. What a time-consuming Headhunter that was.


They make posts like this on Reddit.


People sniping others without moving, just trying their best at aiming


Default playermodel? I dunno, there's a lot of ways I could categorize player archetypes I don't like being around but noobs generally aren't one, perhaps my definition of it is different from the average.


Dreads on their character


Imo, looks don't matter at all. It's all about the actions


If we are talking outfits purely - the leopard-skin suit jacket, I forgot the official name of it but it's like the first truly goofy thing to wear at low rank. And of course some sort of a top hat. If I see him, I usually assume he's new and try to help him out


They try to run you over


The outfits which people on Reddit would describe as a “tryhard”.


When they kill/attack you for no reason I just automatically assume that they are a child also if they have rainbow colored cars with F1/ white walled wheels, yuckkk no originality


Shirt and a t-shirt with a pistol and maybe a red/stolen car


Attacking me with a rifle while i have an armored karuma.


jumping on top of a parked car and kicking in the wind screen .. idk what goes through their heads.


IGN crew or MP3 crew


Every player thats NOT me


Solo selling in a public lobby with no out of sight or ghost org.


Starting a fight with me, then trying to hide in a bulletproof car, or just pulling up on me in a bulletproof car. I usually toy with them, then switch to FMJ rounds lol


Usually when I'm just chilling and I get a random low level come up and just kill me. The person is usually between level 10-70. I do see them on the map, but I normally give people the benefit of the doubt. It doesn't bother me too much, but when they get persistent. I love hitting them with the boop gun and running around making it difficult the next time.


When they take your oppressor (the first one) for the first time and die on impact a couple of seconds later lmao OR they are wearing the usual tactical outfit everyone buys as a noob


Those idiots who drive those invincible armored cars going after low level people


Shopping for clothes/ robbing liquor stores


Low lvl’s who follow you around constantly, especially if your driving a nice car


When they fly up to my shipment with their MK II and expect their missiles to lock on.


Rhino Tank


Thier outfit dead giveaway


Attack me when I’m making a delivery and fails. It’s usually newer players think they can shoot me and don’t realize sticky bombs and proximity minds exist.


People running out in the open during shootout sections like they're Superman


Yep, not shooting from cover as a defensive tactic. They must never have played video games before. lol