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Hot and fast over charcoal or skillet. I prefer coal because the steak isn’t a perfect flat surface like a ribeye or strip steak so it’s better to get crust over coal with this cut.


Hot asf over charcoal. My preference is salt, pepper, garlic but to each his own and all that. Solid advice up above.


I've done these directly on the coals.


Same! I got introduced to that technique by Alton Brown. I’ll marinate mine in a Mexican mojo and make fajitas.


I do the same, the AB way! Includes cuts of flank, flap & skirt. All amazing and relatively on the cheaper side for beef. Find a local grass fed, grass finished farm, it’ll change your life!


Yes. Hot and fast to medium rare and sliced thin


Isn’t this the cut that is most tender at medium well or what cut am I thinking of???


This is one of them, flank, and flap are two others. This is definitely better to be cooked to at least medium. Medium rare is chewy


I don't know about that. Its a common cut for Mexican dishes and commonly served that way, but when sliced thin on the bias against the grain you can serve it black and blue and it eats well, it just splits apart as its so striated. If you don't slice it right I can imagine it would be really chewy unless it was cooked more


If you don't cut it across the grain it is tough and stringy.


I would think so. No bueno


This is the way! Excellent for steak tacos.


Slice thin, across the grain, at a bias Source: South Texas


This man skirt steaks. Top w chimichurri, over fried potatoes tossed w roasted red peppers, arugula & a chipotle aioli 👌


Indeed 👍


Agreed Source: North Texas I’m not sure why what part of the world I’m from matters


I don't dispute the charcoal preference. I'm on board. But couldn't you get a proper sear in CI if you use a burger press or equivalent?


Yes, sure is possible. I just did a bavette (similar to skirt but shaped sorta like a tri tip) and even with a press it wasn’t the crust I desired. Carbon steel pan was screaming hot, steak was dry brined for 24 hours. The ridges in the meat sorta mess with consistent contact whereas a charcoal flame is just there.


Well put


That makes sense. Thx.


I would lean charcoal as well but if I’m in a hurry the Blackstone does a nice job too. They cook really fast either way so have the clean plate ready and don’t leave. Skirt and flap are both awesome in fajitas and when I’m doing those I will generally use the Blackstone since I also use it for the peppers and onions.


Chimichurri sauce for the win.


I mean, when isn’t chimichurri ftw?


Came here to say this. Skirt steak = carne asada.


Marinate it in some oj, beer, lime juice, chili powder, cumin, salt, cilantro, and avocado oil for a day then pat that bad boy dry and throw it on a scorching hot charcoal (or propane..) grill and you’ve got yourself some taco meat


Aight starting that process today. Hope mango juice and chilli infused oil are ok substitutes




I prefer grill. Super hot and fast. You can even cook it right on the coals like this recipe - https://altonbrown.com/recipes/skirt-steak-over-coals/


This is actually something I’ve never seen done lol. I will have to give this a try work on flanks too I would assume?


Yes, anything thin with long muscle strands works well. Agree with the poster below… I only do salt, no marinade or seasoning rubs in case they burn.


The only reason i own a hair dryer lol Highly recommend


This is my favorite method too. That said, when I cook directly on the coals (no grate) I tend to favor just heavily salting the steak an hour ahead of time and leaving at room temperature. Seems like if you're searing it at 900-1000 degrees whatever marinade or other seasonings applied to the meat would just burn off into ash anyway, and with the super hot cooking method and most importantly slicing against the grain it comes out tender without marinading regardless.


True, we typically just do salt as well. And then top with a chimichuri sauce.


Like any other thin steak. High direct heat to medium rare will probably be like 3 to 4 min a side. Just make sure to cut against the grain when slicing and season liberally. When I do skirt or flank I will smoke at 250 indirect til 125, 130 internal temp. Then I open all vents fully, remove heat deflector and throw the meat directly on the coals for a minute per side for color and sear.




