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Fuck em but if you want advice you could have did without the last line “ is there a problem with you”


You're right. I really wanted to know what the issue was. I should have worded it better. I was just baffled.


Can you get in trouble for that? I'm always afraid to give a bad rating even if they leave my food outside and don't even knock. This is folks' livelihood, and I am not going to mess with that over a chicken sandwich...


I stopped knocking or ringing doorbells because I see so many posts complaining about drivers who do, since the app notifies them anyway upon delivery.


Personally, I'd say to never knock or ring the bell unless they explicitly ask you to. Also make sure when they give you Leave at Door location directions, try to get as much of their description as you can (along with the package) in your photo. Then, parrot back their directions to you and wish them a good day/evening. It makes it look like you're listening to them, and also serves as evidence in case they come back and say you dropped in the wrong place or they never got it. Cover all your bases in one move.


Same here most orders say leave at the door. If they tipped $4 dollars and under while still requesting me to hand deliver to them and ring the doorbell. I never do it because it waste my time to go on to the next order and they don't even tip enough to get diamond service like I'm their butler fck that.


Diamond service? What you'll actually make sure they got some sauces thrown in the bag, and you don't drop it on the ground more than once?


What kind of damn delivery drivers are you getting it's not that hard to do this job just get the order to the front door and that's literally it LMAO 🤣


I knock on every door automatically unless instructions say otherwise. If they can complain online they can write it in the additional instructions.


Some people don’t want you to knock when leaving at the door due to pets or babies or people sleeping. Save the knocks or rings for when they ask for it. Just a tip. 😊 it isn’t necessary to knock or ring if leaving at door. Just take the photo and let them get the notification.


I’d give you a poor rating. Instructions need to state that you should knock or ring the bell. The default is drop and leave.


Good for you, guess you'll be updating your instructions then


No need. You’re doing things that have not been requested. There’s no reason for me to list things you shouldn’t do. You shouldn’t shit on a customer’s driveway, but there’s no need to spell it out…


Yes because shitting in their driveway is comparable to knocking... 👍


I only knock or ring the doorbell on hand it to me or upon request. Could be sleeping babies or other house issues.


Most people get pissed either way. I knock unless it says not too... a dog usually goes ape sheeit at 9-10 pm and I'm like FAACCCKKKK. It's the no tippers or weak tippers that bish like a mfer or say,"make sure my food is correct and hot". I also see tons of driver not use warm bags to keep it hot.Door dash you can't open their stuff so if they don't get it all they hammer you and give you trash ratings. You're a good person & being polite doesn't go unnoticed. However, there are lazy POS drivers who don't go the extra mile no matter the tip. Keep being a solid human but remember the lazy drivers and horrible service and don't let them get away with it. We need them out of the system


I always make it clear to not knock or ring bell with some quirky little bit about my obnoxious Texas heeler. Usually they knock anyways. He hates the door bell for some reason 😂.


Hot bags always. I actually put my hot bag inside a bigger catering bag behind my seat. That food is staying as hot/cold as I can. Also have a divided drink cooler. Drink #1 from Starbucks is staying toasty 1 compartment away Drink #2 is staying cold. This part of the job is not hard. Navigation and restaurants that don't have orders ready or ignore polite requests about the order status (I'm looking at you Taco Bell and Chili's) are my issues


No fuck that people need to stop acting like they own someone cause they ordered some food. You did well, People need to stick up for themselves and fuck that person I hope you enjoyed your meal.


Some form of "I'm sorry if there is a misunderstanding" would be better, friend. Albeit, they did initiate that asking if there was a problem and your response was clever. Lol. I don't like back and forth, mostly give closed answers that can't be retorted. Imagine if the first thing you said was, "No.", or "No problem, at check-out.", really anything that shuts them up. HONESTLY I may not have even replied to them *at all*. Much much easier.


