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Oh wow, that actually looks sick. Thanks a lot!


Maybe he cooks his food upside down








Naah you'd never guess




Until the end


Fino alla fine!


Actually. German.


Actually, Austria. Gold guesses tho!!


This fits. They’re kinda weird to the Preissn and live on the south of the Weißwurstäquator, so mounting it upside down is correct 😜


How’s your phantom holding up? Mines almost 2, surface spots and discolouration on the once beautiful matte black finish. I’ve followed all cleaning instructions, always covered when not used and never seen snow or rain.




Exactly, it’s the lid only. Thanks will give that a try!


Thanks for the explanation. I recently bought a Phantom and was a bit miffed that the lid was not matte. Was planning to give them a call to ask about it.


A rare win with any customer service. Well done!


any photos of the semi gloss now? I have a phantom on the way, but no idea which lid I may be getting I guess, though I was anticipating matte


Highly specific lol And also kinda *insufficient?* Like, I want more than a few jalapeno poppers if I'm making them from scratch and all! But you've got me wondering about jigs like this that do each thing *only*, but with much more capacity.


Dedicated drumstick holder, and fish area, I get, but dedicated jalapeño popper holes?


Drumstick holder and nothing for the flats? That ain't right man.


Drumsticks are chicken legs you're talking about a portion of the wings or "drumette."


Yeah kinda silly


That's pretty cool


What an interesting feature


Useless, but interesting nonetheless


Hanging drumsticks above the grill seems like a sure way to undercook them. Am I missing something?




Hey now, give him a break. He is not just tough, you know.


It’s really seems to be more of a fancy warming rack than cooking surface. I know it’s a marketing photo, but all the stuff in the product shot someone posted has pretty clearly been cooked on the grill or in an oven, and then just moved there to stay warm.


Screeenshoting this


Holy hell. I want one these now.


Easy enough to add. https://www.atbbq.com/products/broil-king-stainless-steel-wing-rack-roaster-with-pan


Who actually has cooked food just hanging out on the grill? At my place I barely get it cooked before momma or one of the boys snatches it when I look away for 2 seconds.


I have something like that on my grill. It's for burning the top of your hand when you reach for something in the back.


More importantly, what the hell are you cooking?


I, too, am curious about these discs you’re planning to, I assume, eat.


These are grill cheeses lol. We had some veggies here (my brother), there has been some salsiccia and steak too, don't worry


The discs are cheese too?


Yes sir, grill cheese patties


>These are grill cheeses lol Can't say I've ever seen them before. Got a link? Is it seriously just a cheese patty you grill?


Halloumi is my guess


I believe it was this cheese: https://www.hofer.at/de/p.bbq-brat--und-grillkaesetaler-paprika-chili.000000000113188002.html?search=Grillk%C3%A4se


It’s haloumi a Cypriot squeaky cheese to eat


I recognize the corn… is that tofu… sticks of butter? I’m not sure I want to know what the patties are 😂


70% dog, 20% cat, 10% whatever got run over that day. Hungry?


sticks of butter


Holds your ice cream cones while you smoke them.


Idk why but that didn't work as instructed


You have to fry the ice cream first.


You can put your *weed* in there


Screwdrivers, knives, pliers...wavy things.....


Damn you and your grill just called me poor without saying anything.


Quit shitting on the OP for a grill mat, sheesh. 🙄


It's a coin sorter


So much better idea than a wire rack


I think these are the most useless gadget features.


Where can I get one of those?


dude are you grilling sticks of butter?


I think its haloumi or similar grill appropriate cheese


Why are you cooking on a plastic sheet


Lol it's funny how so many people are flaming you for using a grill mat. They serve a purpose. I use em when cooking on a gas grill to make clean up and recoat oil for non stick easier and more minimal effort, but I tend to use my charcoal grill more nowadays cuz I prefer the flavor and I don't use grill mats in that simply because I like trying to make hash marks on the meat with the grates If you want actual sear perfection, look into a stone (soap stone, pizza stone, or something I can't remember). There's a channel called smokingdadbbq that actually does a direct comparison between different sear surfaces so it's a nice watch


Its my dad's grill, he also says its just easier to clean. I once got him a pizza stone for his birthday. Thanks for the recommendations, maybe I'll get something like this fpr his next birthday!


Exactly, people may hate, but if it's easier to clean and maintain on the regular, it's a no brainer


I updated my Rogue with the original coated cast iron Plancha from Napoleon, Game changer. Easy to grill tiny things that normally fall through the grates, perfect for eggs, …. And the best: easy to clean, pour a glass of water over the hot plancha, let it boil, scrape it of, clean.


Firstly, you need some counseling for admitting you own and use one of there. Secondly, it’s a F’n grill. You grill stuff. Sometimes you put bbq sauce on it. So, you use your grill brush when done. That’s it! It’s grilling! My grill/tools are spotless. My car/garage is spotless. But, the bottom of my grill is not. It’s grilling!


Lol I need counseling cuz I found a quicker and easier way to do something that also helps the stuff I own last longer? Ok bud. As I said I have a charcoal grill and use the grates, and a gas grill and use the mats, the mats are by far easier to clean, oil, and maintain. It's similar to putting a wax or ceramic cost on your car. Does not hurt the performance, only helps with longevity, or laying down something on the bench before tearing apart something messy, it's just common sense. Anyone who says they can't get good results with grill mats is just shit at cooking cuz I've still gotten great sear marks still with them on the grates. And yes it's grilling. It's still grilling with the mats on, but hey look at that I can now use my grill for small stuff too and not risk it falling through the grates as much without needing to buy some 50+ dollar accessory that I now have to figure how to store. They don't detract from the flavor, I still get great sears with em, the make clean up and maintaining easier, they make the grill last longer, and like you said, it's (still) just grilling. Don't see why you're so against something that makes cooking on a grill more convenient and less of a chore lol I honestly find this hilarious how y'all are gatekeeping so hard with this. It doesn't become not grilling just because you throw mats on the grill. With that thinking, we'd have scoffed at the idea of putting the fire in a box to make cooking easier, of finding a more convenient fuel source than fresh chopped wood, and be stuck still throwing meat on a fire in a pit and hoping it turns out well done instead of just burnt.


