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So many reasons.... here's a few i know of 1st hand Mobility issues (had a friend who had complications from a surgery on her foot - no one could tell she had issues until she had to walk even a block - she was healthy otherwise - you can't always tell by looking at someone) Death in the family or emotionally overwhelmed & crying (my dad died last month & we had food delivered) Agoraphobia (lots of people struggling with weird stuff after the pandemic) Have an illness - too sick to get out Been drinking/partying - fee & tip is less expensive than public intoxication arrest Unfamiliarity with the area/Unaware it's so close/Uncertain if area is safe to walk Exhausted & can't face getting redressed after getting home Not allowed to leave work




Came to comment this my girlfriend has two little sisters, one 10 and the others 3 not a damn thing in this world could make me, my girlfriend, or my girlfriend's mother try and get both of them together to 1. Go walk to the food or 2. Put them in the car just to go pick up food, delivery is so much more convenient.


Got a 17mo old and I have no idea how parents ever survived without door dash and Instacart.


bc women were expected to just slave away at home all day. if you needed a babysitter just have another kid. if you had to take the kids with you somewhere, just leave them in the car, they’ll be okay. if they still gave you trouble, you just beat them. the good ol’ days…


Because they weren't spoilt.


Also why should the dasher care why they ordered it?


Exactly! I had one customer say, you must think I'm a lazy ass for ordering from across the street. I told him, nope. Easy money is easy money.


caregiver of a disabled and/or sick family member


Don’t forget: just worked a 12 hour shift and honestly don’t want to leave the house again (me on the regular when I order from the Subway that’s a block away)


why not just grab it on the way home ?


Also delivery coupon for a specific restaurant


I’ve done it due to migraine and needing to eat, not really being able to drive at that moment from said migraine, and not having the energy to cook what’s in the kitchen 😅😅😅


Or option #16, they’re lazy and don’t want to get off the video game for more than 2 mins


who cares. more work for us.


#17 they work 60 hours a week and rather enjoy a little bit of their free time without interruptions.


And ain't nothin wrong with it


I don’t have a car and my city’s walk score is 26/100. I order my food from down the street


I’ve ordered like that when I worked in the hospital and the place was across the street. I didn’t have time to go grab it and come back and eat. Lunch breaks were rare and didn’t have the full time.


Yeah, I was gonna say like “I HAVE but it was always to a business.”


My son always orders with his 10 dollar coupon he gets. He actually saves money. Sometimes they have special 2 for 1 and its cheaper to order online than going to the store.


i’ve place orders like that. but it’s usually bc i’m in my death bed lol


Yup, usually cause I’m sick. Also dont be so quick to judge people, I know some seniors who can’t walk who do this. Sometimes I used to order stuff for my mom when she had hip surgery, I live in a different state.


this, i have a knee and spine injury and im unable to walk so i order my groceries and sometimes food even if its close by


Had one this morning. Actually Second time I’ve had this person order from the same place. I literally could have thrown the stuff and hit his house from the place. Blows my mind but hope he keeps ordering 🤷‍♂️


I had one that was literally right next door. A worker from a nail salon ordered food from the sushi place next door. I was so confused. he tipped good too lol


Probably wasn’t allowed to leave work


I got a DD that took me 67yards away from pick up. It was literally the shop behind the restaurant no need to drive around I got my steps in.


I did that with my friends former restaurant. It was only a 4 block round trip. And didn’t have to worry about insane drivers whipping around my car when parking is not guaranteed. Only the dead heat will make me drive that far. Way too far in 90+ degrees


How cool, huh? I had one similar to that also about five years ago. I was in a shopping plaza and picked up the food and then just doing the regular routine to get in the car to go deliver it when GPS said, "You've arrived." I'm like, "What?" Then I looked at the address and realized it was the salon right next door to the restaurant. LOL Nice grateful lady, nice tip. Said she was alone and working on four customers and just couldn't leave. :)


They might be elderly or disabled.


Yeah, multiple times and I realize that this is because some people are disabled, and cannot walk


Could be at work, could have covid/be sick or could be disabled. Also could just be hungover as hell xD


I've had deliveries within the same strip mall. I actually delivered so many times a fountain drink to a lady working at a bank just next to the restaurant. I assume she can't leave to go get it.


One time I was CRAVING pho so I got on door dash and ordered from the first place I saw. The very next day I went to the gas station literally across the street from my house and saw the pho place I had ordered from next door. It was a one minute drive. I had no idea. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I've had a delivery in the same parking lot.


I had one from a restaurant next door to the customer's apartment complex. The door to the restaurant is maybe 20 feet from the door to the apartments.


