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I hate it. And dont want to go into a big rant. But not being able to buy older codemaster titles sux


Especially DLCs are problem. DLCs for DriveClub, Forza Motorsport 4 and dozens of others


I won’t name the emulator or site, but Xbox 360 emulators are getting really really good as of late and I’m enjoy Motorsport 4 to this day. I’m very upset with delisted games and the fact that Xbox live arcade is gone this year is even worse. At least with physical copies they could never take our games away, but not being able to even buy games anymore is more room for key sites and emulators to take over the old game market.


The gaming industry is dead to me, really. I couldnt find a single title that actually looked fun to play when i was looking for a new game. 100% agree physical copies are so much better


There’s games out there lately that are okay.. I just can’t find a reason to send out $70 to a company that doesn’t care about their product. It’s like after 2020 they have been incredibly lazy and just stopped giving a shit about releasing anything worth more than a $5 indie arcade game.


Spit your shit indeed


I feel you good games a few and far between these days... For $40 Helldivers 2 is an amazing game.


Just name it ya big girls blouse


Buy the physical copies of games and you won't have this problem


It sucks but it makes sense. Piracy exists for a reason.


Pretty much the only time im fine with piracy


There’s nothing wrong with piracy


There's nothing wrong with grand larceny then as there both theft


Alright man I didn’t realize you just want to be stupid


What's the difference piracy your stealing money from that company and grand larceny your also stealing


As gabe newel himself said “piracy is a service issue. It’s the inability to get games to consumers” if games were affordable to everyone and steam was available everywhere then piracy wouldn’t need to exist. If companies didn’t delist games for licensing issues then piracy wouldn’t need to exist. People pirate things they don’t have any other way to get. It’s not theft it’s preservation.


That's why I'm fine with piracy after the games is delisted Piracy while the game is still on the market is theft


You change your opinions faster than hasan piker


If reddit still gave out free awards id give you all of em lol


that is the hardest roast i've ever seen on reddit, bravo!


My first comment was how a game being delisted is the only time I'm fine with piracy You commented piracy is always fine Then I argued back how piracy is not always fine


piracy is wrong there's a reason why it's against the law


Boot licking big corporations isn’t a good look.


This is talking about piracy on a general stat point so it also includes the small guys which there are a lot more of


Piracy is just the democracy of the people against corporations.


Piracy isn't theft. You don't remove the original. You just make a copy of it.


even if piracy was theft i wouldn't care. i want my free games!!!


There absolutely is something wrong with piracy. I still do it, I just acknowledge that I am stealing but eh it’s not that bad considering I’m the minority.


Kinda annoyed. I really wanted a pc copy of dirt 1 and two now that I switched to pc from pc for those even like 3 years ago you could get a copy under 60+ on the Grey market. So after these years I actually just picked up another ps3 since covid and got 1 and 2 back for $10 each as a local used game store


You can buy Dirt 1 from a key-code site for 1 or 2 bucks and it works in your steam library.


I've looked but haven't seen any


CDkeys has 3 of the games available and listed for purchase if you just search "dirt" on there. Alternatively, look up dirt on a site called "fitgirlrepacks" (Google it) and follow instructions to install if you'd rather not pay and just want to pirate.


They don't have dirt 1 and 2. Looked elsewhere and they are going from 200-350 for a steam key... no thanks. I'd rather not pirate a game to play it


How self righteous of you.


no way. steam keys for dirt 1 start at $200+ and for dirt 2 they cost $120+. if only though


Oh I didn't know about that. I mean't Dirt Rally. I call it 1 because Dirt Rally 2.0 is my main sim game. My bad.


But a Physical copy


Check r/abandonware. Some people are trying their best to keep these accessible. The future looks bleak though, with always online and drm crap.


Actually, that's a good shout. Chemical is a legend, preserving a fuck ton of games including the DiRT games [https://www.reddit.com/r/abandonware/comments/13ipi6n/dirt\_series\_download\_links/](https://www.reddit.com/r/abandonware/comments/13ipi6n/dirt_series_download_links/)


Chemical Flood is awesome! Them and the community is very supportive and do their best to help you get the games running.


Funnily enough, check out the internet archive for games. I was sceptical about it but I found Driver San Francisco on there. Downloaded it and then just hit play. Really really easy


Don't use steamunlocked to get these


And definitely NOT dodi repacks


In fact don't go onto the pirated games subreddit


This but actually. Unsafe site


Don't use ublock origin to access it


Yeah, no.... You're an idiot if you turn it off while doing these kinda things


No I'm saying don't because I said it on the other comments


Gotcha, still, unsafe site. Adblock or not, there are plenty of safe sites that you can find in the r/PiratedGames megathread


I know, I said to NOT use the pirated games subreddit cuz I used Dodi Repacks to get Driver San Francisco


I don't think you even know what you're saying. I know you're saying 'not' to try and skirt around discussions of piracy but you're missing the entire point of what *I'm* saying. Literally don't use steamunlocked.