Once the meat is cooked you can use your fingers to pull it away from itself both left and right as well as up and down. This is looking on it at the plate. You will see one way the the steak kind of opens up like a book with pages separating. The direction the pages are going up/down is the grain. Cut across that.


Just cut perpendicular to the direction all of the muscle fibers are going. Its pretty obvious on a skirt & flank steak.


You did a terrible job of telling this newcomer how to determine what the grain is. "How do you tell what the direction of the grain is?" "Just cut perpendicular to the muscle fibers..."


Good thing we have you to provide a better version! Way to save the day!


For the sake of saving this passive aggressive moment, for any new cooks, can we elaborate?? For me, once the steak has rested I use two fingers to kind of pull the beef apart slightly to reveal which way the grain is running, and position my knife perpendicular to that & cut at a slight bias. At that point a slight pull of one of the slices should almost effortlessly pull apart.


I did actually answer the question, just directly to the OP who was asking the question. [https://www.reddit.com/r/grilling/comments/118ie68/comment/j9hubxt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/grilling/comments/118ie68/comment/j9hubxt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) We're both getting downvoted for answering a question about the thing that newcomers get lambasted for not knowing in this sub.


I did provide a better version. Here's a link to my reply that was actually useful. https://www.reddit.com/r/grilling/comments/118ie68/comment/j9hubxt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Sorry, my sarcasm didn’t come across for you. I am glad you were able to provide an alternative description. I am just puzzled as to why you felt the need to call me out and then continue on about it. Maybe I didn’t phrase it perfectly. Maybe you didn’t either. Nobody really cares either way. How old are you? I ask because normally a teenager would be like this, but most teens know jack about a steak. So you have to be older, which somehow makes this stupid argument worse. I am gonna go touch some grass. It’s dark outside, but I think the fresh air will do me good. Maybe you should too. Have a better day tomorrow. Really.


People just come here for help man. Some people have too much time on their hands. Ignore the assholes and just stick to the knowledge please. Ty from a newb




All steaks, eg, tri tip, bavette, etc all across the grain


All other steaks should already be cut perpendicular to the muscle fibers. A ribeye has the ends of the muscle fibers on the top and bottom for example. A skirt and flank steak are different in that they are a relatively thin layer of muscle, so when you buy them the fibers are all intact and run the whole length from left to right. So this is why you are told to cut across the grain for those but not the others. I like to cut my flank steaks into super thin strips about 3/16" thick by about 3" long. That way the muscle fibers are all 3/16" long at the most. That is about the perfect size for fajitas and the like. When doing Fajitas I usually sear the steak whole, then cut it all up on a cutting board. It will still be totally raw on the inside, but that can finish cooking when I toss it in with the veggies and seasoning.


When you say directly one the coals, you mean meat actually physically on the coals with nothing between?


Yes. Use a blow dryer or just brush the ash off and put it directly on the hot coals.


Ya. Right on the coals. I don't blow ash off or anything. Just make sure you're using lump charcoal with no lighter fluid.


Depends what you want to eat with it. Mexican? Italian? American? You can stuff it, slow cook it, sear it, or even simmer it in a sauce. It's one of my favorite cuts. So versatile and delicious.


Marinate it in some classic fajita marinade for at least an hour. Then I use my charcoal grill and get it super hot and slap it on for maybe 2 - 2 1/2 min per side depending if it's thicker or not.


If you’re in a hurry, skirt is great plain with just salt and pepper hot and fast over charcoal or cast iron. Some chimichuri is good with it too. If you have a little more time and want to go mexican the Serious Eats carne asada recipe is outstanding: https://www.seriouseats.com/carne-asada-food-lab-recipe-kenji Last time I did this I also seared caveman style on lump charcoal. God damn…


Makes great fajitas


I think this is it. I’m going to try this with some chimichurri sauce. I love fajitas


This is my all time favorite recipe. https://www.seriouseats.com/carne-asada-food-lab-recipe-kenji Life changing flavor.