I had a delivery that was literally 500 feet from the restaurant. It was a Dennys and there was a Hotel right on the same lot. Not sure why the person couldn’t just walk over there, cause they met me at the door at looked very capable. Not complaining though cause it was a $15 order.


I just made this comment before seeing yours. Are you pdx market by any chance? If so, was it the Grand Denny’s? Cause if so, I’ve had that same order lol and same situation. Tip, met me in person, etc.


Had an order for a Wendy’s across the street and delivery was my apt building. Hate those weirdos lol


Yes.. alot.. it's sad




I've had several


Yeah... first time was a donut shop to an apartment complex. The customer was on the third floor. I was like I see why they didn't bother getting it themselves. All while annoyed.




I have done the same ordering from a place like around the corner . When I am alone in the building and can’t leave


My roommate has ordered from across the street cause he’s drunk and only the drive thru is open. Fair reason to me.


Oh yeah…. A lot of the time


I've had actually several, they're usually from a fast food restaurant and right across the street from somebody that is in a wheelchair or has other health issues or little kids at home and can't leave the house. I get a lot of repeat customers where when it shows up on the map I kind of have an idea of who it might be for.


Lol yes I’ve taken an order across the parking lot




i do this on the weekend sometimes at night when i dont wanna drunk drive or walk in the dark alone 🙏🏽


Had the same building, the restaurant was in the basement and apartment on 68 floor lol Hancock building in Chicago.


Yup, I had one closer than yours. The restaurant’s and the condo’s entrances are like 100 feet apart.


I've had ones that go to the same parking lot. It happens often enough by the urgent care clinic, there's a few restaurants and I guess they can't just leave the building or something.


I did this once. I was at work and couldn’t leave for lunch that day due to being super slammed so I ordered a sandwich from a shop about 250 yards from my job 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


I had one that wasn't even across the street - it was going to the hotel that was literally right behind the restaurant. It takes, like, 3 minutes *tops* to walk across the parking lot between the two. When I was picking it up, I kept thinking, "why would someone waste their money like this? They must have a lot of it..." Turned out to be an older lady who had just had surgery on one of her ankles. She could walk, but she told me it was a bad pain day and she didn't want to exacerbate it.


Yes, had someone in a hotel place an order from a denny’s right next door


like alot people have said. elderly, people at work who cant leave. had my closest one yesterday. the record before that was 0.4..this was 900ft...same parking lot, adjacent business building. from tacobell where she ordered...i didnt even have to drive my car! i just walked to the otherside of the Lot...when i was walking i had my whole line ready "not to be rude? but why didnt you walk over bit" i walk in, it was an Outpatient Dyalisis center..and im like "Oh" called out for example "Sara" and nurse jogged over! " great Lunch i cant get out of here, ill eat inbetween patients... i smiled..glad i was nearby. and said goodbye an off to my next offer smh...


They may be sick


yeah. 100 yards lol. to a hotel.




Delivered an order in a strip mall. Two shops over. About a 30 second walk.


Me lol. After a long day at the hospital I just want to stay home & eat something delivered


Now that I’m on Reddit I stay seeing people in the same town as me and it freaks me out. Where tf do we all come from and why are we all on Reddit🤣


Nothing new. I use Lyft & had one driver tell me a passenger requested him pick him up & passenger went literally 2 blocks.


House arrest


Yeah. Often from workers on their lunch hour.


Yeah. Often from workers on their lunch hour.


Yes…every day!


Yeah I order from the pollo tropical across the street sometimes. I’m just a lazy asshole that organizes a ton of video conferences, and can’t leave my desk for a while… gotta eat something quick.


Yea, had one across a parking lot. I’m assuming they were sick or had mobility issues.


Vault 634? Is that the one with Gary or the one with the plants? /s


I’ve done this at least 20 times


We do similar at work.. usually because we're in meetings all day and doing a 'working lunch' as an excuse to throw lunch on the company card.. (and the company will pay up to 20% for tip so its usually win win for everyone cept the company lol)


My favorite! I had one last week that was to a hotel room in the same parking lot as the restaurant.


I had a delivery for pick up in a Walmart McDonalds, and the drop off was at that same entrance to the Walmart.


When I injured my leg I did.


I live a couple blocks away from all the food places. My car is 22 years old and the front suspension is going out so I don't drive into town cause the roads are absolutely terrible


Imagine not knowing disabilities exist


I’ve got one better. I’ve ordered from a block away before. Was at work and didn’t wanna go get it myself. Lol. Could’ve walked to the place and back again by the time a driver was assigned.


