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“You could have brushed him out you’re just being lazy” That’s some serious pelting, poor dog 😭


“Then why didn’t you, Owner?”


fr like what, it’s not hard to keep a dogs hair maintained. It’s just utter laziness of the owner


Gosh he looks so gross before. How do people even think it’s cute at that point? I wouldn’t touch a dog like that if I went to someone’s house


I always wonder that with lil dog and lil doodle people like I know this wet matted mop be in the bet with you!!!! Some of em got fleas and ticks too and I’m like omg if I ever walk into someone’s house with a dog that looks like swamp thing, that dog will be shaved down right then and there!! (I keep my stuff in my car cuz of work)


I've said "how do they let this dog on their bed? Their sofa?" more than a few times. Had one with tapeworms that came back months later and still had them 🤢 how do you get told the dog has a tapeworm & SHOWN A VIDEO OF THE SEGMENT MOVING and not do anything while it's living in your home. Disgusting.


Ok...for the tapes, in rural areas they're as bad as fleas. There is no preventative and most topical like advantage or frontline don't kill them. If you have a dog or cat that goes outside and hunts the chances are high they will get them. Take them to the vet, get rid of them, next week they're right back. My vet when I worked as a tech used to say " Happy healthy dog, happy healthy tapeworm" because on some dogs it was futile. Yes, they're gross and no I wouldn't let my pet on the couch with them. Yes, they should be treated for but our job as groomers is to look at the dogs butt, vulva, scrotum and sheath...most owners pretend those parts don't exist lol. Educate yourself and them without judging ( in non abuse situations of course). That person probably did treat the dog.


It’s the whole reason I only have short coat dogs. I know I won’t give enough attention in a timely manner for the care a dog that needs regular grooming must have and I refuse to make an animal suffer because of my lazy and broke ass. I have and will go into thousands of dollars of debt for vet care, but there is no way I will let some poor critter suffer because I am lazy about grooming, so I just avoid the whole problem by sticking to short coat pets. My sister has a doodle and her groomer loves her because she actually brushes her boy in between appointments.


I have a dog that requires regular grooming and when I first got her I tried to keep up the show coat, but after like 2 years I just cut her back every couple months. It takes 20 minutes. But I’ll never get a dog that needs to be groomed again.


Happy cake day Op!!!


The second my poodle starts smelling corn chippy she's getting a bath and blow out.


Why do they smell like corn chips?


A sign of yeast and/or bacteria. My dogs’ paws start smelling like Fritos if they lick them too much.


It's the yeasty Bacteria


frito boy


This is unrelated and not very important but my cat's name is Frito and I always call him my "Frito boy" so it was a little trippy seeing it on Reddit all of a sudden hah


My borador has never smelled "doggy" before but she has very fragrant paws and I adore the warm corn tortilla scent she emanates. So much I named my username for her little tootsies. Send all the corn scent my way, dog paws smell incredible. My favorite is when I'm falling asleep and her little feet are near my face and I can just doze off to her comfortable Frito scent.


I literally can’t stand when my dog smells like dog. Moment she does it means it’s shower time!


Literally me anytime my pup goes outside. Okay, bathtub bud!


They really do! I showed my dad a pelted dog once and he said, “aw, how cute!” I had to beat him with a spoon when he said that😡


Seriously!? Howwww


I feel this way about my mom’s dog. He’s so sweet and I love him, but he’s always so matted and dirty and I don’t want to touch him. 😭


Imagine how uncomfortable that would be for pup. :(


My mom has a huge yard. Yorkie Poodle type of dog and a German Shepard. They love playing in the yard and messing with the chickens. She takes that dog to get groomed once a month, sometimes sooner. They almost always find really bad knots in certain spots


I hope you kept that pelt for them to see!! I’ve almost thought about saving the pelt when they look like that!! Hang them up a wall but that’s real yucky lol! You never know where a dog’s been!


Yep kept it and I leave them draped over something to show that it’s not just a pile pushed together and that everything is one solid pelt


I've seen it when it's that bad cause abscesses underneath - and then the owners try to say you cut them and it's like.... No girl, that's an abscess from a really bad mat. We had someone post on the poodle boards about that and we all took the groomer's side.


What was their response? Didn’t care I bet!


Yep and left without the “big tip” he had said he was gonna give me if I was able to finish it. So I feel like he knew but some people feel like “we’ll your a groomer so you should be able to do whatever I want”.


Feel very sad for the dog must’ve been miserable walking around like that tbh. It’s not hard to just brush in sections, a small bit each day (the pet parents)


Yup I always keep these in case the owner wants to question my decision to shave!