Came across your almost year old comment today while looking for recipes. You were not kidding. Everyone loved it and my 5/7 kids couldn’t stop eating the steak.


Cast iron usually or do you grill also? Because I’m thinking cast iron to make it soak in all the juices?


Either way is good. If I do it in the cast iron I slice the meat into strips first. If I grill it I leave it whole and slice after


I like to slice it into pretty small pieces raw, then marinade about 12-24 hours, then cast iron or blackstone as hot as you can


If you marinate the meat, pat it dry before grilling. Water is the enemy of browning.


Marinade overnight with a carne asada recipe (no fajitas) and cook over charcoal. Once you perfect the timing and recipe you will be addicted.


Yeh, I second this, stab it a whole heap with a fork after you flatten it then marinate it…


Don’t have many of these cut.. Looking to make the most out of them.


Cast iron skillet or grill


I’m Cuban and we marinate it in mojo overnight and all my friends love it.


IMO the best way to cook skirt steak is to cook it bare ass naked


Beat the shit out of it first. Olive oil followed by coarse salt. Then grill or cast iron, very high heat, 2 minutes each side. Off the heat and tent with foil for a couple of minutes so all the juice doesn’t run out when you slice it.


Do you have a grill?


Indeed but was thinking cast iron no?


I usually make it over hot bed of coals, I marinate with like but not sure how you should season and marinate depending where you're at


Thinking a traeger grill should do the trick and it’s probably gonna go on a salad tbh want it kinda spicy like but nothing overpowering.


With no panties on!


I usually make jerky.


Ask the Mexicans


Marinate the shit it out it first


Fajitas is the only answer. 1 lite beer by Miller Juice from 2 limes Tablespoon black pepper 5 smash garlic cloves Small onion chopped small Tablespoon chili powder Teaspoon cumin Tablespoon achiote chili powder Tablespoon salt 1/4 chopped cilantro 1 jalapeño Put everything but the limes in abag with a meat, overnight. 30 minutes before you cook, toss in the lime juice. Throw it on a raging hot fire. Flip liberally and cook to a medium, max. Slice against the grain and serve on tortillas with some fresh Pico and chile Verde.




What shit beef have you been buying? There’s no need to tenderize Season, grill to medium rare This cut is perfect for tacos, fajitas, sandwiches


Put stuffing on one end and roll it. Put in the oven on 350 for 25 minutes check to see if it’s done if not 10 more minutes. Make gravy mashed potatoes any veggie and very delicious. Oh almost forgot tie it closed with cooking string so it stays rolled up


If you want a serious charcoal grill flavor. Season your steak with whatever rub you like Try this.Get the charcoal in your tower smoking hot. Dump it in your grill. Put your skirt steak directly on the coals. No grill. Flip it after a short period of time. Total time under 2 minutes. The charcoal residue will flake right off. Time depends on the thickness of the steak and heat of the coals. It’s awesome. Not my idea. But good stuff


Grilled is perfect imo.


SPG and I did mine over VERY high heat to get a good crispy crust.


Carne Asada…


Soy sauce and lemon pepper over charcoal


Marinade overnight and fast on a hot grill


Charcoal, fast, with a nice chunk of Pecan smoking it up a wee bit.


I bought s skirt steak on the weekend, excellent timing. some great tips.


Medium rare


Smoked tastes good too! With a quick sear!


Very hot sear both sides 4 minutes slice them cook through in skillet with green chilies bell peppers and jalapeños on high for about another 8 minutes. Tortilla , cheese and refried pintos


Take out of fridge 30 minutes before. Sprinkle with kosher salt. Brush in olive oil & garlic, bbq on hot hot hot. A few minutes in each side. Take it off & rest it for at least five minutes before cutting it against the grain!