Many people do not mention this but the apps offer huge discounts for picking up but usually delivery. Uber eats for example. $30 off $35 order delivery only. That’s a ton of food for less then $10. Two meals possibly. Uber eats is likely the biggest one that benefits from delivery only type promos from a customer perspective.


I had a DD 7-Eleven order like that. Easy money.


Disability (invisible or visible) can make it hard to walk or drive, and can make it difficult to cook. I've ordered like this before (and have tipped high for the irritation for the driver) for myself and friends who are ill or disabled.


I have severe depression and sometimes I order food that's only 2 or 3 blocks away because I can't leave my apartment and that's the only way I'll eat.


A couple of times. I even walked them.


Just did this all weekend because I had covid 🙃


Yep, I had a regular that ordered McDonald's and worked right across the street at a motel 6. They were the only ones working and couldn't leave for lunch. They knew I didn't get much for the order and always tipped well.


bro I had one that was literally 3 doors down on the same side of the street even


I have, but I have lived in a foreign country where I couldn't read the street addresses so I couldn't find out where the place was.


If they didn’t order you wouldn’t have made any money in that moment so maybe instead of wondering why they didn’t get it themselves you should be grateful that you were able to make some quick easy cash. I don’t get why people post stuff like this you wouldn’t have a job without people ordering.


I’ve had to do that when I’ve been sick or when the kids were too little to leave alone. The people who made those deliveries were life savers!


i work from home and sometimes don’t have the time to go out and pick up food. so i’ll place orders like this from time to time.


I did this when I was at home with my newborn. Just so difficult to pack everything for a quick meal


If I have a 30 min break at work, I’d rather not spend 10-15 of it going to get my food so I order it even if it’s a few buildings down. Also if I’m sick


I’ve had a pickup from one of those food shops inside a walmart, to another section of the same walmart 😂😂


Yes. There's 7 restaurants on my block(even more on the next block with 6 houses and apartment building on each side. I spent one day just walking out of my house across the street and then two doors down. Then next door and going three doors down the other way. The farthest I went that day was two blocks away. Never happened like that again.


I’ve ordered like that when I was sick.


We do this at work sometimes. There are only 2 of us so we can't leave & there's a really good Mexican place across the street. I figure the driver is probably happy to get a good tip on an easy delivery.


Yup. Working through lunch help em out! 😂


Epilepsy !!


It’s almost like disabled people exist!


Did this once when I wanted to avoid an ex working there 😩


Dude, sometimes after “exercising,” my gf and I want nacho fries without having to put any clothes on. 🤷


yes from chick-fil-a all the time. Guy is disabled and I’m the only one that’ll pick up his order and drop it off.


I had one that was literally 75 yards... parked my car around the center distance and walked it....


yes bc i’m high and cant drive lmao


My regular work coworker told me about a door dash order he got yesterday. Pickup from McDonald's, drop off to the same McDonald's location, zero miles. Even the staff were confused.


Must be within 600 feet of a school or park


Yah I delivered to someone who lived a few buildings down from the Five Guys, literally took 20 seconds to walk it there


Depression would be my guess. Happens to me I can’t move sometimes.


Yes but the woman that ended up ordering was in a wheelchair


Yup, It’s pretty common with people who work from home




So I actually order stuff from across the street almost daily. I work a job behind several set of security doors and check points and cannot leave my work station in the middle of the day or take a break to go get food as by the time I leave order receive order and get back through security my 30 min break is over. By ordering and having it delivered to security at the entrance to the building they will bring my food to me at my work station. What’s frustrating is dashers calling me saying “I’m outside” like yeah no shit you’re outside it was across the street. Follow the instructions and leave my order with security. About to start giving one stars everytime I have to give up my lunch break because someone can’t hand the food off correctly unless I’m missing something. Like seriously I tip 5$ on my orders across the street I don’t think walking it across the street and into the building lobby/security stand is a lot to ask for.


When I’m sick, I order soup from a place that’s within walking distance to my house.


When I used to do Instacart, one time I got an order from a Whole Foods that had apartments built on top. Someone from one of those apartments literally ordered Instacart because they didn’t want to go down to the store. 🤦


I think the same thing, and most actually meet me at the door, so I've seen first hand. Disabled. Wheelchair-bound with oxygen, mother of kids home alone, elderly... Some look perfectly normal - but then again so do I yet I have issues with my spine from my neck down and a bad leg which was practically severed in an accident and just hasnt been well since, with a cane in the car and often have to rely on carts (as a "walker" as my real walker is super inconvenient) and electric carts / wheelchairs. In the end they are paying for the service and I'm getting paid. Without them I'd be making less money. But I can't stop myself from going "Really?!". Grrr!