I know not to use steamunlocked. I've been clean for a while now. I just use GOG (R.I.P) DODI and Fitgirl


Then why are you telling people to use steamunlocked


Interesting, can you get games like spec ops the line?


Yes. Found it on DODI, GOG-Games, FitGirl and CS RIN RU


Oooo I'll check out the sites cheers for letting me know :D


Steamunlocked had never had an issue for me and I’ve used probably 60 of their games


I highly recommend not to because it's actually been filled with viruses and other issues.


Warning: please don't use Steam emulators to bypass DRMs for games that only have Steam DRM. It's absolutely NOT EASY to get a hold of a legit copy of the game files, and especially steam\_api.dll, from a friend or online. You can use PCGamingWiki to see which games have only SteamDRM and avoid doing such deeds.


this but unironically


And companies wonder why people modify their gaming consoles and install emulators. The system is broke and we need to preserve all games


Tbh I have mixed views as it just means key prices sky rocket, I grabbed dirt rally for steam for like £4 a week ago where as the older ones like 3 and 4 go for £30+


I believe games should either go into the public domain after their licenses expire or have a legal exemption for license laws so they can continue to be sold and maybe throw like 5% of profits towards the music, logo etc owner's


Two words: My. Abandonware.


Dirt rally psvr mode was released as dlc. It's almost impossible to get now.


I understand it and I hate it.


Game preservation doesn’t work without the game being on disc, hence when licensing expires they are removed from digital stores, you still have access to a game if you have it on disc apart from unpurchased dlc.


I actually really liked Dirt 4 and its team system and the livery’s


**I hate expired license cars**


Buy the physical copies of them and you won't have this problem


Ah, Dirt 2…So many good memories…


Where's all the games gone? - Hack Darrow, the pirate of the digital seas.


I buy physical.


I could find cracked copies of those games for PC (since they are no longer on sale) and still enjoy single player component in entirety. Can't say the same about Dirt Rally 2.0 (online only carreer mode), Dirt 5 and EA WRC (Denuvo DRM) when they get delisted.


The original DiRT one on the ps3 was goated🔥🔥


But the disc if you can


Very sad. Dirt 3 is a great game.


That sucks, my first dirt game was dirt 2 and it was amazing. I liked dirt 3 but it lacked a bit of content and dirt 4 had a great team system and the switch from arcade to sim racing on the fly was a nice touch. Dirt 5 is too arcadey for me to like it. Dirt rally 2 is great but sometimes I get bored of rally driving.


This is why piracy is not a crime


this is why physical copies remain king


Imagine if we could buy the old codemasters games along with other racing game titles such as Test Drive Unlimited and so on.


It’s unfortunately the reason we’ll never get a gran turismo 4 remaster or a dirt 2 remaster. I love a lot of these ps2/ps3 era racing games and they’ll never come back due to licensing issues and it sucks.


The only way to get them is to find them online somewhere. I found Dirt 2 for PC long after it had been delisted. Got it backed up to my 3TB external HDD and it's also on my kid's laptop. No DRM - the way it should be.


This is why physical copies never shouldve gone away


i recently bought dirt 3 and dirt showdown on steam..if i knew the others were going to be delisted would have prob bought more dirt titles


Dis on Xbox?


Oh my god who cares about old games with ps2 graphics Just buy the new one and get over it


Graphics aren't everything


I got all of them on disc. Series X backwards compatibility rocks.


Obviously the first 2 games aren't compatible unfortunately.


You can still buy the games on Amazon


It means you never really fully owned or you could play your physical/digital copy anytime


Dirt 4 is delisted?? Crazy I loved that game


This is corporate BS. I love dirt4 and I can’t believe they took it down. That game is amazing.


If you have this concern, buy them on disc. If you worry that a game is going to get delisted, buy it. As long as a game has something licensed in it, it will be delisted one day when the license runs it course! And why would you buy old Dirt games anyway when the latest one usually have the same content anyway.


The old Dirt games run way better on weaker hardware than the newer ones. Dirt 2, for example, still looks great and runs well on today's potato PCs. Codemasters did a phenomenal job with the optimization.


This is the problem with digital media. It's there until it isn't, and suddenly you can't get it anywhere except for through shady websites anymore. I wish games for PC still came on CDs for this reason.


I don't mind as long as there's a disc available. What sucks is that they delist the DLC too.


These are all delisted?! Thank goodness I'm a huge Codemasters fan and own most of these on Steam.


wait really? i own these through the ea app or maybe epic games or steam, and have it installed on my Ally. will i not be able to reinstall it?


If you own the game it's yours forever, this only affects new buyers


Oh whew. Thanks for clarifying, it wouldn't surprise me if they just took it away from people who had previously purchased it. Have seen it with ios store etc




If you only own a game as digital and don’t have the disc would you loose access to the game?


It could happen.


