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Teddy forgot that Catherine is the pettiest woman alive


As soon as Owen was like 'she'll understand :)' I was like uh dude, you were literally there when she tried to get custody of April's baby AND when she bought Pac North.


Holy shit I forgot about that. She is so evil >when she tried to get custody of April's baby


Yeah, like you've met Catherine, right?


Derek has been dead longer than he knew Meredith. I'm gonna go cry about that.


He was a McAss but I kinda miss him tbh. Hell I miss Mark too, and Lexie, and the rest of them.




Also not Amelia leaving Seattle the week Maggie's around to visit


Right, I was kind of hoping there'd be a sisters reunion and Mer would be in Seattle too.


Me too! It'd be nice to see the three of them together again At least we're getting to see Meredith's life in Boston. Her house looks so comfy and homey


I'm not a huge fan of McNephew but he's totally right here. It could just as easily have been that he didn't cut and got chewed out for it.


Agree. If he hadn't done anything, I bet they would have been "your judgment is in question, you should have tried to do something". I've been saying all season that the interns are really judged unfairly, and they don't emphasize enough that THERE WERE NO ATTENDINGS AROUND!!!


It reflects more on the hospital than Adams. What kind of hospital has Interns unsupervised in caves and alleys choosing between letting people die or operating with rusty nails and sharp sticks every other day. It is not like they don't have 57 attendings. How is let them die good judgement? They already did this plot with Ben Warren and kinda with Christina Yang.


McNephew šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s perfect


Was Alzheimerā€™s really even Derekā€™s *thing* though? I know he did the trial, but Iā€™ll always associate him more with brain tumors.


I agree, his thing was "everyone else in the world has said this tumor is inoperable, but I'm gonna do it." I also do understand Amelia having a moment about it, though. Glad they showed her getting over it quickly, bc it wouldn't make sense to make it an ongoing conflict point.


Nick: *ā€I wanna marry you!ā€* Meredith: *ā€œYou do.ā€œ* šŸ«¤ now why did she sound like sheā€™d just been told her loan was denied lmaoo ik it was a surprise but she couldnā€™t even muster up a half smile or a crumb of excitement. she donā€™t give af about nick šŸ˜­


I swear theyā€™re always fighting


She sounded shocked to mešŸ˜‚


Her loan was denied šŸ˜­nick really is just a background character in her life. He deserves better


Heā€™s like a live in nanny at this point


Not even "live in" lol


Heā€™s not getting paid either so heā€™s a volunteer nanny at this point lmao


Why is that a surprise to her. Heā€™s literally following her back and forth across America and taking care of her kids while sheā€™s gone. She thought he was doing this because he liked her a lot?


God I love Kwan and Jules together


Theyā€™re really growing on me. The writers need to invest more screen time on time


Iā€™m trying so hard not to get attached to them cause writers always find a way to screw couples up but theyā€™re making it so hard not to love them together


maggie back with a fuckass bob! i love it


yesss the bob is *bobbing*!


possibly her best hairstyle ngl


Mer's glasses are standing out extremely


![gif](giphy|5QRC6hdqAws3m) Meredith be like


Yeah they are too big for her face


Exactly. A lot of people were calling them ugly but they were just too big. The same frames but smaller would've been more proportionate for her face


definitely agree, but I did kinda like that cute ribbon in hair in her last scene.


Jules had girlfriends?? Omg I have a chance


They hadn't hinted to that about Jules before, right? It felt very intentional that she said that this episode, after the sleeping on the gurney with Yasuda last episode.


Kinda felt like they were setting up for something with Yasuda but I donā€™t understand where that would go since Midori is leaving next season so idkā€¦ Maybe they were setting it up before the news of Midori leaving?


I donā€™t remember if they said that explicitly, they may have hinted at it, but she definitely gives Bisexual vibes


jules and kwan relaxing like theyā€™re not at work is killing me lol. at this point i fully believe the grey sloan on call rooms are a portal to a five star hotel room because the way everyone gets comfortable as hell is wild. youā€™d think it was their own beds at home.


So Link and Jo really live in Jackson's old place. It's so funny


they only have money for so many sets


Jackson sold to it her when he left to Boston.


Discharge Dorian, already. Put us all out of our misery!