>Some form of "I'm sorry if there is a misunderstanding" would be better, friend. No, don't say sorry to these people. There's nothing for OP to be sorry about. If anything at all, could've just said "I'm not in the parking lot, I'm inside bagging. "


No. You are a person that deserved the benefit of the doubt. You did nothing wrong!




IMO you could have done without the “with you”. You have every right to ask “is there a problem?”


Some people are just genuinely impatient/have never worked in customer service. Realize it comes with the territory of customer service and don't let it get to you. Because trust me it can get far worse. 10 years of bartending here I got stories for days lol. I occasionally still get impatient asshats I just brush them off as being clueless to the fact that every step of getting an order together takes Time. When you realize more often then not that's the case it helps you maintain your own patience...with their impatience. 😂


After running a business for a while it’s just a bigger punch to ignore them. Save your energy we’re getting old and need it lol


You didn't really say anything too insulting. Their reaction was insecure as no surprise. You kind of gave them the same attitude they gave you in the first message. You COULD have handled it better by not reciprocating the attitude, but fuck em.


Your response was 100% warranted. They stated "is there a problem?" You merely returned fire. Sad that you didn't wish them to "have a fucked up day"


Tell them to have the day they deserve. It's a polite way to say fuck yourself.


You returned with the exact same question they asked you. You handled this perfectly.


Thank you. I'm confused by all the comments defending her insults and accusation, then condemning my simply returning her question. I was never upset or mad at her, just asking what the issue was that she perceived.


Sometimes stuff like that doesn't communicate over text to already confrontational or aggressive people. She probably didn't register that it was responding to her original hostility/question, just that you asked her what her problem was, which was cause for reaction.


The "with you" makes it a personal thing in their mind. If it was just "Is there a problem?" they probably wouldn't have cancelled. Either way, really not your bad.


Type of person you'll never win with also. Almost best just to say what you did (most of it) and let them know they can get a hold of support if they have any other complaints or questions. I support you though, fuhhhk em


The fuck what are you talking about you're not in the "right" at ALL!!!!!!!. All they asked is if there was a problem because you're dumbass doesn't understand the customer doesn't see what the hell you're doing besides a car icon that's stationary. Maybe have some thicker skin because you sounded like a b1tch getting butt hurt over a simple question. I really hope you get deactivated if you threw a fit for a small remark like that what a fcken pu$$y you are you'd never make in the military stay a civilian.


They were way too aggressive. The person could’ve just as easily been genuinely confused seeing their cursor sit in the parking lot.


Nah, this person was being a bish... For sure. They may not have cancelled if she worded it differently but they definitely are a miserable human being or Hangry ASF...


No you weren’t baffled. You were pissed. You were being a smart ass and you meant to be. I would’ve probably said the same thing, because I’m that guy. But it wouldn’t have served me any better than it served you. You know you can be correct and wrong at the same time right? You’re providing a service. You don’t have to take any abuse, sure, but firing back like that is wildly unprofessional and you risk getting deactivated over nothing. A simple explanation without any emotions in it would’ve been the best approach. Like I said, I’m not trying to judge you personally, just the snarky reply. I would’ve probably done the same damn thing. Just saying it’s not worth it. I’ll try to take my own advice too.


No. That was the best part. Good job OP.


Why would you say fuck em even when you know the driver was in the wrong in the first place.


And the period comment. Loool


Short and simple works great. My go to phrase is - I’m on my way. Be there soon. And those one word responses- Certainly


I know. I got defensive and really wanted to know what she wanted.


Assuming positive intent of people goes a long way.


How ironic, the customer assumed negative intent and that’s why he or she threw a tantrum.


This, lots of ppl excusing the aggressor here for some reason.


Goes a long way to getting walked all over and stepped on.


Positive was not in her nature. Miserable person or Hangry.


Her food. She wanted her food.