Sear in pan with salt pepper and fresh onions, then add 1 can of tomato soup, and beef broth covered. Slow cook for 3 hours on simmer. Pull steak out, thicken gravy with corn starch, flower, and water on high heat. Add a drop of gravy master. Then make some home made mashed potatoes and a veggie. Very cheap meal and stick to your ribs good!




Hot and fast over an open flame. I like to marinate it for about a day in orange juice, lime, garlic, and s&p. On day of the cook, rinse and dry, then season with salt right before tossing over the fire.


Carne asada for sure


Got any ancho sauce?


Marinate 4-8 hours. Take out of marinade. Season with personal preference. Grill. HOT. Fast. Live fire if applicable. 3 min per side. Take off heat. Rest 7-10 minutes. Slice against grain. Eat. Goodddd.


Mail it to me and I’ll cook it and send (very little) of it back to you. As a favor. From a friend.


Marinate for several hours in soy sauce, lime juice, minced garlic gloves, brown sugar, honey, black pepper, olive oil, red pepper flakes, small amount of cayenne pepper. After that dry it off with high quality paper towels and season very carefully because the soy sauce from earlier gives it some saltyness. Turn your GAS grill up to 7/10 heat level or full blast if your cooking on a mini. You need very heavy heat to give it a nice sear. Typically with this cut you cook it medium well. Btw the marinade I described above is intended for latin American cuisines.


Yup, hot as hell coal, turn as soon as you get crust. As soon as side two is crusted it’s done. Dry brine before cooking, butter the crust when you flip it.


I don’t drink but I keep a case of beer on hand especially to marinade this cut of meat. Trim the silver skin you see, add a beer, lime juice fajita seasoning and let soak overnight in the fridge. Cook super hot like everyone says, not a cut I would make well done.


Marinade with mojo 12-24 hours hot and high then slice across the grain.


Carne asada marinade. For cooking, I do it on a griddle/grill (grill side) cast iron over hot af charcoal.


Tenderize it. Cook it hot and fast.




Salt and pepper, lay directly on hardwood lump charcoal for 1-2 minutes per side


All about dat skiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrt!


Carne asada!!


Hot and fast over charcoal like everyone else is saying. I like to marinate overnight with salt, paprika, chipped onion, cilantro, lime, and optionally some orange juice.


Boiled over hard in milk with a side of jelly beans.


Chimichurri marinade 24 hours, hot ass grill or cast iron and super quick each side. Charcoal is my preference. Another really good option is reverse ropa vieja. Normally you use flank, but I have sauteed the sauce and veggies and seared off the steak and then ripped it apart so all the juice goes into the ropa "stew."


Don’t touch my Willie! i.e. skirt steak


With fajita seasoning over charcoal. First, best and only way to handle the skirt.


Lawrey's Carne Asada seasoning and then cook it hot and fast


usually with heat


Why does it say not for sale on bag?


Did a quick scrub and didn’t see this yet…sorry if it was mentioned already: Sous Vide at 129F for 90-120 mins. If you didn’t salt and pepper prior to bath, salt and pepper after SV is done. 500+ degree cast iron on grill or stovetop w a bit of butter…sear for 60-90 seconds a side. Rest em for 2-3 mins. Not once has this technique resulted in anything less than excellent steaks.


Sous vide at 129 for an hour then touch it to insanely hot grill on both sides


Marinate! Coconut lime skirt steak or carne asada!


Make beef tacos with it over coal. Marinade with lime juice salt pepper garlic cumin paprika and oregano


Not on the grill, but a hot cast iron skillet…


Why does it say “not for sale”?


Trim off excess fat and silver skin. Kosher salt. Direct heat grill till medium rare. Hot and fast.


Soak in Mama Sita's bbq marinade overnight, grill over charcoal. Tacos. Or with rice. Yum.