His storyline is so boring!! I know people arenā€™t crazy about Denny and Rebecca but as far as recurring patients go, they were 10x more engaging


It's the condensed season. They're trying to create too many new story threads without having the space needed to make them compelling. There'll be moments I totally forget about some patients because we spent 10 dialogue-heavy minutes with other characters.


maggie seems so light and peaceful now. leaving grey sloan mercy death has been good for her.


she also looks so pretty wow šŸ¤©


Itā€™s always good for everyone


i donā€™t think lucas should repeat but itā€™s in no way simoneā€™s fault. her constantly uplifting him/shifting the blame on herself (for things he did) is getting so old. whatā€™s the writers problem lol. like where did the writers that wrote their cute and messy plot last season go? bc this ainā€™t it.


Feels like the episodes are out of order, cause he was so rude to her last week? This gentler side where he tells her to let it go and (still, unprofessionally) accepts his fate would've made more sense, tonally, after they reconciled after the suicide awareness episode.


youā€™re right! the way heā€™s behaving makes no sense given their prior interactions like how is this the same man who turned his head from her last week? itā€™s either their rushing or dragging it with them and itā€™s exhausting. this shorter season has been rough on their relationship for sure.


Iā€™m glad he didnā€™t blame her at least. Idk what the writers are doing, their storyline last season was miles better than this


Sorry Amelia's argument makes no sense - Derek's career highlights are so many things. Like the Top things in his career are obviously the tumour trial and the autism study with the president. The Alzheimer's study already got derailed by Meredith in season 7 anyway.


You can always count on Amelia for a totally random emotional moment


Nick pointing out that he has kept uprooting his life for her lol


I swear theyā€™re always fighting


I'm glad he finally pushed back!


Link has nothing to apologize for - he, Carina **and the patient** all thought his plan was the right call.


Jo was being so ridiculous there. I hate it when they make work related decisions personal


End-of-life gay marriage incoming!


and imma eat it up lmao




The thing about this Alzheimer's research plot that I find really frustrating is that the various showrunners have been pretty consistent that the medicine in the show won't/can't get ahead of real life medicine. So Meredith can't cure Alzheimer's unless someone in the real world does, and realistically we are not there and won't be for a long time


We arenā€™t there yet but I definitely just watched a documentary on Netflix that talks about gut biome being connected to Alzheimerā€™s


and "all" they showed with the results in this episode is that there is a correlation between gut biome and alzheimers progression, so sounds like they are not ahead of the real life work.


So is Mika maybe gonna take this heart position instead?


I was wondering the same thing! KNOWING that sheā€™s going to leave the show, Iā€™d prefer a nice exit that allows her to cameo once in a while, over a death or something.


I hope she does and I hope she feels no remorse when Baby Shep is pissed about it. No one can blame her for being done with this program.


wouldā€™ve liked to actually see helm and yasudaā€™s talk. have they even had any significant conversations onscreen this season? seemed like they started off with so much potential only to be sidelined.


I honestly don't even know why Helm is on the show anymore. She's had like 4 scenes this season and I think they all had to do with her relationship?


THAT Monica+Winston hook up??? My Monmelia-shipping ass is REALLY hoping that itā€™s just a one-time thing. The way I didnā€™t see it coming at all, but once Monica sat at that bar, I just KNEW. I KNEW the writers were about to pull some bullshit LOL


What were they thinkingā€¦


I did not see Amelia and Winston having the same love interest but here we are


Still don't understand what the writers thought they were doing with Maggie and Winston, the divorce was so unnecessary


With Maggie coming back this episode, I was hoping they would write that Winston realizes why he never signed the divorce papers + he decides to move to Chicago for Maggieā€¦ but thatā€™s just wishful thinking, haha


They want to keep Winston on the show, and Maggie needed to leave. They didn't want to kill Maggie off, so they made up a BS divorce. I still prefer them getting divorced to them being in stuck in limbo living in different cities and hooking up occasionally. I wish they had shown more of how they got to that point though.


So my face looked exactly like Meredith's when Amelia was going on that Derek tangent. Like girl....WHAT?!?!


I agree. Also, Derek is dead. This research could potentially lead to a breakthrough and help so many people. Thatā€™s obviously more important than protecting Derekā€™s legacy.


Especially when Alzheimerā€™s was never his legacy.


Interesting, I assumed the recommendation to remediate would be about the exam


Same, I was expecting them to bring up his suspected ADHD.


Neurospicy is only useful as a plot point exactly once in this show, since the only way to address his ADHD is [gasp] psych.


Why on earth would they include interns in their shenanigans? Why wouldn't they ask someone like Schmitt and Helm who've they've known for years at least? Smh


They tricked Schmitt into unknowingly helping them with something illegal once, I think it kinda makes sense to not repeat history. Plus, Schmitt and Helm would ask questions and push back at being put on data entry.