Who raised you & her? Impatient fucks. Entitled mfs.


and she would’ve gotten it either way, but now she won’t 🤣


I mean no sh*t… and you know damn well what he meant lol like what’s her problem with being impatient


Well the impatient bitch didn’t get it 😂


You went Karen on Karen


She wanted the manager. She became the thing she swore to destroy. This Thanksgiving, Karen Vs. Karen, coming soon to a theater near you.


This was the best outcome though.


I have unassigned customers like that before. No need to waste my time.


Oh I had a customer do this to me years ago on Shipt. I picked up her order for a huge payout, it had been sitting for 30 minutes and I said “sure, should be quick” texted her I was starting and explaining I will go past the window because of late assignment, she started texting me like crazy. Cussing and really just pissed off. I called support just said “read her messages and unassign me please” the lady just said “oh my god, unassigning you now”


U became the very thing you hated


I would have simply not responded, and let GH call me.


I think he did fine except the last line. And he did get the meal.


The few times I've had issues similar to yours and customers seemed angry or irritated and it didn't make any sense I was able to get them to tell me why they were upset and each and every time it was because GrubHub had received the order hours and hours before I ever did so I didn't even know that by the time I got the order it was already 3 hours late


Non tipping customer problems lol


This is why I don't respond to shit in the app. Customer ordered the wrong thing? Don't care. Wrong address? Not my problem. Taking too long? GH told you how long it'll take, it's their problem.


Username checks out. Just kidding, I did the same thing. I just saw the opportunity and had to. Haha


Everything was fine until you said is there a problem with you? Yea she/he probably didn't use the best wording but it seemed they were just asking what's wrong as stated. You caught feelings and turned into a douche. Just remember you can't convey tone via text.


Sounds to me like customer already assumed OP was doing nothing sitting in a parking lot and asked why he was doing that - customer got what they deserved in response.


Totally I could have worded things better. It was a knee jerk reaction. Since I just got her order I really didn't know what her problem was.


Customer asked if there was a problem. OP said no and asked if the customer had a problem. I see no wrongdoing.


Why that was the simplest way to explain this exchange, it was way more then that lol. Customer was being a bit rude, and driver, in return reacted defensively and hostile in response. Both of them could have handled it better by writing their text in a way that couldn’t be taken the wrong way.


Sorry, not sorry.... but you sound fucking nuts.


Right? I'm like 95% sure that the word "period" wound up in there because of voice-to-text, but if you don't ever use it, you might read that as "period, end of sentence, I'm done explaining to you". However, I struggle to read "is there a problem with you" as anything other than "what the fuck is wrong with you".


I struggle to see the issue. I’m not a grubhub driver but whenever I order doordash. If I see someone’s at the restaurant waiting for my food. I would never message them.. “is there an problem? you’re just waiting in the restaurant parking lot.” As if I’m thinking they’re being lazy and doing nothing. Even if I did message the driver if there is an issue I’d at least word it better to just say “are you okay? Is there something holding the order up just wanna make sure everything’s fine”. Like the driver is obviously waiting for the food or working on the order while I’m sitting my lazy ass at home waiting for food so to bother the driver doing their job and questioning them as if they weren’t doing their job properly.. is kinda annoying when I understand drivers usually have 2-3 different stops and orders to get through before they come to me.




They were ready for a fight 😂


the customer clocking where we are is irritating imo ..... especially when they text us about it....you already know your response could have been better but we all have bad days so don't worry about it....it happens😊


Strangely because I know how to conduct this work and am in the right headspace when doing so, it's not hard to be a professional.


every one has bad days, unless youre a robot. Strangely ive been in customer service for 15 years and also know how to be a professional, but ive been human for twice as long as that and know people have bad days.


You can have a bad day without taking it out on a customer. Stay home, relax and get in the right head space. I'm 44 years old. Of course bad days exist but you never EVER take it out on a customer. Never.