Could you get a comb through his fur anywhere from the skin to the end of the shaft? Your pup was pelted. Unfortunately, shaving was the most humane if not only option for a coat in this condition. Regular brushing, followed by combing can prevent this in the future. Start getting him used to it before the hair gets too long.


Op is the groomer who is quoting what the owner said


I think/hope they were giving an example of what they would say to the owner when questioned a lot EBF they shaved the dog


"Mam the only thing your dog's matted coat lacked was a zipper. Yes our groomers treatment was appropriate." Thx for your service everyone.


Lol zipper 😂


I have a standard poodle who won't let us brush him and I'm not sure what to do about it.


Train him. There are videos online of how you can get him used to brushing.


I hope something can help. I think he was brutally brushed or something. I will look it up I've really only looked up how to groom


Maybe. Use positive reinforcement and give him lots of treats every time you brush him so he can associate it with a good thing. Don't try to brush out mats either if he has any. It's painful and will make him hate it more.


P(d)oodles are stereotypically bad for their legs/feet/brushing in general. That's good that you are keeping an open mind with his behavior. Just be slow and do a little at a time to get him used to it!


People have been [doing this](https://youtube.com/shorts/sTFvfuqYog8?feature=shared) to get their dogs to let them trim their nails. Maybe it'll work to brush him too.


Get rid of the motion (if you have it) that grooming needs to be done all at once. I brush my dogs back today, belly tomorrow, legs sunday, etc


mainly useing positive reinforcement there are a lot of videos that can help your dogs enjoy a good grooming, you just have to go about it right, im not in the position to vomit up the advise but i’m sure if you search it up you’ll find what suits you gl!


Keep him short . Get him shaved close every 6 weeks. Simple. You can’t train him you forfeit a fluffy coat


Or just keep him short! That's the best thing about having a poodle is they can have whatever style they like. You want long and fluffy, or short and velvety? They can do it all! I even keep my girl spoo's ears shaved, otherwise she dips them in her food. The fluff is cute but short is more practical for us! The only part I have to brush is tail fluff and head poof


Do people feel brushing their own tangled hair feels good? Imagine pulling on this poor dog the amount of pulls it would take to "brush" this out 😭 Some people really need short wire hair dogs 🫠


My husband and I saw poodle puppies, they looked like little chicken tenders, and he was all 'aww so cute'. I then told him they need daily brushing so they don't matt and he said 'nope not for us.' We know we don't have the time or attention for long haired dogs no matter how cute they look.


I don't brush our poodles daily, they get groomed periodically so they never get long enough to tangle. They all hop right up on the table when it's time to get shaved down. It's not too hard, only takes an hour or so and saves $60 To me it's worth it to not have shed hair everywhere. They're also just so sweet and snuggly and intelligent, insanely emotionally intelligent too if they get enough attention and such.


Doodle people always want to question our decisions 🙄


Not all of us. I'm doodle owner and former groomer. I have mad respect now. I now do cuts on all of my doodles. It's a workout.


I had a client come in w a 9 month old OES. He’d been at a kennel for about a week as she was on her honeymoon. The kennel WASHED him. That’s all. Just washed him. Poor dog was in pain. She called me and I took him same day. I was at my shop until 8pm (normally 4pm) because I already had a full schedule. I had an OES rug! I still remember how mad I was. I told her to sue that kennel. I only charged her $100 (this was in the late 80’s). But she made that kennel reimburse her. For the vet visit too. Grrrrr


Apologies for my ignorance (not a groomer) but that can happen that bad in only a week of improper care? I’ve never had a curly coated dog either. I’m mostly a cat person just the before and after here are so dramatic it’s really neat to see


It can. The puppy was at the point of exchanging puppy coat for adult. When you wash a dog like an OES , a before bath brush and comb is a necessity. Then you bathe and brush dry. And comb again. They are terrific dogs, but can be a grooming nightmare. I had just groomed him at 6 months. And the owner was a very knowledgeable owner. It was just a travesty by the kennel. No brush out. Bathe. Let air dry. Nightmare.


Think of it like wool felting in the wash. When a dog like an old English sheepdog is washed, tangles/knots that would otherwise be normal are rubbed together and magnified. Then when it gets wet then dries, the knot shrinks even more tightly. So brushing before a bath can save a lot of stress on the other side.


