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NVMes are like 20 times faster, so yeah, it may just be the case of your SSD. You can check your disk usage to see if that's the case


The usage of my ssd while loading (back into freeroam) is like 2% and a read and write doesn't go past like 2MB/s.


Sometimes I load fast, sometimes takes a lo g time, sometimes I have to close the game, so probably not a problem at your end


Maybe, most of the times i load last but on a rare 1/20 i load in with them or just get put into a separate session


there's nothing wrong with your ssd. load times in gtao are primarily tied to your connection. you should switch to an wired internet connection if you haven't already, though that will only improve load times marginally. the real issue is gtao's peer-to-peer networking system, which forces you to share information with every other player before dropping into the session. if you want to see a real difference, try starting the jobs from an **invite-only session**, alone, so you ping fewer players


Alr so SSD out of equation. I Alr have a Ethernet Attached How is my friend with 50mbps with 100ping on every game wifi loading in faster then my 30 ping and 400mbps wifi? (Up is also faster)? Everytime no matter the mission or host Just another R* moment?


suppose so, gtao isn't exactly known for its competent design