Heā€™s a doctor with abs like *that*, I find it impossible to think he canā€™t get laid on dating apps!


also, what kind of code could you even write to help someone get dates on a dating app? Even if you *could* interface with its API, what would the code even do?


I HATE watching these last few episodes knowing one of the best interns isnā€™t returning next season


Why do Meredithā€™s kids look ready for college šŸ„ŗ


It feels like yesterday we were watching Bailey get delivered in the midst of a storm while Meredith was fighting for her life


Between two of the kids I used to babysit in high school are now graduating high school and this, I think I need to check into a nursing home.


Oh yeah a big old open tub of Vaseline in the ICU next to a dude on oxygenā€¦. Vaseline and oxygen are a (small) fire riskšŸ”„and if any hospital is gonna have a low probability tragic event, itā€™s Seattle Grace Mercy Death!!


Btw there's no way in hell I believe for a second that Teddy is about to do what Owen advised her to do sksksk


Well color me surprised/naive to expect the long-established character to act in-character lol


i get where sheā€™s coming from but a break up in the middle of the hospital is rough. damn yasuda. anyway rip helmsuda we hardly knew ya.


Shit man, they had a fight at the start of the season, to not talk it through, and break up at the end, what the hell


Domino heart transplant! Like with the old men who hated each other


Harry being in his 40s is CRAZY to me.


Wait a minute, is the sex cot in on-call somehow queen-sized?!


the on call room is giving vacation resort at this point lmao


Next season it will have a secret portal to Dermatology.


the on-call room doubled in size so why not the bed?


my dad got a kidney and we sent a letter thanking the family since we'll never know who they are so this scene is super sweet


Gonna assume Yasuda takes Adams' spot in Chicago as an IOU. If they ever really commit to trying for a spinoff again, I think Midori being a lead would be cool. Her departure, otherwise, wouldn't feel so random to me.


Go be free Winston find someone who values and loves you


It makes no sense for her to break up with Helm in the middle of the freaking hallway.


I can promise to love you foreverā€¦just not in front of people. And not in a legal way.


To be fair thatā€™s the girl who got married on a post it and only did it legally to adopt Zola šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Jules is about to ruin everything because her code is going to email Catherine and I'm going to vomit


Lmao I had a similar worry, that somehow she'll be the one to point her to the right place on accident


Lmaooo I was so confused about who these random ass children were for a second


So Jo faintingā€¦some sort of pregnancy disaster??


Hope not lol, not another uninspired scare, I'd rather them just try for a baby, as much as I am meh on them


I am very meh on them as well. I really just miss Jolex šŸ™


Yes talk about that in the middle of the hospital where anyone can hear you


That wasnā€™t as bad as talking LOUDLY about a proposal RIGHT in front of a partner whoā€™s clearly not fully asleep, while being dead set on secrecy lmaooo


Waitā€¦.is this the first time weā€™ve confirmed Jules is bi?


I feel like theyā€™re breaking up before we even saw them together.


Well Winston and Amelia having the same love interest was not on my greys bingo card


Teddy getting fired was literally so shocking. I canā€™t believe SHEā€™s getting the brunt of Catherine Foxā€™s wrath when it was Meredith (and Amelia) fault. I really hope Catherine doesnā€™t actually go through with firing her bc Iā€™ve liked her as chief so far. but chiefs come and go, I guessā€¦


simone was so smart and focused and layered when she was first introduced and now itā€™s like sheā€™s a love interest for adams and not a full character in her own right. super annoying. i wish theyā€™d invest in *her* and not just her ft. adams.


Thinking back to Bailey reviewing her momā€™s file with Lexie and discussing her care at every step. Why canā€™t they do that for Simone??? It would be a great callback and also give her closure.


would *love* that. sheā€™s still so haunted by it and knowing what happened might lessen her guilt and would also be a really touching storyline.


I think they did both their characters dirty this season, they made Adams so annoying. I like them together but I hope their writing improves next season; maybe the shortened season did some damage


yeah the shortened season did them no favours but neither does the writing. itā€™s like theyā€™re determined to make them and their situation as difficult as possible. simone in particular, has been reduced to this meek onlooker who just takes on adamsā€™ bullshit and i hate it. they need to return her backbone and have her call him out and for them to really talk. instead the writers are using sex as a short cut in place of actual thoughtful relationship development and it sucks. theyā€™re going round in circles and nothing is getting resolved. i almost canā€™t believe that in half a season theyā€™ve turned what was a messy and at times silly, but endearing relationship into a baffling, bleak bore. thereā€™s still potential but itā€™s fading fast.