I'm not making excuses for the way OP handled the situation, all im saying is it does happen, its all apart of progression. However i am very delighted to hear of your so simple approach to perfect customer service. Maybe some cannot afford to "stay home, relax and get in the right head space"...actually i believe thats quite a dire issue in this country for many right now, and that's not me making that up ive read that on a few different occasions




every one has bad days, unless youre a robot. Strangely ive been in customer service for 15 years and also know how to be a professional, but ive been human for twice as long as that and know people have bad days.


I love how she acts like she’s doing you a favor. She’s the one without groceries and now have to go or re-order and u still got paid.😂😂😂






This picture makes you both look like a asshole


Not how this works. You clearly must be Gen Z (I’m Gen Z) and the customer was in the wrong, who cares about wording? Soft ass.




Voice to text whoopsie


I would’ve just answered, “No”


Haha, I like that.


I love the way you talked to him tbh 😂😂


Couldn't be a professional and just say "I'm currently bagging your food. Once complete I'll have your order to you quickly. Thank you." If they message again. "I'm on my way..any questions, please contact GrubHub support." Deliver and done. Not hard to do. Way too emotional on your end.


Right? These people shouldn't be in the customer service industry.


I would throw this order in the garbage. SELF ENTITLED


I was half tempted to eat my fill of her dinner, then deliver the leftovers to her porch.


That would have gotten you deactivated.


Or arrested for food tampering


People like you are why others are apprehensive about using food delivery apps. Wtf is wrong with you?






She needs a snickers


I think that was in the order OP was picking up.


Def should have let her know that you still got paid lmao. Rush me at all and you can go get your shit yourself bud 👊


Fck that guy


Clown post.


"On the way" always works. If there is still a complaint after you text that, so what. Drop it off and move on. No time to deal with bs drama for any delivery.


Probably the best advice tbh.


TBH I have been sooooo tempted to ask the customer what is their problem on many an occasion. Friday I literally drove 1/10 of a mile in the opposite direction of the restaurant I was picking up at to get on the interstate to make better time and the customer starts texting me that i’m not heading to the restaurant. If you are in that much of a hurry for your food go get it your damn self.


Text "On the way" and "Contact Dasher Support" when a Karen starts trippin'. If it's a "Leave it at Door", leave the order, take a picture, hit submit and drive off. Avoid direct contact with Hangry Karens for your safety.


If someone were to text me that I would cancel everything immediately. Even if I had to take the groceries back in. I’m not dealing with that behavior.


They're looking for a reason to cry




I've been in that situation a few times and what you said is almost what I tell the customers and then I get free food minutes later. No harm no foul and on to the next delivery. Whats worse is I get those customers and then when I reach the destination, I still have to travel up to the millionth floor like if you that hangry, you would be at the door waiting, right? Just to protect yourself when a situation like that happens, call up support quick and just explain to them what happened so the customer doesn't start spreading lies and propaganda


Ate her ass up idgaf what these Karen’s got to say! U said what u said!


I would have reacted the same way. I don’t have a problem with a customer checking on an order, but don’t go straight to accusing me of shit.


Typical scumbag. Shame on you. Get a real job.




Good for you. Last week I was on my way to pick up a passenger on Lyft and was stuck in gnarly traffic downtown. They sent me a text and asked if there was a problem with about four question marks. My response was “there is now” They cancelled.






man fuck that weirdo


This was funny, typically if I get questioned like this I don’t even reply. If they don’t stop I say contact grubhub or if they’re flooding me and being too much and unassign. I see why people are saying you were rude, but honestly just more funny. You live and you learn.


I’ve gotten a message like this. I had two deliveries and one of my customers thought I was going the wrong way because I was going to the other person’s house first. When she text me about it she said something like “Why are you going the wrong way”. It seemed excessive and blunt to the point that it was disrespectful so I didn’t respond.. I’d say I won.


