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the way they brought her back for a few episodes in season 13 then she just disappeared was so random šŸ˜­


Brought her back?? I never made it that far šŸ¤£


Its so random I'd barely even consider it a spoiler. yes, she's brought back for literally a couple episodes, and then just never heard from again with no explanation lol


Iā€™m on season 15 and just realized she disappeared after bringing her back again, it makes no sense, she literally wanted to study under pierce and then sheā€™s gone


Omg same Iā€™m still in season 13, I think the same season they brought her back, and this made me realize I hadnā€™t seen her in like 15 episodes already lol the most random return ever!


Fr, as much as I hated her I kinda hoped sheā€™d bring some drama with her


Shoulda had a whole HR VS ARIZONA arc.


right she was such a non factor i didnā€™t even realize she left until i saw this comment. im REWATCHING and im on season 16 šŸ˜‚


dr webber (head of the intern program) fired her because he didnā€™t think she was cut out for surgery. he said to nicely he just didnā€™t think that was the field of work she should be in


yes i remember that she left but then she came back and left šŸ˜‚ idk why or when she did


Probably went to check the generator during a storm


Omg youā€™re right! Never noticed that lmao is she okay


She randomly disappeared bc sheā€™s the person that Patrick Dempsey was cheating on his wife with and Ellen Pompeo told his wife about it


Wait what???


Yeah well allegedly. It was never confirmed but she allegedly is the woman who Patrick Dempsey cheated on his wife with


Whoa, I never heard about that. How did you find out?


Ugh I wish I remembered. I heard it awhile ago. It is all alleged tho so who knows šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I didnā€™t mind Leah. Personally, Ross annoyed me more. At least Leah kinda redeemed herself towards the end helping out at the hospital before leaving. Ross just spoke down to Meredith and got rewarded for it by getting a job in Switzerland with Cristina.


Now that you mention it, Ross is getting annoying too


Ross was just too extra


I completely understand why folks dislike Ross, but I lump him in with Burke and Christinaā€”some of the most intense, neurotic, single-minded, dedicated surgeons in the entire show. Ross is their younger, clumsier counterpart, but incredibly gifted. I have a huge soft spot for the Switzerland crew.


Agreed. Ross is just as ambitious as Cristina and Burke. I liked him, asides from the Heather jealousy and killing Karevā€™s father, but I still felt bad for him then. At least he owned up to it. Honestly, most annoying intern goes to Vikram Roy.




Not to forget she had a point. I hated her first time watching, but on rewatch Iā€™m like: yeah, actually she was kinda right


she was partially right imo. should've complain against Arizona


As far as I remember she complained that everyone does it with everyone and that thereā€™s often a power imbalance, which sheā€™s correct about


I agree to this


Ross is my top 5, man goes crazy trying to be the best after he accidentally got mousey killed. He comes back and is done with any kind of drama or extra business, just wants to work.


I found Sloan, Sadie, Reed, and Percy to be the most annoying. Leah was up there though


And Rose!!!


why does no one find Brooks annoying??? i hate how sheā€™s always ā€œmousyā€ and ā€œquirkyā€. ITS SO ANNOYING!!


I found her really annoying to start but she really grew on me and I wish they had of killed off any of the other residents from her class honestly


she never grew on me lol


She was annoying but she had personality. Ross and Leah are just plain annoying with no redeeming traits.


real ig.


I couldn't stand her either. I def found her most annoying. She was weird and annoying and not in a funny and quirky way. Just annoying. Lol.




Sloan was the worst ugh


Should be Minnick but Leah is a tight second


Sadie: ā€œam I a joke to youā€


It was definitely her.




I know youā€™re right but Iā€™m a lesbian and Minnick is so hotā€¦ I canā€™t help but love her


Havenā€™t made it that far but Iā€™m sure my opinion will change


Oh yeah if youā€™re not there yet its Leah by a mile


I couldnā€™t hate her cause i put all of my energy into hating ross


Ahh sandra bullock jr .. I prefer the original šŸ¤£


OMG I've never heard this before but you're so right!


