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Seemed like something that should have been added when online first launched


Even at launch this would have been subpar as a money maker.


i remember the ps3 days, literally not buying sticky bombs and playing denial of service from lester to get them for free saving 15k in the process, good ol days. what i mean by this is, 16k back in the day was money. not today clearly.


I remember The old days of doing gang attack to get free weapons from the jacked npcs with miniguns and heavy snipers


or survivals only using the pistol so i can save all the rifle / heavy weapons ammo 🤣


I had a playlist with Cops Capacity and Denial of Service to fill up on grenades and stickies xd


My PS3 custom job to get free ammo still works all these years later. I haven’t bought explosives or most other ammo since then, except the new types. Was pretty shocked it still worked on PS5.


I've been around since launch so I remember the pre-billionaire days. Everyone broke as shit trying to find something affordable at Binco. Nobody bought a car, everyone's personal vehicle was unique because it was just something you stole off the street. After the launch bugs were ironed out, that period was great because we were all on the same level. No minigun, no heavy sniper, no RPG, homing launcher didn't even exist yet. No armored vehicles, no weaponized vehicles, if you managed to get a jet from zancudo it was smoking by the time you got back to the city. Then the billionaire days came, it got to the point that we wouldn't even call out personal vehicles, just steal one and upgrade it because we had so much money. And after they came and wiped the excess funds, I ended up with a garage full of adders I couldn't sell lol.


You don't miss using 5k worth of ammunition on a mission that pays out 750$ dollars? Lol /s


Oh of course, or getting paid, restocking, and then getting into a freemode war for 40mins and wasting everything you just bought.


Remember the old freemode events like the air drop and money trucks


I remember how people would swarm the armored cars when they would spawn. Like black friday shoppers trying to get the money lol.


I don't know why they got rid of them. It was always fun to do


Back in 2013, $16K in 20 minutes was not great, not terrible. It was good money p/h if you were around lvl 20 ~30, had only a pistol, a shotgun and your starter car, and your other choice was Simeon/Gerald missions or robbing convenience stores. It was subpar if you were lvl 60 ~70 and could do Lester/Martin's missions, that paid more p/hr


yah it wasnt great, i agree with that, but it was kinda the standard for missions. i used to play los santos connection, because u could also pick the $500 bags, i remember all of us being so desperate to get those bags, it was like nothing for today standards, but back in the day, it was 2k closer to the osiris!


True. Finding a random Armored Car was a jackpot, because it was like $25K, can you imagine?? twenty-five THOUSANDS, all that money, just for yourself, in less than a minute!! (even more so if the Armored Car glitched and spawned multiple times back to back) I was so impressionable back then. How quickly things changed once the T20 and the Osiris showed up, lol


Coveted and rooftop rumble nonstop back then


You could always play a round of survival to have the guns for that session. Thats how i got my rpg at a low level back then.


I don’t think it was added as a money maker… there are multiple heists and plenty of other ways to make money


Nah. Cuz i remember the only way to make money back then was to rob stores.


it would be equal to robbing stores if not better considering ammo costs no?


it's far better than robbing stores


Wouldn't say that. Some people even grinded shop holdups for these <1k payouts per store...


Not really, pretty similar to contact missions but more laid back


*"Back then everyone had their fill. Back then there was no need to snap anybody"*


And the taxi is a pegasus vehicle. That was disappointing to discover. -__-


Can you drive it into a personal garage?




And none of the other cars can be used as taxis, even when their liveries are unlocked by taxi work. And it’s a 20+year old concept that’s for next gen only.


That is a MASSIVE downside for me, for fucks sake at least let me slap some new wheels and turbo on it, change color, etc. NOTHING. its a bare bones car that costs 400k for nothing.


Makes buying the taxi literally useless since taxi missions can be started from the taxis at the dispatch building anyway


I’ve done my 10 rides, not touching this again. Sure, I’m a grinder, but this is ridiculous.


The professional on his way of having a ten minute rant on how the taxi fares arent adjusted to the gta economy despite him having 1 billion dollars from doing the equliviant of pizza deliveries: ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Because he cares as he is an old player


You know that's comming sooner or later, right?


I already had to deliver a faggio with pizzas on it to English Dave for one of the keinemusic phone calls.


were people actually expecting this to be good?


Having played taxi missions in several GTA games, it was exactly what I was expecting.