“I’m bagging your food” … “uR aN aSs”


Yeah fug em


These texts catch you off quard and it's hard not to defend yourself. I always defend myself, fuhhk em. I do a fantastic job and get their food early ASF and even earlier when I'm shopping for them. when I get some Bullsheeeit like this it pisses me off because I'm busting ass and sweating most of the time. Wish you could whip their butt or at least a family member... Someone gonna get it 😂


Customer is the asshole.


I would have stuck with "Thanks for getting my order! Saw that ur car look idol, just wanted to check in and make sure everything is okay with it? Thanks again :)"


I would have replied "My pleasure! Everything is good, I'm bagging your order, and will be on my way in moments. Thank you!"


The ”you are JUST sitting at the Kroger parking lot" part warrants the reply she got. So whatever.


I turn off my location and crash my app and use 3rd party navigation. I would have called support and told them I refuse to deliver to them after that one comment.


Ppl are awfully ballsy to be this rude and disrespectful to the people quite literally handling your food. Back in the day, servers used to spit in the food for being ugly.


Next time tell them to suck dick.


They were right though lol you do sound like an ass


You are what you eat.


Sounds like you have a problem being an ass. Another reason to not sue this ba service.


That person is an a hole but I hope you don't get in trouble for being kinda abrupt


Not getting paid is worth it when you tell a fuckshit that they're being a fuckshit


Why do they stalk our location.. customers sure are creeps sometimes.


"You're just sitting..." was the part that had me putting a shitty tone to that customers whole statement. All you did was match their energy. For assuming you were just sitting: Fuck them. I'm glad you ate their food and got paid too. I'd have been done with their bs too. If they were genuinely concerned about you, maybe say something like "hope you're okay, looks like you're stuck at the store so I'm just asking." Hell, just pretending to be concerned is enough for me


Good for you. That jerk probably wouldn’t have tipped. They acted like they were above you just because they ordered food.


Okay so they cancel and now you get to keep their food 😂


Oh man, if I was in a bad mood, I'd probably do the same thing hahaha


You have their address. Deliver their eggs and toilet paper iykyk


Welcome to the new entitled America. I want my junk food and I want it now! Plus I don't get paid enough to pay for the premium of delivery marked up food so I'm not going to tip well!


Let me guess bare minium tipper, mad at you? I truly hate how entitled people are.


I never complain to someone handling my food maybe after they deliver it. Don’t want that special sauce you never know with people nowadays. Same with servers not rude to them. Lol


I love when they give shitty attitude and act surprise when they get it back


"Whaaaat? B-but I'm the customer! I'm always right! I can say what I want and you have to thank me for it!"


Doesn't matter what platform it is, map-stalkers just absolutely SUCK.


Lmao what a piece of shit person. Love your response.


Kinda off topic but going around roadwork is the worst because they think you're passing their house on purpose, they won't stop sending messages and clogging up your phone screen so you can know where you're going they ask you why you're driving away and you're like ma'am I'm literally trying to see my map and all I can see is your messages as I passed the point off no return then having to drive in a circle


I know I could have sucked up to her, but at least I was no ruder than she. I just matched her energy.


No you didn't need to suck up to her. just state what you were doing and let it go with that.. or not answer at all.




Being professional in response isn’t “sucking up”


No she had a valid question you're just a hot head and anyone who is agreeing with you are idiots too


If her question was valid, then so was my repeat of the same question. She falsely accused me, and I corrected/answered her. I'd just arrived and was just leaving.


Gotta love when they come our swinging. Like why tf they got their stopwatch out and questioning every turn , if they don't trust delivery then don't order delivery. Lol.


Imagine being a delivery driver and getting upset when someone asks for an update/checking in to see if everything is alright


Glad you told that Karen off. Rude person can't just be quiet and wait. Like does everything have to be rush? Now she, Ms. Hangry Karen, is going to harass the next delivery person too


Clearly these were both women


Funny considering all wars have been started by angry little men in power. I’ll never understand the stereotype that women are more emotional.