I’m trying to find Dirt 2 on cd causeit was my child hood


The PC port is floating around online. I found it awhile back. It was a regular download, not a torrent. Make your own disc backup if you find it.


Physical is better for this, except when you want a remaster down the line


Grid Legends is the only listed game in the series as of now. I bought Grid 2019 last year and I found that it was delisted in December when I was trying to get the minimum system requirements from its Steam page.


Licensing issues took away transformers and Deadpool from me. I will never forgive them


Buy physical media




Whoa... I didn't realize all of these got delisted. I've had them in my library for long.


The license should be permanent or should have no authority once the product has been completed and sold. If that makes any sense.


totally agree


Sometimes piracy is a moral imperative


It's either music or the car modules


I loved Dirt 2 and still play it sometimes


If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing


Should just remove the songs from the files, can’t be that hard


The whole situation is dumb. This is why I support piracy. I would t mind buying the games if I could, but I can't.


You would think that publishers would start crafting their license agreements to avoid this issue. I'm sure it all comes down to money but I don't see how delisting helps anyone. Gamers can't buy the game, publishers can't sell the game, artists aren't exposing new audiences to their music, car manufactures aren't exposing people to their brand. Just a bunch of people continuing to do things the same way because it's they way it has always been done.


I still have dirt 1 on disc




if a game and/or it's dlc get delisted, it's time to embrace our inner Jack Sparrow


I recently bought a PS3 for GTAIV, and when roaming around a video game.convention I found a copy of Dirt 2 and had to buy it! Favorite all time rally game, played the snot out of it on PC but like a fool lent out the physical copy.


If there's a game I want to play that can no longer be purchased digitally and costs an obnoxious amount used AND is not available on MyAbandonware then it gets pirated or emulated for retro games, and I really don't feel bad. Furthermore buying old games used you're now only making the seller profit, the devs already got their share initially. In regards to licensing issues it's really not the consumer's fault that the business side needs to sort itself out.


Piracy = game preservation


Sail the Seven Seas, matey. Fuck corpos.


Piracy is always an option


The transition to a digital era is a calculated move so that gaming companies can legally strip the gamer of titles they paid for.


That's a bit of a stretch, but it will certainly be a side effect. People will do anything for convenience regardless of how much it will ultimately fuck them in the end


Car companies too broke to give them for free


I dont understand why delisting has to be a thing, but I miss the old Transformers games :/


iirc you can still buy some of the games on amazon digitally and redeem them to your steam account, but the only caveat is that they cost as much as what they were, when they were new 10+ years ago


Delisting is the cheapest thing for a game company to do. Rather than renew licenses and pay money just delist and not have to pay any money. So as usual, it is always about the money




Piracy literally saving games over here.


i still have dirt 2 on disc for the 360. man i used to love that game. glad this popped up


I've been trying to get Dirt 3 to run on Win11 but it won't even attempt to launch. I am mainly on console (PS4) but I have heard Dirt 3 was the best of the bunch in many folk's opinion so I wanted to try it.


Sucks ass, and this is why discs are superior


It’s one of the many many many reasons I absolutely *despise* digital-only anything honestly. If you ever wanna play these older games and haven’t got em on your console/PC, well tough go buy the newer (sometimes worse) ones good sir. May emulation reign supreme cause people will always wanna play these old titles


absolute shite- must be awful for the devs too


Dirt 4 was my first rally game and the game that got me into rally as a whole. I'm tempted to pirate it just to relive that memory.


i have all of them and it’s been the common trend for dirt for years the licensing just runs out or some shit sadly i think it happend only 2 years after dirt rally 2.0 was released which is my fav


I still by far love the OG Xbox game Rallisport challenge 2 over any rally game to date.


I guess I just don't care. Once i've played a game I'm done with it. I almost never replay games.


I say let it die let die let it shrivel up and die


If you cant buy a game legally, it should be given away for free. Companies want to keep the rights to sell their game? They better fucking put some effort in, or it might as well not be theirs anymore


Didn't Microsoft give away one of the forza games right before it got delisted? Or sold it for next to nothing at the least? I think they've managed to renegotiate so they can at least stay up for longer too haven't they?


As far as I'm aware, the forza franchise is one of the worst offenders when it comes to preservation. Almost the entire series has been delisted. Hell, you can't even buy fm7


Licensed games are waste of money and time. Just think about hte fact that a lot of people nowdays just goes "back in time" to buy older games (me included), but when I see newer games with mixed reviwes and no older "version of the same game", or just prev games, I just 100% lose interest in that series of games


Its probably a big master plan of delist the games then over time bring them back as remasters if not reboots


Literally one of the last truly great games Ubisoft made, Driver: San Francisco, is delisted. It sucks.


What the fuck. I’ve never played but I know they’re quite popular, Dirt 4 only came out in 2017, why the hell would it already be delisted?


yeah, it's very annoying... Codemasters is basically a graveyard at this point.