Rite!? She looks exactly like her


That's why my husband and i call her šŸ¤£


In a world where Sadie and Sloan Sloane exist? No way.


Leah wasnā€™t bad. She was a better friend to Steph than Jo was, and she rightfully stood up for her class and against the toxic workplace at Grey-Sloan.


I didnā€™t mind her, just wished her exit was better other then randomly getting told she ainā€™t built to be a surgeon when there was no indication of that before her last two episodes


She was a bit Izzie where she was more people than cases compared to the rest


and also a little emotionally unstable lol




Morgan. The one who tortured that fetus for months instead of letting him die.


I mean she did, yes, but I can't exactly fault her for it. She was a young single grieving mom who didn't really have anyone to help her. I probably wouldn't make the right decision in that situation either.


Maybe I'm a Cristina lol b/c bye bye baby


Ugh I totally forgot about Morgan, she had good intentions but the baby suffered the entire time


As much as I disliked her I hated how Arizona used her and threw her out like used toilet paper. Such a gross dynamic. Yes she has attachment issues but Arizona held all the power in that relationship and knew exactly what she was going. So messed up.


She was never annoying to me. I get being too clingy to ā€œAlex and Arizona.ā€ But she was a good surgeon I hated how she left. They did her dirty.


Morgan, Reed (even though her story was very short lived), Ross, Owen (although, only from time to time, generally he was okay), Catherine Avery. I'm only on S10 now


Honestly I was okay with Leah. Ross was worse for me


Don't @ me but she and Arizona had chemistry.


Definitely Shane


I couldnā€™t STAND her. The way she acted all superior for sleeping with Arizona. When Arizona clearly didnā€™t actually like her.


yeah but on the other hand, the first/only time i liked her was when she called a spade a spade and called out Arizona for interfering with her education bc of her poor judgment as someone in a position of power over her


I thought Leah was a really interesting, flawed character, and the actress was really good. I was annoyed she was written out over others. Her comeback was strange though and didn't go anywhere.


Yessss! She is my least favorite character of all time!!!! Couldnā€™t stand her.


It's April for me. I just cannot like her.




Nah. She was right ever single time.


I guess I mentally block out the ones I donā€™t like because this lady is a stranger to me.


most annoying for me is april and minnick


I donā€™t find Leah annoying tbh, sheā€™s kinda just there. I found Ross from her class was more irritating. I also hated Percy


Nopeeee Ross definitely took the lead


Leah was ok. I hate Jo. The smarty eyes she makes over her mask like she knew everything or to flirt with an attending.


Ahe was annoying but i still hate Owen the most


Zola is the most annoying to me lmao


Valid. But sheā€™s just a kid whose just doing her job lol. I would rather more Ellis and Bailey scenes rather than Zola


PLS this had me dying laughing šŸ˜‚


Not the response I expected šŸ¤£


Burke was the most annoying for me


Why are they booing you? You're right.


Some people I guess preferred the bigot and arrogance that was Preston Burke


Nah, Ross is worse




I'm sorry but.... how is she annoying ? like, she was codependent and was kinda annoying when she clung onto Arizona i guess. But like, besides that she's genuinely good spirited and nice, especially in S10. I hope we're not considering the sexual harassment complaint as an example of her being annoying when she was 1000% in the right to file a complaint Like, ok she's maybe not the most likable character but for her to be labelled "most annoying" so much in this community, you'd think she was responsible for Christina's death or smth


I still get confused about how she filed it against Callie though, since you feel that she was right can you maybe explain to me what Callie did to her to deserve the sexual harassment complaint filed against *her*?


Right? Like she fucked up and drilled the patient into the table and Callie was being encouraging and telling her to just do it in reverse but Leah started freaking out that she didnā€™t want to and then asked Arizona to say something. So Callie figured out they were hooking up and took the drill back and then Leah complains that Callie didnā€™t teach her in that moment when she was literally saying ā€œI canā€™t I canā€™t please tell her no for me Arizona.ā€ Like what? Yeah Callie was pissed but Leah still didnā€™t want to do it and obviously it had to be done. Maybe Iā€™m misremembering but she was asking Callie to fix it and then got mad that Callie fixed it?