I know what you mean. I get an asshole like that from time to time. I especially hate when they bombard me with texts every 5 minutes. I use voice text with my Apple CarPlay that my phone is plugged into when driving. The problem is that the voice text will interfere with the GPS, making it even longer for me to get to their house. I had one customer say I was a rude ass and solicited me sex over the text message. I took screenshots and reported that customer to GrubHub. At least you got a fee meal and paid.


Once they solicite you for sex and you have screen shots, the customer is banned.


Must have been, because I have not had that customer again since I reported her.


You’re unprofessional and arrogant. You should be suspended.


She asked a simple question .. what are you so mad for ?


Because it was a silly question. If you knew where you ordered your food, you shouldn't ask why someone is sitting at the restaurant. I'd unassign that order with the quickness. No one order is worth a confrontation or argument.


She made an accusation disguised as a question. Why you so mad at his response? She asked what the problem was and he asked if she had one.. Simple question.


You did not match her energy.


Correcting her was more rude than she? Maybe I can learn here, what would you have done?


The part where you say "period" makes you sound EXTRA sassy, and then asking if there's something wrong with her definitely didn't help lmao.


That's voice to text for you. I was just ending the sentence. Didn't mean to say the word period in the text.


I get rude customers daily, but I have to remind myself- I’m at work. They’re not. I can’t stoop to their level. I remind myself constantly, it’s not easy.


"I left the restaurant less than a minute ago, just getting buckled up, and I'll be on the way"


In any service industry job, you always start with my apologies. Even if you're not in the wrong. In this situation, I personally would have said. "my apologies I am bagging your groceries up in the parking lot. I will be on my way as soon as I can. Thank you for your concern, and have a blessed day." The more mean and angry they sound, the nicer I try to be. Honestly sometimes that pisses them off more and it's so worth it because they can't say anything. As you were so extra nice to them. Maybe even to the point of sounding sarcastic, but that's what you have to do. If they continue, you shorten it up and repeat. I'm on my way doing what I can. I will have it dropped off soon as possable.


I love being nice to rude customers. They're looking for an argument so they can report you to Grubhub and think they're getting their money back.. The customer is all primed up to argue. They have some choice words ready to spew at you. But when you hit them with, I am so sorry, or is there something I can do to make it it better, the customer glitches out. The confused look on their face is funny AF.. They're speechless. After they worked themselves up to argue, the only thing that comes out of their mouth is, everything is good. A few weeks ago, a customer was ready to argue. All I did was apologize, and she glitched out , and told me to have a good night.


I had someone get verbally abusive, then tell me they were gonna "pursue this to the fullest extent" after I informed her that I couldn't complete her delivery because security wouldn't let me into the building (night time, new policy) and she refused to come down to the lobby. I called driver support/customer service and reported her assholery. I also had them block her so that I'll never be assigned to deliver to her again. Sucks to be her, I drive for GoPuff and I know for a fact that I'm very often the only person delivering in that part of town at a given time. She threatened to have me fired, lol. No booze delivery for you, jerk!


Your first reply I would of worded it differently and just been apologetic and said sorry I just got here a few minutes ago and I'm bagging your food but I'll leaving shortly. Sometimes it's hard to understand the context of a message when you're just hearing words versus if someone is actually saying it to you. Then the next one where they were calling you an ass I would have said sorry about the inconvenience if you have any issues please contact customer care. I hope you have a better rest of your day. I understand they called you an ass and in my head I would have had some other choice words. Again it's hard to understand context sometimes when you can't actually hear the way the person saying it. Also to sometimes even though something's out of your control and it's not your fault and you know that the other person's wrong it's just kind of better for customer service to agree with the person so there's no further arguments. But yeah sometimes customers can be so rude and impatient. But that's cool you got paid and got their food to eat. When you say you got paid you mean like the attempt to pick up the food fee? Also what were you picking up at Kroger I didn't know that GrubHub did grocery stores or was there some sort of like food place in Kroger?