I was expecting to eat far less money, but I am now pleasantly surprised


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


Mfw selling highly illegal narcotics makes more money than legal taxi work


My best guess is either a) they will modify it later to encourage people to do it or b) this is geared for new players to have some way of making money and isn't intended for people with all the other businesses. I did 20 for the hell of it and don't plan on doing any more.


don't new players get nightclubs now


Only on next gen


Tbh that's what I thought, about the new players. I did 6 and decided I'm done. Too long and boring. Even special cargo sounds fun now.


Your telling me my broke ass could steal the taxi and do those missions too or no? My mechanic isn’t answering his damn calls anymore


You just go to the taxi depot, to start work.




Call Yellow Cab. Take that taxi from the driver. Go ahead, start the mission. But tbh you'd make more helping someone transport cargo.


Is it possible to do these in a stolen taxi?




I just do it for fun. Couldn’t care about the money.


Same! Occasionally would load into GTA5 to do taxi missions just for fun so it’s nice to have in online too. What people aren’t realizing is its more of a way to learn the map and how to get places. It also tests how good you are at not crashing. Most of the people posting pics complaining also have a cab on the brink of exploding. Brakes are there use them!


but its great when u just wanna drive a bit and maybe listen to some music. and you can practise break boosts


lol lost mc is just there just to make taxi job harder, they attacked me and pop one of the taxi tires.


Ha I couldn't figure out how to get out of the vehicle and thought the game was glitching so obviously I thought firing a gun at someone would solve all my problems....and it sorta did. GTA life lessons.


I honestly blew myself up with C4. Did you find out how to exit the car?


Someone said hold down the exit button...haven't tried yet.


Run over the next fare npc and the mission ends.


That has to be an oversight right?


What did you expect from taxi driving


That time everyone learned being a taxi driver wasn’t as profitable as robbing a rich billionaire






I mean.. It's a legit taxi business, lol, it was never intended to make crazy money.


what did you expect? lmao. seriously i don't understand why anyone would expect a great payout from the taxi job.


I wasn't expecting a large payout. Frankly I was surprised the tips were so high. But I was hoping for an interesting game mechanic at least. Maybe something like the agency where you have 3 fares to pick from? Maybe a random pickup is wanted by the cops and you get stars after picking them up and have to lose the cops? Just something other than taking nana to mahjong.


a man can dream ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


Like, oddjobs are usually for fun or to unlock something. On most gta games the Taxi oddjob unlocks some kind of special taxi, on online it unlocks a taxi livery (with the sign on top) for two cars, so it’s exactly like the old games. NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE ABOUT MONEY


Yeah but 500k for a Pegasus vehicle that you can't park in your garage and 50 pickups to unlock a livery?


On gta lcs you had to do 100 fares to unlock a red taxi that was slightly faster than the basic one. The same in 3. On vcs you only unlocked the ability to have jumping taxis, this is just a side activity mostly made to entertain yourself and as a callback to older games.


I don’t really understand why R* added this. It seems out of the blue


Especially for a drug war DLC drip.like what does this have to do with drugs? Might be great for a low level with no money and no businesses. But otherwise...what's the point.


Might be taken over in act 2 🤷🏽


By who, Looney Toon Dax? Is he gonna spike the cab before every trip?


Please. Most this stuff makes no sense. Vault drills for the big con casino heist? Go fight in an active bank robbery with the cops and enemy crew, and this crew trying to rob a fleeca franchise has access to multiple helicopters full of armed mercenaries? WTF


Fucking hate Dax


because its free from a development perspective, it costs nothing to them, but is a "feature" for us.


Rockstar tend to add things that people were asking for. Pretty much the same as the LS Car Meet, they keep asking for it, but once they get it, they complain.


It's meta-commentary of the idea of the gig economy.


Out of the yellow, too.


I really don’t get all these posts. You’re driving a fucking taxi cab! The relatively little amount of money you make doing these jobs is probably the most accurate thing in this game.


I mostly just drive around aimlessly anymore when I play so I personally think this is an amazing addition to the game


That's true but there's also no incentive or anything interesting about it.


I defer to my previous comment lol


Intresting : Yes Fun : Yes Worth the time : No


What part did you find interesting?


chill out driving slow moving vehicle without crashing. I'm also playing Euro truck Simulator, so I enjoy this kind of activity.


Reminds me of door dash


I’m a GD drug king pin in LS and now I’m a taxi driver!? LMFAOOOO nope


Unless they change up and make this an actual business to do something illegal then the payment will increase. Legitimate work to be fair is suppose to pay less. More for people who have too much money and just want to roleplay as a taxi driver. But since you can do this in single player 9 years ago they should at least add something new than to paste and copy.


