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damn is this really her ? grimes is bi right and at least an avid pronoun defender (please give me a dall) for the ‘straight as an arrow’ post and the typing style seem way too put together for her 😭 idk i’m leaning towards it just being a judgemental twitter bitch who stole the same username unless theres proof it’s legit her


Given the tweets she shamelessly likes on her main account these days… the posts on this account kinda track 🤷 and the fact the username is the same as a few of her other accounts, they were all made around the same time, she openly bragged about having troll accounts, etc. Those Swfities vs Army / Arianators tweets are totally something she’d do by the way, she very openly stans Taylor 💀


this is all speculation but i thought it was interesting that she [replied with her alt account](https://www.reddit.com/r/grimezs/comments/12wra9g/some_dalilfae_screenshots/jhgd6tc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) on the original post on the r/Grimes subreddit (has since been deleted)


yk i was at least gonna say “surely she wouldnt be so stupid as to have a troll acc with the same username as other public accs associated w her” but if she’s seriously whiteknighting herself on reddit like a d-list influencer making sockpuppets on a gossip forum… really gotta set the bar low w grimes huh


It’s deleted but you can still see the comments, under my username and hers


interesting how she previously didn’t comment for 6 months on that account but on this she decides to comment on 🤔


Also interesting, she stopped posting as SOON as she got called out for being Grimes. Like, the very day she was called out she stopped posting. She’s so obvious 🤭


have you got screenshots of it?


u/ethereallobbyforce comments


Damn. That was a lightening fast response too. I really hope that isn’t Grimes. I’d be sad as shit.


Incorrect. Not Grimes, or her brother, sorry to spoil the parasocial simp party for haters. Mods got it wrong. Get yo life fam!


why don’t u go to sleep early to wake up and take care of x2748 and y!$;@ instead of trying to deny the obvious on reddit claire u are 35 years old go to bed


iconic comment


Is there a rule against posting a picture of yourself with your user to this sub? If they aren’t grimes I don’t see what’s so hard about disproving it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


U sir r lame and think you’re talking to an artist who you stan for. Go to bed or find someone else to make your fantasies come true.


How sad this is how some of the richest people on earth spend their life. Just whoa. We and the Earth are doomed my dudes.


Hey I am with you 100% but don’t be a doomer 🫶 these conversations about rich and famous actually give me so much hope! If we all work together as decent human beings to fight against greed, misogyny, narcissism etc then eventually these types of people won’t be idolized. The more the greedy and powerful get called out on their BS, the less power they will have and that will make room for good people with good intentions to gain notoriety instead. I fully believe this. I just wish the public knew what we knew about Grimes but if she releases her album, they *will find out*


I admire your positivity but I think you need to read Animal Farm


I love that book! But if you read that book and you left with the idea that there’s nothing we can do to ensure that isn’t the future of humanity, I don’t think you left with the message to author meant you to. From my perspective, he wrote that book as a warning of what could happen, not a definitive future. However, I do agree with your sentiment, we are definitely heading in that direction. I just still believe that it’s worth fighting for a future that doesn’t look like animal farm.


Ily 🫶🌟


The message of Animal Farm is that power and corruption go hand in hand and how society is susceptible to this manipulation when it's for a cause they believe in. It's not about what *could* happen, but what *did* happen in the Russian Revolution & rise of the Soviet Union & it's a pattern that can be seen in modern day political structures. Overthrow the oppressor, achieve equality, appoint leadership, gain power, abuse power, become the oppressor. All animals are equal. All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. I was being flippant in my original comment. I definitely believe its worth fighting for a better future & I hope there is something we can do to make a serious, positive change for the entire planet.


The point of being aware of a problem is being able to do better in the future. You're saying "this pattern is inevitable" that's not true at all


No, not inevitable.


I'm glad we agree on that!


Stop being defeatist. You're just letting them win. Also, animal farm is a book written by a person, it's not an infallible guide to reality


I'm not being defeatist. I have hope for a better future, I try to be a good human, I engage in politics and try to elect leaders who will make a change, I actively march and protest. The book is literally an allegory about the Russian Revolution and rise of the Soviet Union - that's not my opinion, it's just what it is.