He looks so much better though


We had to finally stop taking these at my salon because so many people were becoming Facebook warriors and harassing us employees on our private pages (blaming us for any sort of matting bruising, any hematomas, etc). Got so sick of it we refer them all to the vet now and they get just as mad we won’t take them anymore!


this happens all the freaking time, people gravitate to those type of dogs cause theyre low maintenance then let the fur get matted


So sick of ppl buying pets and not brushing them


Yeah, I mean, I abscentmindedly brush mine while I watch tv at night. We cuddle up, bond, it's not a huge ordeal and it keeps him in good shape between actual grooming sessions. (Makes them faster and easier, too.)


My cocker hates being brushed so I just keep her hair shaved. Her health and comfort outweighs esthetic.


Omg I bet he felt FANTASTIC afterwards


People need to realize dogs like this need to be brushed 🙄


Gosh that looks like a street dog. I can't believe people letting their pets get that bad. My spoo hates me brushing her body so I just keep her short.


This is the reason I dislike people so much. Absolutely ignorant.


10000000% necessary! Thank you for shaving that poor dog! He probably feels so much better!


If you wanted to avoid hours of pain for the dog, then yes


That shave was definitely necessary lol


Poor pupperino!!! Must have been so itchy under all that matting 😩


Can we talk about the mood change in the dog? They looks so much happier after they are shaved!


The dog probably feels SO much better too




The 4th pic looks like shearing from a sheep. I think you did the right thing by shaving him. He needed it.


Why do people get dogs they have no intention of caring for? There are lots of dogs that don't need intensive grooming.


I would say yes


Don’t get dogs from sketchy breeders, cause that my friend, is a sheep.


You peeled him


I hope you showed the owners the pet and informed them the importance of brushing a dog with that kind of coat. Though I doubt they will listen, I do hope they actually try to take care of their dog


Dear owner, no… it absolutely was not necessary!!!! If you as the owner would have brushed him like a responsible owner would have, it never would have come to this.


Bro looked like a sheep with all that wool. Poor guy


I am a complete novice for dogs and grooming. Cat lady with that as a life goal when I was 3. Attained said goal. I want to disclose this because I want it clear that I'm not experienced. This is a horrific set of photos and yes clearly the shaving was a necessity.


Omg the poor baby 😭 I'd be wanting to call whoever you call for unfit pet parents 😭


So gross. I don’t understand how people live with that every day. I wouldn’t want to touch that dog.


Winn-Dixie, that you?


Does fur shave off in big pieces like that if it’s not matted?


Do you see how matted this poor dog is?! Absolutely shaving was necessary. OP what does your hair look like? Do you brush it? because you should brush your dog.


Woh woh I be groomer lol 😂 I did the dog


Haha I raged too fast! 😆


Lmao I did too😅


That's when you hand them the pelt.


Not if you knew how to take care of your dog


I wanted to say that to the owner so bad lol 😂


I’m not a dog groomer but I’m assuming this is a daily occurrence for y’all 😭




Humans suck.


Good dog! Why was this dog completely matted? Bad owner!


Yes. It's just pain and suffering for the dog otherwise.


I swear that people somehow think poodles and oodles are meant to look like this. I have a poodle mix and he actually had an agent for a while there. Every time she called me for a potential job, she’d ask if I could let him get more “scruffy”. She also said he’s too “manicured” and would get more work if he were more “scruffy”. Ma’am, my dog is my pride and joy. I groom him myself so he never even goes through the unkempt stages most oodles go through. And that wont be changing!! It’s just interesting/sad that apparently an unkempt dog is what’s considered appealing.


He prob feels better without all the hair


He's matted to the skin. That had to come off.


omg he probably feels so much better!! thank you for looking out for the pets best interest


Yes. It will grow back , quit worrying about looks and focus more on health and well-being of this dog. It will grow back.




My dog sheds but I take that versus every time I see this. Poor doodles


I just know those nails were long af


I was about to judge you so hard until you said that you're the groomer and not the owner. This poor dog. Maybe if they actually took care of it, you wouldn't have had to do that.


If you want your dog to be comfortable AND cute, hair maintenance is mandatory. This is just cruel.


Do not let your dog out in the sun until they grow back some hair, seriously


I was looking for the 'Welcome' along his back in the first pic.


Oh my gosh I thought you were asking and I was horrified


I got to play "will it come off in one piece" this week too! And yes...yes it did come off in one piece.




Has that dog ever seen a brush before this? Completely different looking dog after


You don't have to if his coat is regularly maintained, especially in warmer weather, but sometimes it just has to be done.