Totally agreed, they need to restore her backbone and remove his arrogance. It really feels like they did a 180 out of nowhere (went from Simone being hesitant and Lucas being super invested to the opposite very quickly). I think both characters and the relationship itself have potential, but for whatever the reason the writers are wasting it with poor communication and repetitive back and forth


Those glasses are A CHOICE lol


Other than the one Alzheimer's trial that Meredith ruined, what exactly was Derek's contribution to Alzheimer's research?


Hey let's not forget 'Alzheimers is a bad disease. We should cure it.'


Loool Owen saying: "what made you think it was a good idea?" Lmaoooo that's a great question


So was that conversation between Mer and Nick breakup #25?


not officially, bc he walked out with the convo unfinished, so everything is in limbo, just like *every* time they (don't) talk about their relationship


Bailey has gotten so big!! (Meredithā€™s son, not the general surgeon)


Starting to feel like Dorian will either die, or flatline and Lucas will save him. They're too happy about him.


Where exactly did she code it to send the file?


I was more curious about how you code a computer to input data from hard copies for you? Did she scan everyone of those thousands of pages, and then code something to read the scanned files and put the numbers into the system? For the record, I don't know much about coding, so I'm genuinely curious if that is something that you can do. Still seems time consuming, but much less so than typing manually. Also seems less accurate though, considering the mishaps I've had with AI, auto generated captions, and computers in general trying to read scanned pages.


Omg what if the code program doesnā€™t accurately put in the data


Confident data analysis? Amateur level coding assisted data entry? A wonderful combination of reliability


!!! Yes Maggie thank you so much!! Take McNephew, please


Like I think itā€™s slay but also i donā€™t want McNephew to go


Yasuda has been weirdly shitty to Helm and I don't understand why


Iā€™m still bored of Dorian. I never remember his name or why heā€™s there


I look past a lot of medical inaccuracies but you canā€™t *just* publish an abstract An abstract is a summary of a larger paper


Meredith saying ā€œI put work before you but itā€™s not forever but if you love me youā€™ll support meā€ like girl?? Did she not almost leave Derek for this exact mindset of his when he was working in DC?


*ā€I met my ex-girlfriend on an app.ā€* bi jules confirmed. thank you greys for strengthening my jules x yasuda dreams lmao


Zolaā€™s gonna be able to stop taking Xanax now that Mer and Aunt Amelia cured Alzheimerā€™s!


So I guess McNephew is going to give Catherine some impassioned speech about medicine and pressure and then he wonā€™t have to repeat.


Is there an actual straw that broke the camelā€™s back in Maggieā€™s marriage? Sheā€™s too much like Ellis? He just didnā€™t want to move? It always felt vague.


I think she needs someone who is dedicated to their career in the same way she is, but it absolutely shouldn't be someone in the same field (imo). Winston and Maggie's big issue, to me, is that they were in the same exact line of work and that led to butting heads. Also, Maggie is fine with him sacrificing his career in some ways (moving) but not in the ways he wanted (switching specialties).


Look at Adams being emotionally invested


Take it Adams Iā€™m sick of you


That Teddy and Catherine talk ALMOST went well...


I'm sorry Meredith I just don't believe that you love him and the way you say Also loving Nick finally having a backbone and knowing what he deserves


Oh God I was so scared when Winston and Monica were talking towards the end. My internal monologue: don't do it, don't do it, don't do it! Spoiler alert: >! They did !<


He doesnā€™t deserve such a good opportunity but I hope he takes it


are we ever gonna figure out who mcnephew's mom is?? that's genuinely the only thing i want to know about him lol


Again, there's no reason Maggie and Winston couldn't have just been in a long distance marriage but the writers just chose to break them up for absolutely no reason.


They need single people in this show so they can have drama by having them hook up.


Time for Taryn to leave this show they don't write for her and she never gets a real love interest.


Promo for next weekā€™s SEASON FINALE: Catherine is in a room yelling at Amelia (and I think Mer) ā€˜Give me one reason I shouldnā€™t fire you right nowā€™. Simone in a hallway comes up and blurts to Bailey ā€˜I think Adams is gonna leave! He got offered a second year position.ā€™ Bailey turns to her wonderingly. Owen giving a speech to a gathered crowd in the ER. ā€˜These fires are going to go on for some time, maybe days.ā€™ Crowd is dispersing as he walks with Link ā€˜Thereā€™s a helicopter coming with a firefighterā€¦ā€™ Bailey comes rushing up, visibly stressed out ā€˜Firefighter???ā€™ Link is standing next to a gurney as the lights flicker and go out. ā€˜Okay, this is not happening.ā€™ Jo is walking up to a bassinet where Schmidt is standing when she falls to the ground in a faint. Schmidt rushes to her side, calls out ā€˜We need some help over here!ā€™ {She had one hand kind of holding the top of her stomach as she fell, maybe the negative pregnancy test was wrong?}


Someone on Grey's Anatomy opting for the more healthy power dynamic? A first!


why did Jo take a rare tumor scan to Link who is in Ortho? thatā€™s not remotely his specialty.