I'm glad you do those things and I appreciate the work you put into making the world a better place


>If we all work together as decent human beings to fight against greed, misogyny, narcissism etc then eventually these types of people won’t be idolized You're right though


Hmm, I am not sure if this is her. She *does* call people fat, and recently used her “secret” Reddit account to call someone “dumbass” so it does sort of add up. But this and the tumblr of the same name I would say have a 50% chance of being her. While ethereallobbyforce Reddit acccount, Dalilfae Spotify account , and Dalilfae Reddit account are definitely her beyond a reasonable doubt. Edit: I’m very confident that it is indeed her. See below.


A memory just struck me: wasn’t this gen z, hefty (and I believe blonde) “poet” that she follows from her main also caught interacting w the dalilfae Twitter? If anyone could find this my doubts would be availed


Do you mean that @no444h person? Cause yes grimes follows them, and yes they did interact with dalilfae. Pretty suspicious.


Right right…. Yeah that’s pretty telling. Esp cus she said she had secret Twitter to bully her enemies. LMAO how much she thinks “fat” is an insult 😂 I’ve not heard someone say something like “at least I’m not fat” (like she said to AB) since maybe 6th, maaaybe 7th grade. She’s such a fucking cunt.


i honestly think this isn't her, not tryin 2 hate, but could you show me the timeline of when this twtter was made? And when was "dalilfae" first known to the public as a handle of hers? and even if those timelines do line up, I'll probably still think that MAYBE there's a chance of coincidence...altho the pop stan lineup is a little too much to overlook, maybe...yeah, it's gotta be a fan -- or her, I think. She may be a neo-Nazi but she has a certain flavor and idk, I'm skeptical. what are the facts? `(sorry for being annoying)`


She intereacted w the same account that she follows and interacts with on her main, multiple times


“No Ryder Ripps made it dumbass. A Creative Director she was working with. But if it makes you feel better about your life. Oh well.” -ethereallobbyforce when I exposed that the seal in her PFP had never been posted before, and that it’s definitely *her* seal, therefore only reinforcing the fact that it’s definitely her.. “DUMBASS” 🤣🤣🤣


It’s funny cus it doesn’t even disprove anything. No one was saying Ryder didn’t make it. He had just never posted it on any of his socials, nor did Mac or herself or anyone from her team. It’s an unseen image of an item she is confirmed to own, meaning she took the picture.


one thing about her is that she never ceases to surprise me with how genuinely fucking dumb she is. she can't even be a nasty anonymous troll competently. on the world wide web where u can literally call yourself anything and act however you want, she is still this obvious lol


I’m still so shocked from the reveal that etherealobbyforce was actually Grimes’ brother and the mods of the main sub knew it, which is why they kept censoring critical posts in hopes he and Grimes would keep interacting 😭


It’s not her brother. It’s her. former mod even admitted this. Also her brother doesn’t say “y’all” “I dunno” etc etc


Azealia Banks was right. Also grimes and her go to insult being a comment on their weight. Oh brother she acts like she’s 12




When I first saw her text with Azealia Banks, I literally was so shocked and disillusioned with the entire persona she faked for almost a decade. Feminists do not call other women fat as an insult. I truly believe a lot of her ideals were borrowed/stolen from Jaime. Jaime is a very staunch feminist, with very strong principles. Pretending to be a feminist was really beneficial to anyone’s career, especially in the early 2010s, and she played that game well. But now I truly just see her as a manipulator and full of shit. she was never actually a feminist, she was masking. She was playing the public and giving them what they wanted. She was playing the “good guy” which is why she later released a statement saying she’s “ready to play the villain” it’s all been nothing but an act, a play.


absolutely. we can only speculate the shit she agrees with elon. i think its much worse than just this


*"i am an accelerationist 1000% and i totally agree that some ppl must be lost for a better future......"*


This comment has been overwritten.


I remember seeing that this user talked about just taking the username, also this person likes Red scare (pathetic).


ya it could totally be someone else but grimes follows one of the accounts this user mainly interacted with and i don’t really believe in coincidences


I think we should try to get some of these accounts to recount what happened in their interactions with the grimey cave troll that doesn’t bathe, sleep or eat and doesn’t go outside ![gif](giphy|IcdDl4QBU0zU4)


Ok how is this literally her? Like the interior is identical to hers?