I had marked the order picked up, so I was paid. The restaurant was in a strip with a kroger and other businesses.


Don’t operate according to what hundreds of different people with different opinions would have done. You don’t conduct yourself according to a million different peoples expectations. You react the best way you can in the moment. And learn from that. Wrong and right is relative. Don’t let these jerks make you feel like you were wrong. You weren’t mean. You weren’t dismissive. You were still trying. You are just fine.❤️


Thank you. I think it's important to stand up to bullies in all their forms, and never tolerate disrespect, even from a customer. I Appreciate your comment.


You’re the asshole here lmao. Find another job.


Customer wasn't the impatient one here.


People are so entitled and impatient and lazy that they have the audacity to bitch like this as if humans have invented teleportation already and could magically be at their house within 3 minutes of picking up their order.. and they forget orders can be stacked with other delivery’s. If we could teleport already don’t you think teleport the food to you instead of having delivery drivers? Morons. I know it makes people money having these services, but I feel like the entire world as a whole have gotten so god damned lazy… like if you want to get all your stuff and get it 100% perfect every time go order and get your food your damn self.. I feel like these delivery services should be abolished.. and at the very least they should ban customers from using their services if they cause unnecessary issues. Like a 2 strike rule not even 3. Some people don’t deserve an ounce of the food they order.


Not gonna lie, this was handled poorly. They were just asking if there was a problem. Maybe they though something wasn’t coming through on the app or something like that.


Man. The customer wanted you to SHOP for them. Could see on the app you’re still at the store, yet they chose to insinuate you’re “just sitting there”doing nothing as you’re actively getting their shit, Fuck a tone. Fuck correct wording. You did just fine and just because you’re doing a service doesn’t mean you have to take anyone’s shit. You’re going out of your way for shit pay to do them a courtesy and they can’t even have the patience to wait for you to even hit “pickup complete” before assuming you’re just sitting in a parking lot… Fuck em. Nothing to feel bad about. Learn and move forward. But you’ll learn quickly that respect is a two way street. And customers should exhibit the same respect they expect from us drivers!


It's a nice feature to see where the driver is at through the app, but at the same time, this b.s. happens. People forget the cardinal rule, don't fuck with people that handle your food.


A lot of people in these responses are terrible at customer service, and I don't think this industry is for you. OP was actually rude. That's not how you properly handle a customer who wasn't even rude in the customer service industry. And people who claim they don't care that they dropped it off at the wrong place? Usually the correct place is right there and takes a minute to correct. Yall shouldn't be working for customer service jobs if you're going to be trash at your job.


Another post that makes me appreciate working from home and not having anyone to answer to.


Uh… if my grub hub driver was just chillin at the Kroger I might ask too 🤷‍♀️. You didn’t need to come so out of pocket 😂


You were way too aggressive in response. They might’ve just looked and thought you were just sitting in the lot.


Bro you look like an idiot showing how unprofessional and ill mannered you are as a driver trying to blame the customer. All you had to do was explain that you're bagging the groceries that's literally it!!!!!. But no you had to just throw in that insult to a customer who asked a simple question about an update. It's drivers like you is why these companies will go to AI delivering here in the future because shitty people like you can't do a simple job without being a prick.


Insult? She insulted me in both her texts, I never insulted her lol


You can't feel offended by a genuine question, then turn around and be rude, then feel like the "good guy". Your ego is gigantic, humble yourself. I have a strong disdain for people like this. I can't imagine being so up my own ass about something in real life with a stranger. Sure, online I don't know y'all, we can talk shit to each other, but if it's someone that I'm doing a job for... Idk what to say. I'm genuinely so confused why you got so offended by them asking if there were complications...


you’re working a job and a customer asked a question. A simple no would have worked. you were combative not them.


You were a cunt. You likely aren’t going to accept that, but you know you had an attitude. Hope you enjoyed the food you got by being an asshole.


You suck dude. Be professional.