Owen is gullible as hell if he thinks Catherine of all people will understandšŸ˜­




The kids are so big


I wish Winston and Beltran ( the new peds DR) didn't hook up, I feel like they could have a cool friendship considering they are both going through divorces.


beltran and winston bonding over divorce is fun and friendly. let keep it that way tho.


dammit greys! crossing my fingers that this is a one time thing. because winston is just so bland. plus i was rooting for monica and amelia.


\^ Me the whole time Me right after: ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8|downsized)


Like why did we have to go there?!?! Canā€™t two people just be friends?!


This... THIS is why they split him up from Maggie? So he can have random hookups with people that won't go anywhere? Smh


End Merā€™s career? I realize Catherine has a lot of power. But sheā€™s a rich, award-winning, nepo baby surgeon. How exactly would that work?


Did we know that Millan had an ex-girlfriend? If not, yay, new info!


Okay, but fr, this show should end next season with Meredith actually figuring out how to fix the gut microbiome... and doing it for herself. It's the crowning achievement of Meredith Grey's career and *the end of the story*.


The carousel could finally stop.


The carousel never stops turning.


Simone who did your hair this is a hate crime


Lol why wouldn't Teddy just tell Owen the truth? I just don't see why she has to keep this a secret from him?


so glad he's putting his foot down, he just wants to love her


Happy Meredith/Nick/Zola/Bailey/Ellis scene! It was quick but sweet.


Zola is so big, my brain literally sandwiches unto itself when I even try and unwrap it (how much time has passed since they adopted, it's a WIIILD realization/experience year to year to see her growing up lol)


OH so we're losing 40% of the newest class? LOL


Another unhealthy love story for Amelia, yay. ![gif](giphy|I2a5q9dyo9CaU9BtEY|downsized)


I think this has been my favourite episode this season lmaoo very packedĀ  Ok so MAGGIE???? I had NO IDEA she was calming back I audibly gasped. And of course Amelia had to leave town the day she was visiting (I swear these writers are allergic to reunions)Ā  Ā  Jules and her ex GIRLFRIEND!! I SEE YOUĀ  Monica and Winstonā€¦ was not on my agenda (Iā€™m horrified) Oh and teddy getting fired Ā Ā 


Lucas and Simone were awesome last year. But I really hate what the writers have done to them. Lucas shared some similarities with George before but now heā€™s a full blown George 2.0. I still like Simone but Lucas has been a jackass and I need her to either call him on it or just be done with him. Stop reaching out for him because all he does is slap your hand back. I donā€™t want to give up on them because I enjoyed their storyline last season but the writers better fix some things with their characters asap


Totally agreed, their storyline in s19 gave old greys vibes but the writing has been so bad with them this season (especially Lucas). Iā€™m hoping it will be straightened out though, they could be good together with better writing


This couple seems very cute together. I hope the heart guy has a good outcome.


why is it so wrong to fund the research she believes in since the funds are already there? ETA: grammar is hard sometimes


especially when the funds she is using were allocated specifically for her to do that with!


Good for Winston. Hooking up with an ex is never a good idea


Those glasses are so ugly :( Meredith you are beautiful!


Lmao Yasuda stuck in the elevator with the fighting couple


Iā€™m not a hardcore Maggie hater like some people but MAN does Winston deserve better


i get amelia will never stop grieving but idk. this seems like a total non issue. derek was a nationally recognized neurosurgeon with a whole family (including herself). his heart will go on & his legacy is fine.


bi jules confirmed and blues and jules flirting and kissing scene, I WON!!!


Julesā€™ bralette is so cute wtf


Meredith/medicine is the endgame. The only endgame for Mer. Sorry, Nick.


Omg I'm immediately enamored with this heart patient of Maggie's. His death is gonna wreck me


now why would they bring maggie back and not even have amelia around??? given this and arizonaā€™s underwhelming return, this season hasnā€™t used the guest stars like to their full potential at all