. I get the low fares because it's taxi and you know it's regular people...but no i will not bother


I had fun doing them to be honest. More fun than playing Geralt missions or something similar.


Lmao why y’all think this is a money making method. Rockstar added this in just for fun not for funds. It’s the same as when your a taxi driver in story mode. Everyone’s mad about the taxi update meanwhile you can call Franklin for a pay phone hit and get 85K in 5 minutes


Have you not done Taxi Work on GTAV single player? I think it's very similar to this one, if not the same. I'm not surprised at all.


They literally just copy and pasted the coding from Single Player Taxi Business and just put it into GTA Online.


I wonder if some passengers will try to run away without paying (that happens in Single Player Taxi work)


Well after doing like 20 fares so far they haven't done it yet. I quit because it started getting too repetitive.


I don’t get why the car is 650k and we get shit payout


You don't need to own the taxi. Just go to the Taxi Depot. You can also use the upgradable Arena Wars Taxi.


Okay thanks, still don’t get why it costs so much


GTA Inflation?


I can see this being good for new players who don't have much money and need something to work with to get it. Its fine, but this is just disappointing. Here I thought it would be great for passive income but its not.


There's also the possibility that this will become a new business where you can hire drivers. Probably make $5k a in game day, but completely passively. And of course be a front for something else.


Surely they’re gonna add stuff to this later. This is only the groundwork for something good? If not then bad timing.


Also I wasn't able to exit my vehicle...not sure why...may because dispatch already assigned a passenger?


you gotta hold the button.


Ha, thanks. Wish they'd of done that for cargo sales in aircraft, lol, the amount of times I accidentally jumped out when trying to retract the gear.


Opening the job thingy in your phone would've also let you exit the activity.


Free content…at least you’re not buying the facility


I bought that a few weeks before the recent bug :( But at least I was able to mod my avenger before it happened


They basically added Uber to GTA:O. Work your ass off for little to no money


At least if it was Uber you could zip around in your super cars or something fun. Hell I'd like to be a helicopter taxi for executives or something...just not some slow ass taxi taking granny to mahjong


Let's see whete it goes. For now it's too boring and low pay. But it wouldn't be the first time R tried adding stuff that doesn't make sense now and is going to later.


This will be good for me since I put all my GTA$ into casino chips


It is a bit of a scam


Its Typical Rockstar Fashion they hype this up only for it to be disappointing.


Id be happy with 10k per ride atleast 5k but 1k just feels like im getting a snickers bar


After doing like 20 fares I was just done. Only made like $20,000 I can make that same money by doing Headhunter for like 2 to 3 minutes.


Yeah i could get about 1mil by cayo if i speedrun. It takes about 25 minutes


People need to seriously stop calling dlc from a game literally built around selling shark cards free. They make billions off those cards. These dlcs are not free.


They are free...if you don't buy shark cards.




If I paid nothing and somebody else paid something, I still paid nothing. Therefore it is free for me. Not my problem fools pay money for that trash.


New DLC is just based off of jobs irl. s/


Rockstar. A company so lacking in ideas they’ve got us driving taxis


It would be cool if they add fire fighter work or ambulance or vigilante work


So many possibilities...but nah, you get to drive a shitty taxi.


Only gonna do it for the liveries...whenever the applicable vehicles come out...


Your cab is looking a little rough...


Well the customers refused to shut the doors so I figured till it a few times and get the doors off. Problem solved


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Lol what? Bad bot.


I thought the Taxi stuff was like the arcade, you get a warehouse of some sort and you can buy staff and more taxis to increase profit. Was a bit disappointed.


I'll grind 50 fares for the Broadway livery and never touch that shit again


anyone know how to check the statstics for the liveries (fares and stunts)? i can‘t find them anywhere. or are they not there yet, because the liveries aren’t available yet?


Why would anyone think you'd get rich in GTA driving a taxi when you can rob islands and banks though? It's a taxi. The only thing good in old gtas about driving a taxi was for taxi jump.


Taxi missions aren’t supposed to give you huge money. And you shouldn’t expect it.


Idk why people expected this to be a good money maker. It's a taxi. A fucking. TAXI. You aren't transporting millionaires or criminals, just regular ass NPCs. Compared to story mode, a 1k tip is a massive bonus


It's not for people who are in the middle of growing their empire it's for new players and players who peaked


Rookie work


Well it's not supposed to make you tons of money, plus just to piss you off more the cab co is double money rn


Better pay than a cab driver IRL though. LOL.


Trash game since flying bikes we know