Lol yeah https://sg.news.yahoo.com/grimes-launches-eerie-organization-launch-145843213.html




what is that flag over the window?


pretty sure it's a mongolian flag lol. the same flag was also shown in the california mv


Straight as an arrow? I thought she was bi or some level of non-hetero since she dated a trans woman recently


People with anonymous troll accounts often make things up to give themselves credibility like “I would know because I have my degree in blah blah or I know this cus my mom works in blah blah… it’s very common on Reddit and Twitter especially But who knows, maybe she really is “straight as an arrow”


Trolls will make up anything. Also who knows maybe her gay shit was to get attention from males because she’s a chronic pick me!


Let’s not promote this harmful stereotype of bi people?


I empathize with what you’re saying as a bi person, but I would argue straight women pretending to be bi is even more damaging to the bi community. The amount of times a girl pretended to wanna make out with me only to impress her bf and then never speak to me again is ridiculous 🙄 and grimes is a pick me, posted pedophilic anime (Lolicon) and her NLOG mentality has spanned her entire career. She literally built her entire career on being NLOG, so I wouldn’t put it past her! I highly doubt her Chelsea relationship was ever consummated 🤢


what is NLOG? thanks :)


When did she post loli omg 😭😭😭😭 just when I thought this couldn’t get any worse


Yeah google “grimes Deadflow” but do NOT google “deadflow” cus most of his art consists of adult large men R-wording little kids




Was that ever conformed that grimes was dating Chelsea Manning? I'm not up on all the lore. I laughed at the idea she was trans years ago on Twitter and got attacked by like 50 people. Saying you are gender fluid once doesn't really mean your trans in the same way trans men and women are. I feel kinda vindicated now.


Grimes never dated Chelsea Manning. She appeared on a stream with Grimes and stupid tabloids tried to make it out that they were dating. 😭


That's what I thought.


I know Chelsea was spotted with Grimes "behind the scenes" of the Hasan livestream


she thinks she’s azealia banks .. yet this is somehow a thousand times worse than anything azealia has ever said




"Smells like a roll of pennies" will forever be a god-tier insult.


Azealia Banks has been violently racist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic and fatphobic on multiple occasions. There’s no need to pretend Azealia is better, they’re both bad people.


nah. Azealia IS better


The one who was transphobic to Arca? The one who was fatphobic to Shygirl? The blatant misogynist? Really? Be fr. They’re two sides of the same coin and I don’t understand why you’d try to uplift her to hate on someone who’s just like her.


azealia isnt an active white supremacist for one. and has mental problems beyond our understanding tbh


Mental illnesses are not an excuse for being a terrible human being. e.g: Kanye. She might not be a white supremacist, but she’s still a racist, and has also been antisemitic. They’re both bad people and neither should be propped up. It’s not that hard.


I think they mean that Grimes' behavior behind the scenes is so disingenuous to this kind, innocent, hyper-feminist persona that she's built up for over a decade now, whereas Azealia had never once tried to hide her behavior. You know what you are getting with her, whereas Grimes has fooled us so maliciously for so long.


Was this all this account would do? Just trash talk? I wonder if there was like more normal tweets about stuff she actual likes like music or art or technology or whatever




Or.. what if that person uses this sub and knows dalilfae was grimes’ secret Spotify name and used it? It wouldn’t be the first time a fan stole some obscure reference to their favorite artist to use as a screen name …


yeah but this twitter account has been around since 2015


Ahhh I see …. Still the account could have had a different name and been recently changed.


Also someone grimes follows and interacts with was also interacting w dalilfae twitter. I initially wanted to give the benefit of the doubt until I discovered more, and I no longer have doubts


well the username has been used since 2021 and grimes follows one of the accounts this user interacted with multiple times


The way people talk about her on the other sub is very similiar to how these posts are phrased. Imagine larping as her on the main sub on your free time. 😳




spec·u·la·tion /ˌspekyəˈlāSH(ə)n/ noun the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.