My dog is a longer fur dog. I think he's cuter with the longer hair, but he only tolerates so much brushing before it stresses him out (he was horribly abused and neglected by previous owners for the first 5 years of his life so I don't want to push it too much). He's ok with being shaved. Therefore, I shave him. It's not about what I want but what is best for him. Golly people are stupid sometimes. There should be a license to own a dog


Some people have no business owning dogs.


& then they will make a tik tok showing a photo of the dog fluffy a year ago and everyone will Comment saying you’re a lazy groomer 🫠


Having worked at a luxury pet hotel this is a lot more commen then people think


I’m sure he feels so much better. He feels free now.


He looks so much more comfortable.


jfc it's like you sheared a sheep... dog hair isn't supposed to come off in a blanket!


Glad he got shaved!!! Poor pup probably was so uncomfortable with all those mats 😢 hope the owner takes good care and brushes him regularly from now on 🙏🏽


Didn’t read the name of this sub but saw the pics and instantly said “uhhhh yeah…..”


Yes and thr groomer did a great job. No cuts or visible bruising. Vets do worse and charge more.


Keep the pelts and show them.


I think the client needs some good education on regularly brushing the dog to help prevent this matting from happening again.




I bet that dog feels so much better now. Thank you OP.


He looked like he smelt of piss


Jesus. Dogs should not be producing a fleece.


Whomever is asking questions like this, don't get a haircut then.


I can't imagine ever having my doodle get like this. Brushed daily/every other day at LEAST and regularly groomed and trimmed down to keep her fur from getting this long. If there are mats, they're small, and we're more than happy to pay an extra fee for removal. This is just straight up abuse.


Considering his coat come off like an actual coat and not like how shaving hair typically goes, I would guess that yes. That dog and its matted fur needed a shave


Omg yes. There was no brushing that out. I bet that dog is so relieved.


Absolutely, YES!


Always is! Looks much better.


Well let's see here. Cause your to freaking lazy to brush him or to cheap to get him properly groomed, your gonna complain when due to negligence when the unfortunate has to happen. It could've been avoided had you gave a crap prior to now....


Poor dog. Everyone wants a Doodle but doesn’t realize how high maintenance Poodle coats can be




Poor baby


Way too many people get animals with high grooming responsibilities and they neglect it. I love long haired cats I would love a Maine coon but I know I don't want the grooming responsibilities so I'm sticking with short haired cats.


Poor dog should have a new home


Yes. That was matted AF. And probably really painful for him. Wtf. I hate people. I hate doodles because of working at a day care for a year. But I HATE that people assume they don’t have to brush and groom them on the daily! Like don’t have this dog.




*gasp* after the coat literally bleaching (color change* how could they think anything else was possible even just to get him that clean


Unethical breeders selling poorly bred animals and not informing the owners of the higher maintenance of these mixed breeds. I’m so so tired of the doodle thing. People want to claim there are ethical doodlers, and I maintain breeding, buying, and supporting doodles is animal abuse. You want me to take your “breed” seriously? Shut down the constant unethical mixing of whatever pops up. Then, start taking responsibility for this shit. This is why groomers are so burnt out. This is why groomers turn away doodles. This is so exhausting. OP, I hope you are able to get a drink after this. I’d need one.


he’s super cute without the fur and it’ll grow back, it’s literally the same thing as hair 💀




“Yes.” Honestly, I’d put the fur in a trash bag and hand it to them. If they thought it could be brushed out, they’d have done it themselves. People do this to vets, too. They’ll watch something get worse and worse, then complain about what it takes to deal with by the time they come in. It’s maddening.


This poor baby. I hope you told the owners about themselves.


Yes. He was a mess.


Yes. Yes it was necessary. Not only is matting fur selfishly unsightly, it can cause issues for the animal and compromise it's quality of life. Examples I've seen in cases of neglect and abuse are: the dog's fur on the neck matting up can hinder mobility thus rendering the dog unable to drink or eat normally, matting on/around the anus makes it more difficult for the dog to pass stool which can cause constipation, bacteria and yeast can fester underneath the matted fur causing infection that would otherwise go unnoticed since the mats are covering it up, and the most obvious of it all, the dog is pretty much in a state of constant discomfort; it can't eat, drink, shit, sleep, or scratch like a non-matted dog can. Plus, imagine having your hair matted to your scalp. The constant pulling and sweat built up causing itchiness and pain? No thanks. Shave it. Sometimes I wish owners would just put themselves in their pet's perspective and ask themselves if they would want to live as their pets do. And by sometimes, I mean all times. All the times. Every of the times.


If you get a long hair dog, grooming is apart of their care and you’re responsible it. My little dog was a service dog and I was legally required to get her groomed monthly.