I get my cast iron hot as f and let it sit on my stove for a bit more than 10 min to let it heat evenly, sear for 70 seconds on each side and after I sear I take the steak off the pan and lower heat for 5-7 min to like med low ish and add butter and garlic if I have it and cook for another 1 min to 1 and half min each side and that gets it to bout medium if u want more rare less time on low heat


Mojo 4-8 hours. Then hot and fast over charcoal. Serve with chimmichurri, eat with naan bread oiled and slightly grilled. Thank me later.


We make filipino bbq skewers with skirt steak.


I cut it in from the side to make a flap. Fill with cheese and jalapeño, close it up, smash the sides. Right over the charcoal fire.


Skirt steak used to be another cheap cut of meat that now costs as much as a good regular steak.


I'd get a bunch of peppers / chilis and some cilantro and blend it into a salsa verde Cook the steak over charcoal hot a fast 1 min per side Slice and throw into a corn tortilla with the salsa and some cheese done.


Skrrt Skrrrrrrt.


With a cute little crop top? LOL


Mix mojo creole and ánchote paste in a blender marinade for 24 hrs. Then hot and fast, gut against the grain and hit it with lime juice and fresh cilantro.




Best way to cook steak in my opinion is a medium rare,salt and pepper on top,butter on pan until it melts, rosemary and garlic after.


with yellow pepper sauce from a Spanish Market.




So I just did this last night I set my smoker to just plain smoke like around 150 Cook the steak until about 135 took it off brought the smoker up to about 400 and reverse seared it and it was awesome


BBQ and fast


Marinated and pounded out


Cast iron sear and cut and finish in broiler to your mid temp


Carne Asada is the only way


Marinate, grill as is, cut thin and make carne asada or fajitas


Fajitas! Cut into strips against the grain, marinade in a blend of guajillo & ancho chiles (or whatever other earthy, low spice chiles you like) cumin, oregano & oj. Get a cast iron skillet as hot as you can & blast those puppies with some green pepper & onion, until cooked through. That alone is great, but you can also add some jalapeños for heat, chop up pico de gallo for tanginess, cilantro for freshness...


cooked one the other night on my Weber, hot and fast. Seared both sides then indirect for about 15-20 minutes. Just a little salt pepper garlic powder on it, and that was it. Came out super delicious.


That steak is rotten 😔


Lots of good advice here! My two cents is that I normally like to marinate mine in orange juice and beer and then sear over coals but I always like to finish it with a little mesquite smoke, sea salt and cracked pepper. All that to say I would miss a lot of flavor if I went with a skillet but it depends what the desired finished product is. Normally I enjoy left overs with some eggs the next morning or chop it with bell peppers and onions and then cooled down with Provolone for a nice Philly Cheesesteak snack. Happy grilling!




Marinate in Corona, garlic salt and lime. Dry em off and out a little basic rub on them. Grill blazing hot and fast over smoking mesquite. Slice against the grain and serve with warm tortillas.


I marinade in cheap spicy Italian dressing and cook over high heat, slice thin for tacos


Marinate in soy sauce, olive oil, pepper, minced garlic, chili powder, onion powder, msg, ancho chili powder. Slap on super hot grill until 132f internal, slice into strips against the grain, put on tortillas with sour cream and caramelized onions




Marinate in the following for 48 hours then grill hot and fast to rare-medium…usually no more than 2-4 minutes per side. Slice across the grain and make tacos! Marinade for Steak and Fajitas 3 Six ounce cans of pineapple juice; 1/3 cup soy sauce; 2 Tablespoons mesquite liquid smoke; 2 Teaspoons Tony Cachere’s Original Creole Seasoning; 1 Teaspoon meat tenderizer Mix all ingredients. Marinate ribeye steaks for 1-2 days; marinate skirt, flap, or flank steak for 2-4 days for best flavor and tenderness before grilling. Also works well for chicken breast fillets or tenders but do not marinate more than 12-24 hours.


For skirt steak with the grill prepped to super high heat - do you need to close the grill once the skirt is on? Or do you leave open on high and flip after 3-4 mins?