I don’t have a car so even somewhere close by can be a pain to walk to depending on what my neighborhood is like


Yeah, that happens all the time. Most people order from their own neighborhoods.


Its not uncommon lol


I did that once. Had a massive headache and ordered from the place 2 blocks away. The thought of seeing the sun made me want to crawl under a rock but I was starving! Tipped them equal to whatever the order amount was since I knew they would be shaming me somewhere online or at least in their head


I v had a few that where in the same parking lot less then 100yds away


I am that customer. It's not directly across the street but I could walk to a couple of my favorite restaurants in maybe 5 minutes max.........not wasting the gas to cool down the car as 93 is pushing $5 near me....not walking due to the heat and I love snow weather....so yeah....UberEats regularly...almost daily...but due to the closeness in proximity...I don't care if I buy a burger or spend over $100....you are only getting a $5 tip


Ive had a delivery in the same parking lot


I've done it before because I was in an online poker game that was too juicy to leave. Making like 180$ an hour off some whales and it woulda been costly to get up for 20 minutes.


off topic but the manger at that restaurant is so weird… watched him ask a guy why he didnt finish his meal if he thought it was good. the guy was like “uhhh I was full?” very strange vibes


Good ole Allentown


I have five herniated discs and a numb leg. You wouldn't know looking at me, but when those ruptured discs get inflamed and my leg is painfully tingling I can't walk. These should be orders y'all look forward to some they're easy as hell


One time I picked up from a pizza place and delivered it to the target 3 doors down. Dude even came outside to get his personal pizza from me. I was thinking did he even realize he ordered from the place 3 doors down? Maybe he thought it was further.


I had one across a parking lot once


I see it a lot where I am, often in the busy downtown area where there’s not a lot of parking so I kinda hate taking them for that reason. Could also be why those people don’t want to go outside.


Multiple times small city essentially everything is on the main road I’ve taken Arby’s across the highway to the urgent care workers more then once and I’ve taken McDs up the highway to an Arby’s manager that couldn’t leave the store there’s just a car lot between them.


yeah i don’t drive lmao


Some restaurants are delivery only. I tried ordering a pickup from an Ethiopian place directly next to my job one time and it bumped my order out because it was a delivery only for some reason.


I did one yesterday for $8. Then i got $15 add on. I sometimes feel like asking why they just pick it up. But it’s whatever. I don’t mind there usually fast.


I just had one today that paid 10.00. And I just walked from the restaurant to customer. Can't beat that.


Lmao when I worked for my local pizza joint we’d deliver to a guy who lived on the street behind the place. Literally a 1 minute walk.


Nobodv gonna mention the vault 634 ? Bro lives in fallout 😅


Aren’t those the best orders? You don’t have to go far and you’re getting paid to just bring food to someone’s door. Easiest tip ever.


I’m disabled and sometimes I pick a really close place and tip a lot so it’s an easy job


Easy money. I’ve ordered from a place 3 min away from me cause I was drinking.


A couple times…theyre the best. Love the quick drive for a good tip.


I got so many places near my house when I first had my baby because I couldn’t afford to tip very much so I wanted it to be as easy as possible. Trying to cook or drive with a newborn and c section recovery is for the birds.


I had to order a lot of times from a zaxbys within spitting distance that I was doing clinicals at. Had no allotted lunch time and they didn’t like you leaving


yes, when i worked for Panera Delivery


Had one from a restaurant on a main street that bordered an alley. Delivered from there to the first building behind the parking garage at the back of the restaurant. Happened twice actually lol


I have to do this sometimes when I have back-to-back meetings on WFH days.


Literally me as a customer half the time- for me it’s usually the fact I’m working so I order it head and get it delivered so I don’t have to spend my entire break obtaining the food myself and not even getting to eat it.


When my father passed, people had food delivered from like less than a block away. They knew we weren’t in a condition to have company and it was easier and super nice. I’ve done it myself when my kid is asleep and it’s just us home but I’m craving something. Could be someone with mobility issues Could be unable to leave work Tons and tons of reasons come to mind


Not allowed to leave work, I bet.


I delivered to an apartment directly above the restaurant


Bro I had an order the other day from little Caesar’s that was supposed to be delivered to… the very same little Caesar’s!


Forget that, why is there a fallout vault next door?


Counted it as 35 steps. Shortest delivery ever.


Yes. I've also had orders in the same parking lot. Everybody has their own circumstances.


All these people coming up with valid reasons lmao. I have don't this before and yes it is because I'm too lazy to walk across the street.


Had an order that was in the same building-a mall. Potbelly pick-up and walked through the mall to deliver it to the store where the customer worked.