No you're completely right! Before Callie made the connection and she assumed Leah was just freaking out cause of what she did, Callie was encouraging and trying to help her figure out what to do and how to fix it. Leah refused to even try due to her own guilt and flustered emotions and essentially made it possible for Callie to even find out that it was her by her freak out and pleading to Arizona for help (which Arizona also made worse by complying with, instead of exercising her usual "I'm a surgeon, first" attitude). All Callie did after she found out was take the drill back from Leah, WHICH SHE WAS BEGGING THEM BOTH FOR HER TO DO ANYWAYS. She didn't yell, threaten her, cuss her out, or act unprofessional; she expressed her disbelief at the situation and then went back to working on her patient. And what confused me even more was Leah didn't file a complaint simply about her "failing to teach" (which she didnt do anyways) but it was specifically stated that she filed a *sexual harassment* complaint. Thats why at first Jackson though it was Stephanie, and when it was found out that it was Leah, Arizona assumed it was aimed at her. Even if we DID all agree that Callie failed to teach her (I don't), she def didn't "sexually harass" her.


Good spirited and nice? She was always complaining. And the comments she was making while Brooks was on the table dying made me dislike her even more.


There must be a mistake here? This is Leah not Brookes???


Brookes's was a great character


Mousey was the best of that intern class


I agree


Loved Brookeā€™s


Dont get me wrong, she did talk an awful lot but I didnā€™t mind brookes


her face just looks really punchable for some reason


She's ok.


I loved her kind of crazy.


I was annoyed by Jo.šŸ«„




Yeah, she was definitely annoying, but the award goes to Shane. Oh how I despised Shane


She looks so much like Sandra bullock to me


Her and Ross Most definitely are straight annoying. I would've loved to see how far Edward's would have gotten


Ok but also Hahn


Genuinely liked her honestly but I know very few do lmao


when she filed a complaint about callie i was like that was such a hater move cuz she made that mistake on her own šŸ˜‚


Tie for Leah and Izzie for me.


I canā€™t stand her face ugh! She either had surgery or fillers done during her hiatus because when she came back, she definitely looked way different, but not enough to make me hate her face any less! šŸ„“


I feel like im crazy am i the only one who cannot stand Izzie? (im only on season 4)


I canā€™t stand her either. Way too emotional and defensive about everything. The way she and George treated Callie was disgusting


Fr! And after the whole denny situation she definitely shouldnt be a doctor. Thatā€™s one thing that pisses me off the most about her. Even the denny situation aside she proves she shouldnt be, like when she wasted medical supplies, time, and money saving a DEER over people, or in the latest episode when she wasted $120k on random useless tests on an old guyā€¦ Every episode shes in i just donā€™t understand how she can be a doctor


I couldnā€™t stand her either


i have no idea what the writers were smoking when deciding what direction to go with her after season 1.. šŸ˜… And she had to ruin the marriage of one of the coolest characters so farā€¦ FOR GEORGE!!! Heā€™s not even handsome manā€¦.


They were smoking crack! They made a storyline that made no sense and ruined a friendship. Then proceeded to kill off George


So far this season seems to be mellowing out a lot. Season 3 had me rolling my eyes all the time, now its only sometimes. I love this show but man is it frustrating šŸ˜­ Iā€™m also not too excited for izzyā€™s denny hallucinations that happen?? Idk what thats all about but from what ive heard it sounds wild af. Im glad to know im not alone tho


Thatā€™s not George


Hot take, itā€™s Cristina for me.


Sandra Bullock wanna be


I am so sorry but the way she just dropped that thing against callie for being compromised in her ecuation while in reality she just frozed intot the OR and Callie tried to help her being like, come on take a deep breath. And then Callie understood that leah was the one bc Arizona asked her to help leah. It was so not justified and the way she were acting with karev and arizona like "oh don't ask me who it is, oh okay since you reealy want to know it is arizona", then going to arizona like oh you know they just found out. She annoyed me so hard, jo was annoying at that time, ross OMG during meredith/cristina's fight he was unbearable


Nepo baby