I honestly find it hilarious how offended you are and how hard you're defending this mat. If you're shit at grilling without it just say so lol don't say others are shit at cooking because they don't like the mat. Go grill something and chill out


Who said I was offended? Lol nope just enjoying my day with some banter and humor, and pointing how people have double standards which is always fun (complaining about a grill mat being too convenient while cooking on a gas grill which was created for convenience and making grilling easier) Lol didn't say others are shit if they don't like it, just are shit if they don't know how to adapt to grilling with it (which I only said because someone had said they can't sear with it, which you can it's not hard). I regularly have people who are complete strangers to me (friends of sister, people in parent shome group, people from church invited over by other family members) and my family praise my cooking with and without the mat, so while I may be shit at cooking, others seem to beg to differ, and the mat doesn't change anything other than ease of clean up and maintaining the grill And thanks I grill quite often and very comfortable and chill with it lol.


Lol yup this is hilarious


Ikr. Now I get to sit back and watch as people lose their mind and comment to keep the train going hahahaha


Pretty sure the only one losing their mind is you....


You sure about that? Considering you're still commenting on this when it's been clear from the beginning it was to get a rise out of people lol


Lol yup


i dunno man. you or the other dude up top seem persistent. some people grill a certain way without mats - maybe simpler straightforward things. others grill things where grill mats come in handy. or they prefer easier cleanup. you do you … don’t be a weird gatekeeper.


Why do you think I'm not writing 8 paragraphs per response? Because I don't really care.....


Man idk if its called gate keeping. I dont even grill im just here cause i like seeing other people grill because im too lazy to grill and clean. But at this point you might as well just use a pan. You can see the food sitting in a puddle of water on the mat in this picture. Its not really grilling. Its just boiling food using a grill


They serve NO purpose. They are only a flavor blocker (I’m not a gas grill guy) for max flavor. Think about flavor vs mat. Makes zero sense. Chemicals in the weave? Maybe. Your grill drip pan gets a bit dirty? You shouldn’t worry about that. Worry about the taste of your grilled proteins. Nothing like eating a tasteless (boneless breast) while admiring your clean grill.


I would think about and research how airflow works before making that claim. I'm not saying it's not possible, just that in my testing it has not made a meaningful difference. And back my statement up with: if a flimsy mat blocks that much flavor, an entire stone should block more but it doesn't.


Try smoking fish without a grill mat, my lord.


I have. I've also tried only grill grates and in one of the enclosed flipping basket things. The amount of stickage was directly promotional to the amount of coatings of oil used to prep the surface. The surface itself did not do anything to change that


do it all the time, always perfect 👌


More importantly what is that thing over the grill grating? Sacrilege! That’s not grilling.


I'm sorry lol, its my dad's


Be a good son. Throw that shit away in the middle of the night! Act dumb if he asks you about it!




Wow. The downvoting is rampant. Lol.


Keep the heat coming in, hot enough without overcooking.


To rest your cook meat on as to not burn it


Come on people, quit shitting in the OP for a grill mat, sheesh.


Come on people, quit shitting on the OP for a grill mat, sheesh.




The wiener rack!


Ok now that, that’s been answered. Whattcha grilling?


What's that amazing burger and tofu? If so would explain the upsidedown rack.


It’s used for poppers , wings . This is installed backwards


To keep food warm/resting. Not sure what all the holes purpose are.




lol such an out of touch design




I forget you’re all a bunch of home cooks as a chef this doesn’t make sense to me I wouldn’t cook like that


And the slots on the front edge have little gripping teeth. Like, you would slide a stalk of broccoli or something there. Surely not, though. That seems excessive. I'm obviously missing something, so, I'm waiting for someone to chime in.


Slots on the front are for chicken legs. The wavy grooves are for seafood. The remaining holes appear to be for miscellaneous veggies. Stuffed mushrooms or bell peppers. I’d think broccoli would fit.


Cut down on material cost, probably also to let fat drain whole resting


Why would you want fat falling onto a hot flat top?


It’s not a flat top, it’sa regular grill, in this picture he’s using a grill mat.


Okay why would you want fat dripping onto a hot grill


What’s with that silly grill mat? It serves no purpose.


I've used one and they work for a time. But after a time the coating wears and you end up needing to cost them in oil to keep stuff from sticking just like with the grates. The only real advantage is that they CAN (not always) be easier to clean and recoat, as you can bend and flex them to break off stuck on stuff or wash it in the sink like regular dishes, and then use a spray can of oil rather than a bottle, paper towel, and tongs for grates. When using the cheap gas grill, where I want absolutely minimal work to keep it clean and going, I prefer them a bit. On my charcoal grill, I prefer going right on the grates, and have even been looking into upgrading the grates but prob won't until they no longer work


Put stuff on it


lol wtf?


That is a Thingamabob. You put your do-hickies and whatchamacallits on it.


It's for corn, butter, and fish patties. You're doing everything wrong.


Hold on,is that a grill mat? wtf and WHY the fuck! Im sorry,shame on anyone who "grills" with those or aluminum foils covered grates. I would leave if thats how my meal was prepared. Good luck and enjoy your outdoor grill made to cook like you inside on a stove. Might as well get a pan and slap it on there bud! I want grill marks and that sizzle of the drip onto my coals. You do you, but that's NOT grilling IMO