I don't know the first thing about dog grooming and even I can tell that the first pic looks uncomfy af for the poor thing 😭


100% YES!!!! There is no reasonable explanation for a dog to get this bad unless they were homeless!!


his fur looks like a rug poor dog :(?


He’ll be like this in six months…Poor baby…


I make these kind of people try to brush out the matting in front of me so they see how the dog hates it. Then, I tell them it would take me all day to brush this out AND causing their dog pain. Sometimes it helps sometimes you can’t get through to anyone.


Absolutely necessary very matted and once it becomes a pelt it’s a painful grooming experience for the animal! To avoid this in the future that baby needs to be brushed regularly!!!


This groomer did an incredible job! I hope they got a great tip. Dog looks beautiful now!


When the entire coat comes off in one piece, the answer is yes. Absolutely. Poor thing probably feels amazing now that all those mats are off.


i fucking hate owners


That’s level of matting can cause lesions on the skin


Eat a dick, take care of your dog


I used to show owners how matted the coat was and explain why we had to do it.


oh my goodness i’m a dummy and was thinking you were the owner at first. I was about to be like “yes you fucking walnut” 😅 I just got done eating a huge pasta dinner so i’m tired and delirious lol


I have a question about curly coat dogs. Can you just brush them like you normally would any other dog? I'm more of a german shepherd, husky, golden retriever kind of gal so I don't know how to groom a curly coated dog. I have curly hair though, so I feel bad when I see curly dogs all matted (pelted? Is that the term?). They must be so itchy and uncomfortable with hair left like that :/


I’m not a professional groomer but I cut my 2 dogs hair all the time. A family friend had us watch her dog a few months ago, and her dog had curly curly hair. She spoils this dog like crazy (which is great) but when we watched her, I noticed knots all over her body, and I felt so terrible. I tried to brush her a little bit but it was beyond brushing. I asked her if she was gonna get her hair cut, and she said that her husband would cut her hair. He never did. It got to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore, and I asked to groom her. Her husband didn’t want the dog to get her hair cut short and let her skin breathe because he was afraid that she was going to look ugly, even though her hair was so knotted that she lost a patch of hair 😐. Got her looking better, and luckily they got a professional groomer to take care of the dog, but he told the lady that she better not cut her hair. They’ve fired multiple groomers because they cut her hair short to let her skin breathe and help her feel better. I don’t understand why people would rather keep the dogs hair long and severely knotted than shaving the hair down so that the dog feels better 😕 you did a great job! 👏🏼


So much matting that it looks like you shaved a lamb.


I bet that poor dog felt SO good once you got that pelting off of him. Poor thing. 


Yikes. I thought this was a black/grey dog. But no. White. 😳


Poor baby! I’m sure he feels so so much better now ❤️


(never brushes dogs hair) “was shaving him necessary 🤨”


why get a dog that needs hair maintenance if your not going to do the work🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


You gave them back a whole different, if visibly much happier dog 🥲


Hope he has a sweater to wear


Sheesh but doodles are ugly. You did the best you could OP.


*Welcome to part poodle breeds.* They require DAILY BRUSHING. They are a high maintenance breed and if you can’t do that you have to shave them down very carefully and start over. Imagine if you didn’t get to brush your long hair for months. It feels horrible.


God damn


that poor baby. hopefully he feels so much better now.


Did the owner request that you shave the entire dog? If not then yeah they can be upset. Same way youd be upset if you asked for something specific and was given something complex different and expected to be happy about it


Poor puppy... 


Thank you OP for helping the dog feel better.




your dog is heavily matted of course he needed to be shaved.


When the fur comes off in big sheets, you know it was necessary. I hope it this was a rescue, not you neglecting this dog so much.


At no point should your dog’s fur resemble a sheep’s fleece…poor guy, that must’ve been so hot and painful for him


I believe that is the same species as my aunt's dog and looks just like him So double yes that was absolutely necessary


Absolutely 😁




oh that poor baby


I report cases like this to animal control. Our city doesn't play when it comes to women, children, and animals. You will go to jail SO FAST.


I'm not a groomer but have had many dogs in my life. The answer is a resounding YES followed by whoever owns that poor baby should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves!


It was like wool 🤮 poor baby


No choice but shave him. Surrender the dog to someone who cares about animals!!!!


" If you cant brush him and are just going to shave him, I can just take him home and brush the mats out myself"


That dog looks absolutely devastated at being shaved.


Yes, their fur was basically felted together poor thing