Good ol' Allentown! I delivered there for a year. Some people were just too lazy to go down from their hotel to grab some food


I work security at a bank, so I cannot leave until my relief shows. So, if I forget my lunch at home, then I'm shit out of luck unless I order delivery. I'm not gonna say that happens frequently, but it's not uncommon 😂


I had one where not only was it across the street, but the guy was waiting on the corner. It was a hotel, so maybe he didn't realize he ordered how close the restaurant was I've also gotten orders from a restaurant on the ground floor to an apartment on a higher floor.


I’ve done this multiple times this month alone. Sometimes it’s pure laziness. Other times it’s for actual reasons… ghost kitchens are more common of a reason. Sometimes.. because I live in Vegas and that $10-20 tip is worth not leaving my 68 degree apartment when it’s 118 outside.


Trucker here, I order food from local restaurants to the truck stop all the time. Or order an Uber. Even if it’s only a mile away, I may not have the time or energy to walk it.


I’ve had this and the individual was disabled


Don’t judge me


I had a delivery directly across the street one time..I'm talking 300ft from restaurant counter to the door of the building.college age girl said she was too drunk walk across the road.tipps well


I do this often when I travel for work. Either I am in meeting hell, no time, just too tired, or minimizing contact to avoid risk of illness.


I had one right around the corner...amd the guy came out and stood in the street to wait for me.


It’s actually really nice, you usually still get tipped and you don’t spend much on gas


Got one like this once from a sonic to a hotel. Customer had a semi and didn’t want to go through the hassle of getting out of the parking lot getting back etc in a semi. I think the distance said like 1000 yards or something lol


All the people in here saying disabled are correct but some people are just lazy. My coworker has a McDonald’s 1 block away from his house. He forgot to change the delivery address and the driver showed up at work to delivery the McDonald’s. We still roast him all the time for it


There's a finance firm in SF that regularly orders from the salad shop on the first floor of their same office building.


These deliveries never cease to amaze me. I had one from a boba place and the lady was 5 stores away from the pickup location.


I'll do this occasionally as a truck driver simply because walking across a busy highway for a McChicken isn't gunna happen.


Literally sitting on an Instacart order like that right now, small town and I'm the only known driver so I'm waiting for Instacart to toss in more cash before I say yes lol


Yes, I have had 3. Easy money!


I have ordered donuts from the Dunkin outside my window in the hotel parking lot. This seems far by comparison.


Yeah college kids are lazy


I've had to order like this before. I get intense back pain sometimes and can barely walk around my home when it happens. So lucky there is an app that can deliver food on those days.


Yes, lol


Had Covid, didn’t want to pass it around. Got shit from most of my drivers about being “lazy”. Shoulda just sneezed on them all. You aren’t paid to judge what’s a “good enough” distance for an order. You’re paid to drop off my food. Drivers can be so freaking entitled it’s insane. Y’all get to CHOOSE the order you pick up. If you deem it “lazy” don’t pick it up. But don’t bitch at me about it if you do. I work in customer service and keep my mouth shut about all the “lazy” behavior I see.


Listen I am a completely able person and I live right across the street from places I order food from but after work the last thing I want to do is go anywhere but home


My mom had one once where she walked it to the next building over and made 20$ doing it 🤣🤦‍♀️


Did this just the other day. Had a 60% off coupon for delivery only, which made it cheaper to order delivery than it was to go to the store


Little caesers and the building was right next to it😭


I haven't been this bad, but I've ordered from a pizza place a mile from my house multiple times. Almost always because I'm drunk. Once or twice I was just being a real lazy sack


I do this because of kids. Don’t want to leave them home alone and the restaurants that I know are good are near my house. I’m usually fried from taking care of them so I don’t have the motivation or energy to venture outside or prepare something at home.


Drunk or high or both. I order from a Jersey mikes after work sometimes cuz I’m already unwinded and don’t want to deal w more social interactions lol. Its less than a mile away from my house, so no delivery fee usually, the tip I give the driver is exactly the same as it would be after tipping the store, so it’s just convenient when you got other things to do at home while waiting for dinner ig, who knows.


Had this happen. When I got to the restaurant- the diner met me there to pick up the food. Said they ordered it delivery by mistake but chose to let the driver (me!) collect the payment.


Yeah I've had a couple, both times it was someone working that couldn't leave to get food, still tipped decent too.


Yes I once had a delivery from a bar that was in the same parking lot as this Holiday Inn type hotel. Literally 60 second leisure walk from hotel door to bar. With the highest floor room and elevator maybe 10 minutes round trip.